Justin Bieber Reacts To Incoming Twitter Hatred, Homophobia & Death Threats

Justin Bieber checked in with his Twitter followers (@justinbieber) earlier today, talking about some of the online hate he’s received from the micro blogging service, including instances where they’ve been able to get #justinbiebersucks to become a trending topic. The 16-year-old writes:
to all the haters out there i wish u the best. U cant bring me down. I wake up everyday grateful 4 the opportunity and grateful to the fans
Sometimes this is the most fun ever. other times its really hard and there’s so much pressure. Thanks 2 everyone for the support. means alot
Some of the hate he’s received on Twitter includes homophobia and death threats. Most of the Bieb’s death threats have actually come from his fans who say “follow me or I’ll kill you” - not the best idea to make a good first impression. Among the hater tweets (with user names censored) Justin’s received in the past week:
Jac****adum Oh, and @justinbieber, just be aware that if I have the opportunity to murder you, I won’t think twice. I’ll barely even think once
str***er @justinbieber if you rt ONE MORE THING i will stab you in the eye, douchebag.
yll****say @JustinBieber just thought I’d let you know how much is love to FU**ING KILL YOU, YOU FU**ING BASTARD! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE #diejustindie
megabi*****ngel i will kill you @justinbieber #mutilasijustinbieber
A_Te****1 @justinbieber I will kill u fa**ot
Pooki****in @justinbieber Your a fa**ot.
Si***cks @katyperry Shut the fu** up. @justinbieber is a fu**ing fa**ot that sucks @PerezHilton ‘s tiny fa**ot di**.
ch***io @justinbieber DIE YOU FA**OT DIE!!!XD
Hiba****oRocker @justinbieber your a gay fa**ot
BMizz****5 @justinbieber Your a Fu**ing Fa**ot, I Hope You Die Queer. :)
jasm****eark Hey @justinbieber.. just wanted to tell you that i realllllllllllly hate you and that you are such a kid and a bit gay. :/ GO DIE! - laraaa
Any one need the lyrics for Justin’s songs?
oops sexy
got morning Justin Bieber
what a douche…
I hate Justin Bieber. but y do people do that to this little kid?! grow up people. I hate him don’t get me wrong because I hate this kid but what’s with the death threats? He has a LOT of pressure. If you don’t like him don’t say anything then some people… are just wow
Hey Justin want to go out?? lol I would love you forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, so I was thinking maybe you and I could hook up some night have some fun play “monopoly” if you know what I mean lol. or sexy twister!!!! get in my pants any day!!!!!! ======D
People are psychotic. I mean, I’m not a fan of JB but I’m not gonna threaten him! That’s just ridiculous, he’s a kid. If you don’t like him, don’t pay attention to him. Idiots. There is no reason to hate him either