Hilary Duff Chats With Europe2
Hilary Duff chatted with France’s Europe2 and introduced herself to the country. Hilary talked about what she’s been up to the past several years, how she deals with success and all the work, her school tutor that joins her on the road, her desire to learn French, the relationship she has with Disney, the type of music she likes — she named Madonna, Christina Aguilera and Dido amongst her favorites, her debut album, the message behind her hit single ‘So Yesterday’, her website and online habits, the VMA kiss, and more. Audio has since been removed from europe2.fr.
Hilary Duffs album is right behind Britney’s - I don’t care for Duff-but good job. I don’t know what the VMA “performances” will be like next year.
Hilary Duff’s smart if she likes Christina Aguilera and Madonna. She has a good taste of music.
Yay! I have a clone again. Does that mean I piss people off?