Blonde Demands Free Booze In France
A blind item in The Mirror asks, “Which simple blonde shocked staff at a French nightclub by demanding thousands of pounds worth of free booze? The ligging lady in question was given short shrift, so she threw a huge tantrum.”
Well…considering there’s an article right about this that says Lindsay Lohan’s in France. Although I would’ve thought they’d mention that she’s also underage.
Clay Akin needs to get a grip !!
she’s probably not underage in France though.
Its Paris’, ”Simple blonde’… she’s in France right now vacationing at St. Tropez
MY GOD!’, ‘What does Paris Hilton need to vacation from? Making sex tapes or being a red carpet whore? LOL. Paris’s life is sooooooo stress full.
No, she’s legal in the UK [18] so she’ll be legal in Europe’, ‘Yup.’
It’s Paris. She’s in St. Tropez - and there is a different drinking age in europe - so Lindsay can be 16 or 18 and drink and it be legal. GO PARIS in PARIS!!
Either Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie… though it sounds much more like Paris…