Aaron Carter’s Concert In Jones Beach Postponed
Aaron Carter’s Jones Beach concert that was scheduled for Thursday (August 14) had to be postponed to another day due to the New York power outage. According to Stevie Brock’s Street Team, Aaron and the rest of the gang were stuck on Long Island because of the power outage and they were doing autograph signings for the people stuck there. Ticketmaster says that the makeup date is TBA and to check with them later for info.
lazy ***
^^ stupid….*****!!! Oh! By the way…..yes, Britney can sing and so does Mariah…..maybe you are the ‘fat~Ass’ one!
…that is StUpId~B!tCh!
you and Mariah are the stupid *****es Aaron and Mariah are examples of white trashes who can’t sing so shut up before I spit on your face dumb ass!
notice how Britneycan’tsing is in every BSB/Aaron thread. sounds like she’s obsessed
you ***** talk to much its not your business you skank hoe go work on the corner of your local park you prostitute
I think it is funny to watch the last two remaining Backstreet Boys fans ganging up on a Britney Spears fan for giving her opinion.
why is everyone still talking about this kid who sings about a crazy party girl or how he gonna miss the girl forever or about he has a crush on you that is too old I don’t even know that he has a album from the last 2 years this kid is seriously in need for some $$$ because her brother is out of jive hehehehehe
Little girl…… you ShUt Da HeLL uP ’cause you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. Sure, they CAN sing especially Mariah!!! “shut up before I spit on your face dumb ass!” Uhh….I make you mad! ……poor little fat~Ass:( By the way, what damn ‘face’ you’re talking about…..iDiOt!
I think it’s a damn ‘hilarious’ 2 see you always in Elgato’s tail…..I mean, any thread he goes, you always sense 2 follow. Looks 2 me that you are obsessed with him……sad little wHoRe!
you don’t know ***** about Britney’s new album its different from the orders so stop the hating on Britney she didn’t do anything wrong to you shut up now
Of course, hon…. it’s different from da others ’cause Britney’s album is n will always will b a ‘teenybopper’ album…..stick that in you’re small head n DEAL WITH IT!!! “so stop the hating on Britney she didn’t do anything wrong to you” Look who’s talking? …..what about “Mariah, Jlo, Whitney, Janet n Madonna” what did they done 2 u? Yeah…..I thought so! So….ShUt uP already!
You’re a Britney fan. What are you doing under a BsB or one of their family members article? Are you confused? I understand why you don’t like Mariah because she is a “rival” to Britney, even though that really isn’t true, but I don’t get your comments about the BsB. As for Aaron, you have to remember one thing. He was young when he recorded those songs. So they do have a young feel to them. But he’s getting better with time. He’s sold millions and has done very well. I don’t know why you find the situation with Jive funny. The BsB are just going onto another record label.
ok for the person who named all the Aaron carter songs says she’s not a fan but she knows all the songs ok I really think you should come out of the closet and admit you are a fan. and now BACK ON TOPIC that’s cool he signed autographs for the people who were stuck there. that had to be a little frighten esp. its not his hometown and crap. I dunno that’s just me.