Tata Young Recounts Thailand’s Military Takeover
MTV News caught up with Tata Young and asked the Thailand born singer about the recent military takeover in Bangkok in September, and ask how she handled it. “I was doing a live show, and they were just about to take over the whole station,” Young explained. “And I flipped…! (The cameraman) was shooting me, and listening to (the radio) at the same time and when we cut and went from commercial break, he was like ‘Oh did you know that the troops are coming here?’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean? What are you listening to?!’.” After getting wind of the situation, “I said ‘forget it! Lets say goodbye to the audience.’ I got to the car and I drove home as fast as I can! I got so freaked out and called all my friends and yelled ‘GO HOME! Stop going to gay clubs!'”
The full story at mtvasia.com has since been removed.