Kesha Takes Partying To Almost A Deeper Level On ‘Die Young’

Kesha ‘Ke$ha’ Sebert has a clip introducing her single ‘Die Young’, the first taken from the American pop singer’s latest album ‘Warrior’. “I’m really, really happy with this song,” Kesha says in the brief video. “I wrote it with this guy named Nate, he’s in a band called fun., and it’s really a celebration of life everyday. I feel like I’m known for writing party anthems, because I’m really good at partying. This one takes partying to almost a deeper level, how you should party and live your life as a celebration as if it were the last night of your life. If it was the last night in the world, I would probably take (my cat) Mr. Peeps, to 7-11. I’d probably drink a 40, sit there and party with my cat until the world ended.”