Economy Delays Mandi Perkins’ Album Release

Mandi Perkins updated fans on her blog at MySpace on Thursday (February 26), talking about how plans to release her Sony BMG debut ‘Alice in No Man’s Land’ in stores and get some radio spins after it saw a limited digital release last August. The Toronto, Ontario singer songwriter tells readers:
Basically, I’ve been asked when my album will be in stores, when people can hear it on the radio and whether I’ll be on a big tour soon.
This is the situation:
For starters, everything with me is actually going really well. But as many of you know, the music industry has been in a state of turmoil for the last several years and it’s grown even more difficult with our super problematic economic issues.
Everyone is now suffering on some level and the record industry has been hit hard too. This means that there has currently been a lot of changeover of execs and staff at the record labels. Basically, people you were working with one day, are suddenly gone the next. This happens without warning and is usually a surprise to many. It is arbitrary, capricious and sudden. It is also really sad.
Unfortunately, just like being unsigned has nothing to do with how talented an artist might be, getting a label deal does not automatically mean overnight success.
The entire post has since been removed.