Amy Studt Enjoys Rock Against Dad’s Classical Wishes
Top of the Pops caught up with teen pop/punk singer Amy Studt and asked her if there any bands she listens to that she’ll knows her parents hate. “I’m a great believer in Limp Bizkit’s ‘Three Dollar Bill’ album because that holds a specific time in my past where I used to hang out with lots of anarchist punks types and they used to listen to Rancid and that sort of stuff, so I used to listen to that stuff,” Studt said. “Because my dad is a classical musician, when I put on a bit of drum and bass or rock, because his ear is not attuned to it like it is to classical music, then he finds it difficult to understand. We’ve talked about it and I’ve said: ‘Well Dad I don’t expect you to understand it because it’s not of your generation.’ I remember when I first heard a real rock song I thought ‘God what is that noise?’ but it takes time to listen past that and hear the music behind it. So I don’t expect him to understand. I have noticed though that when I play Marilyn Manson, my parents get a bit annoyed, I tend to listen to him on headphones.”