McFly’s Fletcher Apologizes To Those Shut Out Of Sao Paulo Meet And Greet

Tom Fletcher checked in with his Twitter followers (@tommcfly) after the British pop rock group’s concert at HSBC Brazil in Sao Paulo on Monday night (May 23). The singer apologized for those who were supposed to meet the guys during a meet and greet and promises better results for their second show at the venue on Tuesday. Fletcher writes:
Well, today has been a very long and stressful one. Not really sure where the best place to write about it is, here? Facebook? Tumblr?
All I can say is that we are very sorry to any Pioneers who were supposed to have their meet and greet today but didn’t get it. There are…
all sorts of reasons why it went wrong. I COULD blame the people organizing m&gs, I COULD blame the security at the venues, I COULD blame…
our management team, I COULD blame people out of our control for their lack of consideration for our ambition to do these m&gs…
I COULD blame a lot of people BUT I won’t. It is us, McFLY who are the ones that promised these things and so it is us that take the…
responsibility when they go wrong. But I know that you are all aware of our good intentions and everything we do is for our incredible fans.
So, we’ve given those who needed it a bollocking and I’m assured that tomorrows m&gs will be glorious successes. Now I’m off to bed.x
On a much more positive note, Sao Paulo was amazing tonight. loved every second of the gig and can’t wait to do it again tomorrow.