Several artists are weighing in on the rioting, looting, arson and general mayhem going on in London and other cities in England with varying degrees of rage, disgust and fear. Among the messages on Twitter:
Sam Sparro (@sam_sparro): Hope all my friends and family in London are ok. Such Foolishness :/
Gareth Gates (@Gareth_Gates): Can’t believe how bad the riots are. So sad. Get the Army in.
Ok enough is enough. Police need to open fire. These heartless thugs need stopping. So frustrating!Lucie Silvas (@LucieSilvas): What good can all this possibly come to? Wishing for all the violence to end now
Julian Perretta (@julianperretta): What’s happening at home in London!!!
Scary I am worried for my family and friends :(
Danny Jones of McFly (@Dannymcfly): I am absolutely disgusted in what I’m seeing right now!!
Sophie Ellis Bextor (@SophieEB): @ladymunter no, I am genuinely freaked. A Londoner born and bred. X
I mean I am away from home. The holiday bit is irrelevant.
I did not mean to come across as insensitive. I meant I am far away from loved ones and my favorite city and trying to understand. V sad.
Sick to my stomach. Love my home. Thank you for the updates. I won’t be sleeping. News on. Keep safe, people. XSophie King of The Dollyrockers (@sophiedollyrock): So terrible what’s going on in London, uneducated thugs!
Lauren Bennett (@BENNETTofficial): These F**KING asshole kids!!!!!!!! What are they doing!!! Where are the parents why can’t we control these kids? #londonriots
Michelle Branch (@michellebranch): Sending good vibes to London. One of my favorite cities. Xo
Nerina Pallot (@ladychatterley): How will Cameron justify his slacking off to all the overstretched police on the frontline who will have had holiday leave cancelled?
Lily Allen (@MrsLRCooper): Are we on the brink of civil war or something?
Keisha Buchanan (@keisha_buchanan): Just watching the news…. So sad, Come on Londoners, this madness needs to stop.
I’m hearing its outside London too :-( Please be safe guys. Let’s work together….Melody Thornton (@MelodyThornton): I can’t believe what is going on in London! It’s horrifying! Be safe all my English friends!! I love you!
Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris): Can’t believe what pussyholes the UK goverment are…give your quotes to newspapers saying ‘this is simply inexcusable’ FU**ING DO SOMETHING
Get the army out, get the rubber bullets out, shoot the dickheads and they’ll soon go home..it’s not worth it for a pair of Nikes and a Xbox?
And in the meantime innocent people and their jobs, homes, being destroyed… your own country!!! How can you be so stupid?!?!
SHAME on these fu**ers… I know everything I’m saying is obvious but I’m so angry at these folks I might as well put something you know?Cody Simpson (@TheCodySimpson): #prayforlondon. I’ll be over there in 2012 to show some love. stay safe..