Adam Lambert Agrees To Tone Down Concert In Malaysia

Adam Lambert checked in with his Twitter followers (@adamlambert) on Monday (October 11), talking about how he’s agreed to tone down his concert at the Putra Indoor Stadium in Bukit Jalil, Malaysia on Thursday. The Central Agency for Application for Filming and Performance by Foreign Artistes (Puspal) principal assistant secretary Mohd Dian Nais said among the ‘American Idol’ runner-up should dress appropriately and refrain from performing indecent acts, such as removing his clothes. Lambert writes:
While I don’t believe that my Glamnation tour is in any way offensive I have agreed to make a few minor adjustments out of respect for the Malaysian government. Looking forward to a fun show.
Does my show “promote the gay lifestyle”? It promotes living ANY lifestyle that includes the freedom to seek love and intimacy. Gay, straight, bi, young or old. It’s all inclusive.
plus, what’s THE gay lifestyle? There isn’t just one. There are so many different kinds of gay people. We have a variety of different lifestyles. There’s not only one lifestyle lived by straight folks. Generalizing….