JoJo Tells Fans “It Can Wait” To Stop Texting While Driving
JoJo has teamed up with Cambio, the online destination for teens and young adults, for AT&T’s ‘It Can Wait’ campaign, which helps combat the texting while driving epidemic. According to Car and Driver, texting while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence and those who send text messages while driving are 23 times more likely to be in a crash.
Throughout the month of January, Cambio will release three videos about the risks of texting and driving narrated by the 21-year-old through Cambio Impact - Cambio’s new social causes platform. In the vignettes, JoJo reminds her peers that text messages can and should wait until after driving. The first of the three videos is available to watch below.
JoJo and Cambio encourage their collective fan base to take AT&T’s “It Can Wait” pledge to not text and drive on Facebook. To help drive pledges, JoJo has agreed to do a Cambio Live Chat with her fans when the total number of pledges exceeds 50,000. To take the pledge, visit