Eva Avila: New Album Is Coming Soon

‘Canadian Idol’ season four winner Eva Avila checked in with fans on her blog at MySpace on Thursday (August 7) with an upcoming on the follow-up to her 2006 debut album ‘Somewhere Else’. The 21-year-old writes:
Hey you guys… I hope you are all happy and healthy!! :)
Just wanna let you know the album is coming, and soon!!! My first single will be released to radio in just a matter of days! :D
I am so excited about this album. Be sure to keep an eye on E-talk whenever you can, there will be a piece about the recording of my single :) Heehee!!!
I’ve just spent several days with my family in Luskville, a little town right outside of Hull, Quebec. We rented a cottage and it was so relaxing… I am so fortunate to be able to spend time with my loved ones, especially right before my life and schedule start going crazy!! lol
I am working very hard to bring you guys the best record possible…I hope you will like it, please don’t stop sending me messages, comments, love, criticism, etc… I am reading all of your messages!
Much love and peace to you guys, thank you so so much for sticking around and for showing me your support. That’s all an artist could ever want :) You guys are the best fans EVER! Heeheee!!!
Eva xoxoxo