Rich Clarke of Capital FM welcomed Carly Rae Jepsen to the studio. The Canadian pop singer talked about hearing a woman singing ‘Call Me Maybe’ in the ladies room, ‘Call Me Maybe’ covers on YouTube, driving a Fiat 500 on the Owl City video for ‘Good Time’, how she had a bunch of odd jobs before hitting it big and a very brief acting role on ’90210′.
Asked about the weirdest place she’s heard ‘Call Me Maybe’ played, Jepsen said, “I was in a woman’s washroom. A ladies bathroom when I was in a restaurant one time and it went on the track and the girl next to me, who was gonna pee, started singing it. It was very strange. I kind of kept my head down and was smiling about how weird that situation just was.”
Talking about some of the ‘Call Me Maybe’ covers on YouTube, she said, “I like the Cookie Monster. I mean, come on, it’s Sesame Street.”
Questioned about whether she owned a Fiat 500 like Clarke himself does, after seeing her driving one in the Owl City ‘Good Time’ video, Carly Rae responded, “I love that car. I can’t believe no one died while I was driving it. I’m the worst driver ever. I was so stoked that the two extras actually made it through the day. We high-fived each other at the end, ‘We’re alive!’”
What did Jepsen do before she was famous? “I was always pursuing a career in music in whatever small way I could, even in Canada before any of this took off, so I was touring with some local bands there and doing open mic nights. When I wasn’t totally making a living off of it, I was doing all of the odds and end jobs you can think of. I was a waitress. I was a coffee barista for a little while. I was a pastry chef assistant. The actual baker left so I took over. I baked nine cheesecakes every morning.”
Listen to the interview via Soundcloud below.