Continuing The Top Selling Female Artist Madonna Or Mariah Carey

This is a post to further continue discussion on whether Madonna or Mariah Carey is the top selling female artist in a post from StilettoSadist. Check out the original post and the 400+ comments here.
Madonna And Family Arrive In Malawi
April 7, 2010 - Madonna and family arrive in Malawi for a week-long charity tour and to reunite her adopted children with their birth families. The Material Girl said on her official web site:
On my first visit to Malawi, I was devastated to meet child after child who had been orphaned by AIDS. Having lost my mother at such a young age, I felt a close connection to these children. Their stories had touched my own. In a country of 14 million, a staggering one million children have been left alone with the responsibility of raising each other. I returned home knowing the future of Malawi was resting on the shoulders of these orphaned children, and I had to act. It is with tremendous joy that I return to Malawi to lay the first brick in the Raising Malawi Academy for Girls. By educating girls we will rebuild this community and raise this nation.
Watch footage from her press conference via the Associated Press and a Raising Malawi video offering a tour of the orphanage in Namitete which she helped fund below.
Madonna Visiting Malawi This Week
April 5, 2010 - Madonna and her family are scheduled to travel to Malawi this week to visit several important projects for orphans and vulnerable children that she and Raising Malawi have been working on since 2006.
The Material Girl is set to visit the Millennium Village, which she supports along with Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, one of the world’s leading economists. “I look forward to seeing the amazing progress being made in that community as well as several other projects that are currently underway including the creation of a Girl’s Academy,” Madonna said in a press release. “I’m hugely excited to be joining Dr. Sachs and Hans Vestberg, the CEO of Ericsson, to launch a new campaign for worldwide access to education using mobile technology.” A formal announcement regarding the campaign will be made on Tuesday in Malawi. For further information on Raising Malawi, go to
Madonna’s Adopted Kids Visiting Malawi For A Family Reunion
March 28, 2010 - Madonna will be taking her adopted children back to Malawi next week, where Mercy will meet her birth family while David will visit with his natural father. “She promised to take them back to their homeland. She sees it as vital they understand their roots,” a source told The Sun. “Mercy’s meeting with her family will be particularly emotional as it’s the first time she’s seen them since last summer.” The story at has since been removed.
Madonna ‘Ray Of Light’ Live Video

March 25, 2010 - Madonna is set to release her ‘Sticky & Sweet Tour’ CD/DVD and Blu Ray worldwide over the next 2 weeks, and her ‘Ray of Light’ performance from the live release is available via Yahoo! Music below. The concert footage is taken from Madge’s show at the River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina during the 2008 leg of the record-breaking Sticky & Sweet Tour.
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Madonna Celebration Album Charts
Belgium (Flanders) – 2-1
Belgium (Wallonia) – 7-2
Czech Republic – 1-
Denmark – 1-
Finland – 2-
France (C) – 1-1
Germany – 1-1
Hungary – 2-4
Ireland – 1-2
Italy – 1-2
Japan – 3-
Mexico – 2-
Netherlands – 2-2
New Zealand – 2-3
Norway – 1-
Poland – 3-
Portugal – 2-
Spain – 2-
Sweden – 2-
Switzerland – 3-
UK – 1-2-2
Europe – 1- 1-1-1
mariahs Memoirs
Chart Trajectory
United States: 03-07-10
Canada: 05-17-26
Australia: 06-15-28
France: 10-19
Italy: 17-19
Switzerland: 18-32-42
Europe (Overall): 21-48
Spain: 23-42
New Zealand: 25
Netherlands: 26-35-60-90
Germany: 27-76
Denmark: 29-08
Czech Republic: 32-27
Hungary: 32-36
Austria: 39-OUT
Sweden: 44-OUT
Belgium (Flanders): 69-44-54
Mexico: 74-49
Belgium (Wallonia): 94-24-54-49
Yeah Tina, but Mariah Carey also had number one albums and very huge albums during her career - Music Box, Daydream and so on..
But Madonna is more successful, that’s true
Madonna is the pop singer whom has sold more album in the world. Mariah was a good singer but she did not reinvented herself, so she only works for reaching the Top at Billboard Magazine.
Tina, all what you said is not impressive at all,cause we already talk about all that,and about much more points.Your post brings nothing new to this entry as we already deal with those questions in the first part of this entry.We know that Madonna is the best selling female artist of all times with 210 million albums sold worldwide.We also know that Mariah Carey is the second best selling female artist of all times with 200 million albums sold.
Ronny : Didn’t you read the first part of this entry ? All these questions are already debated and resolved.Now,as we already know who is the best selling female arstit ( Madonna ) and who is the second best selling one ( Mariah ),we’d better talk about their respective fulfillments and achievements.As we know it, just impressive sales can’t determin all the merits of artists.You said that Mariah didn’t reinvented herself ( contrary to Madonna ).But Mariah made her reinvention in 1997 with her album Butterfly.And her 2005 release The Emancipation Of Mimi is also a kind of reinvention.Moreover,Mariah doesn’t just reinvented herself ; she revolutionized Pop music .The Revolution of Pop Music is so much more significant and important than simple self- reinventions ( which is just a new use of its own image ).Today,all pop artists work and sing with Rap/Hip hop artists thanks to Mariah : Justin Bieber,Lady Gaga,Jennifer Lopez,Justin Timberlake ,etc..and even Madonna collaborates with Hip Hop artists.And Mariah doesn’t work only for reaching the top at Billboard Magazine,but worldwide.However,contrary to Madonna,she doesn’t make crudeness and superficialities in her work for reaching the top worldwide.Mariah just use her singing skills and her voice to amaze people,not her body or eccentricities.She’s a true musician cos for her, the quality & artistry of her music get ahead of remainder ( eccentricities and other tricks usually used for topping the world on success ). Nevertheless and Anyway,Mariah is the second best selling female artist of all times.
As Moff said it ,why do you still debate as we have the clarification for sales ?
How do you dare ask me where I get this informations ? My list is right and yours is biased and falsified. Did I ask you where you get yours ?
Dear Trish,
I am sorry to “dare” asking you where you got this information.
I only cannot believe and imagine that songs like Honey, Emotions, Love take times, Ill be there have sold more single records/copies than any songs of Madonna. That can’t be true, cause if it was, Mariah would be the top selling female artist of singles and we all know that it is the opposite.
Do you mean download AND physical singles or only downloads or only physical?
I know that it is very hard to find out which are the best selling singles of all time but your list can’t be right.
Please Help me against haters and liars !!!!!!!!!!!
Are you crazy ? Sorry Moff, but I’m very angry.I have nothing against you particularly,but against this fu**ng source who draw up this fu**ing list,I dislike LIARS.If this list really come from united world sh**, that prove clearly Mariah Carey got much more institutions haters than we could imagine.Moff,this list is very scandalous ! as Mariah Carey fan I must tell you that I consider it like a BIG INSULT to MC since she’s THE BEST SINGER OF ALL TIMES and THE FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIMES.The list of Trish is right and is plausible,BRAVO TRISH !your list is right! Moff ,your list get hits for every average artists,and just except Mariah’s as if her hits are useless compared with all others,you put almost all hits singles of Madonna. For example,you put That’s the way it is sold 8 million units while you put 5 million for WE BELONG TOGETHER !!!! That’s The Way It Is wasn’t successful even in the Countries Charts,how could it reach 8 million at sales ? Can you give us details ? Moreover,where are : Hero, WITHOUT YOU,One sweet day,When you believe,Fantasy,Vision of love,My all,dreamlover,Honey, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU, etc…???????? Don’t you ever hear that Mariah Carey got the most platinum singles female artist ever? Where do you give this foolish list Moff ? Don’t you see this fu***ng list is obviously PARTIAL ,BIASED and draw up specially to put down Mariah Carey’s singles? Are you blinder ? How can you believe among ALL SONGS OF MARIAH CAREY that it’s just and only We belong together is put here.The worst is that We Belong Together is ranked LAST with 5 million units sold,it’s FOOL.That’s the way it is,Music, Like a Virgin, Survivor, 4 minutes,If I were a boy and many others surpass WE BELONG TOGETHER ??? I can’t realize that I read it,it so stupid,so FOOLISH. It’s obvious that this source is THE WORST MARIAH CAREY hater which exist .In accordance with your list all others artists singles blow the best selling singles of Mariah Carey then you put WE BELONG TOGETHER at last .You wanna show MARIAH CAREY IS NOTHING,All others artists blow her,even average artists. It’s A SHAME for someone to bring this sh*t here,after all that we already discuss in this debate about the fufilments of Mariah Carey worldwide.It seems like your list was draw up by Mariah Carey’s haters like Markus or Alexis. THIS SOURCE WHO DRAW UP THIS LIST ,WATHEVER IT NAME ,LIE AND HATE MARIAH CAREY WITHOUT EVEN TRY TO HIDE IT.IN ACCORDANCE WITH IT, EVERY ARTISTS BIG OR AVERAGE ,GOT MORE SUCCESS THAN MARIAH CAREY AT SINGLES SALES. IT’S DISGURTING, WORSE THAN A SH*T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everybody.Moff,in accordance with all the FACTS,I discover that Whitney Houston sold more records (albums and Singles) than Celine Dion.Whitney beat Celine at Album and Singles sales. Whitney is the female artist who got most platinum singles after Mariah Carey. Celine Dion is not a good Singles seller because unlike Mariah,Whitney or Madonna,her singles never got huge success at Charts,except for “My Heart Will Go On and Because You Loved Me”.All others had very average success or had flopped.As all of us know,Celine Dion had her best at 1990 decade.However,her singles sales was very insignificant .For example,till the end of the year 2000,Celine Dion had only 3 Singles reached Platinum at U.S ,her bigger Market Worldwide(Because you Love Me, It’s All Coming Back To Me Now and I’m your Angel) .She got just 2 Singles reaching Gold (All by Myself and My Heart will Go On).Don’t forget those Singles are her biggests. All others Celine’s Singles Hits reached less than 500.000 units in U.S.
Whitney Houston sold much than 90 million of Singles Worldwide.Celine Dion Sold about 60 million ones.Don’t forget Whitney released most Singles than Celine although Celine release most Albums than Whitney.Let’s see for their respective albums figures sales.
1985-Whitney Houston – 25 million
1987-Whitney – 22 million
1990-I’m Your Baby Tonight – 15 million
1992-The Bodyguard – 43 million
1995-Waiting To Exhale – 16 million
1996-The Preacher’s Wife– 13 million
1998-My Love Is Your Love– 17 million
2000-The Greatest Hits – 10 million
2001-Love Whitney– 0,7 million
2002-Just Whitney – 2.5 million
2003-One Wish, The Holiday Album- 1,5 million
2007-The Ultimate Collection – 1 million
2009-I look To You – 2,5 million
Total : 170,2 million
Singles : Aproximately 90 million
1981-1989 French albums 1,9
1990 Unison 4
1991 Dion chante Plamondo 2,7
1992 Celine Dion 5
1993 The colour of my love 17,2
1995 D’eux The French album 9
1996 Falling into you 32
1997 Let’s talk about love 31
1998 These are special times 11
1999 S’il suffisait d’aimer 5
1999 All the way… A decade of songs 21
2000 The collector series 2
2002 A new day has come 11,3
2003 One heart 3,3
2003 On ne change pas 1,5
2004 A new day…Live in Las Vegas 1
2004 Miracle 2,5
2007 Taking chances 3,5
2008 D’elles 1,5
2009 My love: Essential Collection 1
Total : 170 million
Singles: Aproximately 60 million
Whitney Houston also beat Celine Dion in many other records and achievements ( # 1 Hits Songs worldwide,Voice, Popularity, Influence, etc…).Therefore, contrary to what is usually said, Whitney is a greater artist and a higher superstar than Celine.
About sales,Whitney Houston is the third BEST SELLING FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIMES,not Celine Dion. Celine Dion is ranked behind Whitney Houston.So,the 5 best selling female artists of all times is :
2-Mariah Carey
3-Whitney Houston
4-Celine Dion
If you agree with this list,let’s search for the 5 others best selling artists.
1. Francois:
My list doesn’t show the SALES of singles, it just shows HOW MANY WEEKS the songs was on the top!!
Francois, read and then tell!
2. Meredith
Yeah Meredith, I agree with your list. Whitney is the third best selling female artist of all times, but this theme actually belongs to “10 best selling female artists”
Moff : You insult the Best Singer of All Times when you bring this fu**ing list here and say that mine is incorrect. If you were next to me,I would slap you for your insolence and you’re stupidy ,equally this bitch named Tina.Exactly Like you,I cannot believe and imagine that songs like Express Yourself,Take a Bow, Sorry ,American Pie, Like A Prayer have sold more singles records/copies than any songs of Mariah Carey.It’s false ,your list is biased .Otherwise,Madonna would be the top selling female artist of singles,well she’s not.She’s even not the female artist with most platinum singles ( Mariah is ).Your list can’t make it. Madonna is the queen of sluts .I hate this kind of women, who is able to steal your man by their tricks.Madonna is a female dog and make me ashamed as a woman.However,Mariah Carey makes me so proud as she prove that women can be on top just with talent and artistry , exactly like men ( without the need to use her body and her sex-appeal ).She’s the best.Madonna would win Mariah at 100 % only If it was a list of sexual scandals and unbridled behavior .In her life, Madonna past under more than 300 men .The makers of this list has probably benefit from Madonna some favors ( money ? sexual favors ? we don’t know exactly )to increase her achievements on this list,and to erase Mariah’s.Unfortunatelly,every advised person will notice that this list is falsified ( exaggerated favoritism to Madonna and hounded hostility against Mariah Carey ).The sales of a Single mean physical and digital download singles combined.You’re an a-hole Moff and I don’t want to discuss with you ! You’re not a man,you’re nothing.
Trish, right at this moment I really want to teach you a lesson but I am a person who is faithfully and NOT violent!
YOU CAN’t understand that there are also MADONNA FANS in the world who prefer Madonna in every way!
EVEN MADONNA Fans KNOW that MAriah is the BEST FEMALE SINGER ON EARTH, but if you can’t give us facts or sources, I can’t believe your list because:
I KNOW why you said it: You meant the USA!
Yeah, you’re right, if you meant only USA, but look at THE WHOLE WORLD
Trish, you are an innocent and clueless human who doesn’t know anything of music or how to express opinions in a discussion!
TRISH it should be a shame for you to say these words to me, although I didn’t say anything bad about Ms Carey!
Well,it would be very interesting,if you create a new debate title “ Whitney Houston Vs Celine Dion”.Cause there is many points not clear enough about the respective records sales and achievements of the both.Between Celine and Whitney ,who sold more albums? Who sold more Singles? Who got more records and achievements? Who is a greater artist ?Me and many others music lovers would like to debate and discuss about it. We await that you open this debate.
TRISH : come on ,don’t behave like haters.As a Mariah Carey fan like you,let me tell you something.Let’s give a good example for lambs and Madonna’s fans, let’s don’t fight .Everyone is allowed to say all positive things about he’s favorite artist ,since they don’t put down other’s. There is Madonna fans who also like Mariah Carey,as there is lambs who like Madonna too.When you’re not agree with an information bring by someone,just tell why you don’t agree with it ,without insulting anyone.I don’t want to let these entries on fighting with Madonna’s fans .Let’s try to understand each other.We just need to search the truth about artist and break up all misunderstandings about our favorite artists.We don’t have to hate the artist opponent of our favorite one,we even can like both !However, we must be objective and impartial in what we say.
I totally agree with Meredith, I’m a die-hard Mariah Carey fan as well and I happen to like Madonna’s music too! So plz, no fighting dahhlings, mwah :-)
The recent Guinness Record as of 2010 states that Madonna has sold 200 million albums worldwide, check the link on Guinness. now that is scary! consider that her total single sales is somewhere between 80 to 100 million then Madonna is massively rich and very popular with her music!
Wow! like 290-300 million, how’s that compared to Mariah’s 175 million album/singles sold (I checked this on Mariahdaily). she’s just too far away!
well now that makes Madonna the undisputed Guinness’ Biggest Selling Female Music Artist of All Time as well as the most successful female singer, the highest earning female singer, the Queen of Pop, The Queen of MTV, US Billboard’s Biggest Selling Singles Sales Artist, and trully an impressive vocal and dance performer!
well Madonna may not have the voice of whitney, Mariah, Celine or barbra, but with this impressive sales record from a “underrated” pop singer, that only shows that you don’t have to scream just to be heard worldwide!
Queen of Pop!
How can some Mariah Carey fans say that Mariah is bigger than Madonna in the USA? Well how is it that MAdonna is ranked 2nd to Barbra in the RIAA (USA Official Tabulator of albums/singles sold by music artists), NO Madonna is bigger than Mariah in the USA, the concerts proved that already! Madonna had more number 1 albums than Mariah, the only thing that separates the is the US Billboard number 1 singles, well may I recall that Madonna is ranked 2nd to Mariah when it comes to having more number 1 singles in the USA?
Na-ah! Madonna is bigger in the USA than Mariah, Glee knows that! MTV knows that! David letterman knows that! Carson Daly knows that! even Lady Gaga knows that! Mariah is just another Janet jackson, Madonna is like the Beatles, Worldwide dominance!
Madonna is more popular than Mariah in the USA! see how many new recording artists look up to Madonna? Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Adam Lambert, Justin Timberlake, M.I.A., Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Fergie (who said was starstruck when meeting Madonna)… and so on
well what you said does make sense, afterall in 2008 year end, e=mc2 was listed with 1.9mil, but I don’t think it sold enough to bring it to 2.5mil yet, so probably 2.2 to 2.3mil I guess.
and yes I calculated Madonna’s too (i started calculating artists’ sales because I wanted to compare both of them anyway lol)
1980s: 71,000,000
- Madonna: 9,000,000
- Like A Virgin: 20,000,000
- True Blue: 21,000,000
- Who’s That Girl: 4,500,000
- You Can Dance: 4,500,000
- Like A Prayer: 12,000,000
1990s: 70,500,000
- I’m Breathless: 5,500,000
- The Immaculate Collection: 25,000,000
- Erotica: 5,500,000
- Bedtime Stories: 6,500,000
- Something to Remember: 7,000,000
- Evita: 6,500,000
- Ray Of Light: 15,000,000
2000s: 37,300,000
- Music: 11,000,000
- GHV2: 6,000,000
- American Life: 3,500,000
- Remixed & Revisited: 1,000,000
- Confessions On A Dance Floor: 8,500,000
- I’m Going To Tell You A Secret: 1,000,000
- The Confessions Tour: 1,300,000
- Hard Candy: 3,500,000
- Celebration: 1,500,000
2010s: 400,000
- Sticky & Sweet Tour: 400,000 (thus far)
Total: 179,700,000
as for singles, I calculated up till celebration (revolver not included), its about 118million.
therefore adding up both album and single sales, would give around 298 million, which is roughly on track with the leaked ifpi top selling artists list in 2005 before confessions on a dance floor was released. I can’t find the link anymore. they placed her at 4th position behind the beatles, Michael Jackson and Elvis presley, with sales of 275 million. plus all albums from confessions and after, its already over 290 million. adding in singles sales, it would be slightly over 300 million.
guinness slightly deviates from calculated album sales. in 2001 Madonna is listed as selling 120 million album in the records book. adding her sales thereafter, it would be around 160 million albums sold by now, an 18 mil difference from mine, but tallying her singles sales too, should also be around 290 million records sold.
so there you have it, Madonna’s sales is in the range of 280 to 310 million, distancing herself a 100 million in sales away from Mariah Carey. Madonna, the true best selling female artist of all time.
i don’t think Mariah Carey fans can turn this around, the difference is too huge and def jam agrees Mariah only sold 175 million. all they can harp on now is Mariah being given the best selling female artist of the millenium at the world music award in 2000, which is actually because Madonna didn’t reply to wma’s letter, so they gave it to the next most deserving artist.
as for other artists, the only ones I calculated are (album sales only): Britney Spears 70 million, Celine Dion 160 million, Michael Jackson 205 million
Markus,why you don’t ask lambs this question,instead of Moff ? Are you afraid of us ? Come on,pluck up courage and prove that you’re a man,prove that you’re not a weakling ! Right now just tell us why you hate Mariah so much !! WHY you do ? You, son of a bitch ! I wanna have a fight with you to beat up you although I dislike violence.Because of what you said before,you deserve that people spit on your face ! However,you must admit that Madonna is a business-woman and a slut ,not an artist ,unlike Mariah ! I know that many of you ( Madonna’s fans ) are gays, trans or bi,and you can’t really see the real world out of gay-discos clubs,loving gays dance stuff but make an effort , try to understand ! Madonna try to pass women off as sexual object,like her. This bitch can just incite you to masturbate yourself Markus, as she doesn’t know sing.Sorry if it hurts you,but I am obliged to say it cause this is the TRUTH .Markus,believe me ,Madonna doesn’t worth that you venerate her like that, she ‘s a slut !!!
For me, the most important it’s not the total of hits worldwide or the number of albums sales worldwide, is important that both women are talented and appreciated.No matter if an artist sold 30 or 50 or 500 million albums,the most important for music lovers is his talent,quality,artistry, sing skills,entertainment,etc…The sales of artists concern themselves and their labels,cause this is them which has grown rich by huge sales ( concert tickets,albums,singles,etc…). What concern fans and music lovers directly is their works ,not their figure sales cause this is the songs that they’ll listen,not the sales or chart performances worldwide .It’s good to know the achievements and fulfillments of your favorite artist but,don’t forget that it’s not the most important ! An artist who sold just 50 million albums may be a much better singer & more talented artist than another one who sold 150 million albums.The value and quality of artists shouldn’t measured by he’s success,but by the quality of his art,by his creativity .Most successful artist doesn’t mean better artist.
You said a lot of things about Madonna’s and Mariah’s sales.However ,You see that I was right in everything I claimed, particulary about Madonna’s total qlbum sales worldwide ( we claimed 200-210 million s albums sales for Madonna ) .But now,you say that Mariah’s total records are 175 million ( albums and singles ) ! But as everybody will see it,you say it deliberately cause you know perfectly that it’s untrue. In fact,this number of 175 million records sold go back to 2001,when Mariah won the Millennium Award.Already in 2003,this number passed to 200 million (Albums + Singles)when Mariah received the Chopard Diamond Award !So Markus,don’t post stupid comments like this ! We already deal with those questions,and as everybody see it,our reasonings were right,even more right than some great institutions’s ! So, don’t claim anything now. We always agree that Madonna is the best selling female artist of all times,but we also kow that Mariah is the second best selling female artist of all times,and the best female singer of all times.You finally see that facts and detailed datas are often more reliable than sources !
As you say,Madonna is also the highest earning female singer ( we never denyed it ).However,she’s not the US Billboard’s Biggest Selling Singles sales artist,Mariah is.
You said that with a no- great voice,Madonna got impressive records sales,but don’t forget that the 3 best- selling female artists behind Madonna are all vocalists and great voice artists! See ? Therefore,what Madonna got in particular over all other female singers who make her topping others on sales ? There is the answer : Madonna got advantage over Mariah and Whitney because she had more active years and release more records ( albums and Singles) than them.Madonna also know how to promote herself by eccentricities …LOL ! But we must recognize that voice and talent are much more impressive for a singer than remainder,because they bring many improvement to the quality of music to enjoy fans and music lovers.
Markus,don’t let fanaticism and hatred make you say anything. Mariah is bigger than Madonna in the USA,that’s a FACT .There is no need that personalities like David Letterman,Lady Gaga or others to claim it ,as FACTS show it obviously .However,Billboard always claim that Mariah Carey is bigger than Madonna at US.
In 27 years of career and with 22 releases, Madonna got 64,5 million of albums sold, 12 number 1 at Billboard Hot 100 and two albums certified Diamond at US . In 20 years of career and with only 18 releases ,Mariah Carey got 63,5 million of album sold,18 number 1 at Billboard Hot 100 and three albums certified Diamond at US. Who is bigger at US ?
Moreover,Mariah carey got also many records in USA over Madonna :
-Mariah’s One Sweet Day got the “Record of longest running number 1 song in the US Singles Chart History,spending 16 consecutive weeks atop the Chart” .
- Mariah’s We Belong Together got The Record of longest running number 1 song by female artist in the US Singles Chart History and the Most successful Song ever by a Female Artist .
-Mariah got Most Platinum Singles by a Female Artist in History
-Mariah is the only female artist who got 10 albums certified 4 x Platinum or better at US
-Mariah is the only artist ever to have first 5 Singles go to # 1 in Billboard Hot 100.
-Mariah got most weeks at # 1 in US Hot 100 ( 79 Billboard’s )
-Mariah got most # 1 hits in US single Chart ( 18)
Who is the bigger artist in USA ? The answer is obvious.Mariah is bigger in the USA than Madonna!
Mariah also got many huge personalities and artists who appreciate her work :Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Beyonce Knowles, Lisa Lopez, Da Brat, Adam Sandler, Snoop Dogg, Olivia Newton-John, Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys, Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Boyz II Men, Ashanti, Missy Elliot ,Kelly Clarkson, Fat Joe, Leona Lewis, Jessica Simpson,etc…
I really respect all of you.
Markus of course, with his preference to Madonna, Trish for Mariah.
But: Did Markus insult once ?
Answer: no.
Trish, how many times did Meredith and I tell you that you shouldn’t insult an artist?
Trish, I know your opnion about gays, clubs, sluts and so on.
But I think you must be careful with saying such things.
“Madonna is a slut”
Doesnt’s this sound a little childishl?
Whatever you mention, whatever you say, YOU ARE NOT WORTH TO TAKE PART OF THIS DEBATE!!!
this debate is about top selling female artist, not “who is the most talented”
I know you try to say that talent is much more worthwhile, but it belongs to another topic.
Again Trish (who tries to say the pure truth)
Trish: we all have our opinions. But try to say yours not as abusively as you always do.
Trish, it’s enough! Sorry but we must say you to calm down! Don’t provoke Markus,he’s allow to post anything he want to,as he doesn’t insult others fans,neither artists.Trish,don’t insult Madonna and her fans.Please us,don’t take part in this debate anymore,cos you don’t really help anyone the way you proceed.
Don’t worry Markus,you must just fu** this trish who dare insult you and the Queen Of Pop.Madonna is the best.
Hey,why do you still fight ,Madonna’s fans and lambs ? What’s the problem now,as all of you know and say that Madonna is the best selling female artist of all times ( Mariah is the second best selling female artist ? ) You shouldn’t still fight as there is any real reason for this now ! Madonna sold 200 million albums and 70 million singles,Mariah Carey sold 180 million albums and 56 million singles ( 31 million in US and 25 million in the rest of the world ).What’s the problem ? Both are icons and legends,even though one of them is greater than the other.I am a die-hard Madonna fan ,nevertheless I love both and I know the 2 women are phenomenal and incredibly successful !
Let’s try to estimate their respective sales worldwide on our own :
Madonna’s album sales ( approximately ) in :
-USA : 64,5 million
-Europe : 62,5
-Asia : 20
-Canada :18
-Oceania :15
-Latin America :10
-Africa : 6
Global sales worldwide : 200 million
200 million albums + 70 million singles = 270 million records sold
Mariah’s albums sales ( approximately ) :
-USA : 63,5 million
-Asia : 45
-Europe : 32
-Oceania : 13,5
-Canada : 13
-Latin America : 8,5
-Africa : 5
Global sales : 180 million
180 million albums + 56 million singles = 236 million records sold
You see ? they surpass all others female artists .
Celine Dion sales worldwide :
-USA : 52,5 million
-Europe : 50
-Asia : 25,5
-Canada : 15
-Oceania : 10
-Latin America : 5
-Africa : 5
= 201 million records sold ( 171 million albums + 30 million singles )
Whitney Houston =180 million records sold ( 140 million albums + 40 million singles )
Cher = 140 million records sol 105 million albums and 35 million singles
-Markus,don’t say that Mariah sold 175 million albums & singles anymore ,You’ll just make lambs insult you. We also know that this number is incorrect,otherwise,Mariah wouldn’t be the best selling artist of the 1990’s.So,don’t provoke lambs.
-Trish,don’t insult Madonna,nor say Mariah sold 200 million albums,we know that she sold 180 million albums ( I am objective and just say the truth ).
Madonna and Mariah rules on sales worldwide,both are queens ( though Madonna got most subjects and most power ).
Madonna is the queen of Pop,Mariah Carey is the queen of R&B .I hope Everybody Madonna’s and MC’s respective fans ) is satisfied now and won’t find again.
Finally somebody who tells the truth.
Who cares? Next debate!
We have the conclusion and still debate..
The Top selling female artist Madonna or Mariah Carey?
-> Madonna!
Now I would say : Whitney vs. Celine!
Music lover and Moff,I agree with you at 100 % .Let’s begin the topic Celine vs Whitney ! Personally I love both but I think Whitney is a greater artist than Celine and accomplished more things .Whitney beat Celine at voice ( obviously at her best ),sales,records,song hits,influence and achievements .
( If Someone knows others Celine’s or Whitney’s main Records and Achievements,just put them down there .Bring only the most significant ).
NAME : Celine Marie Claudette Dion
HEIGHT : 5 ft 8 in ( 173 cm)
Birth date : 1968
WEIGHT : 55 – 60 kg
OCCUPATION : Singer, Entrepreneur
GENRES: Pop,Dance,Ballads,Soul,French Pop,Adult Contemporary.
-World Best Selling Female Artist Of All Times ( 2004-2005 ,after Mariah Carey )
-Actual Third World Best Selling Female Artist Of All Times
-Best-Selling French Album with D’EUX,The French Album
-Two albums ranked in the top 10 best selling albums by Female Artists
-One single ranked in the top 10 best selling singles by Female Artists
-Second richest female singer of all times
-Seventh Best Voice ever ( MTV,Blender Magazine,…)
-Celine Dion,is also a entrepreneur ( Fragrances,stores,etc..) ,a performer ( A New Day Shows at Caesar Palace,Las Vegas),etc…
NAME : Whitney Elysabeth Houston
HEIGHT : 5 ft 10 in (178 cm)
WEIGHT : 52- 60 kg
OCCUPATION : Singer,Songwriter,Model,Actress,Record-Producer
GENRES : Pop,R&B,Dance,Ballads,Gospel,Soul,adult contemporary,
-Fourth World Best Selling Female Artist Of All Times
-Most American Music Awards by a Female Artist ( 22 )
-World’s biggest Selling soundtrack of All times ( The Bodyguard )
-Two albums ranking in the top 10 best selling albums by female artists
-Best Selling Single Of all Times by a Female Artist ( I will Always Love You )
-Best Selling Gospel album Of all Times ( The Preacher’s wife )
-Whitney’s version of The Star Spangled Banner is the only Version to be certified platinum and to be turned at a pop hit in the US hot 100
-Second Female Artist with most # 1 Hits Worldwide
-Second Best Female Voice ever,Third Best Voice Overall ( MTV,Blender Magazine,etc…)
-Best selling album by a foreign Female Artist in Brazil ( The Bodyguard )
-Whitney ( I will Always Love You ) and Mariah Carey ( We Belong Together )are the only female artists to have a song spend fourteen weeks at # 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
-Second Female Artist ( with Madonna ) with the most # 1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 ( 12 ).
-Second most influential Artist
-First Female Artist to have two diamond albums ( Whitney Houston & The Bodyguard )
-I Will Always Love You is the most successful song by a Female artist since music history till the end of the 1990 decade.
-Pop Vocal Icon
As everybody know,Whitney had a career of actress in the 1990’s ( The Bodyguard,Waiting To Exhale,The Preacher’s Wife,etc…),model ( 1980-1984 ),etc…
Whitney Houston is the main musical influence of several artists males and females ( Mariah Carey,Celine Dion,Michael Bolton,All 4 One,Monica,Toni Braxton,Etc…).She’s also the pioneer of powerful ballads and high vocal sing style ( also extended loud screams in songs ).Therefore ,Whitney got most originality than any other vocalist who sing in this same style.Whitney is also the first vocalist who got worldwide popularity because of her voice.
Whitney Houston Album Sales
Whitney Houston 23 – 25 million
Whitney 20– 22 million
I’m Your Baby Tonight 10 – 13 million
The Bodyguard 41 – 44 million
(Waiting to Exhale) 12-14 million
The Preacher’s Wife 6– 7 million
My Love is your Love 12 – 13 million
Whitney the Greatest Hits 8-10 million
Love, Whitney 0, 5 – 1 million
Just Whitney 2 – 3 million
One Wish, The Holiday Album 1 – 1, 5 million
The Ultimate Collection 1 – 1, 5 million
I look to you 2 – 3 million
Total: 138, 5 – 158 million
Celine Dion Album Sales
La voix du bon Dieu 40 000
Céline Dion chante Noël 40 000
Tellement j’ai d’amour 190 000
Les chemins de ma maison 90 000
Du soleil au cœur 90,000
Chants et contes de Noël 40 000
Les oiseaux du Bonheur 90,000
Mélanie 90 000
Les plus grands succès de Céline Dion40,000
C’est pour toi 40 000
Celine Dion en concert 40,000
Les chansons en or 40,000
Incognito 500 000
The Best Of 300,000
Unison 3 – 4 million
Dion chante plamondon 1,5 – 3 million
Celine Dion 5 – 6 million
The Colour of my Love 17 – 19 million
A l’Olympia 1 – 1, 5 million
D’eux 7 – 9 million
Falling Into you 30 – 32 million
Live a Paris 1 – 1, 5 million
Let’s talk about Love 29 – 31, 5 million
S’il suffisait d’aimer 3 – 3, 5 million
These are special times 9 – 11 million
Au Coeur du stade 0,5 million
All the way… a decade of songs 20 – 22 million
The Collector’s Series 1,5 – 2 million
A new Day has come 10 – 11 million
One Heart 2 – 3,5 million
1 filles & 4 types 0,4 million
A new day, live in LV 0,5 – 1,5million
Miracle 2 – 2,5 million
Taking Chances 3, 5 million
On ne Change pas 0,5 million
D’elles 0,2- 0,3 million
Complete the best 0, 2
My Love Essential Collection 1 million
TOTAL: 153 – 173,2 million albums sold
Whitney Houston’s global singles sales are approximately 40-45 million
Celine Dion’s global singles sales are approximately 30-35 million .
Whitney Houston’s global sales ( albums & singles ) : 178,5 – 201 million
Celine Dion’s global records sales ( albums & singles ) : 183 – 208,2 million
Celine sold a little bit more records than Whitney.However,Whitney beat Celine in all others fields.
CELINE DION’s hits :
France : 5
USA : 4
Canada : 4
Australia : 3
Sweden : 3
United Kingdom ,Greece,Norway,Belgium,Spain : 2 ( for each country respectively)
Japan,China,Germany,Argentina,Brasil,Finland,Pologne,Turkey,Denmark,Austria,Ireland,Netherland,Switzerland : 1 .
Celine Dion got a total of 43 # 1 hit songs in 23 countries.
Whitney Houston’s # 1 hits in some countries
USA : 11
Canada : 11
UK, Australia : 4( for each country respectively )
Germany ,Switzerland : 3
New Zealand ,France,Norway, Italy,Ireland ,Netherland : 2
Belgium,Austria,ARIA,RIANZ,Sweden, Japan , Brasil, China,Finland,Greece,Cyprus,Denmark,Spain : 1
Total hits songs : 60 in 22 countries ( As we know,datas about those artists’s # 1 hits songs in some countries are unavailable ).
Guiness World Records (2011 Edition): Madonna is the Top-selling Female Recording Artist…
Madonna’s album sales up to December 2009 of 75 million in the USA and 200 million abroad.
The Queen of Pop is also listed as the woman with the most #1 albums in the UK according to Madonna’s official website.
Last but not least, Madonna is top female artist of The Billboard Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists list.
Congratulations Madonna!
Source: & Simple Indulgence Blogspot
It’s obvious that the ranking by sales looks like this (album sales only)
1. Madonna (1980’s-2010) 200 million albums+
2. Celine Dion (1980’s-2010) 175 million albums+
3. Mariah Carey (1990’s-2010) 150 million albums
4. Whitney Houston (1980’s-2010) 140 million albums+
5. Barbra Streisand (1960’s-2010) 130 million albums+
I remember the first time I heard Vision of Love from Mariah Carey in 1990,everyone was so astonish! Everybody asked,Who is it ????!!! What an exceptional and beautiful voice! When I listen Emotions in 1991,I was so surprised cause I wasn’t imagine that human voice could reach this level of range and power.It’s was at the same time amazing, magnifificent and so incredible! Since this time, Mariah became my favorite singer and I listen her songs everyday. Mariah Carey songs send me to heavens and make me feel so good.What we could imagine better than Hero,Vision of love, Always be my baby or Without you? Mariah Carey is really the best singer of all times,all her songs prove it.Moreover,she’s so talentuous, succesfull, beautiful and sexy.She combine beauty,talent ,grace and sexyness perfectly.No one wasn’t, ain’t and will never be able to sing her songs ( Make it happen, Love takes times, All in your Mind, You’re so cold, Forever, Can’t Let go,Dreamlover,Anytime you need a friend,Underneath the Stars,Fantasy,Butterfly,Whenever you call, Bliss, Against all odds,Loverboy,Fourth Of July,My saving Grace, Fly Like a bird, Through the rain,I want to know what love is, Migrate,If it’s over , Mine again,I’ll be lovin’you long time,We belong together,All I want for Christmas is You, etc… ).Till today,Mariah still technically and artistically the best singer ever,besides her voice also still unbeatable.Whatever say haters,Mariah is a legend alive,we can’t deny it,we see it ,music got no secret for Mariah. She’s a true Music Icon and she influence so many artists… Sometimes I asked myself what would be Music worldwide without Mariah Carey ‘s contribution ? Mariah Carey is the best,she blow away Whitney Houston,Barbra Streisand,Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin,Toni Braxton, Madonna (even thought Madonna is more successful than her and sold slightly more records ,Mariah blow away Madonna at achievements,records,influence,talent & quality,and mark on Music Pop) etc…,No doubt,Mariah’s contribution in music is huge.The most obvious is her revolution of Pop music by her 1995 release Fantasy remix with the rapper Old Dirsty Bastard.She continue to amaze people by her phenomenal voice and her incredible talent on singing all musical genres. No doubt,Mariah is a living legend ( expressed not only by just huge sales or chart success,but always by the quality of her art ,and her musical creativity ).Greatness of artists doesn’t measure only by their sales,but also by the quality of their work .Often,quality is more important than quantity ! Mariah Carey still give voice to our age and she make me feel so proud and so higher !!! Althought Madonna is the best selling female artist of all times,Mariah Carey is ranked just behind Madonna at sales.Moreover,Mariah Carey is The Best Singer Of All Times and The Female Artist of All Times.
Sorry, but no one cares about what you think about the meaning or beauty of songs.
The top selling female artist? Madonna.
Trish-so Madonna’s a slut, big deal. Making great records is kind of independent of one’s sex life, I would take a Madonna ballad like “Live to Tell” over a typical bucket of sap that composes a typical Mariah Carey ballad. So what if Madonna’s a slut, she still makes great records whereas all of Mariah’s 1990s records totally stink while her more recent material is merely somewhat listenable. And even though Mariah once made a memorable video “Heartbreaker,” that can hardly compare to Madonna’s collection of infinitely imaginable, innovative and daring videos. So Mariah Carey has an impressive voice, her music still stinks. And she can hardly be put in a category like Aretha Franklin, who not only has a better voice, but is a far better overall singer and a masterful piano player. And even though I can’t deny Mariah’s last few records have represented a significant step forward artistically speaking, her 1990s output was so terrible that she could only have improved and I’m so annoyed with how her sappy and bland music just held top 40 radio hostage 24/7 until Emancipation when she finally got a clue and focused on better material. She spent too many years making crappy records and she still can’t craft pop records nearly so memorable as Madonna.
LOL @ Truthful about Mariah Carey blowing away Aretha Franklin as a singer. What a damn joke. Even though Mariah Carey is certainly a better technical singer than Madonna, I don’t think she is nearly as capable as Madonna at getting beneath the surface of a song like Madonna can. As far as Franklin is concerned, I can’t imagine anyone with a set of ears thinking Carey is a better technical singer than Mariah Carey and obviously she hasn’t Franklin’s interpretive skills as a singer either.
What ????150 million album sold for Mariah while it’s 175 million for Celine and 200 for Madonna ??? It’s silly! It’s time for you to sopping those stupidities.In which planet do you live ?? Don’t you know that Mariah Carey is the second best selling female artist of all times ?
Did you ever see that they oppose Celine with Madonna ?? Never! Anywhere ,in any topic,blog,forum,poll,etc… It’s always MARIAH CAREY VS MADONNA,never Celine Vs Madonna. Why? Because Mariah Carey and Madonna are the best selling female artists on earth, and are recognized as such Worldwide!! Who is the best selling artist OVERALL of the 1990’s.Answer: Mariah Carey! Who sold more albums in the 2000’s among Mariah and Celine? Mariah wins,she sold more albums than Celine at 2000 decade.MARIAH CAREY SOLD MORE ALBUMS THAN CELINE DION IT’S OBVIOUS.Who sold more singles worldwide ? : Mariah wins again. Mariah Carey sold more albums and more singles than Celine Dion, stop to say stupidities.
Steevy, inform yourself first before to spread your stupidities here .Celine Dion sold less albums and less singles than Mariah Carey . Even Celine Dion’s fans recognize it now,so don’t lost your time on lying about this.Everybody know now that Mariah Carey is the second best selling female artist behind Madonna .
Moff,how can you say this absurdity ? you said that nobody cares about the meaning or beauty of songs ? In accordance with you,everyone is able to sing and make songs as long as they are not mute.You know what ? You said that just because you know that Madonna is so far behind Mariah Carey on those points.What makes a song attractive if it’s not its beauty and its quality ?In reality, everyone cares about voice and beauty of songs ,cause they’re improve considerably the quality of songs.So ,MEANING AND BEAUTY OF SONGS are generally the main reasons which amaze and incite real music lovers to listen musics. Otherwise about what cares music lovers? Being hot ? Eccentricities? Scandals? If really everyone no cares about quality of songs,some albums like The Bodyguard,Music Box or Falling into you , weren’t so successful worldwide,and among the top selling. Your opinion is so paradoxically Moff.
Jamie : don’t say anything at all ! what made you think Aretha Franklin is a better singer than Mariah ??? She’s so far from it !!! Aretha is just a good vocalist,not more ! Even Whitney Houston and Celine Dion surpass Aretha Franklin by far on sing skills and voice!!! Maybe Aretha got a few more sing skills than Barbra Streisand,but Barbra got a better voice ! Aretha Franklin was just one of first vocalists of Soul/R&B and Pop.She was wonderful because there wasn’t any others female vocalist ( except for Barbra Streisand )which could compete with her ! But already when Whitney Houston started her career in music in the 1980’s,she blown away all Aretha Franklin ever do with her voice !!! Whitney Houston beat Aretha Franklin hands down on sing skills ,vocal technical ,voice,and vocal runs !! Before Whitney,there never was songs like I Wanna Dance With Somebody,Saving All My Love For You,Run To You,I Will Always Love you,etc… And about Mariah Carey ,I even don’t need to explain,everybody know she’s better than Whitney on sing and vocal creativity ! All her songs proves it ! What Aretha Franklin’s sing style got which so particular ? Can you cite some Aretha Franklin’s songs which could show her particular sing skills and technicals ? Yeah,Respect,Natural Woman,etc..are great vocal performances,but can we compare them to Vision Of Love,I Will Always Love You,I Wanna Dance With Somebody,Emotions,etc…..??? Let’s be realistic ! Even Mariah’s most commonplace are masterpieces next to Natural Woman !Come on Jamie,don’t lie to yourself, Mariah carey is a much better singer than Aretha Franlin,it’s obvious ! oldness doesn’t mean greatness !
Stacy, I’m sorry if I phrased something wrong.
Yes, I said : No one cares about the meaning and beauty of songs, but just in case of this debate here!
Of course, fans of artists listen to songs because they have a meaning and beauty but this debate is called top SELLING female artist.
That’s why I posted that.
Stacy, understand me
Mariah Carey sold 232 million records (180 million albums sold plus 52 million videos,singles ect.) for only almost 2 decades
Mariah Carey use jesus greatness did though the lyric of her some many song and her unmeasured undeafeted incredible godess and angelic vocal talent from above and a greatfull mind to write and compose music to reach this 200+ million records
Madonna sold 257 million records worldwide (200 million albums sold plus 57 million videos,singles etc.) for a long time 3 decades, Madonna did not sold 275 or 300 millions records (no female artist sold that records)
Madonna use her ancient pupularity,dark influence,large ass/vagina hole,plastic boobs and experemented body fu** by 500 men,sexual and verginity lyrics/song to reach this 200+ million records.
I’m sorry for Madonna fans but this is the fact and the truth.
from: (the truth/fact source of Mariah huge haters before they edited the truth to lie.
see the difference of the light and the dark
light sold 232 million records for only almost 2 decades
dark sold 257 million records but in a long time 3 decades
and I’m not liying, I’m telling the truth and fact
thank you for reading my truth/fact article.
but you are wrong!
Madonna has sold more than 100 million singles alone!
That would be a number of over 300 million records sold.
(338, 380,… these numbers are too high at all)
Mariah has sold aroung 60 million singles, so around 250 million records.
Madonna of course, uses her sexuality. But she is NOT a whore or whatever. She uses creativity, power and reinventioning methods to reach a number of over 300 +
If Madonna sold more than 100 million singles alone,Mariah Carey had sold at least 90 million ones.Your reasoning is bad Moff.
No doubt Mariah Carey is the most talented female musician ever. I get chills every time I listen to Mariah’s songs which I listen to every night. Mariah is the Queen of music, just like Elvis is the King of Rock & Roll.
I had a debate with many friends about music last week ,then one of them ( a lamb ) made us notice that , before modern technologies like television ,VCR,DVD etc…( which allow many artists to promote and market theirselves ,and also get populary and success faster and easier, thanks to video clips and artistical eccentricities ,making their work more attractive to the public ),Mariah would be always a very huge and great singer worldwide ( maybe the greatest ) at those times ,because of her talent and her extraordinary voice ,contrary to many other singers.Before the invention of such technologies,and when there was only radio and phonograph ,Madonna wouldn’t surely be the most popular female singer on earth ,nor the most successful !
Anyhow, as a painter, I know what it’s like to take s*** from people who don’t want to hear the truth. Keep up the good work.Madonna’s music doesn’t touch me,cause for me she’s an average singer and artist , but above of all a good business-woman and seller . Her music lacks sincerity,cos she neglige too much the artistical aspect of her work and just care about the commercial and marketable aspect.There is a lack of creativity,soul ,passion,originality ,refinement and real artistical inclination in her music comparatively to Mariah’s .Real artists not always produce their art just for reaching huge success and sales,but above of all for making amazing,beautiful and original things.That’s what is REAL ART.what many artists make today ( and also since long ago for some artists ) is called music COMMERCE,TRADE but not ART.Real art cares more about beauty & self expression than about the success its have to reach to.Briefly,Madonna’s singing style and voice are too average and normal to me ! Why would I had a preference to her compared to Janet Jackson,Jennifer Lopez,Britney Spears ,Kylie Minogue,etc…? What really make a difference among them all ( as such singers and entertainers ) ? I prefer to listen a particularly talented and gifted artist different of all the majority ! Nevertheless,I don’t hate Madonna ! I just don’t consider her particularly as a better artist than all others ( I know that she’s just more successful and popular ).I even like to watch some of her videos,but I consider Mariah as better than any other female artist ! That’s why she’s my favorite singer.
About the success of Mariah worldwide,I don’t have to defend Mariah Carey : She is the first best selling female artist of all times in the world, the best selling western artist in Asia, the most influential female musician ,the revolutionary of Pop music,.Just those brilliant fulfillments talks by theirselves.
Anyhow, we all agree on one thing: Madonna sure knows how to market herself. Take care!
David,I know that I am a little bit too tough,but it’s my style when I have to say unadmited truths.Madonna is a bitch,that’s a fact !Many of her fans are gays ( like John,Markus,Moff,etc…) that’s also a fact . Stop to reprimand me about saying the truth ! I don’t afraid to !
It’s make me feel very disappointed and embarrassed when I see Madonna’s fans and Mariah Carey’s fans fighting ,cause I love both artists.I saw and read many Popdirt topics and noticed that the ones which deal about Mariah Carey AND Madonna are the most animated .I also notice that Mariah got more supporters ( globally ) and that most of Mariah’s supporters are females ,whereas Madonna’s are males .I admit that those debates are very useful ,cause they make us know many things we didn’t know before ,about the artists they deal with and even about others artists ( cause everybody write what they know and express themselves in accordance to what they learned in their background about those artists ).We also have the opinions of many people,from different kind of education .In this way,I learn a lot of things ( which are not avaible in the Web,or are difficult to find ) about not only Madonna and Mariah,but also Nana Mouskouri,Celine Dion,Whitney Houston,Cher,etc..)At least,we are sure about something : Madonna and Mariah Carey are very popular , and are by far the two greatest female artists on earth ! Most of us love Mariah Carey such as an exceptional singer ,and Madonna such as an exceptional entertainer .They are both different through their work,so the only thing which explain their constant rivalry is their incredible success ( In fact, how many entries are devoted to Celine Dion or Whitney Houston ? not a lot comparatively to Mariah’s and Madonna’s ).Besides,we usually see that entries oppose Mariah to Madonna whereas they never oppose any other female artist to Madonna ! It prove that Mariah is the female artist who is the most close to Madonna in success,popularity and achievements ! However ,why do you still figth ? Don’t you see that it’s pointless ? Why don’t you surpass your pride and say SINCERELY what you really know as TRUTH ?
Let’s try to make this simple :
Talkin about success of both, we have to recognize that Madonna is more successful,talkin about talent,we have to admit that Mariah is more talented.
SALES : Madonna got more albums and more singles sales ( 200 million albums,70-80 million singles ) whereas Mariah’ s sales are 185-190 million albums sold ,55-60 million singles .Madonna is also a better concert seller than any female artist.
POPULARITY : Madonna got the advantage ,though Mariah is more popular worldwide than we usually know ( specially in Oceania and some parts of Latin America ,Africa and Europe).
MUSICAL CONTRIBUTION & REVOLUTION : Mariah wins,her music influences most artists and her work disrupts music .
TALENT,VOICE & SING SKILLS : Mariah wins.She sing all genres ,her voice is adaptable to all genres.She got a better voice and is technically & creatively better than any female artist.Mariah also give more of her material than any other female artist.
As we see it ,Madonna and Mariah Carey surpass all other female artists by far ! Both artists beat any others female artists at sales,popularity,influence,# 1 hits worldwide,etc…about talent & concert sales ,one of both got the supremacy over all other female artists .
No doubt,Madonna and Mariah carey are both legends and icons.Madonna is greater than Mariah at success,like Mariah Carey is greater than Madonna at talent.BUT,as people usually attach more importance to success than talent,we have to say that Madonna is greater than Mariah Carey. HOWEVER ,Madonna and Mariah Carey are both in the league of greatest music legends of all times : Beatles,Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley .
Mariah carey’s record in Billboard hot 100 (18 N1s ) is also due to airplays. Few people knows that since 2000 Billboard decided to include airplays (2/3 and only 1/3 sales). since radios only play R&B artist we now all know why Madonna has been unable to chart decently in the US. still she always has the biggest tour ever in the US and world wide proving that she is THE queen of POP. And something eles. the 02nd highest selling female in the World is a Greek singer named nana Mouskouri who sold 300 Millions (with like 100 albums and singles).she can’t be ignored.You will say MC is 03rd, but I’ve always heard that Dion sold more than MC. she’s said to have sold 200 Millions (album + singles) MC is 04th actually with 175 Millions official sales.
arongaga.. you are right in case of the thing ’bout airplay and why Madonna cannot receive the success she had in the 80s and 90s.. especially before 2003.
But the second best selling female artist is of course not Nana Mouskouri.
If you claim Nana is the 2nd best selling female artist of the world you’ll first have to start calculating sales.
Like everyone else, check it out. We all know so many Mariah, Madonna, Celine and Whitney albums but do you know any album of Nana? Do you any songs of her?
IFPI and Co always claim Nana is second behind Madonna .. but where did they get this information?
I first want to have a list of all Nana Mouskouri albums with the sales + single sales and THEN you can say if Mariah’s or Celine’s sales are lower or higher…
Aronga,you’re so illadvised.Have you ever see a blog,poll,forum,etc… face Madonna to Celine Dion ? No.Don’t you know that Mariah’s sales surpass Celine in 1990 and 2000 decade? How Celine could sales more than Mariah? How many Celine sold in USA? Japan? Europe? worldwide? How many number one Singles got Celine Worldwide? Don’t your hatred to Mariah make you say anything.ok? Mariah is ranked just behind Madonna,ALL FACTS PROVED IT MANY TIMES. You’d’ better read the first part of this debate,you’ll learn so much about these singers.Moreover,Who is Nana Mouskouri?? Please inform me! I wanna know who is it !
Ricardo, Nana M. is a Greek singer and she can sing in many different languages (e.g. german, english, greek, spanish..) IFPI ranked her just behind Madonna. She has sold (pretended) 250 million records - sometimes 300 million that makes her a more successful singer than Mariah in case of total sales.
ARONGA : Inform yourself next to advised people instead of sayin’ senseless things here!Mariah Carey is the SECOND best selling female artist of all times,not Celine Dion nor Nana Mouskouri !Celine sold 175 million albums and 30 million singles,Mariah sold 190 million albums and 70 million of singles !You see the difference ?About Nana Mouskouri,she sold 35-40 million million records and would even not in the top 20 best selling female artists of all times .She’s just got oldness and respect .Nana Mouskouri sales are ( approximately ):
France ( her greatest market in the whole world ) : 5 million ( though every sources claim 3,5 million or lower )
Greece :3-4 million
Canada : 1,5-3 million
UK :1,5-3 million
Rest of Europe :5 million
Whole America :3 million ( or less )
Oceania :3 million ( or less)
Asia :1 million ( or less )
Africa : 1 million (or less
Total : less than 25-30 million.Approximately .However,if we add her singles sales ( 45-10 million approximately ),we have globally 40 million records sold.
When you’re not sure about an info,don’t just repeat and spread it like you do ,OK ?Nana Mouskouri got 300 certicated discs,not 300 million sold discs !Moreover,most of them come from Europe ( including many little countries in which gold disc is 100 thousand discs sold, in others of these countries,its 50 or 60 thousands ). Even if all the 300 gold discs of Nana would come from USA ( in which gold disc is a 500 thousand sold record ),it’d never mean 300 million records sold,but 150 !’s not the case and we know Nana’s sales in every continent ! Moreover,even French and British gold discs are lower sales than American ‘s ! So ,don’t just repeat what you see anywhere,we all know that sources can say anything and everything, but even “great “ “ and prestigious “ sources make great mistakes and errors sometimes,as we already saw it !
And Celine Dion doesn’t sold more records than Mariah Carey,it’s senseless illogical and untrue ! In how many countries did Celine Dion outsold Mariah ? Mariah outsold Celine in USA ( the greatest music market of the world ),Asia ( including Japan,the second largest music market ),Oceania,Africa and some parts of Latin America.It’s just in Europe that Celine outsold Mariah ( and maybe Canada,but I am not sure yet ) .Took from another aspect,we still see clearly that Mariah sold more records than Celine :Celine sold less than 1,5 million records in all the 1980 decade,Mariah sold more than Celine in the 1990 decade ( the most successful decade ),Mariah sold ( slighty ) more than Celine at the 2000 decade.Besides,Mariah sold more singles than 2 times Celine’s worldwide ! How could Celine sold more records than Mariah ?M ariah is the second best selling female artist of all times.
Meredith is right, Aronga,you lie.No one know this Nana Mouskouri.How she could sold 300 million of albums?
Hey,About the certifications of Nana Mouskouri,I made some mistakes .Nana Mouskouri has 300 certificated discs ( gold,platinum ),I even not sure that she has diamond certificated disc even from those little countries !
In many Europen countries in which most of Nana’s discs are certificated,gold disc are 50,000 disc sold ,( this number decrease considerably through the years,since the 1990 decade,now it’s 6000 records sold ),platinum is 100,000 records sold , now it’s turn to 12 000.You see ? Well,Nana got much more gold certificated discs than platinum,and any of them come from great music markets like USA and Japan.The greatest music markets in which Nana got certifications are UK,France ,Canada and Oceania !
Anyway,Nana global sales are approximately 30-40 million records sold in the whole world.
Do you think that a great artist who is close to the Beatles and Elvis Presley on sales would be unknown and so little famous worldwide ? How many fan-sites,Web-sites,blogs,Entries,etc…deal with Nana Mouskouri ? How many people just know her worldwide ( contrary to Beatles,Elvis Presley,MJ,etc…? Why she’s not as popular worldwide like Beatles,MJ,or even like Barbra Streisand,Tina Turner,Aretha Franklin,etc..? Why it’s never her whom blogs,entries,polls,etc…face to Madonna ? why she hadn’t any blog or entry which face her on sales and success with any great female seller ?Why did we never see any Nana Mouskouri Versus Madonna,or Mariah Carey,or Celine Dion etc..?Why did we never see any entry titled ” Nana Mouskouri Best selling Female artist Of All times ” or Nana Mouskouri Female Artist Of all Times ” ? In any ? neither in french,English ( the better buyers and supporters of Nana ) nor spanish,deustch,italian,portuguese,etc… we never see Nana Mouskouri as the theme of an entry !
She got just a silly insignificant number of websites and fan site for all people who kow her worldwide ! . language All this prove clearly that Nana Mouskouri isn’t as successful on sales as people think she is !
Mariah Carey and Celine Dion are great vocalists,but Mariah Carey is greater than Celine Dion and a better artist. Celine Dion is in the league of great artists like: Barbra Streisand,Elton John,Whitney Houston,Rolling Stones,etc…Mariah Carey is in the league of greatest Legends and Music Icons such as : Beatles,Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson.Mariah share many records only with those artists:
-Best Selling artist OVERALL of a decade (1960’s Beatles,1970’s Elvis Presley, 1980’s Michael Jackson, 1990’s Mariah Carey ).
-Most # 1 songs worldwide by female artist ( Mariah is just second to Madonna )
-Most Top 10 songs worldwide by female artist ( Mariah is second to Madonna )
-Second Best selling female artist of all times ( behind Madonna )
-Most # 1 songs penned by artist overall ( Paul McCarteney 23, John Lennon 19, Mariah Carey 17 ).
-Most #1 hit songs at Billboard Hot 100 ( Beatles 20, Elvis Presley 18,Mariah Carey 18,Michael Jackson 13 ).
-Most cumulated weeks at # 1 in Billboard Hot 100.(Elvis Presley 79, Mariah Carey 79 ).
-Best Selling Female Artist of The Last Millennium ( Michael Jackson is the best selling male artist of the last Millennium )
-Huge impact and contribution in music ( Mariah Carey revolutionize pop music.She’s the Queen of R&B,Elvis Presley is the King of Rock & roll,Michael Jackson is the King of Pop )
- Number one musical influence worldwide of today’s artists
-Second most popular female artist on earth ( Only behind Madonna )
-Mariah is a Guinness Record Holder : Best selling Female Artist of the 1990’s decade ( 1997 Guinness World Record, French edition ), 2003 Guinness World Record of most extended voice ( 5,2 octaves ) ever for hitting an G # 7 note ( 2002 superbowl ). She’s also the only female artist who reach an E# 2 note ,the lowest note for a woman .Mariah is Also the only human which could emit a sound audible by dolphins .
Mariah Carey got many others records over Celine Dion.But,these ones are enough to prove that she’s better than Celine Dion. ALL THESE FACTS PROVES THAT MARIAH CAREY IS GREATER THAN CELINE DION.
Moreover ,Mariah Carey got many others records that Celine Dion had’nt ( maybe Celine got only a few of them) :
Mariah Carey OCCUPATION : Singer,Songwriter,Model,Actress ,Record-producer,Composer,Entrepreneur.
GENRES : Pop,R&B ,Dance,Rap,Ballads,Gospel, Jazz, Soul,Techno, Country,Rock,House
-First World Best Selling Female Recording Artist Of All Times ( 2000-2003 )
-Actual Second World Best Selling Female Artist Of All Times
- World Best-Selling Artist Overall Of the 1990 Decade.(1998 Legend Award, 2000 Millennium Award). Only Female Artist With this Title.
-Best-Selling Western Artist In Asia
-World Best Selling Christmas Album Of All Times By a Female Artist
- World Best-Selling Christmas Single Of All Times By a Female Artist
-Two Singles ranked in the top 10 Best selling Singles by Female Artists
-Best Selling Western Album in Japan ( # 1 ‘s)
-Best Selling Western Album in China.( Mariah Carey’s album Music Box is the first international female album to pass 500,000 legal sales in China.( Daydream, Butterfly, #1’s and Charmbracelet also sold 500,000 copies or more in this country).Mariah Carey is the only female artist who got albums reaching and surpassing 500 ,000 copies sold in that Country).
-Only Female artist who got 3 albums certified Diamond in USA (Mariah Carey,Music Box, Daydream ).
-Two Albums ranked in the top 10 Best-Selling Albums Of All Times by Female Artists
-Most Platinum Singles by a Female Artist in History
-Only Artist Ever to have first 5 Singles go to # 1 in Billboard Hot 100
-Only Female Artist to have 10 albums certified 4 x platinum or better
-Third Richest Female Singer Of All Times
-Mariah Carey give 90 % of her musical materiel (Composing,Writing,Producing,Arranging) More than any other Female Artist.
-Most World Music Awards than any Artist Overall( 17 )
-Most # 1 hits wrote or co-wrote by a Female Composer ( 17 ) Carole King is ranked second to Mariah -with 9 songs reached # 1
-Third Songwriter Overall with most # 1 Songs penned (17 Songs) Behind Paul McCarteney and John Lennon.
-Most # 1 hits in US single Chart ( 18 )
- Second Female Artist with most # 1 Hits Worldwide.
-Second Female Artsist with most Top 10 Hits Worlwide.
-Second Female Artist with most Top 10 Hits in US Hot 100 ( 27 )
-Most weeks at # 1 in US Hot 100 ( 79)
- Longest time at the # 1 position (consecutive weeks) with “One Sweet Day” for 16 Weeks.
-Billboard’s Most successful Song ever by a Female Artist ( We Belong Together ).
-Billboard’s Most Popular Song ever by Female Artist for these 13 last Years,including the Whole 2000 decade.( We Belong Together).
- Longest-running # 1 Hit in Brazilian Chart History ( I Want To Know What Love Is ,27 Consecutive Weeks ).
- Best Voice Ever Overall (MTV,Blender Magazine,etc…)
-Most extended Female voice ever 5,2 Octaves Range ( Guinness World Records).
-First international soundtrack ever to achieve number-one status in Japan ( Glitter)
-Music Box is 14 x platinum in Australia,only behind Shania Twain’s Come On Over (15 x platinum) and John Farnham’s Whispering Jack (18x platinum).
-Revolution of world Pop music by her Remix of Fantasy .Mariah is the First Pop singer ever who collaborates with rappers and Hip Hop artists.Since this Remix,Every Pop artists work with hip hop artists now.
- Mariah Carey’s songs are the most performed on talent searching competitions like X FACTOR , AMERICAN IDOL, STAR ACADEMY,etc…
-Pop Vocal Icon worldwide
-Second most Sexy Female Singer ( Behind Madonna) .
- Number 1 Musical Influence for 80 % artists of Asia,America,Europe,Oceania and Latin America
-Second Most Popular International female Singer Worldwide .
-The Holder of Titles: The Voice, The Queen of R&B, The Best Singer of All Times,The female Artist of All Times.
MARIAH CAREY is an accomplished artist.She’s not border in just music.She has experiences as such actress ( in the films :Glitter,Tenesse,Precious,Wisegirls,etc…),model ( Fashion Shows for VERSACE, PINKO,promotions for PINKO and for her own fragrances,launching of a fashion style,etc…) ,business ( Fragrances ),etc…She won the Legs Of goddess Gillette Venus Award for the most beautiful legs in 2006.
GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS: Top-selling Female Recording Artist
“Madonna (USA) holds the record for album sales up to December 2009 of 75 million in USA and 200 million abroad”- Guinness World Records 2011
i agree that Madonna is the best selling artist of all time ..
but compared to voice .. Mariah Carey won ..
but in the end of the day ..
Madonna will be known for the SALES,FASHION..
Mariah will be known for the VOICE,SONGWRITING-SKILLS, and many more
but are we recognized?
so if you Love Madonna then Go!
if you Love Mariah then Go!
in the later part ..
its not the sales that matter
but the influence of music ..
:: Madonna Queen OF POP
:: Mariah Queen Of RnB
Madonna and Carey are both really amazing artists.
they have their special talents.
But why has Madonna sold more records?
Why has Madonna more number 1’s or Top tens in more countries than Mariah Carey? Because people prefer listening to Madonna!
Does Mariah have any song that makes you get up, dance and party? Madonna has better party songs! Songs to enjoy and to sing with!
Mariah has good songs, but could you sing or dance to Love takes times?
To Heartbreaker?
To Obsessed? Today people want music that makes them happy, they wanna have songs which are danceable..*
US: The US. music is minted by rap, hip hop and RnB artists.. of course it’s danceable worldwide, POP is more popular.
Michel : you asked why did Mariah sold less records than Madonna ?Why Madonna got more hits worldwide ? There are many reasons . They are :
1-Madonna got most active years than Mariah.Madonna’s musical career started in 1983 whereas Mariah’s started in 1990.So Madonna had an advantage of 7 professional years over Mariah.
2-Madonna have most releases than Mariah ( Madonna has 22 releases,Mariah has 18 releases ).She got also more singles.
3-Madonna made only Pop albums,and as we know,Pop is the most successful musical genre worldwide,whereas Mariah released much more R&B releases than Pop releases.In facts, in spite of her big success in Pop music since her debut,Mariah chose in 1997 to sing another musical genre ( R&B and Hip Hop ) which are much less successful worldwide ( Can we imagine if Mariah made only Pop albums ? I am sure that she would have at least 4 others albums which would surpass 20 million sales worldwide.So Mariah would be the best selling female artist ).
4-Madonna toured since her debut album,and always tours worldwide for promoting the sales of her albums,whereas Mariah begun to tour only since her 4th album and in a few countries in spite of her huge success .Mariah chose voluntary to don’t promote her albums by tours and many concerts.So the sales of her albums were not promoted as well as Madonna’s.
5- Madonna is the first woman to use blatant sexuality which was viewed by all of the world,for giving a boost to her record sales and for getting famous faster and easier.She also relayed much more on her image to reach a wide medium…,whereas Mariah never used her image nor eccentricities and other marketing tricks for promote her sales.All she always use to amaze people are her extraordinary voice and her artistical/musical creativity.
6-Madonna also got most hits worldwide than Mariah because she released much Pop-dance singles .But her success at hit-parades and charts doesn’t always match with her sales .Otherwise,her sales would surpass many greater sellers singers like Michael Jackson .
People doesn’t prefer listening to Madonna than Mariah ! Mariah’s music is very acclaimed and respected worldwide for its quality and its mark. Besides, Mariah Carey,Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand,Aretha Franklin ,Celine Dion are known worldwide such as the most skilful female singers ,however they are not known mainly for their dancing songs !Inversely, Madonna, Janet Jackson ,Britney Spears,Jennifer Lopez, etc…are very popular worldwide for their dancing songs but they are never considered as the most skiful female singers !
It’s mainly because soulful songs and ballads,are much more difficult to make than songs which just make people dance.It’s harder to make songs which are able to touch soul deeply,in a different way of dance songs. And Mariah doesn’t got just songs who make people dance.She got songs for every occasions and every state of mind : soulful songs, songs which has passion,songs. Therefore,don’t say that people prefer to listen Madonna because of dance songs.
And Mariah got a lot of dance songs for party ,you just don’t know them !Mariah got even better party songs than Madonna ! Madonna just has more dancing songs,but Mariah got many better dance songs !
Mariah got so many songs that make you get up,dance and party ! Fantasy,Dreamlover,Emotions, I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On, Someday, You’re So Cold, Now That I Know, To Be Around You, etc… Go and try those songs,believe me,you’ll feel like dancing if you really love to dance .
Besides,most of Mariah R&B songs are very danceable : Loverboy,I’ve Been Thinking About You,I’ll Be love You A Long Time,It’s Like That,Honey,Heartbreaker,Shake It Off.,etc… The only difference is just that R&B songs are not danced the same way than Pop dances !
You cited Love Takes time to Mariah as a non-danceable song,but you should know that this kind of song is not a dance song,but a Soul/Ballad.In fact,every songs are not made only to make people dance ! There is a lot of deep emotions,sensations and feelings people want to feel from music,which are not only to feel like dancing ! You must know that there are even songs which are able to make people cry ( not because of sadness but because of deep emotional impact ).There are songs which bring Passion,Joy ( which is not necessary dancing joy ),courage,serenity,comfort and calming,etc…There are so much songs which can cheer people up without making them dance !
Mariah worships God
Madonna worships Devil.
Mariah Can sing to any song genre,Pop to Hip Hop to R&B
that’s why she’s successful
Mariah < Madonna
Mariah can sing to any songs!
But I can’t imagine Mariah singing holiday etc ….
Mariah is a vocalist (the best) like Whitney, Celine and so on but that doesn’t make her unique!
Madonna doesn’t have the voice but she sells more and is the most successful female artist of all time.
Mariah can sing any songs! Yeah!
She is a singer! Yeah! A fu**ing good singer!
God gave her that talent, but Madonna impresses with her performances while singing!
People want to get entertained, Mariah cannot do this because people don’t want to hear her live, it’s always the same.. “wow, what a pretty voice!”
Madonna can sing, act, perform, dance > entertain people, they get really amazed when they see her!
At the beginnings people came to Mariah shows and said: “Wow what a strong voice!”
But year for year… wow such a vocalist, I’ve never heard!
but then… oh the voice again..
Do you really think Mariah’s dance songs are compareble to any of Madonnas?
Where have they been? Place 79 on the Charts?
Mariah’s dance are a million times better than Madonna’s.Every true Music Lovers know it as if obvious when we listen them.Besides,Mariah’s Someday,Emotions,Dreamlover,Fantasy,Honey,Heartbreaker,etc… are all ranked # 1 at Billboard Hot 100.Can you precise for me which dances of Madonna are so special compare to Mariah’s ?
Francois, to : “Mariah’s dance songs are million times better”
Do you think that your musical taste is better than the taste of any others here? Do you really think that?
Do you really think “music lovers” have a better taste of music than people who prefer other artists?
Madonna has sold much more records than Carey in the 2000s because she started releasing albums and her sexuality-time in the 90s was the reason for low album sales btw. she just released 3 studio albums in the 90s while Mariah released 7 and much more albums..
Is that everything?
Madonna is singing, dancing and she had to practise these performances before!
That’s harder than just standing and doing the same at every stage.
Dreamlover, Heartbreaker, yes, were all number one on Billboard, but.. worldwide?
You talk about number of Hits worldwide or danceable songs ?Listen ,It’s right to prefer Madonna’s dance songs over Mariah’s,but that doesn’t mean Madonna’s dance songs are as good as Mariah’s.Since the first listening,Mariah’s dance songs conquer easily anyone who’s not border by fanaticism or hatred,I mean TRUE NEUTRAL MUSIC LOVER. In fact,since the very first listening of , music lovers will be very amazed and delighted ! they will be conquered forever by those music ! Well,sincerily ,can we say the same about Madonna’s dance songs ? No.You can get like her dance songs exactly Ilike you could get love songs from any other artists.Don’t confound very successful with very good/exceptional .Madonna’s dances songs are good but,they are not amazing nor exceptional ! The ones which think they are exceptional could think the same of Janet Jackson dances songs ,Britney’ Spears ,Jennifer Lopez,Shakira,kylie Minogue dance songs as there is not really a difference between them all,However,What could we imagine as good and danceable as Mariah’s Emotions,Dreamlover,Someday,Fantasy ,I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On ???
I have to notice that with all the advantages Madonna had over Mariah,her sales has just a slight advantage over Mariah’s ( Madonna ->200 million albums,95 million singles, Mariah Carey-> 195 million albums,88 million singles )! Therefore,we see that in spite of her 2th rank behind Madonna on sales Mariah have much more merits than Madonna not only in talent & voice but also in success and sales !
Francois, you think, that at the first time we hear a Mariah dance song, it will be better than a Mariah song.
But like I said : Its the taste of music different people have!
I never said that Madonna has the better dance songs, but I know that Madonnas songs are more popular proved by sales and chart success. So what does that mean?
People prefer Madonna songs because they like them more!
Its a fact!
To your “Mariah” sales:
its a very very difficult topic, I mean sales.
Do you really think Mariah has sold 195 million albums and 88 million singles?
You increased Mariah salea and decreased Madonna sales (not albums, I mean singles)
soo.. let us NOT debate about sales, it doesn’t make sense.
Mariah has good dance songs, but most people like most of Madonnas more!
There are three important and determinant fields which can determine whom among the 4 best selling female artists of all times( Whitney Houston,Celine Dion,Mariah Carey,Madonna ) is the GREATEST FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIMES : Success,Talent,Achievements. The one which combine these assets better is the Best Female Artist Of All Times.
SUCCESS include Albums sales ,Singles sales,Concert Ticket sales,Amount of Hits worldwide,Popularity worldwide.
TALENT include Voice quality,Sing skills,Diversity of Musical genres mastered,Part in the making of Music
and Musical Mark,Originality & creativity
ACHIEVEMENTS include Most Prestigious Records,Impact & Contribution on Music,Musical/Artistic Influence , More impressive Amount of great fulfillments .
Everybody agree,right ? Now ,fans of Whitney,Celine ,Mariah and Madonna,or any regular people which are advised on music ,objective music lover, come on !prove that your favorite artist is the most deserving of the Greatest Female Artist Of All Times title.The one which would combine every of each respective assets and also the most globally,will be obviously the winner . Let’s go !
Which is the Greatest Female Artist of all Times ?
No doubt ,Mariah Carey take the crown ! She’s the undeniable winner ,the Best and the Greatest Female Artist of All Times. Mariah beat all other female artists in most of these fields. Let’ see :
Albums sales Madonna -> 10 Mariah -> 9,5 Celine ->9,5 Whitney ->7
Singles sales Madonna-> 10 Mariah -> 9,5 Whitney ->7,5 Celine ->7
Concert ticket sales: Celine ->10 Madonna 9 Whitney-> 5 Mariah ->2,5
Hits worldwide : Madonna-> 10 Mariah ->8 Whitney->5 Celine ->4
Popularity : Madonna -> 10 Mariah ->9 Whitney-> 8-> Celine 8
Results for Success : Madonna scores 49 points,Mariah scores 38,5 points, Celine scores 38,5 points,Whitney scores 32,5 points.So Madonna wins in success,Mariah is second to Madonna.
Voice quality Mariah->10 Whitney ->9 Celine->8 Madonna->4
Sing Skills Mariah ->10 Whitney 9-> Celine 8 Madonna ->5
Diversity of Musical genres Mariah-> 10 Whitney->6 Madonna -> 5 Celine-> 5
Part in the making of Music Mariah->10 Madonna-> 5 Whitney ->4 Celine ->2
Musical/Artistical mark,Originality & creativity Mariah-> 10 Whitney ->9 Celine->6 Madonna ->6
Results for Talent : Mariah scores 50 points Whitney scores 35,5 points Celine scores 29 points Madonna scores 25 points .So Mariah wins in Talent,Whitney is second behind Mariah.
Larger amount of prestigious Records Mariah-> 10 Madonna-> 9 Whitney-> 8,5 Celine ->9
Impact & Contribution on Music ->Mariah->10 Whitney-> 6-> Madonna-> 5-> Celine-> 3
Musical/Artistic Influence Mariah->10 Madonna ->8 Whitney->8 Celine->4
More Impressive Amount of Fullfilments Mariah-> 10 Madonna ->10 Whitney-> 9 Celine ->9
Results for Achievements :Mariah scores 40 points Whitney scores 31,5 points Madonna scores 32 points, Celine scores 25 points.Mariah wins,Whitney and Madonna are second to Mariah.
Mariah Carey : Success = 39/50 ,Talent=50/50,Achievements=40/40
Mariah’s Global points :129/140
Madonna Success=50/50,Talent=25/50 Achievements =32/40
Madonna’s global points :107/140
Whitney Houston Success =32,5 /50 Talent=36/50 Achievements = 32/40
Whitney’s global points :100/140
Celine Dion Success =38,5 /50 Talent =29/50 Achievements =25/40
Celine global’s points =94,5/140
Therefore,Mariah wins.Mariah Carey is the Best & Greatest Female Artist Of All Times.
Yeah, I think this “list” or “calculation” is pretty right!
That’s the way we should recognize an artist!
But.. You have to equalize the points for every “Success, Talent, archievements”…
Not Madonna ->10 and then Mariah 9,5 and Celine 5 …
Albums sales:
Madonna -> 10
Mariah -> 9,5
Celine -> 9
Whitney -> 8,5
Singles sales:
Madonna-> 10
Mariah -> 9,5
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 8,5
Concert ticket sales:
Madonna -> 10
Celine 9,5
Whitney-> 9
Mariah -> 8,5
More successful Tours:
Madonna -> 10
Celine -> 9,5
Whitney -> 9
Mariah 8,5
Hits worldwide:
Madonna-> 10
Mariah -> 9,5
Whitney-> 9
Celine -> 8,5
Popularity :
Madonna -> 10
Mariah -> 9,5
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 8,5
Results for Success: Madonna scores 60 points, Mariah scores 55 points, Celine scores 53,5 points, Whitney scores 54 points. Madonna wins in success
Voice quality:
Mariah -> 10
Whitney -> 9,5
Celine -> 9
Madonna -> 8,5
Sing Skills:
Mariah -> 10
Whitney -> 9,5
Celine -> 9
Madonna -> 8,5
Diversity of musical genres:
Madonna-> 10
Mariah-> 9,5
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 8,5
Part in the making of music:
Mariah -> 10
Madonna-> 9,5
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 8,5
Dance and choreographical annexation:
Madonna -> 10
Mariah -> 9
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 9,5
Madonna -> 10
Mariah -> 8,5
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 9,5
Musical/Artistical mark, Originality & creativity: Mariah-> 10
Whitney -> 9,5
Celine-> 9
Madonna -> 8,5
Results for Talent : Mariah scores 67 points, Whitney scores 64,5 points, Celine scores 63 points, Madonna scores 65 points. So Mariah wins in Talent
Larger amount of prestigious Records:
Mariah -> 10
Madonna -> 10
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 8,5
Impact & Contribution on Music:
Madonna -> 10
Mariah -> 9,5
Celine -> 9
Whitney -> 8,5
Musical/Artistic Influence:
Mariah-> 10
Whitney -> 9,5
Madonna -> 9
Celine -> 8,5
More Impressive Amount of Fullfilments:
Mariah-> 10
Madonna -> 10
Whitney -> 9
Celine -> 8,5
Results for Achievements:
Mariah scores 39,5 points Whitney scores 36 points Madonna scores 39 points, Celine scores 34,5 points. Mariah wins.
Mariah Carey: Success = 55
Talent = 67
Achievements = 39,5
Mariah’s Global points : 161,5
Madonna Success = 60
Talent = 65
Achievements = 39
Madonna’s global points: 164
Whitney Houston
Success = 54
Talent = 64,5
Achievements = 36
Whitney’s global points: 154,5
Celine Dion
Success = 53,5
Talent = 63
Achievements = 34,5
Celine global’s points = 151
Look: If we have a constant number of point distance we eventually have a bigger clarity of the different artists!
In my opinion Madonna is the artist with the greatest artistical dissimilarity!
Unfortunatelly,you’re wrong in some things.For example,Mariah is the one which have the huger impact on music ( revolution of pop music ),not Madonna .Madonna is second to Mariah on this point .Mariah should have 10 and Madonna 9 for Impact & Contribution on music ! Besides,Mariah wins one more time for Diversity Of Musical Genres Mastered ,Mariah sings more musical genres than Madonna ! So,Mariah got a 10 also for Diversity of musical genres ! Thereforefore, Mariah is the winner !
no, you are wrong..
if Mariah had 1 or even 1 point more.. Madonna would stil be the winner!
And diversity of music?
hip hop
gospel (ellements)
Yeah ! Mariah Win ! Long life to Mimi the voice !!!!!!
Tina Turner the most lively performer even now she is 71
she is still can rock’n roll she have everything as the best performer in this century please watch Tina Turner concert 2000 simply the best. Tina you are the simple the best diva…
watch all does performer you name it above,who is the best performer,energy of the crowd,This is one of the best? live performances I have even seen tina turner concert.even a 20 yrs old this days’s love it her song I also considered Madonna during 90’s. she is one of the best.
No you’re mistaken.Mariah would have 2 points over Madonna,not just 1 !Besides,are you sure that there is a real difference between ‘Amount of concerts tickets sold ” and “successful tours ” ? I don’t think so ! These 2 terms mean the same thing,so Mariah would win anyway . Mariah wins for diversity of musical genres,cause she sings all genres you cited for Madonna but not Electro and electro Pop.However,Mariah sings Blues,Traditional R&B,Groove,Country and Techno.Are you sure that Madonna have ever Rapp ( by herself ) in a song ? Or that she sings Gospel ?
OMG, I have never seen such a long disussion. This is completely ridiculous ! I am a NOT BIASED : I am indeed a fan of Celine Dion (I have 200 CD’s of her, saw her 5 times), a moderate fan of Carey (80 CD’s) and a small fan of Madonna (25 CD’s, saw her 3 times) and of Houston (albums only).
So I like them all !
JUST LOOK AT FACTS : there is no need for so much discussion.
To determine who is the “most successful” you need to watch influence, records sold (physical and digital), AND (and that is VERY important today, since CD’s are not selling so much anymore) TOURS.
And of course, the world is NOT the USA alone, so you have to look at the whole world (I’m French BTW).
Whitney must be eliminated : she sold less records than the other three and has never toured extensively.
Carey : Sold a little bit less albums than Dion (on a worldwide basis again, but more singles. But her BIG drawback is that she has NEVER had a huge worldwide tour. Her last tour was in front of crowds of about 5000. She’s number THREE.
Dion : Sold very slightly more albums than Carey, but less singles (“only” 47 millions still, see the intelligent and well sourced “Celine Dion Charts and Sales” Website). Toured the world since 1992. 3 World Tours (Falling into You, Let’s Talk about Love and Taking Chances). Her residency in Las Vegas and Taking Chances Tour made her the absolute number one in the Decade in North America (source = L.A. Times) in terms of revenue generated. Taking Chances tour is the second tour of the history for a solo artist in terms of revenue generated, behind Madonna.
AND NEVER FORGET something : Celine Dion did NOT speak English until age 18! She began as a child star in Québec and was not really beautiful at all. So that makes her story quite interesting. Plus she is the biggest album seller of all time on French speaking markets.
Celine Dion is number TWO.
Madonna : she obviously has sold more albums and singles than Celine and Mariah. She tours the world since 1984 with HUGE Stadium audiences. Her last tour is the biggest tour in history for a solo artist in terms of revenue generated. SHE influenced, society and fashion (Mariah and Celine did not). Her voice is not very good, but still, this is not an objective way to determine success.
Madonna is OBJECTIVELY number one of all time.
1. Madonna
2. Celine Dion
3. Mariah Carey
Celine and Mariah are pretty close, but Celine wins easyly thanks to her success as an Adult contemporary touring artist.
The one who says Celine sold less albums than Mariah are wrong… Do you forget her albums in French ? This should not be biased, we live on the same planet right ?
I love Mariah, but she sold less albums than Celine and more singles. Including in the years 2000 Celine sold more.
Celine in the years 2000 including French material = 12 + 5 + 1,4 + 1,2 + 2 + 1,5 + 0,8 + 3,2 + 1,3
Oh and here are some indeniable sources (Forbes, L.A. Times, Pollstar).
750 millions USD generated over one decade = ultimate #1 in Northern America, Celine Dion
Celine Dion Ranked 7 times on the Forbes Celebrity 100 since its creation in 1999), with 380 millions earned (including 100 millions announced in 2009, a year where she was NOT ranked in the Forbes 100, Forbes estimating her influence was not important enough that year, but Forbes did A DIFFERENT article on top earners).
Madonna was ranked 6 times earning 373 millions.
Lopez 6 times for 114,4 millions
Beyonce 4 times and 277 millions USD
Mariah one time
Withney = 0 time.
Albums in the 2000’s = Britney is number one, Madonna number 2, Dion number 3 (YES do not forget her FRENCH albums!!, it make up to 35 millions depending on estimates), Mariah is sadly enough far behind those three (about 25 millions worldwide).
Mariah Fans should really stop saying Mariah sold more albums than Celine coz’ that is false : and I LOVE Mariah, but these are the facts. You should not have a biased USA only view, we are talking about WORLD singers.
Main Mariah albums in the 2000’s =
4 + 4 + 10 + 2,5 + 2 = 22,5 plus a few compilations 1 million to 2 millions each
Main Celine albums in the 2000’s (and that’s relatively pessimistic) =
12 + 5 + 2,5 + 3,2 = 22,7 BUT do not forget her FRENCH ALBUMS in the 2000’s = 1,5 + 1,5 + 1 plus a few compilations and live albums 1 to 2 millions each
Madonna Or Mariah ? I Think it is a matter of Opinion…
Madonna sold 200m albums From 1983-2010 while Mariah Sold
Around 160-175m albums (I Am not Sure) From 1990-2010…
So,I Guess it has to do with what everyone admires the
I Mean…Do you think it is better selling 200m albums
in 27 years or selling 165m albums in 20 years ? ? ?
As I Told you…It Is A Matter of Opinion…TI
Don’t Wanna Fight with Anyone but I Feel more impressed
by Mariah’s achievements so I Consider her ”ahead” of
All In All,I Love them Both and I Think It Gets kinda
Stupid Comparing A Pop/Dance Singer Like Madonna (Age 52)
To A Pop/Ballad/Rnb Artist (Age 40).Both Great…Peace
Guys !!!
Guinness World Records 2011 named Madonna The Top Selling Female Artist with 220 million records…since 1982.
I agree with Fab at 80 &% ,except for these things :
1-Carey doesn’t sold less albums than Dion, Carey sold slighty more ,all decades combined .In facts,Mariah Carey is the top selling artist of the 1990’s as everybody know .However, in the 2000 decade , Carey and Dion has sold approximately the same amount of albums ,let’s see :
Celine Dion : Collector Serie =2m
A New day Has Come =11,5m
One Heart =5m
Taking Chances =3,5m
On Ne Change Pas =1m
Complete Best=1,5m
My Love Essential collection =1,3m
A New day Live In Las Vegas =1,5
1 Fille et 4 Types =2m
D’elles =1m
Total sales in the 2000’s =31m
Mariah Carey :Greatest Hits =5 m
The Remixes=0,7m
The Emancipation Of Mimi=13m
The Ballads =0,6m
Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel =0,7m
Total albums sales for 2000’s = 31 million
As we see,Mariah’s and Celine’s sales in that decade are approximately the same .
Besides,Mariah sold more singles than Celine even in that decade.Now,when we combine all their respective sales combined ( English records,French records,1980 decade,1990 decade,2000 decade ,etc… ),we see that Mariah have a slight advantage over Celine ,that’s true ! I like both artists and have any reason to being subjective ,believe me.Celine, Mariah and Whitney are my all times favorite female artists,and I consider them as 3 sisters,the 3 ultimate vocalists the undeniable queen on success,and I respect her,and also her fans.
About Madonna,it’s true that she influences more people ( society and fashion ),but Mariah’s MUSIC influences more artists,that’s why lambs always say Mariah is more influential.It’s because she influences people by music itself ( sing style,voice,music pop featuring Hip Hop ,etc..) whereas Madonna’s influence is not directly musical.But We know Madonna wins for other kinds of influence ! She’s globally the most popular too.
We have : Madonna wins in ticket concerts sales,albums sales and singles sales,fortune,popularity,etc she’s above the others
Mariah surpass Celine in record sales,Celine surpass Mariah in Tickets sales.So ,the both are ‘approximatelly’ in the same level.
Madonna is the ultimate diva on success Celine and Mariah are in the same level .About talent ,as you said,it’s a matter of opinion ,but the majority always agree that Mariah is the most talentuous. But what is really important is that We love them all,for their different styles and their music.They are the 3 greatest female artist on the earth ! Long live to the queens of music !
No, Guinness named Madonna the top selling female artist with 200 million ALBUMS sold.
Add her single sales, you’ll get over 300 million records !
@ Mandy
Quick Question :
How Can Glitter And Charmbracelet sell more than
Taking Chances ? ? ?
They were certified only in a few markets (5 the most)
with mainly gold certifications.Only Platinum In Us !!
On The Other Hand Taking Chances was certified Platinum
In Us , Europe , Australia , 2 Platinum In South Africa
And China , 4 Times Platinum In Canada…
Plus You Forgot to add to your Unfair sales the sales of
Celine’s album ”All The Way” that sold at least 16m
copies in the 00’s and that’s why it was included in the
top selling albums of the 00’s worldwide,according to
Finally According to IFPI ”One Heart” was the 10th
best selling album in the world for 2003 !! How Come it
only sold 5m copies ? Especially when according to you
Mariahs ”Glitter” , ”Greatest Hits” and
”Charmbracelet” sold almost the same , YET the appear
In NO LIST of best selling albums.
Celine suprassed by far Mariah in total Album sales.
Do not also forget ticket sales and DVD Sales !!
Celine wrote history with her 2007 Dvd ”A New Day…”
Even Mariah’ s lablel , ISLAND DEF JAM , Announced sales
of 200 million Albums & Singles & Dvds…!!
Only Female Artists that Managed to suprass the 200m mark
In Album sales is Madonna , Celine and Nana Mousxouri !
End Of Story.
@ Celine’s Fans.Glitter and Charmbracelet sold much more than Taking Chances.Certifications and Europe are not significant besides certifications come from US.Some Europeeans Certifications mean 5.000 or 10.000 or 20.000 rarely 50.000.So This is the number of sales which is important.In US Platinum Certification mean 1 million sales.Celine got most of her Platinum Certifications from little countries of Europe like Monaco,Luxembourg,etc… Even in Canada,Platinum Certification mean just 100.000 sales.Whereas Mariah got most of her Platinum Certifications from U.S and Japan.Celine NEVER surpass Madonna and Mariah and albums sales. All that you said is untrue.Sorry.Celine is too far to be as successful as Mariah and Madonna.
Moreover,One Heart,Miracle, and Taking Chance are Flop albums Like Mariah’s E=MC2,Memoirs… and Glitter.Mariah is not the only one artist who got flop albums in 2000 decade.
@ Mandy
Glitter and Charmbracelet Were Platinum In Us (Over 1m copies) and Gold in a few other markets.
Celine’s Taking Chances went Platinum In Us (Over 1m copies) , Platinum in Europe (Over 1m copies) , 4 Platinum In Canada (400.000) , Platinum In Australia (70.000), 2 Platinum In China (200.000) and Double Platinum In South Africa (120.000).
So After That Taking Chances sells 3.5 and Glitter 4 million ? and Charmbracelet 4.3 ? and greatest hits even more ? Why ? Because the went Platinum In Us ?
13 Million For TEOM ? No Comment Really ! :P
Sorry but Your list is unfair and biased.
IPFI Proved That One Heart was The 10th best selling album of 2003 and you come here to say it sold 5m copies!
How come Glitter and Charmbracelet appear in no list of ”best selling albums” since they sold almost like One Heart ?
Next Time You Want to Talk About Celine’s sales in this decade do not forget to add the massive 17m copies that were sold from her All The Way album (released in late 1999) making it one of the highest selling albums of 00’s according to Billboard worldwide.
Before calling albums like Miracle flop,please think about the budget that was put on the album & the promotion it got. Miracle was a cheap album full of cover songs and recycled songs (The Prayer , Je Lui Dirai , The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face , Brahms’ Lullaby) that was promoted only in a few TV shows,since Celine was busy doing sellouts in Vegas.No Cd single releases for this album,no Tour to support it,no Videos made.And all this BY CHOICE ! Her Label wanted The album to sell steadily.They didn’t care about huge album sales at this point.Still Miracle managed to be platinum in Us and gold in many other countries (3m copies at least worldwide),while becoming one the highest selling ”Kids” Albums EVER ! And then you come here to call it a flop !!
On the other hand Mariah’s albums that flopped had no promotional issues at all!!(expect for the fact she didn’t tour to promote them)!There were videos made , songs sent to mainstream radios,cd single releases & digital download…Mariah going to every show !! Still she had many flop albums ( Glitter / Chamrbacelet / E=MC2 / Memoirs) & flop compilations ( Playlist / Remixies / Ballads )
I Don’t Believe anyone would say Mariah sold more than Celine this decade !
Celine Suprassed Mariah In Album sales
- All The Way 18m
- The Collectors Series 3m
- A New Day Has Come 12m
- One Heart 7m (3.5m copies In Us and Europe Alone)
- Miracle 3m
- A New Day Live 2m ( Her actual Flop )
- 1 Fille et 4 types 2m
- On Ne Change Pas 2m (best selling french compilation album of 2005 worldwide)
- D’Elles 1m (best selling french album by a female artist worldwide)
- Taking Chances 4m
- My Love 2m (best selling compilation of 2008,despite it was released in late October 2008)
—> 57m Album sales at least.
- 5 Years doing sellout shows in Las Vegas (3m tickets sold)
- Taking Chances Tour (3m tickets sold)…2nd highest grossing tour ever behind Madonna.
Mariah is nowhere close.How come she is more successful yet people do not demand to see her live ?
- DVD Sales
A New Day…Live In Las Vegas -> One of the best selling DVDs in music history.end.
Taking Chances World Tour / Celine : TTEOTW
—> Debuting at the two top positions on Billboard.
—> Debuting at the three top position on Canadian charts.
Worldiwde sales : 1m DVDs in 2010 combined.
No Dvd achievements for Mariah.
Mariah had an enormous success with TEOM & We Belong Together (song of the decade) & the Grammy she got !
Celine had many worldwide distinctions such as the Diamond award, Legend Award , Legeon D’Honeur.
Celine was named ”artist of the new millenium”
Her label mentions sales of 200m since 1991,while Mariah’s label officially Talked in 2010 for sales of 200m albums & singles & DVDs !!!
Celine outsold in Album sales Mariah,even in Us this decade ! Billboard revealed she was the 20th best selling artist there,2nd female,behind Britney !
Mariah was not even on the list.
Finally,Celine was named the highest earning musician of this decade.Mariah was noton this list either !
After all this,why is Mariah more successful ?
Only Artists to sell over 200m albums are Madonna (World Guinness Award) , Celine (Diamond / Legend) and Nana Mousxouri.
All the Other are Lies or ignorant points posted by Lambs that only know how to inflate Mariah’s sales. I Like Mariah,I know everything about her sales and I already posted my opinion about her before (post 81).
But she never suprassed Celine in albums / tickets / DVDs / stablity .
@Celine’s fans.this is you who increase celine’s sales.In accordance with your your datas sales about Celine and Mariah.It would be Celine the best selling artist of 1990.In 2000 decade,Celine got just one successful album;A New Day Has Come as Mariah got only The Emancipation Of Mimi.All their respective releases on that decade are flops.So,stop saying that Mariah is ONLY the flopped artist of 2000’s.Mariah wins for 1990’s.Mariah sold 4 times celine’s singles worldwide.How Celine could ever sold much albums than Carey? What can you bring to prove nana Mouskouri sold 200 million albums?Mariah is ahead all of them:Madonna,celine,Nana,etc.. just follow Mariah.mariah is the QUEEN !Please tell me When Celine had catch up with Mariah on albums sales.,then surpass her??? How many albums both had sell respectively worldwide in 2003 when Mariah won the Chopard? How many both had sell worldwide respectively when Celine pick the chopard from Mariah in 2004? how many albums both had sell respectively worldwide in 2006 after the huge success worldwide of Mariah’s The Emancipation Of Mimi???
All that Celine got over Mariah are success on touring,nothing else.Mariah sold most albums than celine.Celine is not the only artist who sold albums in the countries you cite.Besides,Celine’s albums are promoted only by her concerts,no song Hits in her albums.Mariah’s songs are much popular worldwide than celine’s.That’s why her albums sold better than celine’s.Mariah got two times Celine’s number 1 songs Hits worldwide.Well,A New Day…is so far to be as successful as TEOM worldwide.Everyone knows that.Can you cite to me 2 songs which are popular in a big market country in the world? A New Day…hadn’t even the best selling album of 2002.TEOM was the best selling album of 2005-2006.Platinum certifications are not significant when they come from micro market countries like: Monaco,luxembourg,Liechteinsten,Malte,Greece,etc…
Mariah is a better artist than Celine and Madonna,we must recognize it.Besides,this forum talk about Mariah and Madonna.So don’t introduce Celine here ok?
This could be a very interesting list:
Total Madonna album sales
America : 89 150 000
-USA: 68 780 000
-Canada: 8 190 000
-Latin america: 12 180 000
EUROPE : 78 050 000
-UK: 23 400 000
-Germany: 10 740 000
-France: 11 090 000
-Spain: 3 750 000
-Italy: 8 695 000
-Netherlands: 2 605 000
-Rest Europe: 18 230 000
Total Single Sales
USA: 50 440 000 (including over 38 millions in physical and approximately. 12 millions digital)
Europe : +52 000 000 (47 739 500) (45 millions in physical)
Classification of the biggest sales of albums by a female artist in Europe:
1 - Madonna - 78,050,000
2 - Celine Dion - 52,000,000
3 - Whitney Houston - 32,000,000
4 - Tina Turner - 28,000,000
5 - Mariah Carey - 28,000,000
6 - Sade - 24,400,000
7 - Barbra Streisand - 24,000,000
Classification of the biggest sales of albums in USA:
1 - Brabra Streisand: 82 500 000
2 - Madonna : 68 780 000
3 - Mariah Carey : 64 500 000
4 - Céline Dion : 60 000 000
5 - Witney Houston : 54 000 000
Best selling female artist of albums in Latin America: Madonna
Best selling female artist of albums in Oceania : Madonna
Best selling female artist of albums in South Africa : Madonna
Best selling female artist of singles in USA :Madonna
Best selling female artist of singles in Europe :Madonna
Best selling female artist of singles in Oceania :Madonna
Best selling female artist of singles in Latin America :Madonna
Best selling female artist of albums in Asia: Mariah Carey
Best selling female artist of records (albums + singles) in USA:
1- Madonna
2- Barbra Streisand
3- Mariah Carey
Best selling female artist of total record sales (albums + singles) in Europe: Madonna
Best selling female artist of total record sales (albums + singles) in Latin America: Madonna
Best selling female artist of total record sales (albums + singles) in Oceania: Madonna.
Classification of the biggest album sales by female artists in the world:
1 -Madonna : 195 000 000 - 210 000 000
2 -Céline Dion : 170 000 000
3 -Mariah Carey : 150 000 000 - 170 000 000
4 -Barbra Streisand : 140 000 000
5 -Whitney Houston : 140 000 000
Classification of the biggest sales of singles in the world:
1 - Madonna
2 - Whitney Houston: 55 000 000
2 - Celine Dion: 50 000 000
2 - Mariah Carey: 50 - 60 000 000
4 - Britney Spears: 50 000 000
5 - Janet Jackson : 42 000 000
6 - Cher: 40 000 000
followed by Diana Ross (+ Supremes, she would be #2)
Patti Page, Olivia New Ton John, they sold many records, I don’t know exactly
Classification of the biggest record sales in the world:
1) Madonna: 315 million - 330 million
2) Celine Dion: 200+ million
3) Mariah Carey: 200+ million
4) Whitney Houston: 160 million - 170 million
5) Barbara Streisand: 160 million
6) Janet Jackson: 125 million+
7) Britney Spears: 115 - 120 million and Diana Ross (solo & the Supremes): 115 million - 120 million
8) Cher: 110 million - 115 million
9) Enya: 95 - 100 million
10) Tina Turner: 80-100 million
10) Shania Twain: 85 - 90 million
@ To Post 92
Thank God Someone posts the truth here !
Final Comment To All Mariah’s Liars. (Taken From Celine Vs Mariah Popdirt Debate)
1.According to World Music Awards In 2004,the Diamond Award was given to Celine For Becoming “The Biggest Selling Female Artist Of All Time”
Proof : -> (”…This evening she is being recognized with the Diamond Award For Her Unique Achievement as the World’S Best Selling Female Artist Of all time”)
Note : The Diamond Award was created to honour those incredibly successful recording artists who sold over 100 million albums during their musical career.
2.Celine Got Legend Award For Her GLOBAL CONTRIBUTION TO MUSIC In 2007
Proof 1 :
Proof 2 :
”I Have the distinc HONOR….& Incomparable & Force Of Nature” said Prince Albert !
So The World Music Awards Honoured Celine Twice For Her Global Sales and Contribution.
3.Media Know Celine Dion Is The Best Selling Female Artist ->
Proof 1 :
Proof 2 :
Proof 3 :
And Recent Videos
Proof 4 :
Proof 5 :
Sales are Numbers ! Numbers Are Facts ! People In Media talk about Numbers !
4.Media Never Gave The Title To Mariah.
A. -> Hellen Talks about 175m Albums
B. -> The X Factor Video about Mariah mentions 200m RECORDS…Not 200m ALBUMS.
D. -> David Letterman in 2009 talked about 160 million Albums.
5.IFPI Represents the Recording Industry WORLDWIDE with some 1,400 Members In 66 countries and Affiliated Industry Associations In 45 Countries…!
A. -> A New Day Has Come The 5th Best Selling ! (12m copies)
B. -> One Heart 10th Best Selling Album of 2003. (8m Copies)
In March 2003,Celine Dion Received A Special IFPI Award to Commemorate Ten Million Copies Sold of Let’s Talk About Love in Europe,as well as a second IFPI Award in Honor of 50 million albums sold in Europe.
6.Celine outsold in album sales In Us all other female artists this decade,exept for Britney Spears.
7.Pollstar is a provider of concert tour information. It collects and organizes information on concert ticket sales and artist tour schedules…!
Pollstar announced that Celine Dion was the best-selling solo touring act of the decade.
Proof :
09.Celine recieves Legeon D’Honeur because :
A.She Has Sold The Most French Records Worldwide than Any Other Artist !
B.Chart success in Non-French Speaking Countries with French Songs – Albums !
C.Only Celine managed to sing French in Every corner of this planet.Not Only In Tours.
D.Celine Owns The 2 Highest Selling Non-English Albums In Music History (D’eux & S’Il Suffisait D’Aimer)
Proof 1 :
Proof 2 :
10.Celine’s songs have won 10 Grammy Awards.5 Of them went to Celine.The Other 5 went to composers.
& 4 Academy Award Nominations (Beauty And The Beast (WON) / Because You Loved Me/ The Prayer / My Heart Will Go On (WON) )
Of course Composers won the Academy Awards !
(Although Critics usually dislike her English works)
Proof 1 :
Proof 2 :
Proof 3 :
11.Celine’s DVD ”A New Day” Sold Over 3m copies Worldwide,becoming one of the best selling Dvds In Music History (Cine Tele Revue Magazine)
Huge sales mainly In Us and Canada (3 DIAMOND)
Proof 1 :
Proof 2 :
Proof 3 :
Proof 4 :
Proof 5 :
Her Latest Dvds debuted at number 1 and number 2 at Billboard Dvd Chart,While The Movie Dvd was certified 2 DIAMOND In Canada
Proof :
12.According to Sony Music BMG,Celine Dion has sold over 200 million albums worldwide.(Oficial Announcement In 2007)
Source: Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) &
13.According to ISLAND DEF JAM Mariah has sold 200 million Albums & Singles & Dvds worldwide ! (Official Announcement In 2010)
Even her LABEL disagrees with your LIES !!!
Proof :
14.A Few Magazines That Confirm Celine Is The Number 1 Selling Female Artist (Released After 2007)
15.Forbes Magazine Announced In 2009 Celine was the highest earning musician of the 00’s ! (Albums & Tours)
17.Guiness Book Of Records Gave The Title To Madonna For Her Record Sales Of 300m ! & She owns the highest grossing tour ever !
End of story.
Mariah is the undeniable best selling recording female artist in history.End of Story !
Madonna and Celine are the undeniable best selling recording female artists in history.End of Story.
No,Mariah and Madonna and Celine are the 3 best selling female artists of all times.Why do say just Madonna and Celine ? Mariah even sold more records than Celine.Celine sold as much albums as Mariah approximatelly ( maybe with a slight advantage of 5-10 million albums sold over Mariah ),but Mariah sold much more singles than Celine ( more than 30-40 million singles sold over Celine ).
Madonna =200 million albums & 80-100 million singles sold
Mariah = 190 million albums & 70-80 million singles sold
Celine =190-200 million albums & 40-50 million singles sold
That’s why we can say that Madonna,Mariah Carey and Celine Dion are the best selling female artists of all times.Long life to the Queens!!!!
In my opinion the name of this debate has to be changed in
“The second top selling female artist - Celine Dion vs. Mariah Carey”
Who has the same opinion ?
No,Madonna and Celine and then Mariah are the 3 best selling female artists of all times.Mariah even LESS records than Celine.Celine sold 200m Albums and 50m Singles (12m From My Heart Will Go On) since 1990 and Mariah approximatelly 170m Albums and 60m singles (Her singles are big In Us - she sold like 25m singles in Us which is her major market.)…
Celine Dion = 52m In Us (RIAA) / 56m In Europe (IFPI)
Mariah Carey = 65m In Us (RIAA) / 23m In Europe (IFPI)
Mariah sold more In Japan (and Asia) , Celine sold more In Canada and Africa and slightly more in Australia.
Madonna =200 million albums & 100 million singles sold
Celine = 200 million albums & 50 million singles sold
Mariah = 170 million albums & 60 million singles sold
& Madonna = Tours & Tickets & Dvds
& Celine = Tours & Tickets & Dvds
& Mariah = No Tours , No Big Dvds Sales
& 50m soundtracks sold ( Titanic / Back To Titanic / Beauty And The Beast / Sleepless In Seatle Etc) that were Only promoted by Celine songs. (Celine doesn’t get credit for these of course)
That’s why we can say that Madonna (Guiness Book Of Records) ,Celine (Diamond Award 2004 / Legend Award 2007 / Legion D’Honneur 2008 ) and Then Mariah Carey ( Millennium Award in 1999 / Chopard In 2003 - older awards compared to Madonna’s and Celine’s that are recent. ) are the best selling female artists of all times.
No no you are totally wrong.Celine never sold 200 million albums,but 200 million records(albums +Singles).Mariah sold at least 190 million albums and 100 million Singles.Madonna never sold 50 million (Madonna got # 1 in most countries than Mariah but Mariah’s Singles sold better globally)Singles over Mariah,but 10 or 15 the most.Madonna’s sales are 200 million albums and 100 million Singles.Celine is far to sold as much records as Mariah.Don’t forget Mariah was the best selling artist at 1990’s. Mariah was ahead Celine on album till 2003 (Chopard Diamond Award)In 2004,Celine pick up this Award from Mariah but Mariah realize a smash album 2 years later TEOM and take her advantage over Celine.Moreover Mariah sold close to 3 times the amount of Celine’s Singles worldwide.So,Mariah sold obviously more records than Celine.Even Whitney and Britney sold much more Singles than Celine.In facts,Celine and Whitney are very close on records sold.No one knows who sold exactly more records among both.Celine sold more Albums than Whitney.But in the other hand,Whitney sold more Singles than Celine.About Mariah,she sold obviously much more records than Celine and Whitney.Mariah is very close to Madonna.Besides,everybody already knows that Celine got huge success over Mariah on DVD sales,tours and Tickets sales.As Mariah got huge success over Celine on # 1 Hits worldwide,Top 10 Hits worldwide and Singles sales.
Best Female Selling Recorder Artists.
3-Celine or Whitney ???
I think people really have to know that:
What do people think about Mariah Carey’s single sales ?
Madonna’s album sales: over 200 million -> ok
Celine Dion’s album sales: close to 200 million (190) -> ok
Mariah Carey’s album sales: 150-170 million -> ok
Madonna’s single sales: over 100 million -> ok
Celine Dion’s single sales: 40 - 50 million?
Mariah Carey’s single sales: 50-65 million! !
I can’t understand that there are people who state Mariah’s single sales either MORE than Madonna’s or close to 100 million or 90 million !!
Mariah’s single sales are very disputed and controversial.
But there is no doubt that Mariah’s single sales DON’T surpass the 70 million mark, rather they don’t surpass the 65 million mark.
If there’s anybody saying that Mariah’s single sales are surpassing the 70 million mark.
Give me a list of Mariah’s single sales of every song by her and THEN we can make a conclusion ..
@ Moff , I agree with you. Celine’s singles stand at 50m and Albums at almost 200m. Mariah sold like 160m or sth more and about 10m singles more than Celine.
She doesn’t tour,so Celine is the highest seller between them.
Madonna sold 200m albums and 100m singles since 1983.It is official.
I Don’t know where people find 200m albums and 100m singles for Mariah ! Big Lie. Plus Whitney is far Behind Madonna , Celine and Mariah. Probably behind Barbra as well.
Moff,you are the worse Mariah hater that I never met.You and Celine’s fans are totally wrong.You know very well that Mariah sold more albums and more singles than Madonna and Celine.I don’t know why you hate Mariah so much Moff,you and Celine’s fans.But,Whatever you say,Madonna and Celine will never worthy to be as talentuous and successful as Mariah Carey,as everything proves it so many times.You’ll burn in hell with your devilish slut Madonna because of your lies ! I HATE YOU HATERS !!
Dear Broken-T.
I can’t understand you. I know very well that Mariah has sold LESS albums than Madonna and Celine, but MORE singles than Celine.
You know that, too, Broken T.
You are one of the last few people who think these stupidties!
Understand it!
Madonna has sold MORE records than Mariah Carey, you know it!
EVERYTHING PROVES IT - Look it up, you are silly,
Broken T !
Show me your proves! WE ARE NOT LYING!
@ Broken T Nobody hated on Mariah.You call Madonna slut and try to reduce the value of Celine and Madonna.You say we will burn in hell.So,after that,how come we are the haters here ? Let’s be reasonable please.
@ Moff Don’t expect any proof based on real certifications.If there was proof like that we would all know about it.
The most possible thing he’ll do is start inflating Mariah’s album and singles sales without giving any solid proof.The numbers 200m albums and 100m singles for Mariah are just crazy - out of this world - figures.
And of course if you ask the simple question ”then why Madonna is featured on Guinness Book Of Records and not Mariah?” you’re gonna get the old answer ”because Guinness Book Of Records is Irrelevant” ! Same thing they say about all Celine’s awards this decade,that officially confirm the fact that Celine sold more than Mariah.
Once Again
Madonna -> 200m Albums & 100m Singles (Guiness Book)
Celine -> 200m Albums & 50m Singles
Mariah -> 160 - 170m Albums & 60m Singles
Madonna and Celine are also the most successful female artists when it comes to touring by far.
So Simple.
I Am Done With This Debate.
Check this page on the web : “ Reference for sales and chart achievements for Mariah Carey – “ and you’ll see all the truth about Mariah Carey’s sales and achievements ( these infos includes Mariah’s sales and achievements till 2006 year only ).
Therefore,as Mariah’s global albums sales surpassed 170 million mark back to 2006,by now this amount pass logically to 180 million at least. About her singles,their global sales were 50 million ( physique sales only ) back to 2006 .Billboard claimed recently that Mariah sold over 31 million singles just in the USA ( 21 million by physique sales, 10 million by digital download sales) .She sold over 30 million singles in the reat of the world ( not including digital sales ).So currently ,Mariah’s total singles sales surpass easily 75 million marks worldwide.
Like we see,Mariah sold over 180 million albums and 75 million singles, so her total record sales ( albums & singles ) surpass 255 million worldwide.
@There os the truth:
You also could do this for Madonna and Celine Dion, beacause they also have a very huge amount of achievements, don’t impress how huge Mariah’s achievements are - don’t forget that Madonna has big achievements, too.
Do you know why Mariah got all these awards, especially the Chopard Diamond Award ?
-> Because Madonna refused it!
Actually Madonna had to get it, but she didn’t want that kind of award.
And like you said, if Mariah’s total sales (you said by 2003 she sold 150 million RECORDS) that means TOTAL sales for Carey, then Mariah’s total sales NOW will be surely over 200 million.
So it can’t be 300 million at all!
You lie Moff.I said in 2003 she sold more than 150 million of albums.Anyway,in 2003 she was ahead Celine and Madonna in accordance with all medias.You’re a big liar ! Madonna never refused the refused the Chopard Diamond Award,as she never nominated for this Award.Unlike Mariah,Madonna never got before this award the Title of Best Selling Female Artist.Unlike Madonna and Celine,Mariah doesn’t got suddenly this title.She won many other awards as the best selling artist of all times.Not just the Chopard Diamond award.1997 Guinness World Record award,1998 Legend Award,2000 Millennium Award,2003 Chopard Diamond Award.Madonna just doesn’t deserve the Chopard Diamond award,so don’t try to say that she didn’t want this kind of award.This award is much more relevant than the biased citations of Guinness that she got.Everyone discover that Guinness lied when it claimed since 2003 that Madonna’s albums sales reached 380 million,then Guinness said in this year 2010,that Madonna’s sales for 2011 reach 200 million.Moff,you just hate Mariah you’ll never recognize her supremacy sales over Madonna and Celine.
No .. “Beggie” ..
The post above mine has said that Mariah’s total sales reached 150 million by 2003 ..
And Mariah was never declared as the best selling female artist of all times by Guinness World Records ..
I’m not a liar, you are ! Because you don’t know the real facts about sales of Madonna, who’s sold more records in total than Mariah Carey!
no beggie those awards are so fake sales. Madonna has sold 75 million albums in Europe alone.
I Like Mariah , Madonna and Celine so much !
As far as I know Madonna is officially the woman with the largest amount of records sold,according to Guinness Book Of Records.This amount reaches 300 million that mainly come from 11 English Studio Albums and 6 Compilations.
Plus 3 Live Albums,3 Extended plays,3 soundtracks and 3 Remix albums helped her reach the 300m mark.
Madonna is also hugely successful at touring.She owns the highest grossing tour ever by a female artist.
I Mention the tours because (since the industry suffers from low album sales) touring is a good proof to show who is still relevant. & many money are made from tours.
Mariah Carey was officially the highest seller during the 90’s,as her awards prove.She rules in Us and Asia for sure ! She has 18 Number 1 hits in the biggest music market of this planet,she has a huge vocal range,melismatic style and an amazingly strong whistle register. Her album sales stand over 160m (definitely not 200m like some people say) and her single sales have suprassed the 70m mark. (These sales figures went confirmed officially by her current label - Island Def Jam - In 2010 , shortly before the release of her new xmas album , which is amazing !! )
These huge numbers come from only 18 English releases.
( 10 Studio Albums , 1 Remix album , 1 Live Album , 2 Xmas Albums , 1 Soundtrack , 3 Compilations)
Mariah is unfortunately far behind Madonna and Celine when it comes to touring.
Celine Dion has officially sold 200m Albums since 1990,as her world music awards and her label official announcement in 2007 prove. (I Hope I don’t see ridiculous comments saying her label lies or that she sold 200m records and not albums - the label doesn’t lie because IFPI and RIAA facts could easily prove them wrong…and as far as I know this hasn’t happened).So we have 200m albums…This amount comes from 14 English releases (8 Studio Albums , 3 Compilations , 1 Live , 1 Theme Album , 1 Xmas Album) and 9 French Releases ( 5 Studio Albums , 1 Compilation , 3 Live Albums)…
Her Singles sales stand at almost 50m worldwide.She has a few million selling singles in Us (Only Five) but much more In Europe.
She is also really successful when it comes to touring.
Celine outsells both Madonna and Mariah at Dvd sales. (For many this is irrelevant,but since album sales are really low and singles are just downloaded ,I think we should mind about everything related to their music.)
As someone said here,at least 60m copies of Soundtracks were sold worldwide that were only (Only) promoted by Celine songs (Beauty and The Beast,Because You Loved Me ,I Am Alive,My Heart Will Go On,The Prayer,When I Fall In Love,Tous Les Secrets,Ma Nouvelle France etc etc) but these sales aren’t credited to Celine,but to the composers / creators etc . (If her name was Whitney Houston she would probably get credit for them , lol )
All In All Madonna has sold 300m records , Celine 250m records and Mariah 230m records worldwide.
But my opinion (stick to the word ”opinion” and don’t ”hate” me please :P ) is that I feel more impressed
By Mariah’s and Celine’s sales because the came from less releases,in shorter period…and they are 10 years younger than Madonna.Plus they definitely outsold Madonna since their debuts and I think Madonna stands above them because she takes credit for her 80’s sales,when Mariah and Celine were worldwide uknown - not active. (Her albums released in 80’s have sold like 80 million copies).Plus,I believe Celine and Mariah are the best female voices out there…The best singers You speak the truth about the sales you post / You are 100 percent right and I agree with you.
I wish Happy and Relaxing Holidays to everyone. :)
Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year with lot of Music in your lives !! <3 <3 <3
@ Moff
You speak the truth about the sales you post / You are 100 percent right and I agree with you. People saying Mariah sold 200m albums don’t speak the truth.
Mariah sold much more singles than Celine Dion .
There is Mariahâ??s multi-platinum singles worldwide :
All I Want For Christmas Is You
We Belong Together
Without You
One Sweet Day
When You Believe
Vision Of Love
Iâ??ll Be there
Always Be my Baby
My All
Endless Love
Love Takes Time
I Know What You Want
Touch My body
Total of multi-platinum singles : 20
Mariahâ??s singles reaching at least 1 million sales worldwide :
Itâ??s Like That
Someday ( Platinum in US alone )
Anytime You need A Friend
Through The Rain
Total Platinum singles worldwide : 6
Mariahâ??s Gold singles worldwide :
I Donâ??t Wanna Cry
Make It Happen
Open Arms
The Roof
Against All Odds
Thank God I Found You
Bye Bye
I Want To Know What Love Is
Total : 9 gold singles worldwide
All this prove that Mariahâ??s total singles sold surpass 80 million mark worldwide
Celineâ??s multi-platinum singles worldwide
My Heart Will Go On
Because You Loved Me
All By Myself
The Power Of Love
Total of Celineâ??s multi-platinum singles worldwide : 4
Celineâ??s singles reaching 1 million sales worldwide :
Itâ??s All Coming Back To Me Now
I am Your Angel
To Love You More
Think Twice
Celineâ??s Gold singles worldwide :
Dâ??Amour Et Dâ??amitie
I Drove All Night
Thatâ??s The Way It Is
Iâ??m Alive
Total : 4 Gold singles worldwide
All other Celineâ??s singles sold lower than 500 000 marks worldwide.As we see,Mariah has obviously much more than 10 million singles sold over Celine !Mariah sold close to 3 times Celineâ??s total singles worldwide.Mariah got different singles certified Platinum in US ( 13 till 2006 ).Moreover,All I want For Christmas Is You,We Belong Together and One Sweet Day are certified each,3 times Platinum in USA alone.Hero,Without You,Vision Of Love are certified 2 times Platinum in USA alone. Without even including Mariahâ??s gold singles in USA,Mariah already got more than 25 million singles sold in USA alone ( with platinum certified singles only ) whereas Celine just have â?¦ 3 million singles sold in USA ( by platinum certified singles only ).How Mariah would have just 10 million singles sold over Celine ? Celine got only 3 singles certified Platinum each in USA.Besides,Mariah sold more singles than Celine in the rest of the world.So,Mariah sold more than 50 million singles worldwide over Celine..
About Madonna.She is neck and neck with Mariah on singles sales worldwide. although Madonna started her career 7 years before Mariah,she got her first Platinum single in USA only since 1990 with Vogue,while Mariah got Vision Of Love (2 times platinum in USA alone) and Someday which reached Platinum sales the same year.USA is a highest buyer of single than all other countries combined .Thatâ??s why successful singles in USA usually sold more than successful singles in all other countries combined.Non-USA countries are more interested in album than in singles. Besides,Madonnaâ??s 5 best selling singles sold lower than Mariahâ??s.So,Madonna doesnâ??t sold so much singles over m Mariah worldwide
.Her total singles sales surpass Mariah’s by 10-15 million ,not more ( because she release much more singles ) !
madonna has sold about 110 million singles. she has 15 number one singles in Europe and 12 in usa, she also has 38 top ten hits in USA and 61 in uk. 195 million for albums and 110m for singles. she has sold 8 million dvd/vhs. over 310 million records sold.
you are absolutely right!
You are wrong,Madonna doesn’t 110 million singles,but 90 million ones.Mariah sold approximately 100 million singles worldwide.
Moff :You’ll always agree with anyone inflating Madonna’s sales.So,don’t pretend to be most objective than others debaturs in this debate.Mariah sold most singles than Madonna worldwide.End of story.
You insult lambs when you said that Mariah’s records sales are 150 million albums and 50- 60 million singles .I am not a liar like you said ,and neither you don’t know the real facts about Mariah’s sales .You pretend that you’re objective,but you just support everyone/everything who favor Madonna,whereas you refute every facts who favor Mariah Carey. No ,the post before meant 150 million albums worldwide when Mariah won the Millennium Award by 2000 year,while Madonna’s total albums sales was about 120- 130 million at these times.Mariah’s total albums sales reached 170 million by 2003 when Mariah won the Chopard Diamond Award.That’s why the year after (2004),Celine’s albums sales surpassed Mariah’s with 175 million sales worldwide.Then Celine pick up the Chopard Diamond Award from Mariah.But the sales of TEOM ( from 2005 ) has added to Mariah’s total album sales ,so that her new total album sold stand at 182 million. Moreover ,when the worldwide sales of Mariah’s 2008,2009 and 2010 releases are added to this amount,Mariah’s current total albums sold stand at 185-190 million . No matter if Mariah was never declared the best selling female artist of all times by Guinness World Records, as every major and specialized musical medias and sales-devoted channels/organizations worldwide always did .In the other hand , only Guinness claimed Madonna the best selling female ,no other institution did .Guiness isn’t a specialized organization in these questions ,that’s why it make that huge mistake ( more than 100 million too much ) about it initial claim of Madonna’s total album sales.Besides,Mariah had feature the 1996- 1997 Guinness Book Of Record for being the best selling female artist of the 1990’s .
moff 100 million where lol. Madonna has almost 20 number ones in united world chart.
2..Burning Up…………………1983……205.000
5..Lucky Star…………………1984……675.000
6..Like A Virgin………………1984….2.225.000
7..Material Girl………………1985……960.000
8..Crazy For You………………1985….1.445.000
9..Into The Groove…………….1985……220.000
11.Dress You Up……………….1985……535.000
12.Live To Tell……………….1986……735.000
13.Papa Don’t Preach…………..1986……895.000
14.True Blue………………….1986……650.000
15.Open Your Heart…………….1986……605.000
16.La Isla Bonita……………..1987……645.000
17.Who’s That Girl…………….1987……530.000
18.Causing A Commotion…………1987……450.000
20.Like A Prayer………………1989….1.950.000
21.Express Yourself……………1989……760.000
23.Oh Father………………….1989……285.000
24.Keep It Together……………1990……365.000
26.Hanky Panky………………..1990……320.000
27.Justify My Love…………….1990….1.780.000*
28.Rescue Me………………….1991……320.000
29.This Used To Be My Playground..1992….1.020.000
31.Deeper And Deeper…………..1992……355.000
32.Bad Girl…………………..1993……220.000
34.I’ll Remember………………1994……680.000
36.Take A Bow…………………1994……795.000
37.Bedtime Story………………1995……150.000
38.Human Nature……………….1995……270.000
39.You’ll See…………………1995……530.000
40.Love don’t live here anymore…1996……105.000
41.You Must Love Me……………1996……655.000
42.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina…..1997……355.000
44.Ray Of Light……………….1998….1.010.000*
45.Drowned World………………1998…….25.000
46.The Power Of Goodbye………..1998……445.000
47.Nothing Really Matters………1999……205.000
48.Beautiful Stranger………….1999……215.000
49.American Pie……………….2000…….95.000
51.Don’t Tell Me………………2000……620.000
52.What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001……250.000*
53.Die Another Day…………….2002……425.000
54.American Life………………2003……140.000
56.Me Against The Music………..2003……325.000
57.Nothing Fails………………2003…….50.000
58.Love Profusion……………..2004…….60.000
59.Hung Up……………………2005….1.295.000
61.Get Together……………….2006……155.000
63.4 Minutes………………….2008….2.860.000
64.Give It 2 Me……………….2008……360.000
65.Miles Away…………………2008…….60.000
*= includes VHS/DVD sales
Album Tracks:
1..Physical Attraction…………1983…….25.000
2..Santa Baby…………………1987……200.000
3..Candy Shop…………………2008…….40.000
4..Beat Goes On……………….2008…….65.000
5..It’s So Cool……………….2009…….10.000
+400.000 copies for other tracks**
total 41 million in USA for Madonna. and she has sold 18 million singles in uk 10 million for Germany and france. 5 million in italy, 4 in Australia that’s already 88 million so easily over 100 million with other countries. Madonna has sold more singles because she has more worldwide number ones. more number ones in Europe 15 and rest of the world than Mariah. USA 12 but 38 top 10, uk 13, Canada 20, Australia 11, Spain 21, Italy 22, Mariah hasn’t sold more singles.
oops sorry moff that previous post was for that crazy Mariah fan who acclaimed that Mariah has sold 100 million singles. here is Madonnas worldwide single sales
1..Like A Virgin………………1984…..5.220.000
2..Like A Prayer………………1989…..5.115.000
4..4 Minutes………………….2008…..4.815.000
5..Hung Up……………………2005…..4.395.000
6..Papa Don’t Preach…………..1986…..3.770.000
7..La Isla Bonita……………..1987…..3.660.000
8..Into The Groove…………….1985…..3.410.000
9..Crazy For You………………1985…..3.230.000
12.Justify My Love…………….1990…..2.970.000
13.True Blue………………….1986…..2.805.000
14.Who’s That Girl…………….1987…..2.675.000
16.Live To Tell……………….1986…..2.275.000
17.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina…..1996…..2.260.000
18.Material Girl………………1985…..2.100.000
19.This Used To Be My Playground..1992…..2.095.000
21.Express Yourself……………1989…..1.825.000
22.Ray Of Light……………….1998…..1.800.000
23.American Pie……………….2000…..1.580.000
24.Beautiful Stranger………….1999…..1.530.000
27.Open Your Heart…………….1986…..1.440.000
28.Don’t Tell Me………………2000…..1.440.000
29.Take A Bow…………………1994…..1.435.000
30.You’ll See…………………1995…..1.430.000
31.Dress You Up……………….1985…..1.420.000
32.The Power Of Goodbye………..1998…..1.370.000
35.Causing A Commotion…………1987…..1.235.000
36.Die Another Day…………….2002…..1.230.000
37.Miles Away…………………2008…..1.135.000
38.I’ll Remember………………1994…..1.060.000
39.Lucky Star…………………1984…..1.010.000
40.Give It 2 Me……………….2008…..1.005.000
42.Hanky Panky………………..1990…….975.000
43.You Must Love Me……………1996…….965.000
45.Me Against The Music………..2003…….900.000
47.Rescue Me………………….1991…….855.000
48.Deeper And Deeper…………..1992…….840.000
50.Bad Girl…………………..1992…….585.000
51.Keep It Together……………1990…….580.000
52.What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001…….560.000
53.American Life………………2003…….550.000
54.Human Nature……………….1995…….545.000
55.Nothing Really Matters………1999…….500.000
56.Dear Jessie………………..1989…….465.000
57.Oh Father………………….1989…….460.000
58.The Look Of Love……………1987…….410.000
60.Bedtime Story………………1995…….365.000
61.Get Together……………….2006…….365.000
64.Drowned World………………1998…….275.000
65.Burnin Up………………….1983…….260.000
66.Love Profusion……………..2003…….245.000
67.Santa Baby…………………1987…….200.000
68.Love Don’t Live Here Anymore…1995…….170.000
69.Beat Goes On……………….2008…….185.000
70.Nothing Fails………………2003…….165.000
72.Candy Shop…………………2008…….150.000
74.Another Suitcase……………1997…….115.000
76.One More Chance…………….1995……..95.000
77.Oh Father………………….1995……..85.000
79.Bye Bye Baby……………….1993……..55.000
80.It’s So Cool……………….2009……..35.000
81.Physical Attraction…………1983……..25.000
82.Over And Over………………1985……..20.000
83.Love Don’t Live Here Anymore…1985……..15.000
TOT: 111.295.000
Mariah’s All I want for Christmas is sold over 11 millions,We belong together close to 9 million,Without you 7 million ,One sweet day 6 million,…They blow away Madonna’s best selling singles.Moreover,All datas that you gave are inflated as Madonna got just Hung Up in the list of the 100 best selling singles of all times.Mariah got 6 singles in that list.So,stop your lies ! Madonna’s singles doesn’t sold as much
You’re right in most of what you said,but there is some things in which you’re wrong.
Tours are not always a good proof to show whom artist is relevant on overall success .For example, Madonna is more successful than Mariah in Asia and in USA when it comes to touring .However Mariah is more successful than Madonna there by her record sales. About Mariah’s sales,you made a mistake Lucky Luke.Mariah sales are not just 160 million albums and 70 million singles worldwide..Don’t say that her labels Islands Def Jam claim it,because her former label Columbia had already claim that Mariah’s total album sold was 150 million by 2001 ( before the release of all Mariah’s 2000 albums).Besides,how can you said 160 million sales for Mariah’s albums in 2010 while you recognize that she was the best selling female artist of the 1990’s ? What that’s mean ? That’s mean that her global sales till 2000 year was ahead all other female artists,including Madonna and Celine Dion.What do you do with her 2000 albums sales? Did Celine and Madonna the only female artist who sold albums in 2000 decade?Let me remind you that Mariah Carey release and sold albums in 2000 decade too.So,how Celine’s and Madonna’s albums sold could ever surpass Mariah’s by 30,40 or 50 million? This is simply logical, Mariah’s true records sales is 185-190 million albums and more than 80 million singles
About soundtracks.There is a huge difference between the soundtracks in which Celine Dion sang and the ones in which Whitney Houston did.Unlike Whitney Houston,Celine just perform the theme of soundtrack only .She doesn’t take part in the making of the songs (Writing,Composing,producing,arranging)she just perform.Unlike Celine ,Whitney Houston got credit for the soundtracks in which she sang because the sales of her soundtrack are really promoted by Whitney in all means :
-Whitney take part in the making of the songs
-She promote the movie with the songs
-She’s always the main actress of the movie for which she sang
- She always sang at least 2 songs for the soundtrack .
About voice, It’s unfair to say that Celine’s voice is as beautiful as Mariah Carey’s.This is Whitney Houston’s voice which is very close to Mariah’s,not Celine’s.Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey have the better and the most beautiful voices of all times.Celine is ranked behind these women.Celine is close to Mariah and Whitney’s voices only by power and volume.The 2 others beat Celine on vocal beauty and quality .Even if you prefer Celine,you must recognize that.In a Canadian TV show which usually compares 2 great artists, there was the greatest match ever : the organizers ( including musical experts and musicians ) had face Mariah Carey to…Whitney Houston ( on voice,talent,etc…)! The audience ( Canadians obviously ) called this episode Match of the Century !Everyone know that Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston are vocally the bests.
there you go. where is your Mariah lol. not even in the top 10. Maria has only 1 number one on Europe hot 100 so how the hell she has sold more singles. Madonna has sold more singles in usa. and give me the real sales for Mariah.
La Isla Bonita
Chart Run: 10 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 9
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1987 YEC: #3
Total Points: 7,158,000
Who’s That Girl
Chart Run: 6 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 9
Weeks At #1: 3
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 14
Weeks On Chart: 14
1987 YEC: #4
Total Points: 6,800,000
Causing A Commotion
Chart Run: 5 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 8
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 2
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 7
Weeks On Chart: 7
Like A Prayer
Chart Run: 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 10
Weeks At #1: 13
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 15
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1989 YEC: #1
Total Points: 9,520,000
Express Yourself
Chart Run: 6 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 6
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 10
Weeks In Top 10: 12
Weeks On Chart: 12
1989 YEC: #9
Chart Run: 10 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 6 - 8
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 9
Weeks On Chart: 9
1989 YEC: #17
Chart Run: 4 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 6 - 9
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
Total Points: 8,575,000
Hanky Panky
Chart Run: 6 - 4 - 6 - 7
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 1
Weeks In Top 10: 4
Weeks On Chart: 4
Justify My Love (Still Charting)
Chart Run: 6 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 -
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 6
Weeks In Top 5: 7
Weeks In Top 10: 8
Weeks On Chart: 8
Deeper And Deeper
Chart Run: 9 - 9 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 8
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 7
Weeks In Top 10: 10
Weeks On Chart: 10
Chart Run: 10
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 0
Weeks In Top 10: 1
Weeks On Chart: 1
I’ll Remember
Chart Run: 9 - 10 - 9 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 2 - 5 - 5 - 7 - 8
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 1
Weeks In Top 5: 7
Weeks In Top 10: 13
Weeks On Chart: 13
1994 YEC: #20
Chart Run: 10 - 7 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 7 - 10
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 2
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1994 YEC: #11
Take A Bow
Chart Run: 10 - 9 - 5 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 7 - 10
Weeks At #1: 6
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 13
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks On Chart: 18
1995 YEC: #7
You’ll See
Chart Run: 6 - 5 - 5 - 7 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 10
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 4
Weeks In Top 10: 10
Weeks On Chart: 10
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina
Chart Run: 6 - 6 - 6 - 4 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 7 - 8
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 5
Weeks In Top 10: 13
Weeks On Chart: 13
1997 YEC: #11
Chart Run: 8 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 9
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 12
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1998 YEC: #5
Total Points: 6,343,000
Ray Of Light
Chart Run: 10 - 9 - 7 - 6 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 5 - 8 - 10
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 5
Weeks In Top 10: 11
Weeks On Chart: 11
1998 YEC: #17
The Power Of Goodbye
Chart Run: 10 - 8 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 6 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 10 - 10 - 16 - 22 - 28
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 1
Weeks In Top 5: 5
Weeks In Top 10: 13
Weeks On Chart: 16
1999 YEC: #30
Nothing Really Matters
Chart Run: 11 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 8 - 6 - 7 - 13 - 14 - 18 - 31
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 0
Weeks In Top 10: 8
Weeks On Chart: 14
Beautiful Stranger
Chart Run: 22 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 10 - 14 - 17 - 23 - 29 - 39
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 15
Weeks On Chart: 21
1999 YEC: #13
Total Points: 4,573,000
American Pie
Chart Run: 17 - 10 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 8 - 10 - 10 - 13 - 20 - 28 - 29 - 36
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 22
2000 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,746,000
Chart Run: 34 - 19 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 13 - 12 - 16 - 21 - 22 - 31 - 34
Weeks At #1: 12
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 25
2000 YEC: #1
Total Points: 7,414,000
Don’t Tell Me
Chart Run: 9 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 5 - 5 - 6 - 12 - 12 - 18 - 23 - 29
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
2001 YEC: #5
Total Points: 4,994,000
What It Feels Like For A Girl
Chart Run: 35 - 26 - 9 - 6 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 11 - 13 - 23 - 35 - 40
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 9
Weeks On Chart: 16
2001 YEC: #38
Total Points: 2,752,000
Die Another Day
Chart Run: 25 - 11 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 16 - 22 - 34
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 5
Weeks In Top 5: 13
Weeks In Top 10: 14
Weeks On Chart: 20
2002 YEC: #17
2003 YEC: #18
Total Points: 4,696,000
American Life
Chart Run: 34 - 14 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 11 - 19 - 26
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 9
Weeks In Top 10: 10
Weeks On Chart: 15
2003 YEC: #22
Total Points: 2,887,000
Chart Run: 38 - 18 - 12 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 8 - 10 - 15 - 19 - 26 - 31
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 8
Weeks In Top 10: 10
Weeks On Chart: 17
2003 YEC: #24
Total Points: 2,796,000
Me Against The Music (Featured)
Chart Run: 25 - 13 - 8 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 24
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 13
Weeks On Chart: 18
2003 YEC: #27
2004 YEC: #33
Total Points: 3,680,000
Nothing Fails
Chart Run: 21 - 27 - 29 - 32 - 33 - 32 - 39
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 0
Weeks In Top 10: 0
Weeks On Chart: 7
Love Profusion
Chart Run: 35 - 31 - 35 - 34 - 34 - 24 - 27 - 33 - 36 - 36 - 39
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 0
Weeks In Top 10: 0
Weeks On Chart: 11
Hung Up
Chart Run: 23 - 13 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 9 - 15 - 15 - 20 - 23 - 28 - 35
Weeks At #1: 15
Weeks In Top 2: 16
Weeks In Top 5: 19
Weeks In Top 10: 20
Weeks On Chart: 28
2005 YEC: #8
2006 YEC: #8
Total Points: 8,698,000
Chart Run: 33 - 18 - 13 - 7 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 5 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 9 - 14 - 19 - 22 - 38
Points Run: 73,000 - 107,000 - 139,000 - 173,000 - 272,000 - 333,000 - 333,000 - 354,000 - 348,000 - 347,000 - 326,000 - 304,000 - 290,000 - 267,000 - 252,000 - 227,000 - 205,000 - 181,000 - 161,000 - 129,000 - 110,000 - 94,000 - 87,000 - 68,000
Weeks At #1: 7
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks With 400,000+: 0
Weeks With 300,000+: 7
Weeks With 200,000+: 13
Weeks With 100,000+: 20
Weeks On Chart: 24
2006 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,180,000
Get Together
Chart Run: 27 - 19 - 16 - 16 - 14 - 13 - 14 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 25 - 27 - 37
Points Run: 79,000 - 96,000 - 111,000 - 121,000 - 129,000 - 137,000 - 135,000 - 129,000 - 119,000 - 112,000 - 89,000 - 84,000 - 71,000
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 0
Weeks In Top 10: 0
Weeks With 400,000+: 0
Weeks With 300,000+: 0
Weeks With 200,000+: 0
Weeks With 100,000+: 8
Weeks On Chart: 13
Total Points: 1,412,000
Chart Run: 37 - 31 - 14 - 12 - 11 - 12 - 12 - 16 - 19 - 32 - 30 - 36 - 40
Points Run: 76,000 - 88,000 - 129,000 - 135,000 - 139,000 - 130,000 - 124,000 - 120,000 - 114,000 - 93,000 - 80,000 - 70,000 - 66,000
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 0
Weeks In Top 10: 0
Weeks With 400,000+: 0
Weeks With 300,000+: 0
Weeks With 200,000+: 0
Weeks With 100,000+: 7
Weeks On Chart: 13
Total Points: 1,364,000
4 Minutes
Chart Run: 36 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 10 - 11 - 14 - 13 - 18 - 20 - 24 - 27 - 33 - 35
Points Run: 75,000 - 267,000 - 334,000 - 388,000 - 463,000 - 490,000 - 487,000 - 482,000 - 486,000 - 449,000 - 430,000 - 401,000 - 360,000 - 315,000 - 289,000 - 259,000 - 229,000 - 199,000 - 174,000 - 163,000 - 151,000 - 138,000 - 124,000 - 113,000 - 103,000 - 89,000 - 84,000 - 81,000
Weeks At #1: 11
Weeks In Top 2: 14
Weeks In Top 5: 17
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks With 400,000+: 8
Weeks With 300,000+: 12
Weeks With 200,000+: 16
Weeks With 100,000+: 24
Weeks On Chart: 28
2008 YEC: #4
Total Points: 7,623,000
Give It 2 Me
Chart Run: 39 - OUT - 39 - 20 - 17 - 9 - 8 - 8 - 10 - 9 - 7 - 7 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 12 - 17 - 19 - 22 - 34 - 40
Points Run: 60,000 - OUT - 76,000 - 107,000 - 126,000 - 175,000 - 186,000 - 188,000 - 181,000 - 183,000 - 189,000 - 190,000 - 176,000 - 165,000 - 155,000 - 149,000 - 134,000 - 126,000 - 111,000 - 85,000 - 77,000
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 0
Weeks In Top 10: 8
Weeks With 400,000+: 0
Weeks With 300,000+: 0
Weeks With 200,000+: 0
Weeks With 100,000+: 16
Weeks On Chart: 20
2008 YEC: #34
Total Points: 2,839,000
i don’t see Mariah in that list.
1..The Immaculate Collection……1990….28.600.000
2..True Blue………………………..1986….23.500.000
3..Like A Virgin…………………….1984….21.600.000
4..Ray Of Light…………………….1998….15.350.000
5..Like A Prayer……………………1989….14.150.000
7..Something To Remember……..1995…..9.850.000
8..Madonna/My First Album……..1983…..9.600.000
9..Confessions On A Dancefloor….2005…..8.350.000
10.Bedtime Stories……………1994…..7.450.000
11.Iâ??m Breathless…………….1990…..7.100.000
15.You Can Dance……………..1987…..5.350.000
16.Whoâ??s That Girl………………1987…..5.200.000
17.American Life………………..2003…..3.800.000
18.Hard Candy…………………..2008…..3.650.000
19.Celebration…………. …….2009…..2.100.000
20.Remixed & Revisited………….2003…….550.000
total: 195.500.000
madonna also has 24 gold singles in USA that’s more than the beatles. Mariah has not sold 180 million albums. 64 million in USA and only 27 in europe. I know she is was huge in Japan but in asia she has sold about 30 million these make 130 million. there is still south America and Africa and australia, but she has sold 160 million albums
madonna in the other hand has sold 64 in usa. 75 in europe. 15 in asia that’s already 154 million for these areas. oh and don’t try to tell me that Mariah has sold more singles because she hasn’t. here is Mariahs best selling singles in usa. once again Madonna has 15 number ones in Europe and the reason why Mariah has 18 in USA is that she has huge radio airplay and in USA radio airplay is counted to the charts. for exampel hung up has scanned 1,3 million copies in USA acording to Soundscan that’s the same amount than Mariahs we belong to gether which was number 1 in usa. the rest of the world didn’t give sh** about that single. in the other hand hung up topped the charts in 45 countries.
One Sweet Day_________________ 2,333,994 _____ 2,333,994
Fantasy_______________________ 1,862,452 _____ 1,605,257 ________257,195
All I Want For Christmas Is You______1,794,000 ____________________ 1,794,000
Always Be My Baby______________ 1,612,035 _____ 1,253,955 ________358,080
My All ________________________ 1,595,210 _____ 1,499,595 _________95,615
Obsessed_____________________ 1,447,160________ 29,803 ______ 1,417,357
Hero _________________________ 1,417,669 _____ 1,144,044 ________273,625
Honey________________________ 1,373,840 _____ 1,277,415 _________96,425
Touch My Body_________________ 1,361,000 ____________________ 1,361,000
We Belong Together_____________ 1,253,000 ____________________ 1,253,000
Dreamlover____________________ 1,036,425 ______ 935,320 ________ 101,105
Heartbreaker___________________ 1,008,540 ______ 854,615 ________153,925
has Mariah a single that has topped the chart over 45 countries. no!
mariah also has 3 flops in a row and only 1 succesful album in 00s.
oh and one thing proves that your sales for Mariahs are wrong. we belong to gether 9 million lol. 1,3 million in USA and only 0,3 million in uk and was certified platinum in 3 countries. it only peaked at number 4 in Europe hot 100. maybe 3 million max at worldwide sales.
Dear Madonna HATERS!
Almost everything “shutup” says is right, people!
I didn’t insult any others who post incorrect facts about Mariah, neither Madonna. You are wrong at that point!
How can Madonnas album sales stand at 120-30 million by 2003 when Mariah got the Diamond Award, when Madonna’s album sales in the 00s stand at almost 40 million ?
Then Madonnas album sales would stand at 160-170 million and this is an untrue fact.
We all know that Madonnas album sales stand at around 200 million albums, there are proves enough!
Madonnas single sales are also surely around 100 million, like the posts above showed it clearly!
I don’t respect Madonnas inflated sales, for example when somebody posted that Madonnas album sales are 380 million… lol.. NO WAY!
Madonnas total RECORD sales are 300 - 320 million, realize it!
Mariah sales can’t be at 190, when she has sold a little more than 22 million albums in the 00s !
IF - LIKE U SAID - MARIAH’S SALES STOOD AT 170 million by 2003, then Mariah’s total album sales would stand at 190 million now (including the 20 million in that 00 decade) - No.
Mariah was honored with this Award because she has sold more than 175 million albums, singles and videos worldwide and was named the best-selling female pop artist of the millennium at the 2000 World Music Awards.
So - what does that mean ?
An Artist gets a Diamond Award for album sales over 100 million ( I don’t understand why Madonna, AC/DC, Elton John and so on haven’t got it by now… )
Mariah got it because her TOTAL record sales reached 175 million by 2003, while album sales stand at, like you said, almost 150 million at the end of 2000.
This is the most plausible explication.
thanks moff. here is Madonnas album and DVD sales.
1..The Immaculate Collection…..1990….28.600.000
2..True Blue…………………1986….23.500.000
3..Like A Virgin………. …..1984….21.600.000
4..Ray Of Light…………. ….1998….15.350.000
5..Like A Prayer……………..1989….14.150.000
7..Something To Remember…… ..1995…..9.850.000
8..Madonna/My First Album……..1983…..9.600.000
9..Confessions On A Dancefloor…2005…..8.350.000
10.Bedtime Stories……………1994…..7.450.000
11.I’m Breathless…………….1990…..7.100.000
12.Erotica…………. ………1992…..6.800.000
15.You Can Dance……………..1987…..5.350.000
16.Who’s That Girl……………1987…..5.200.000
17.American Life……………..2003…..3.800.000
18.Hard Candy……….. ……..2008…..3.650.000
20.Remixed & Revisited………..2003…….550.000
total: 195.500.000
here is her dvd/vhs sales:
1..The Immaculate Collection……1990…..1.300.000
2..The Confessions Tour………..2007…..1.200.000
3..I’m Going To Tell You A Secret.2006…….800.000
4..Ciao Italia………………..1987…….750.000
5..Drowned World Tour………….2001…….650.000
6..The Girlie Show Tour………..1993…….650.000
7..The Video Collection 93-99…..1999…….650.000
8..Truth Or Dare………………1991…….600.000
9..The Virgin Tour…………….1985…….500.000
11.Blond Ambition Tour…………1991…….400.000
12.Sticky and sweet tour……….2010…….400.000
total: 8.750.000
albums 195+ singles 111+ dvd/vhs 8,7 million. total: 314 million records sold.
there is no doubt that Madonna is the best selling female artist.
@ POST 121
- You are right on the ”soundtrack” topic.
- The whole voice thing is just your opinion.Besides,I never did any comparison between Mariah,Celine and Whitney saying who is better,so I really don’t get your comment on this.
- We are in the decade where music is downloaded ! Album sales level is really low. So yes ! since a ticket costs over 100 dollars while downloading albums and singles is CHEAP touring shows a lot about who is STILL relevant and nobody can change my mind on this!
Madonna and Celine always sell out arenas and the ticket prices are really high. The fact that Celine outsold every single stadium in Japan doesn’t make her the highest seller there,because Mariah sold more there ! I didn’t even imply sth like this.
Mariah was ahead DURING the 90’s ! If you add Mariah’s and Celine’s sales now from 90’s you see they are equal.
Mariah ruled from 1990-1995 and Celine from 1996 - 2000 (counting the all the way sales)
But Celine sold much more albums than Mariah this decade.Plus she kicked asses in touring.
And that’s why she is officially the highest earner of this decade while Mariah doesn’t even appear on this list.
This is why she took every award there is ! Not only in 2004,but in more RECENT years ! (Legend Award , Entertainer of new millenium , Legion D’Honeur etc)
Why doesn’t the industry award Mariah if she is the best seller ? Last time Mariah was awarded for a worldwide distinction it was in 2003 !
Mariah has much more commercial flops that Celine and Madonna.
Celine’s low sellers is Unison (she was not ”Celine Dion” back then) , Miracle , A New Day…Live
Madonna’s is Erotica , American Life , I’m Gonna Tell You A Secret
Mariah low sellers is Glitter , Charmbracelet , Ballads , E=MC2 , The Remixies , Playlist, Memoirs of an imperfect angel , Her new Xmas album (sold only 360k in Us - not even gold) …!( 5 of these are studio albums !! )
Plus Mariah doesn’t sell DVDs ! So…How come she outsels Celine and Madonna in total sales when she doesn’t sell DVDs and doesn’t tour ? ? ? are her album and single sales THAT Strong ? ? ? Pleeeeease ! Madonna and Celine are strong record sellers as well as everyone knows !
Madonna sold over 300m records and even stones know this.
Celine sold over 250m records worldwide and only haters don’t accept this.
Mariah sold over 230m records ! (Definitely NOT 180m Albums - Jesus !! )
Sth more I’d like to add :
Celine’s single sales :
- At Least 1m
1.Beauty And The Beast (500k In Us Alone)
02.Sous Le Vent (750k In France)
03.Thats The Way It Is
04.A New Day Has Come
05.I Am Alive
06.Immortality (500k In Germany Alone)
-At Least 2m
01.The Power Of Love (Over 1m In Us)
02.Think Twice (Over 1m In Uk)
03.Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore (Over 1m In France)
04.To Love You More (Over 1m In Japan)
05.I Am Your Angel (Over 1m In Us)
06.All By Myself
- 3-4m Copies
01.Because You Loved Me
02.It Is All Coming Back To Me Now
(Both Platinum In Us and Top 10 Hits Everywhere)
- Over 10m
01.My Heart Will Go On (12m Worldwide / 7m In Europe alone - best selling single WORLDWIDE of 1998)
-> If you add this,you get 35m singles from her greatest hits. Add the aaaall the other singles since 1990 & digital downloads to see that Celine sold over 50m singles worldwide since her debut.
I am not writing this to say Celine sold more singles.Of course NOT ! She is behind Madonna and Mariah in this!
I posted these facts to answer to a liar that tried to reduce Celine’s single sales.
@ Lucky Luke
You are right in 100% you said!
I totally agree with you.
The best selling female artist is Madonna, followed by Celine Dion and Mariah Carey.
Although I think Celine hasn’t sold 200 million albums yet, she has sold definitely more albums than Mariah, whereas Mariah has sold more singles than Celine.
Madonna tops Celine & Mariah in both.
If there’s anyone who has calculated a list of all Mariah Carey’s singles with its sales, show it to us, please!
Estimations for Mariah Carey single sales: 55-65 million?
Estimations for Celine Dion single sales: around 50 million
Estimations for Madonnas single sales: over 100 million.
BTW I found out that there is a very good page with all Celine album and single figures! They sound very exactly!
I got astonished when I had seen these figures!
Thanx for the ”suport” ! I need it when I have to deal with people that just inflate sales without bringing any solid facts.
I know the page you posted !! It is quite accurate but it should be updated.
For example it says that D’Eux is 5 Platinum In Europe,while it has been certified 8 times platinum since 2007,I think ! Another example is that according to this page Let’s Talk About Love sold more than Falling Into You,while the truth is that Falling Into You sold a few more copies.But in general it is a pretty well-sourced page and..!
I Love that it mentions Celine’s contribution and sales in other projects.
Thanx Again !
Lambs are 100% right in everything they said.Mariah is ahead all other female singers in everything !
@ Mariah’s lambs
You are right in 100% you said!
I totally agree with you.
The best selling female artist is Mariah Carey, followed by Madonna and Celine Dion.
Although I think Madonna hasn’t sold 200 million albums yet, she has sold definitely more albums and Singles than Celine, whereas Celine has sold more DVD than Madonna.
Mariah Carey tops Madonna & Celine in both.
If there’s anyone who has calculated a list of all Madonna’s and Celine’s singles and albums with their sales, show them to us, please!
Estimations for Madonna’s single sales: 55-65 million?
Estimations for Celine Dion single sales: around 25 million
Estimations for Mariah Carey’s single sales: over 100 million.
mariah 4ever
umm no she’s not learn to read. we just have said that Madonna is best selling and then it’s Celine Dion. give your sales estimations for Mariah, well its no need for that. we all know that Mariah has only sold 150 million albums and 60-70 million singles. true queens Madonna and celine.
Not in success.
Madonna fans are 100% right in everything they said.Madonna is ahead of all other female artists in everything !
@ POST 133
I Think this is only posted here to upset us.But it just fails to do so,since real facts prove what we are saying.
Take Note to This :
European Sales For Mariah Based on IFPI Certifications
Platinum Albums (At Least 1m copies)
01.Mariah Carey 02.Emotions 03.Mtv Unplunged
04.Merry Xmas 05.Butterfly 06.Rainbow 07.TEOM
Double Platinum
01.Number 1s
Triple Platinum
7 Times Platinum
01.Music Box
Her other albums are all under the one million mark
(Glitter , Charmbracelet , Greatest Hits , E=MC2 ,
Ballads , E=MC2 , Memoirs of an imperfect angel , Playlist , Remixies , Merry Xmas to You)
RESULT : If you add her certifications you get a totlal
of 19m CERTIFIED Albums.
This doesn’t mean she sold exactly 19m albums in Europe,because could get a platinum certification for an album that sold like 1.7m copies !!
So if you think she is kinda undercertified…her total sales in Europe cannot possibly suprass the 30m mark !
(Actually the are around 25m copies)
So she sold 64m albums in Us and (let’s say) 30m albums in Europe…
You get a total of 94m album sales in Europe and Us !
So it is impossible for her to sell over 106m copies to the rest of the world.
So the statement ”Mariah sold over 200m albums” is an Epic Fail !!
Her Certifications In Canada ( Platinum = 100k)
11.TEOM 3P
12.E=MC2 1P
Her Other releases didn’t even reach gold.
Add these certifications to get a total of 3.9 Certified Albums For Mariah In Canada !
This means she sold like 5m copies there the most.
Her Australia Album sales are around 2.5m (Australia is a pretty small market so this figure is really big).
So her total sales in Us (64m) & Canada (5m) & Australia (2.5m) & Europe (30m) reach a total of 101.5m sales.
. . . . . . .
I Suggest to the lambs here to just cut the bullsh** —> ”Mariah sold over 200m albums”
How come ? did she sell 99m albums in Asia and N.America and Africa ? lol !
Africa and N.America are poor markets for her.
Mariah is amazing but inflating her sales like this leads nowhere.
lol at Mariah 4ever. you just can’t stand that Madonna and Celine have sold more records than Mariah. Madonna has more worldwide hits and it has been proven many times and Celine Dion has sold more albums than Mariah.
madonna in uk album sales
1..The Immaculate Collection……1990….4.150.000
2..True Blue………………….1986….2.100.000
3..Ray Of Light……………….1998….1.800.000
4..Like A Virgin………………1984….1.650.000
6..Confessions On A Dancefloor….2005….1.300.000
7..Like A Prayer………………1989….1.200.000
8..Something To Remember……….1995….1.000.000
9..My First Album……………..1985……850.000
10.GHV2 ……………………..2001……810.000
14.Bedtime Stories…………….1994……340.000
15.American Life………………2003……340.000
16.Hard Candy…………………2008……330.000
17.You Can Dance………………1987……300.000
18.I’m Breathless……………..1990……300.000
19.Who’s That Girl…………….1987……300.000
Total Sales: 20,050,000
then her uk single sales these are from 2008 music week.
1..Into The Groove…………….1985….843,561
2..Like A Virgin………………1984….768,129
4..Crazy For You………………1985….662,481
5..Papa Don’t Preach…………..1986….629,386
6..True Blue………………….1987….534,728
7..Hung Up……………………2005….525,000
8..Beautiful Stranger………….1999….513,992
9..Like A Prayer………………1989….513,231
12.4 Minutes………………….2008….480,000
13.La Isla Bonita……………..1987….421,760
15.Material Girl………………1985….389,999
16.American Pie……………….2000….380,937
17.Who’s That Girl…………….1987….376,498
18.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina…..1996….338,494
19.You’ll See…………………1995….302,432
21 Gambler……………………1985….292,341
22 Live To Tell……………….1986….271,897
23 Erotica……………………1992….270,800
24 This Used To Be My Playground..1992….270,427
25 Ray Of Light……………….1998….262,514
26 Dear Jessie………………..1989….250,769
27 Causing A Commotion…………1987….229,934
28 Justify My Love…………….1990….228,683
29 Hanky Panky………………..1990….205,733
30 Dress You Up……………….1985….204,970
31 Angel……………………..1985….198,650
32 Express Yourself……………1989….194,102
33 Cherish……………………1989….192,891
34 Open Your Heart…………….1986….186,742
35 Don’t Tell Me………………2000….179,939
36 Sorry……………………..2006….178,963
37 Power Of Goodbye/Little Star…1998….175,095
38 Die Another Day…………….2002….167,863
39 Give It 2 Me……………….2008….150,000
40 Deeper And Deeper…………..1992….136,854
41 Rescue Me………………….1991….134,764
42 Rain………………………1993….130,771
43 Nothing Really Matters………1999….128,137
44 Me Against The Music………..2003….126,136
45 The Look Of Love……………1987….121,439
46 Secret…………………….1994….117,957
47 Lucky Star…………………1984….117,470
48 Take A Bow…………………1994….102,739
49 I’ll Remember………………1994….100,090
50 Bedtime Story………………1995…..97,428
51 Drowned World/Subst For Love)..1998…..90,651
52 You Must Love Me……………1996…..90,428
53 What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001…..86,771
54 Fever……………………..1993…..86,077
55 Human Nature……………….1995…..80,685
56 Another Suitcase Another Hall..1997…..75,233
57 Bad Girl…………………..1993…..74,915
58 American Life………………2005…..72,260
59 Get Together……………….2006…..67,163
60 Hollywood………………….2003…..59,633
61 Oh Father………………….1996…..58,730
62 One More Chance…………….1996…..56,851
63 Jump………………………2006…..52,038
64 Love Profusion……………..2003…..41,025
65 Miles Away ………………..2008…..20,000
total sales: 17.150,000 celebration was released 2009
Madonnas total uk 37.190,000 records sold.
her USA album sales. according to riaa.
1..Madonna……………………1983….Platinum x5
2..Like A Virgin………………1984….Platinum x10/Diamond
3..True Blue………………….1986….Platinum x7
4..Who’s That Girl…………….1987….Platinum
5..You Can Dance………………1987….Platinum
6..Like A Prayer………………1989….Platinum x4
7..I’m Breathless……………..1990….Platinum x2
8..The Immaculate Colletion…….1990….Platinum x10/Diamond
9..Erotica……………………1992….Platinum x2
10.Bedtime Stories…………….1994….Platinum x3
11.Something To Remember……….1995….Platinum x3
12.Evita……………………..1996….Platinum x5
13.Ray Of Light……………….1998….Platinum x4
14.Music……………………..2000….Platinum x3
16.American Life………………2003….Platinum
17.Remixed & Revisited…………2003….
18.Confessions On A Dancefloor….2005….Platinum
19.Hard Candy…………………2008….Gold
Gold: 500.000
Platinum: 1.000.000
Diamond: 10.000.000
Gold: 19
Platinum: 17
Multi-Platinum: 12
Diamond: 2
total 64 million.
Singles (physical + digital)
2..Burning Up…………………1983……205.000
5..Lucky Star…………………1984……675.000
6..Like A Virgin………………1984….2.225.000
7..Material Girl………………1985……960.000
8..Crazy For You………………1985….1.445.000
9..Into The Groove…………….1985……220.000
11.Dress You Up……………….1985……535.000
12.Live To Tell……………….1986……735.000
13.Papa Don’t Preach…………..1986……895.000
14.True Blue………………….1986……650.000
15.Open Your Heart…………….1986……605.000
16.La Isla Bonita……………..1987……645.000
17.Who’s That Girl…………….1987……530.000
18.Causing A Commotion…………1987……450.000
20.Like A Prayer………………1989….1.950.000
21.Express Yourself……………1989……760.000
23.Oh Father………………….1989……285.000
24.Keep It Together……………1990……365.000
26.Hanky Panky………………..1990……320.000
27.Justify My Love…………….1990….1.780.000*
28.Rescue Me………………….1991……320.000
29.This Used To Be My Playground..1992….1.020.000
31.Deeper And Deeper…………..1992……355.000
32.Bad Girl…………………..1993……220.000
34.I’ll Remember………………1994……680.000
36.Take A Bow…………………1994……795.000
37.Bedtime Story………………1995……150.000
38.Human Nature……………….1995……270.000
39.You’ll See…………………1995……530.000
40.Love don’t live here anymore…1996……105.000
41.You Must Love Me……………1996……655.000
42.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina…..1997……355.000
44.Ray Of Light……………….1998….1.010.000*
45.Drowned World………………1998…….25.000
46.The Power Of Goodbye………..1998……445.000
47.Nothing Really Matters………1999……205.000
48.Beautiful Stranger………….1999……215.000
49.American Pie……………….2000…….95.000
51.Don’t Tell Me………………2000……620.000
52.What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001……250.000*
53.Die Another Day…………….2002……425.000
54.American Life………………2003……140.000
56.Me Against The Music………..2003……325.000
57.Nothing Fails………………2003…….50.000
58.Love Profusion……………..2004…….60.000
59.Hung Up……………………2005….1.295.000
61.Get Together……………….2006……155.000
63.4 Minutes………………….2008….2.860.000
64.Give It 2 Me……………….2008……360.000
65.Miles Away…………………2008…….60.000
*= includes VHS/DVD sales
Album Tracks:
1..Physical Attraction…………1983…….25.000
2..Santa Baby…………………1987……200.000
3..Candy Shop…………………2008…….40.000
4..Beat Goes On……………….2008…….65.000
5..It’s So Cool……………….2009…….10.000
+400.000 copies for other tracks**
TOT: 41.975.000
total USA record sales 105.954,000
@ Madonna 4ever ( post 136) :
Madonna is ahead of all other female artists in everything EXCEPT FOR MARIAH CAREY ! Mariah Carey is ahead Madonna in Talent,Voice,Sing Ability,Musical Influence ,Impact and Contribution on the Evolution of Music,Writing-Producing-Composing Skills,Musical Records & Achievements and lots things more !
About album sales and single sales,Mariah Carey is neck and neck with Madonna .
First of all,all the sales that the poster 123 had posted for Mariah’s singles sales are decreased ,even if they would concern USA only.So, they are biased .Mariah had 13 cerfified platinum singles in USA alone back to 2006( your list show only 12 platinum singles and …for the whole world !!!). When the sales of 2008’s Touch my Body and 2009’s Obssessed are added ,we have 15 certified platinum singles in USA for Mariah.Moreover,One Sweet Day ,We Belong Together,AIWFCIY,,surpass 3 million sales in USA, Vision Of Love,Hero,Fantasy surpass 2 million sales there.And all other singles sold much more than what this list claim.Where are Loverboy ( best-selling single of 2005 ),I’ll Be There,Emotions,Someday,etc…? Mariah had obviously much more singles that had reach 1 million mark and more worldwide !
Mariah’s global singles sales are around 90- 100 million marks .
@ Moff ( post 127 )
You lie in everything ! Madonna’s sales were 120-130 million in 2000 while Mariah’s were 150 million albums ! Everything proved it back to 2000-2001. Mariah’s total record sales at this time ( album + singles + DVD ) were 175 million .That’s mean that any other female artist ( including Madonna and Celine Dion ) had sold as much records ( albums+singles+DVD ).Therefore,Mariah’s total record sales surpassed Madonna’s and Celine’s at these times .The Millennium Award proved it.No other female artist in the last millennium ( from 1000 to 2000 year ) had sold more records than Mariah Carey .
Then ,in 2003,Mariah won the Chopard Diamond Award for being the best selling female artist ( albums sales surpassing 170 million marks ).Then her total record sales ( albums + DVD + Singles ) stood at 200 million marks worldwide ( check Chopard Diamond Award page or its history in the web ).
Artist get the Diamond Award for album sales over 100 million ,yes but it honor obviously just the artist who have the highest sales above the 100 million mark .That’s why it was Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson who were honored first by this distinction and received it. Their respective sales surpassed 100 million mark by far when they were honored .Mariah and Michael’s respective sales had surpassed any other artists’s ( male artists for Michael Jackson and female artists for Mariah Carey ) in 2003.
As Mariah’s album sales were 170 million since 2003 ( Celine Dion’s albums sales surpassed Mariah’s rightly in 2004 with 175 million marks,making of Celine the new recipient of the Chopard Diamond Award ),by now this amount is about 190-200 million marks ( at least 13 million for The Emancipation Of Mimi, 2,7 million for E=MC2, 1,3 million for Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel, 2 million for her compilations/remix album/Ballad/Playlist/new Christmas album ).You try deliberately to confound Mariah’s data sales from 2000 and 2003 .
@ Lucky Luke : You said “Mariah was ahead DURING the 90’s ! If you add Mariah’s and Celine’s sales now from 90’s you see they are equal.
Mariah ruled from 1990-1995 and Celine from 1996 – 2000 (counting the all the way sales) “ You’re wrong my dear,because Mariah’s total album sales was ahead Celine for the WHOLE 1990 decade,not just for 1990-1995.That’s why she won the Millennium Award in 2000 decade.You always inflate and increase Celine’s sales,that’s why her 1990-2000 sales equal Mariah’s.Besides,it would impossible for Celine to reach 200 million albums sold if Mariah’s total album sales would really stand to just 160 million.It’s simply impossible !
Celine doesn’t sold more albums than Mariah in the 2000 decade, it’s rather the opposite as their respective detailed datas proves it obviously.Mariah and Celine had both sold over 30 million albums this decade.The only difference between Mariah’s and Celine’s respective sales is that Mariah’s sales are called FLOP cause there is deficit for her label ( Mariah’s label invested more money on her albums for promotions,etc…unlike Celine’s label ).So Celine’s sales are called moderate success ( cause there was moderate profit for Sony as it didn’t put as much money as Mariah’s label for promotion ,etc…).In fact and for example,when we compare Glitter’s sales ( 4,3 million mark worldwide ) to Taking Chances’s ( 3,5 million worldwide ),we see clearly that Glitter sold more than Taking Chances,nevertheless,people call Glitter flop while they call Taking Chances success .That’s explain everything about Mariah’s and Celine’s sales in the 2000
About the respective amount of certifications for Mariah’s and Celine’s 2000 albums,let’s don’t forget that Mariah is the best selling non-Asian artist in whole Asia ! Data’s certifications never show Mariah’s sales or certifications in Asia. Everybody always ignore Mariah Carey’s sales and certifications in that continent ,they always mention only Japan as if Japan was the only Asian country ( exactly the same if they would mention only UK for Madonna or just France for Celine Dion instead of whole Europe).There is also China,Taiwan,Korea,Hong Kong,Singapore,Thailand,Malaysia,Phillipines,Indonesia,and many others.Japan is for Mariah Carey what UK is for Madonna and what France is for Celine Dion in Europe.Then the rest of Asia is for Mariah what the rest of Europe is for Celine and Madonna.This is so simple. Mariah sold over 40 million albums in Asia.
Everyone already know that Celine is most successful than Mariah in touring,there is any correlation between sales of albums with successful tours.Otherwise,did Celine sold more albums than Britney Spears and Eminem in 2000 decade as she’s the highest touring artist of this decade ? No.Don’t try to mix achievements.Tours are tours ,albums sales are albums sales.
Lucky Luke,have you ever ask yourself why World Music Awards had never arwarded or even nominated Madonna as the best female seller ??? Is this really because Madonna refused these kind of Awards as said Moff ?? Really ? Why would she refuse it whereas she always accept Guinness distinctions ? Certainly because she’s ‘dislike’ World Music Awards ?!!! Really funny ,Moff !!! How many artists refused these “Kind” of Awards ? What is the difference between World Music Award distinction ( a specialized organization /institution ) to Guinness World Records’s ( a non specialized institution in these questions,and which had already made many huge mistaken in its estimations,specially about Madonna’s sales ) ? How many artists also refused the Guinness citations ? What could you answer if lambs said the same about Mariah for the Citations of Guinness World Records ? Very great argument Moff ! So,Moff,do you also challenge Celine’s Diamond Award validity ? Do you refute everything positive only when they come from Mariah Carey ?
You’re so contradictory Lucky Luke !You said that Madonna and Celine are respectively the best selling female artists of all times.Celine got this claim from World Music Award while Madonna got this claim from Guinness.This is so paradoxical ! 2 best selling female artists of all times !!! Even contradictory facts are accepted by you since you love the beneficiaries.Only Mariah Carey is the pet hate for everyone here.You claimed that the industry of music awarded Celine as the best selling female artist of all times while you also claim that Madonna is, since Guinness World Records publish it,the best selling female artist of all times. What that’s means ?And don’t forget that you also claimed that Nana Mouskouri is the third best selling female artist as her album sales surpass 200 million mark like Madonna and Celine .Although Nana is even not in the top 20 best selling artists in Europe ( her greatest market by far ) nor even in the top 10 best selling female artists in Europe ( Mariah is in this list ) and without any proof,you accepted and claimed that Nana albums sales surpassed 200 million mark worldwide ! Nevertheless,you always claim that Mariah’s albums sales doesn’t even come close to Celine’s and Madonna’s .You try to create a huge difference of 40 to 50 million between Mariah’s total albums sales and Celine/Madonna’s ( 160 million for Mariah and 200 for the 2 others ). You reduce all Mariah’s sales and achievements for the 1990’s and refute all Mariah’s ,detailed datas, claims and citations.Only Madonna’s and Celine’s are right !
Now,you see that your problem here is Mariah Carey herself !
Whatever if you call it flop or not. Celine has much more low seller albums than Mariah Carey from 1990 to 2010.The only difference is that Mariah’s low seller albums are called flops unlike Celine’s.
Unison ,Celine Dion, Dion Chante Plamondon,One Heart,Taking Chances, Miracle, A New Day Live, On Ne Change Pas, D’elles, 1 Fille et 4 Types, My Love Essential Collection,etc…
If you say Mariah doesn’t sell DVDs.I can say that Celine doesn’t sell Singles too.Besides,in the 1990 Decade,Mariah had sell more DVDs than Celine and Madonna,they surpass Mariah only for the 2000 decade. So,how come Celine outsells Mariah in total sales when she doesn’t sell Singles and doesn’t got number 1 Hits ? ? ? How her album and DVD sales THAT Strong ? Mariah Carey is the strongest record seller as well as everyone knows ! About Madonna,how she could ever surpass Mariah on sales when she got just 1 album in the list of 10 best selling albums by female artists whereas Mariah got 2 ? Mariah also got 5 albums in the list of the Top 100 best selling albums of all times whereas Madonna got 4 ?.How Madonna could supass Mariah on singles sales while Mariah’s best selling singles surpassed Madonna’s ? You always try deliberately to counfond debaturs when you mix sales with Hits.You just forget that Number 1 Hit in USA alone usually mean more sales than number 1 Hit in 45 countries constituting in majority by relatively weak markets.Billboard Chart is bigger than Eurochart.So,don’t say that Madonna’s singles sold more than Mariah’s just because they reached number 1 in severall countries. Otherwise,why Madonna’s Hung Up and Vogue are not the 2 best selling singles ? Their respective sales doesn’t even come close to the real best selling singles of all times.
1. @ Shutup: You said that Mariah doesn’t have Hit topping hit parades in 45 countries unlike Madonna.But, do Madonna have a hit which had reaching 223 million impressions on radios ? We belong together is the best selling single worldwide for 2005-2006 years unlike Hung-up ,although Hung up was number one in most countries worldwide than We Belong Together. See ?
By the way,My Heart Will Go On doesn’t sold 12 million worldwide.Only Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You reached these sales worldwide.
Moff,you are not an expert in music sales questions,nor a judge.Like all of us,you’re a simple debatur and a fan .Moreover,you’re partial and subjective in your statements.So,you’re not allowed to say who is right at 100% or not.You just can say what you think and know to defend Madonna as everyone do for their favorite artist.Therefore,you support your favorite artists,so don’t play the game “ I am objective so I am the judge “.You just can’t.
@ Shutup. All your lists are biased and come from your imagination as everyone (objective) can notice it.How can you ever put just 1 million sales for All I Want For Christmas is You ??? Sorry,but only Mariah haters will agree with your lists and datas,you’re really exaggerated my dear.
1. @Lucky Luke:Let me remind you that Mariah haven’t just Japan market in Asia.Japan is for Mariah,what UK is for Madonna in Europe.Japan is for Mariah,what France is for Celine in Europe.So don’t try to reduce Mariah’s sales in Asia to only the Japan country.
Mariah’s sales : 64m albums in Us, 27m albums in Europe,43 m albums in Asia…
You get a total of 134 m album sales in Europe ,Asia and Us !
Celine’s sales : 51m albums in US, 55 m in Europe, 15 m in Asia… You get a total of 121 m sales in Europe,Asia and US !
So it is impossible for Celine to sell 80 m copies to the rest of the world.
So the statement ”Celine sold 200m albums” is an Epic Fail !!
By the way,maybe Celine beats Mariah in Africa and Canada.But,Mariah beats Celine in Australia (Music Box alone is certified 14x Platinum there since 2005 ).Mariah beats Celine in Latin America and West Indies.She also beats Celine in New Zealand and in the Pacific Islands.
That’s more than enough to prove that Mariah sold more albums than Celine worldwide.Celine is good but increasing her sales like this mean just a blind issue !
lets put some hard info Madonna haters. and how the hell radio airplay means huge sales moron hung up has sold the same amount of copies than we belong to gether in USA according to nielsen soundscan. and those sales were for Mariah single USA sales. Madonna is best selling forever. Mariah hasn’t sold 100 million singles. those chart runs for Madonna are from united world chart. 40 million albums for Mariah in asia is way too high 30 million max.
and the truth is Mariah career is dead and burried.
madonna is third best selling single artist ever.
madonna has 15 number ones in Europe and 12 in usa. 20 in canada, 21 in italy. 13 in uk. 11 in Australia so how the hell Mariah has sold same amount of singles. Mariah has more radio airplai but only in usa. rest of the world ignores her. even her succes in Japan is minimal today.
eat this and die hater:) these are sales estimations based on each countries sales cerfications. give me your Mariah estimations and don’t use those fake sales from sony.
Madonna/The First Album:
USA: 5.150.000
Canada: 350.000
Brazil: 120.000
America: 6.000.000
UK: 850.000
France: 350.000
Germany: 300.000
Italy: 150.000
Austria: 50.000
Finland: 15.000
Netherlands: 130.000
Spain: 50.000
Sweden: 25.000
Switzerland: 100.000
Europe: 2.400.000
Australia: 250.000
New Zealand: 20.000
Oceania: 270.000
Japan: 250.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Singapore: 20.000
Asia: 750.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 180.000
Total: 9.600.000
Like A Virgin:
USA: 10.300.000
Canada: 1.200.000
Brazil: 300.000
Mexico: 100.000
America: 12.200.000
UK: 2.100.000
France: 650.000
Germany: 750.000
Italy: 650.000
Austria: 75.000
Finland: 40.000
Netherlands: 250.000
Spain: 275.000
Sweden: 175.000
Switzerland: 105.000
Europe: 6.100.000
Australia: 500.000
New Zealand: 75.000
Oceania: 575.000
Japan: 1.000.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Singapore: 40.000
Asia: 2.100.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 425.000
Total: 21.400.000
True Blue:
USA: 7.500.000
Canada: 1.650.000
Brazil: 700.000
Mexico: 250.000
Argentina: 300.000
America: 10.600.000
UK: 2.300.000
France: 1.700.000
Germany: 1.250.000
Italy: 1.350.000
Austria: 115.000
Belgium: 100.000
Finland: 55.000
Greece: 100.000
Netherlands: 350.000
Spain: 325.000
Sweden: 125.000
Switzerland: 200.000
EUROPE: 9.350.000
Australia: 300.000
New Zealand: 75.000
Oceania: 375.000
Japan: 1.100.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Singapore: 100.000
Taiwan: 500.000
Asia: 2.500.000
Rest: 475.000
Total: 23.300.000
Who’s That Girl:
USA: 1.400.000
Canada: 100.000
Brazil: 100.000
America: 1.800.000
UK: 400.000
France: 650.000
Germany: 350.000
Italy: 425.000
Austria: 30.000
Belgium: 25.000
Finland: 25.000
Netherlands: 70.000
Spain: 120.000
Sweden: 70.000
Switzerland: 60.000
Europe: 2.650.000
Australia: 35.000
New Zealand: 10.000
Oceania: 45.000
Japan: 200.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Singapore: 40.000
Asia: 700.000
Rest: 105.000
Total: 5.300.000
You Can Dance:
USA: 1.700.000
Canada: 200.000
Brazil: 125.000
Mexico: 100.000
Argentina: 60.000
America: 2.250.000
UK: 475.000
France: 480.000
Germany: 300.000
Italy: 350.000
Austria: 20.000
Belgium: 50.000
Finland: 20.000
Netherlands: 60.000
Portugal: 20.000
Spain: 100.000
Sweden: 75.000
Switzerland: 30.000
Europe: 2.250.000
Australia: 70.000
New Zealand: 20.000
Oceania: 90.000
Japan: 300.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Singapore: 60.000
Asia: 800.000
Rest: 110.000
Total: 5.500.000
Like A Prayer:
USA: 4.500.000
Canada: 600.000
Brazil: 550.000
Mexico: 450.000
Argentina: 60.000
America: 6.300.000
UK: 1.350.000
France : 800.000
Germany: 750.000
Italy: 700.000
Austria: 70.000
Finland: 75.000
Netherlands: 150.000
Spain: 430.000
Sweden: 250.000
Switzerland: 140.000
Europe: 5.600.000
Australia: 300.000
New Zealand: 30.000
Oceania: 330.000
Japan: 500.000
Singapore: 100.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Asia: 1.500.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 370.000
Total: 14.100.000
I’m Breathless:
USA: 2.500.000
Canada: 250.000
Brazil: 150.000
Mexico: 100.000
America: 3.150.000
UK: 460.000
France: 350.000
Germany: 350.000
Italy: 350.000
Austria: 25.000
Finland: 40.000
Netherlands: 40.000
Spain: 210.000
Sweden: 70.000
Switzerland: 30.000
Europe: 2.300.000
Australia: 100.000
New Zealand: 25.000
Oceania: 125.000
Japan: 500.000
Singapore: 80.000
Asia: 1.200.000
Rest: 125.000
Total: 6.900.000
The Immaculate Collection:
USA: 12.000.000
Canada: 800.000
Brazil: 700.000
Mexico: 850.000
Argentina: 300.000
Colombia: 80.000
America: 15.000.000
UK: 4.200.000
France: 1.050.000
Germany: 750.000
Italy: 550.000
Austria: 60.000
Belgium: 150.000
Denmark: 50.000
Finland: 100.000
Greece: 120.000
Netherlands: 270.000
Poland: 275.000
Portugal: 40.000
Spain: 320.000
Switzerland: 125.000
Sweden: 150.000
Europe: 9.150.000
Australia: 850.000
New Zealand: 115.000
Oceania: 965.000
Japan: 1.050.000
Singapore: 180.000
Asia: 3.000.000
South Africa: 50.000
Rest: 735.000
Total: 28.850.000
USA: 2.200.000
Canada: 230.000
Brazil: 150.000
Mexico: 250.000
Argentina: 120.000
America: 3.000.000
UK: 710.000
France: 300.000
Germany: 275.000
Italy: 350.000
Austria: 30.000
Finland: 15.000
Netherlands: 45.000
Poland: 55.000
Spain: 100.000
Sweden: 45.000
Switzerland: 30.000
Europe: 2.300.000
Australia: 210.000
New Zealand: 15.000
Oceania: 225.000
Japan: 400.000
Singapore: 40.000
Taiwan: 100.000
Asia: 1.000.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 175.000
Total: 6.700.000
Bedtime Stories:
USA: 2.850.000
Canada: 250.000
Brazil: 275.000
Mexico: 100.000
Argentina: 60.000
America: 3.600.000
UK: 575.000
France: 250.000
Germany: 500.000
Italy: 250.000
Austria: 30.000
Finland: 15.000
Netherlands: 40.000
Poland: 105.000
Spain: 125.000
Sweden: 35.000
Switzerland: 45.000
Europe: 2.300.000
Australia: 150.000
New Zealand: 15.000
Oceania: 165.000
Japan : 400.000
Singapore: 60.000
Asia: 1.000.000
South Africa: 50.000
Rest: 185.000
Total: 7.250.000
Something To Remember:
USA: 2.650.000
Canada: 250.000
Brazil: 290.000
Mexico: 250.000
Argentina: 100.000
America: 3.600.000
UK: 1.200.000
France: 275.000
Germany: 550.000
Italy: 550.000
Austria: 75.000
Finland: 100.000
Netherlands: 85.000
Poland: 55.000
Spain: 95.000
Sweden: 125.000
Switzerland: 90.000
Europe: 3.800.000
Australia: 300.000
New Zealand: 15.000
Oceania: 315.000
Japan: 500.000
Singapore: 140.000
Taiwan: 250.000
Asia: 1.500.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 235.000
Total: 9.450.000
USA: 2.500.000
Canada: 150.000
Brazil: 150.000
America: 2.900.000
UK: 750.000
France: 220.000
Germany: 500.000
Italy: 370.000
Austria: 130.000
Belgium: 50.000
Finland: 10.000
Netherlands: 75.000
Norway: 20.000
Poland: 75.000
Spain: 60.000
Sweden: 40.000
Switzerland: 100.000
Europe : 2.700.000
Australia: 120.000
New Zealand: 15.000
Oceania: 135.000
Japan: 200.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Singapore: 60.000
Asia: 600.000
Rest: 165.000
Total: 6.500.000
Ray Of Light:
USA: 4.600.000
Canada: 750.000
Brazil: 260.000
Mexico: 250.000
Argentina: 90.000
America: 6.100.000
UK: 1.900.000
France: 990.000
Germany: 1.550.000
Italy: 650.000
Austria: 120.000
Belgium: 50.000
Czech Republic: 60.000
Finland: 55.000
Greece: 100.000
Ireland: 15.000
Netherlands: 310.000
Norway: 80.000
Poland: 230.000
Russia: 200.000
Spain: 340.000
Sweden: 250.000
Switzerland: 155.000
Europe: 7.750.000
Australia: 250.000
New Zealand: 85.000
Oceania: 335.000
Japan: 400.000
Singapore: 60.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Asia: 800.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 465.000
Total: 15.450.000
USA: 3.200.000
Canada: 350.000
Brazil: 175.000
Mexico: 150.000
Argentina: 60.000
Colombia: 10.000
America: 4.000.000
UK: 1.725.000
France: 740.000
Germany: 700.000
Italy: 530.000
Austria: 80.000
Belgium: 150.000
Czech Republic: 65.000
Denmark: 80.000
Finland: 40.000
Greece: 40.000
Ireland: 15.000
Netherlands: 180.000
Poland: 130.000
Russia: 80.000
Spain: 215.000
Sweden: 100.000
Switzerland: 120.000
Europe: 5.400.000
Australia: 250.000
New Zealand: 30.000
Oceania: 280.000
Japan: 300.000
Hong Kong: 20.000
Singapore: 60.000
South Korea: 22.000
Asia: 600.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 320.000
Total: 10.600.000
USA: 1.535.000
Canada: 150.000
Brazil: 140.000
Mexico: 100.000
Argentina: 40.000
America: 2.000.000
UK: 850.000
France: 380.000
Germany: 375.000
Italy: 110.000
Austria: 50.000
Belgium: 50.000
Czech Republic: 20.000
Denmark: 30.000
Finland: 35.000
Ireland: 15.000
Netherlands: 120.000
Poland: 65.000
Russia: 30.000
Spain: 200.000
Sweden: 80.000
Switzerland: 50.000
Europe: 2.750.000
Australia: 140.000
New Zealand: 7.500
Oceania: 150.000
Japan: 200.000
Singapore: 15.000
South Korea: 33.000
Asia: 400.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 150.000
Total: 5.450.000
American Life :
USA: 710.000
Canada: 100.000
Brazil: 60.000
Mexico: 60.000
Argentina: 20.000
Colombia: 10.000
Venezuela: 10.000
America: 1.000.000
UK: 360.000
France: 500.000
Germany: 250.000
Italy: 150.000
Spain: 75.000
Netherlands: 60.000
Sweden: 45.000
Switzerland: 50.000
Austria: 20.000
Finland: 5.000
Belgium: 25.000
Denmark: 30.000
Russia: 30.000
Greece: 10.000
Hungary: 10.000
Czech Republic: 12.000
Slovakia: 5.000
Ireland: 7.500
Norway: 20.000
Europe: 1.850.000
Australia: 35.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Oceania: 40.000
Japan: 250.000
South Korea: 15.000
Singapore: 20.000
Thailand: 20.000
Asia: 425.000
South Africa: 25.000
Rest: 85.000
Total: 3.400.000
Remixed & Revisited (EP):
USA: 150.000
Brazil: 40.000
America: 215.000
France: 35.000
Italy: 20.000
Europe: 220.000
Japan: 50.000
Asia: 85.000
Rest: 30.000
Total: 550.000
Confessions On A Dancefloor:
USA: 1.800.000
Canada: 500.000
Brazil: 120.000
Mexico: 100.000
Argentina: 100.000
Chile: 10.000
Colombia: 20.000
America: 2.700.000
UK: 1.350.000
France: 900.000
Germany: 600.000
Italy: 470.000
Austria: 30.000
Belgium: 50.000
Cyprus: 10.000
Czech Republic: 25.000
Denmark: 80.000
Finland: 55.000
Greece: 40.000
Hungary: 20.000
Irlend: 60.000
Netherlands: 80.000
Norway: 40.000
Poland: 40.000
Portugal: 40.000
Russia: 100.000
Slovakia: 2.500
Spain: 160.000
Sweden: 120.000
Switzerland: 120.000
Europe: 4.750.000
Australia: 150.000
New Zealand: 15.000
Oceania: 165.000
Japan: 600.000
Hong Kong: 40.000
Philippines: 15.000
Singapore: 30.000
South Korea: 15.000
Taiwan: 30.000
Thailand: 40.000
Asia: 1.000.000
Rest: 235.000
Total: 8.850.000
Hard Candy:
USA: 770.000
Canada: 180.000
Mexico: 80.000
Brazil: 100.000
Argentina: 80.000
Chile: 8.000
America: 1.250.000
UK: 365.000
France: 240.000
Germany: 260.000
Italy: 250.000
Austria: 20.000
Belgium: 30.000
Czech Rep: 15.000
Denmark: 30.000
Finland: 30.000
Greece: 15.000
Netherlands: 90.000
Poland: 20.000
Portugal: 10.000
Russia: 60.000
Spain: 45.000
Sweden: 20.000
Switzerland: 30.000
Ukraine: 25.000
Europe: 1.750.000
Australia: 75.000
Oceania: 85.000
Japan: 300.000
Singapore: 15.000
South Korea: 5.000
Asia: 480.000
Rest: 85.000
Total: 3.650.000
USA: 275.000
Canada: 50.000
Brazil: 75.000
Mexico: 40.000
America: 450.000
UK: 440.000
France: 100.000
Germany: 150.000
Italy: 130.000
Belgium: 15.000
Denmark: 20.000
Finland: 35.000
Ireland: 20.000
Poland: 20.000
Portugal: 10.000
Russia: 20.000
Spain: 30.000
Sweden: 40.000
Switzerland: 15.000
Europe: 1.200.000
Australia: 45.000
New Zealand: 7.500
Oceania: 50.000
Japan: 210.000
Hong Kong: 15.000
Asia: 350.000
Rest: 50.000
Total: 2.050.000
TOTAL: 194.850.000 albums sold
singles: eat this and die:) Mariah has not sold more worldwide singles. like I already told you. 13 number ones in uk. 12 in usa. 20 in canada, 11 australia, 4 Germany, 21 italy.
madonna best selling female artist in uk with 37 million record sold.
1..The Immaculate Collection……1990….4.150.000
2..True Blue……………………….1986….2.100.000
3..Ray Of Light………………….1998….1.800.000
4..Like A Virgin…………………1984….1.650.000
6..Confessions On A Dancefloor.2005….1.300.000
7..Like A Prayer………………….1989….1.200.000
8..Something To Remember ….1995….1.000.000
9..My First Album……………,,..1985……850.000
10.GHV2 …………………………2001……810.000
14.Bedtime Stories……………..1994……340.000
15.American Life……………..…2003……340.000
16.Hard Candy……………….…2008……330.000
17.You Can Dance………..……1987……300.000
18.I’m Breathless………….…..1990……300.000
19.Who’s That Girl………….….1987……300.000
Total Sales: 20,050,000
then her uk single sales these are from 2008 music week.
1..Into The Groove………….1985….843,561
2..Like A Virgin…… ………1984….768,129
4..Crazy For You……………1985….662,481
5..Papa Don’t Preach… …..1986….629,386
6..True Blue………………….1987….534,728
7..Hung Up…………… ……2005….525,000
8..Beautiful Stranger………..1999….513,992
9..Like A Prayer…………….1989….513,231
10.Frozen………… .………..1998….508,296
12.4 Minutes…….……………2008….480,000
13.La Isla Bonita…….………1987….421,760
15.Material Girl………………1985….389,999
16.American Pie…………….2000….380,937
17.Who’s That Girl………….1987….376,498
18.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina..1996….338,494
19.You’ll See…………………..1995….302,432
21 Gambler…………………….1985….292,341
22 Live To Tell…………………1986….271,897
23 Erotica……………………..1992….270,800
24 This Used To Be My Playground..1992….270,427
25 Ray Of Light……………….1998….262,514
26 Dear Jessie………………..1989….250,769
27 Causing A Commotio ……1987….229,934
28 Justify My Love………..….1990….228,683
29 Hanky Panky……………..1990….205,733
30 Dress You Up…………….1985….204,970
31 Angel……………….……..1985….198,650
32 Express Yourself…………1989….194,102
33 Cherish……………………1989….192,891
34 Open Your Heart………….1986….186,742
35 Don’t Tell Me………………2000….179,939
36 Sorry………………..……..2006….178,963
37 Power Of Goodbye/Little Star…1998….175,095
38 Die Another Da…………2002….167,863
39 Give It 2 Me..………..….2008….150,000
40 Deeper And Deep.……..1992….136,854
41 Rescue Me……………..1991….134,764
42 Rain………………..……1993….130,771
43 Nothing Really Matter…1999….128,137
44 Me Against The Music…..2003….126,136
45 The Look Of Love…..……1987….121,439
46 Secret…………………….1994….117,957
47 Lucky Star…………….…1984….117,470
48 Take A Bow………………1994….102,739
49 I’ll Remember…….………1994….100,090
50 Bedtime Story……………1995…..97,428
51 Drowned World/Subst For Love)..1998…..90,651
52 You Must Love Me……………1996…..90,428
53 What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001…..86,771
54 Fever……………………..1993…..86,077
55 Human Nature……………….1995…..80,685
56 Another Suitcase Another Hall..1997…..75,233
57 Bad Girl…………………..1993…..74,915
58 American Life………………2005…..72,260
59 Get Together……………….2006…..67,163
60 Hollywood………………….2003…..59,633
61 Oh Father………………….1996…..58,730
62 One More Chance…………….1996…..56,851
63 Jump………………………2006…..52,038
64 Love Profusion……………..2003…..41,025
65 Miles Away ………………..2008…..20,000
total sales: 17.150,000 celebration was released 2009
Madonnas total uk 37.190,000 records sold.
USA: 285.000
Total: 340.000
Burnin up:
USA: 285.000
Australia: 25.000
Total: 360.000
USA: 970.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 760.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 210.000
Netherlands: 60.000
EUROPE: 1.250.000
Australia: 60.000
Total: 2.690.000
Lucky Star:
USA: 1.150.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 125.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 160.000
Total: 1.565.000
USA: 1.125.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 310.000
Netherlands: 60.000
EUROPE: 400.000
Australia: 25.000
Total: 1.850.000
Like A Virgin:
USA: 2.410.000
Canada: 100.000
UK: 775.000
France: 250.000
Germany: 310.000
Netherlands: 95.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 1.655.000
Australia: 165.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 300.000
Total: 5.435.000
Material Girl:
USA: 1.545.000
Canada: 45.000
UK: 400.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 120.000
Netherlands: 33.000
Italy: 13.000
EUROPE: 720.000
Australia: 50.000
Japan: 70.000
Total: 2.850.000
Crazy For You:
USA: 1.620.000
Canada: 65.000
UK: 670.000
France: 40.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 20.000
EUROPE: 1.030.000
Australia: 125.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 70.000
Total: 3.440.000
Into The Groove:
USA: 190.000
UK: 850.000
France: 620.000
Germany: 330.000
Netherlands: 120.000
Italy: 200.000
EUROPE: 2.450.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 230.000
Total: 3.395.000
USA: 1.085.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 200.000
France: 20.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 405.000
Australia: 145.000
Japan: 40.000
Total: 2.025.000
Dress You Up:
USA: 1.065.000
Canada: 40.000
UK: 210.000
France: 170.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 35.000
EUROPE: 555.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 65.000
Total: 2.100.000
UK: 295.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 40.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 695.000
Australia: 30.000
Japan: 25.000
Total: 895.000
Love Don’t Live Here Anymore (1):
Japan: 5.000
Total: 15.000 (?)
Over And Over:
Italy: 5.000
EUROPE: 15.000
Total: 20.000 (?)
Live To Tell:
USA: 1.020.000
Canada: 110.000
UK: 280.000
France: 280.000
Germany: 130.000
Netherlands: 50.000
Italy: 110.000
EUROPE: 990.000
Australia: 50.000
Japan: 40.000
Total: 2.620.000
Papa Don’t Preach:
USA: 1.080.000
Canada: 135.000
UK: 640.000
France: 450.000
Germany: 300.000
Netherlands: 75.000
Italy: 200.000
EUROPE: 1.950.000
Australia: 135.000
Japan: 70.000
Total: 4.000.000
True Blue:
USA: 940.000
Canada: 90.000
UK: 540.000
France: 310.000
Germany: 240.000
Netherlands: 45.000
Italy: 55.000
EUROPE: 1.405.000
Australia: 70.000
Japan: 25.000
Total: 3.000.000
Open Your Heart:
USA: 990.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 190.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 35.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 565.000
Australia: 20.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 1.945.000
La Isla Bonita:
USA: 1.065.000
Canada: 55.000
UK: 430.000
France: 700.000
Germany: 500.000
Netherlands: 65.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 2.120.000
Australia: 50.000
Japan: 230.000
Total: 4.170.000
Who’s That Girl:
USA: 970.000
Canada: 55.000
UK: 380.000
France: 540.000
Germany: 230.000
Netherlands: 70.000
Italy: 130.000
EUROPE: 1.570.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 55.000
Total: 3.200.000
Causing A Commotion:
USA: 945.000
Canada: 40.000
UK: 230.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 40.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 430.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 75.000
Total: 1.825.000
The Look Of Love:
UK: 125.000
France: 100.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 15.000
EUROPE: 325.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 410.000
USA: 10.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 60.000
Santa Baby:
USA: 170.000
Total: 180.000
Like A Prayer:
USA: 1.570.000
Canada: 45.000
UK: 530.000
France: 560.000
Germany: 420.000
Netherlands: 55.000
Italy: 200.000
EUROPE: 2.095.000
Australia: 175.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 80.000
Total: 4.685.000
Express Yourself:
USA: 1.030.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 200.000
Germany: 230.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 650.000
Australia: 65.000
Brazil: 50.000
Total: 2.155.000
USA: 990.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 195.000
France: 80.000
Germany: 100.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 525.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 1.865.000
Dear Jessie:
UK: 255.000
Germany: 60.000
Netherlands: 10.000
EUROPE: 390.000
Total: 465.000
Oh Father:
USA: 430.000
France: 55.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 100.000
Total: 635.000
Keep It Together:
USA: 715.000
Canada: 10.000
Japan: 120.000
Total: 1.010.000
USA: 2.625.000
Canada: 100.000
UK: 500.000
France: 200.000
Germany: 240.000
Netherlands: 35.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 1.275.000
Australia: 145.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 90.000
Brazil: 50.000
Total: 5.050.000
Hanky Panky:
USA: 570.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 210.000
France: 15.000
Germany: 60.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 415.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 1.275.000
Justify My Love:
USA: USA: 1.980.000
Canada: 65.000
UK: 235.000
France: 75.000
Germany: 130.000
Netherlands: 30.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 600.000
Australia: 55.000
Total: 3.205.000
Rescue Me:
USA: 515.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 135.000
France: 60.000
Germany: 60.000
Netherlands: 10.000
EUROPE: 315.000
Australia: 20.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 1.105.000
This Used To Be My Playground:
USA: 1.220.000
Canada: 55.000
UK: 275.000
France: 120.000
Germany: 190.000
Netherlands: 20.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 840.000
Australia: 40.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 2.280.000
USA: 655.000
Canada: 30.000
UK: 275.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 610.000
Australia: 40.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 1.415.000
Deeper And Deeper:
USA: 440.000
Canada: 40.000
UK: 140.000
France: 45.000
Germany: 10.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 365.000
Australia: 40.000
Total: 930.000
Bad Girl:
USA: 215.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 75.000
France: 25.000
Germany: 100.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 310.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 585.000
UK: 90.000
France: 20.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 150.000
Total: 160.000
USA: 460.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 135.000
France: 15.000
Germany: 90.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 325.000
Australia: 75.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 940.000
Bye Bye Baby:
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 20.000
Australia: 30.000
Total: 55.000
I’ll Remember:
USA: 825.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 105.000
France: 20.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 55.000
EUROPE: 270.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 1.215.000
USA: 660.000
Canada: 60.000
UK: 125.000
France: 350.000
Germany: 90.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 725.000
Australia: 60.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 1.595.000
Take A Bow:
USA: 980.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 105.000
France: 65.000
Germany: 190.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 65.000
EUROPE: 525.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 1.630.000
Bedtime Story:
USA: 165.000
Canada: 5.000
UK: 100.000
France: 10.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 20.000
EUROPE: 160.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 385.000
Human Nature:
USA: 295.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 85.000
Germany: 40.000
EUROPE: 155.000
Japan: 85.000
Total: 575.000
You’ll See:
USA: 625.000
Canada: 5.000
UK: 305.000
France: 80.000
Germany: 230.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 30.000
EUROPE: 790.000
Australia: 45.000
Total: 1.530.000
Oh Father:
UK: 60.000
EUROPE: 80.000
Total: 85.000
One More Chance:
UK: 60.000
EUROPE: 80.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 95.000
Love Don’t Live Here Anymore:
USA: 170.000
France: 20.000
EUROPE: 35.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 230.000
You Must Love Me:
USA: 765.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 95.000
France: 30.000
Germany: 20.000
Italy: 20.000
EUROPE: 205.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 1.080.000
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina:
USA: 415.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 345.000
France: 610.000
Germany: 410.000
Netherlands: 35.000
Italy: 30.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 50.000
EUROPE: 1.710.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 2.320.000
Another Suitcase Another Hall:
UK: 80.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 105.000
Total: 115.000
USA: 965.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 515.000
France: 490.000
Germany: 510.000
Netherlands: 70.000
Italy: 140.000
Autria: 25.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 50.000
Norway: 50.000
Sweden: 10.000
EUROPE: 2.030.000
Australia: 70.000
Total: 3.290.000
Ray Of Light:
USA: 1.155.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 270.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 50.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 70.000
EUROPE: 615.000
Australia: 55.000
Total: 1.955.000
Drowned World:
USA: 30.000
Canada: 5.000
UK: 95.000
France: 40.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 215.000
Australia: 5.000
Total: 280.000
The Power Of Goodbye:
USA: 520.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 180.000
France: 130.000
Germany: 310.000
Netherlands: 30.000
Italy: 50.000
Autria: 25.000
Sweden: 10.000
EUROPE: 825.000
Australia: 5.000
Total: 1.450.000
Nothing Really Matters:
USA: 225.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 130.000
France: 20.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 235.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 520.000
Beautiful Stranger:
USA: 220.000
UK: 520.000
France: 200.000
Germany: 150.000
Netherlands: 20.000
Italy: 50.000
Belgium: 25.000
EUROPE: 1.130.000
Australia: 90.000
Total: 1.535.000
American Pie:
USA: 125.000
Canada: 30.000
UK: 385.000
France: 250.000
Germany: 300.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 100.000
Autria: 25.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 25.000
Denmark: 15.000
Sweden: 20.000
EUROPE: 1.270.000
Australia: 65.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 1.610.000
USA: 1.645.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 405.000
France: 310.000
Germany: 260.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 70.000
Spain: 25.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 25.000
Denmark: 10.000
Sweden: 20.000
Greece: 40.000
EUROPE: 1.280.000
Australia: 150.000
Japan: 20.000
Brazil: 150.000
Total: 3.385.000
Don’t Tell Me:
USA: 685.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 185.000
France: 160.000
Germany: 120.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 635.000
Australia: 85.000
Total: 1.510.000
What it Feels Like For A Girl:
USA: 225.000
UK: 90.000
France: 30.000
Germany: 50.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 225.000
Australia: 45.000
Total: 530.000
Die Another Day:
USA: 405.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 170.000
France: 130.000
Germany: 130.000
Netherlands: 15.000
Italy: 70.000
Spain: 20.000
Belgium: 25.000
Greece: 10.000
EUROPE: 615.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 1.205.000
American Life:
USA: 155.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 75.000
France: 120.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 320.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 570.000
USA: 115.000
UK: 60.000
France: 70.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 5.000
EUROPE: 215.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 370.000
Me Against The Music:
USA: 465.000
UK: 135.000
France: 90.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 380.000
Australia: 95.000
Japan: 15.000
South Korea: 5.000
Brazil: 1.500 (promo)
Total: 1.025.000
Nothing Fails:
USA: 45.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 5.000
EUROPE: 95.000
Total: 155.000
Love Profusion:
USA: 45.000
UK: 45.000
France: 60.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 150.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 230.000
Hung Up:
USA: 1.305.000
Canada: 105.000
UK: 545.000
France: 600.000
Germany: 450.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 175.000
Austria: 15.000
Switzerland: 20.000
Belgium: 25.000
Sweden: 40.000
Denmark: 25.000
Greece: 10.000
Cyprus: 10.000
EUROPE: 2.170.000
Australia: 100.000
Japan: 510.000
Brazil: 1.000 (Promo)
Total: 4.560.000
USA: 420.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 190.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 65.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 470.000
Australia: 20.000
Japan: 5.000
Total: 1.015.000
Get Together:
USA: 150.000
UK: 75.000
France: 30.000
Germany: 20.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 170.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 365.000
USA: 195.000
UK: 65.000
Germany: 20.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 120.000
Australia: 5.000
Total: 355.000
4 Minutes:
USA: 2.745.000
Canada: 150.000
UK: 460.000
France: 125.000
Germany: 350.000
Netherlands: 70.000
Italy: 90.000
Spain: 120.000
Belgium: 15.000
Finland: 10.000
Denmark: 30.000
Sweden: 10.000
EUROPE: 1.350.000
Australia: 120.000
New Zealand: 10.000
Japan: 100.000
Brazil: 100.000
Mexico: 20.000
Total: 4.705.000
Give It 2 Me:
USA: 350.000
UK: 170.000
France: 60.000
Germany: 90.000
Italy: 100.000
Spain: 20.000
Finland: 5.000
Denmark: 30.000
EUROPE: 520.000
Australia: 15.000
Japan: 5.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 1.025.000
Miles Away:
USA: 80.000
UK: 30.000
France: 5.000
Germany: 100.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 190.000
Japan: 850.000
Total: 1.185.000
USA: 220.000( from nielsen soundscan)
Canada: 40.000
UK: 115.000
France: 40.000
Germany: 90.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 380.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 620.000
USA: 30.000
UK: 5.000
Italy: 2.000
EUROPE: 15.000
Total: 50.000
Album Tracks:
Physical Attraction:
USA: 20.000
Total: 25.000
Candy Shop:
USA: 35.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 145.000
Beat Goes On:
USA: 55.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 155.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 110.000
It’s So Cool:
USA: 15.000
UK: 5.000
Italy: 2.000
EUROPE: 15.000
Total: 35.000
TOTAL: 111.050.000 singles/tracks sold
eat this Madonna haters:
1 question if Mariah is so huge worldwide, truth she’s not. then why is she flopping so hard today?
thanks god Mariah singles are almost all released after nielsen Soundscan started 1991 so we can see that se hasn’t over 3 million selling singles. Madonna has sold way more singles in USA and Europe too and that’s a fact. I live in Europe and Mariah is so over here. they don’t ever play her on the radio. Madonna second in USA according to bilboard so eat that!
top album sellers in the world.
and there all time singles. I don’t see Mariah in there
Trish, I wanna be careful - you said I am not a judge.
Sorry. yes - I’m not a judge and I didn’t want to be one.
This is my opinion and I agree when I think its right!
I think most people don’t understand how and why artists get the Diamond Award.
How can Mariah get it when she has sold 150-170 million today and get the award for albums sales of 175 in 2003.
Mariah got that Award because her total sales surpassed 170million. NOW: She’s standing at over 200 million records (single and albums combined)
Celine got the Chopard Diamond Award for 175 million in TOTAL, but they defined it WRONG - they actually meant total sales, because sometimes people call total sales just albums. Celine’s Album sales NOW stand at 175million and 50 million singles.
We always have to distinguish album sales, single sales and total sales.
Trish, don’t play the “know it all” person who is finding a conclusion for decreased Mariah sales.
We don’t decrease her sales, and we respect her as an artist.
Madonna, the entertainer, has just sold more records.
She has more million selling singles, give me a list of Mariahs singles - with sales!
Madonna refused it, yes. And Madonna got the Guinness Citation, yes.
Is the Guinness Citation an Award? No.
I think there is a slight difference between getting an Award as a thing you hold in your hand and just getting a citation and sentence who is published everywhere in the world.
I think Guinness has not even asked Madonna for publishing this statement.
Trish you are a Madonna Hater, we know that from your insulting posts before but we stopped you - because your insultings were very bad and good for nothing!
Everytime I read your posts I don’t know where to begin and where to end.
01.Mariah sold more than Celine in the era 1990-1995.
Celine sold more than Mariah in the era 1996-2000 because albums like Rainbow , Butterfly , Number 1’s sold a lot less than Falling Into You , Let’s Talk About Love , All The Way.
Mariah was the first to reach the 100m mark in album sales (Daydream era) & her singles always stood above Celine’s. This is why she got the millenium award in 1999.Because then Celine’s Multimillion seller ”All The Way” that outsold Mariah’s ”rainbow” this year in every part of the world was not even released.
02.On The Diamond Award…she got it first because she was the first to reach the 100m mark since the Nielsen Soundscan era began tracking sales in 1991.The Diamond Award awards people that reached the 100m mark.
03.Celine sold more albums than Mariah this decade.Even Billboard proved it.I have shown you links in the past and you called Billboard partial and there is nothing left to say on this.
04.Glitter never sold 4.3m copies worldwide.If it did,prove it.
05.Everyone ignores Mariah certifications in Asia because they are actually not proven.I bet you don’t know who certifies sales in these micro markets you mentioned like Taiwan,Korea,Hong Kong,Singapore,Thailand,Malaysia,Phillipines,Indonesia…If YOU know just tell us who certifies sales there.
06.Madonna indeed refused the awards because she of course had suprassed the 100m mark in 2003 ! I hope you don’t deny that.
07.I am not contradictory. Eras change ! Celine is the highest seller of the last 20 years so the industry awarded her. Guinness Book of records awards Madonna for her total amount of copies sold since 1983.And yes ! Madonna sold more than Celine (300m records) so nobody touches Madonna in total sales.
08.Celine’s low sellers like you mentioned are not flops.Because a FRENCH album selling over 1m is a HUGE seller since it is promoted in 3 or 4 countries only.
09.One Heart was officially the 10th best seller of 2003 as IFPI proved so thinking of it as flop or low seller is just your biased opinion.
10.You say that Mariah outsells Madonna because Madonna got 1 in the list of the 10 best sellers ever while Mariah has two.(probably Music Box and Daydream) Is this a joke ? This would probably mean that Celine definitely outsold Mariah because her Falling Into You and Let’s Talk About Love sold more (32m each) Than Music Box and Daydream…
11.My Love was the best selling compilation of 2008 so it is not a flop.
12.15m in Asia for Celine ? Where did you find it ?
13.Mariah’s Dvd in the 90’s never outsold Celine’s and Madonna’s…Can we be just rational ?
14.Celine has sold more than Mariah in Australia.Don’t judge by the best seller ! Music Box indeed was certified 14times platinum…at last sth true you posted !! :D
If any ignorant would judge by best sellers that would make Celine best seller compared to Mariah in Us because Falling Into You is certified 11 Times Platinum ! lol ! but this is not true…
15.Try to write less in the next comment please.Thanx.
I need to add a few things more…
16.Trish I don’t try to confuse anyone here.Celine is indeed the highest earning musician of the 00’s while Mariah appears in no such list. I never implied Celine sold more albums than anyone and I never impied Celine grossed more money worldwide than any other artist.But the fact that overall she was the most SUCCESSFUL is undeniable.
17.You say ”Vision Of Love” is multiplatinum In Us and worldwide…do you try to confuse us ? Sorry…I am a huge Mariah fan and I know it reached gold (over 500k) In Us while achieving moderate success in the rest of the world.”Vision Of Love” is an epic - classic song,performed in every tour but it hasn’t sold that much.
18.Mariah 43m albums in Asia ? False. Even if it like this you get 43m in Asia , 2.5m in Australia , 64m In Us , 25m (the most) in Europe and almost 5m in Canada…so her sales stand at 140m in these countries.This figure agrees with me…cause I say Mariah has sold 160-170m albums worldwide.
19.Mariah got her award in 2003 for album sales of 150m worldwide.Don’t try to change this.Add 11m (TEOM) & 3m (E=MC2) & 1m (Memoirs) & 1m (Xmas / Ballads / Playlist) to get a total of 165m albums. If you add her 1994 xmas album sales than enters the charts every year & some old compilations her global sales barely reach 170m the most. Both Mariah and Celine should get the Diamond Award ! But who would get it first and who second ? Of course the second one should be the real best seller in order to replace the first one that OBJECTIVELY sold less !!! Celine got the Diamond Award in 2004 for sales of 175m albums at least back then without counting in this impressive figure her late 2003 and 2004 sales (almost 7m copies coming from ”1 Fille et 4 Types” / ”Miracle” / ”A New Day”) cause these albums weren’t certified till late 2004,early 2005…If you also add 2m from the best selling French compilation (according to IFPI) of 2005 ”On Ne Change Pas” You see Celine’s sales had suprassed the 184m mark since 2006.
Add 1m from D’Elles , 4m from Taking Chances , 2m from My Love & sales of her xmas and compilation albums to see that Celine has sold over 190m albums !! Her label mentioned sales of 200m albums in 2007 because they probably counted some French compilations they released after D’Eux (At least 7 compilations) from Celine’s early career & some contribution to other albums and projects. (For example The Divas live concert in 1998 that sold 2m…it should be credited to all singers)
20.My Heart will go on sold 700k in Us and over 7m in Europe by late 90’s. It is officially her most downloaded song of Celine since 2004 so its total sales reach the 12m mark.
21.Mariah’s WORLDWIDE hits (because I have had enough of lambs boasting about her Us number 1’s) include
01.Hero 02.Without You 03.Fantasy 04.All I want For Xmas
05.One Sweet Day (Because of its tremendous Us success)
06.Honey 07.Heartbreaker (I am being sooooo lenient here)
08.We Belong Together 09.Touch My Body
Celine’s WORLDWIDE hits include 01.The Power Of Love
02.Because You Loved Me 03.It Is All Coming Back To Me Now 04.Tell Him (Unreleased in Us mainstream)
05.All By Myself 06.My Heart Will Go On 07.I Am Your Angel
08.That’s The Way It Is 09.A New Day Has Come.
So don’t turn single sales against Celine cause she is neck to neck with Mariah in single sales,with Mariah being ahead for like 10m singles.
22.You even dare to say that Glitter sold more than Taking Chances ! how come ? Taking Chances reached platinum (Us/Europe/Australia) , or gold (Japan) , or multiplatinum status (Canada,South Africa) , around the Globe while Glitter was platinum in Us and gold in some east micro countries - one of the biggest commercial and critical flops ever.
23.I love Mariah and if all this wasn’t happening behind our Pc’s I’d probably have the chance to prove it to you.
You have no idea what her music means to me so don’t try to imply I have a problem with her.I am just objective !
If we were here to talk about ”Beauty” I would’t say that Celine and Madonna are hotter ! lol ! but since we talk about sales I can’t help it but being objective.
and sorry but no official records prove that Mariah sold above Celine and Madonna.If there was proof you would be more than happy to show it…
World Music Awards and mainly the Chopard Diamond Award is about album sales.
The Chopard Diamond award was given for album sales and not record sales.
If Celine had got the Diamond award in 2004 for 175m RECORDS Her RECORDS by now would be close to 195m since her single sales since 2004 are really low.
Stop saying Us is bigger than Europe.It takes 1m records to be sold to get a platinum certification in Us and exactly the same goes for Europe.
These markets are equally big when it comes to sales.
I remember you said in the past that sales in Canada and Europe combined reach almost 30% of sales in Us,which is a solid proof you know nothing on sales.
If I combine this with the false ”facts” you keep posting on Mariah’s sales & the fact that you have posted 0 links to prove your statements…I inevidably think you need to do some real research on sales..!
celines album sales:
Celine dion……………1992….5.300.000
The colour of my love…..1993…20.500.000
Falling Into You……….1996…32.000.000
Lets Talk About love……1997…32.000.000
These Are Special Time….1998…12.000.000
All_the_Way A Decade of Song. 1999. 17.000.000
A New Day Has Come………2002…12.500.000
One Heart………………2003….4.500.000
Taking Changes………….2007….3.500.000
My Love Essential Collection.2008..1.700.000
and I think that Celine has sold 10 million of her other france albums.
+ 50 million singles…………………225.000.000
Vs Mariah Carey: albums.
Mariah Carey…………..1990….15.000.000
Music box……………..1993….30.000.000 ( 8 m in USA accordin to nielsen soundscan)
Merry Christmas………..1994….12.000.000
Day Dream……………..1995….24.000.000
The Emancipation of Mimi..2005…..9.000.000 (6m usa, 1,5 eu, P japan)
Memoirs_of_an_Imperfect_Angel 2009…800.000
Merry Christmas to you……2010…..500.000
+ 60 million singles…………………211.000.000
we can see that Celine suprass Mariah Carey.
the truth is that labels usually overestimate their sales like for Mariah who hasn’t sold over 200 million albums.
Madonna 310.000.000
Celine Dion 225.000.000
Mariah Carey 211.000.000
oops Celine Dion’s All the Way…A Decade of Song, has sold over 21million copies so
total/albums 179.000.000 lets say 180 million + 50m singles =230.000.000 records for celine.
Madonna 310.000.000
Celine Dion 230.000.000
Mariah Carey 211.000.000
Trish is right.All of you here always put down Mariah Carey,even a blind person can notice it !.Lucky Luke you always say that Mariah didn;t sell 200 million albums,but neither Celine.Mariah sold a little bit more albums than Celine. Shutup,you waste your time,because no one trust your lists.The are so biased.You reduce all Mariah’s datas ! You all are heters !
Mariah sold more than 150m albums. LoL !
You’re gonna piss TRISH off with this list !
Butterfly sold more than 12m copies and Emotions more than 8m and TEOM more than 11m copies.
Same goes for some Celine’s albums like S’il suffisait d’aimer that sold over 4m copies (2.6 In Europe alone)
1 Fille et 4 Types has sold 800k in France alone.Worldwide the sales suprass the 1.5m mark.
Your list has a few mistakes but its clear that Celine sold more than Mariah.
Madonna sold 200m albums and 100m singles -> 300m
Celine sold 190m albums and 50m singles -> 240m
(Plus 10m from other projects and compilations)
Mariah sold 170m albums and 60m singles -> 230m
01.Mariah Carey 16m (Us 9P , Eur 1P)
02.Emotions 08m (Us 4P , Eur 1P)
03.Mtv Live 06m (Us 3P , Eur 1P)
04.Music Box 30m (Us 10P , Eur 7P)
05.Merry Xmas 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 2.5m)
06.Daydream 25m (Us 10P , Eur 3P)
06.Butterfly 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 1M)
07.Number 1s 17m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 3M)
08.Rainbow 10m (Us 3P , Eur 1P , Japan 1M)
09.Glitter 3m (Us 1P , Eur - )
10.Charmbracelet 3m (Us 1P - Eur -)
11.Greatest Hits 3m (Us 1P - Eur -)
12.Remixies 1m (250k in Us)
(150m ALBUMS For Her Chopard Diamond Award)
13.TEOM 11m (Us 6P - Europe 1P)
14.E=MC2 2.5m (Us 1P - Europe - )
15.Ballads 500k worldwide
16.Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel 1m ( Us - Gold)
17.Merry Xmas 2 U 400k (Almost 300k In Us)
01.Unison 3m (Us P , 700k In Canada)
02.Dion Chante Plamondon 2m (700k In France , 2P Canada)
03.Celine Dion 6m (Us 3P , 1m In Canada)
04.The Colour Of My Love 20m (Us 6P , Eur 4P , Japan M)
05.A L’Olympia 1.5m (Eur P)
06.D’Eux 10m (Europe 8P , Canada 800k)
07.Falling Into You 32m (Us 11P , Eur 9P , Japan M)
08.Live A Paris 3m (Eur 2P)
09.Lets Talk About Love 32m (Us 10P , Eur 10P , Japan M)
10.S’Il Suffisait D’Aimer 4m (2P Europe , 5P Canada)
11.These Are Special Times 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P ,Canada D)
12.Au Coeur Du Stade 1.5m (Almost 1m In Europe)
13.All The Way 23m (Us 9m -UPDATED - , Eur 5m , Japan 2M , Canada Diamond)
14.Collectors Series 3m (Us 1m - UPDATED )
15.A New Day Has Come 12m (Us 3P , Eur 3P , Canada 6P)
16.One Heart 6m (Us 2P , Eur 1P)
(Over 172m ALBUM sales -> Diamond Award in 2004)
17.1 Fille Et 4 Types 2m (800k In France)
18.A New Day…Live In Las Vegas 2m (Us Gold)
19.Miracle 3m (Us Platinum - Eur - …like Mariah’s gliter etc)
20.On Ne Change Pas 2m
21.D’Elles 1m (France 1P , Canada 2P)
22.Taking Chances 4m (Us 1P , Eur 1P , Aus 1P , Can 4P)
23.My Love 2m (Canada 2P , UK 500k , Us 400k)
190m Albums coming from her worldwide released albums since 1990.
Her Label Announced Album sales of 200m in 2007 because they OBVIOUSLY counted her previous French works released only in Quebec and some compilations based on her 80’s discography that were released with no promo after D’Eux’s success & her contribution in a few projects.
But what really matters is that 190m of her album sales (Over 200m) come from 14 English and 9 FRENCH releases in less than 18 years !
PS.Imagine what would have happened if these 9 French releases were actually English albums ! lol !
well I am Mariah hater becouse I live in europe.
1 thing that thris or Mariah 4ever cannot even post any kind of links to prove their sales. Mariah may have sold about 165 million albums but even then she’s behind Celine Dion and Madonna. I haven’t even make those sales estimations for Madonna I found them on the internet.
top single sellers. as you can see Madonna must have sold over 100 million singles.
top album sellers
top all time artist bilboard
madonna got 50 million award from Europe in 2001 for selling over 50 million albums by then. I think she had sold over 60 million by 2001 . by now she has sold over 70 million.
madonna is also best selling female in Australia with 4 million albums sold. if you use time you can get the info from the internet. you cannot trust on labels.
10 (81) 1984 3xP Madonna
02 (72) 1984 7xP Like A Virgin
01 (78) 1986 4xP True Blue
24 (18) 1987 NC Who’s That Girl
13 (15) 1987 1xP You Can Dance
04 (68) 1989 4xP Like A Prayer
01 (29) 1990 1xP I’m Breathless
01 (205) 1990 12xP Immaculate Collection
01 (48) 1992 3xP Erotica
01 (44) 1994 2xP Bedtime Stories
01 (34) 1995 4xP Something To Remember
05 (33) 1996 1xP Evita
35 (6) 1996 1xG Evita (Complete)
01 (93) 1998 3xP Ray Of Light
02 (56) 2000 3xP Music
03 (24) 2001 1xP GHV2
03 (13) 2003 1xP American Life
01 (46) 2005 2xP Confessions On A Dance
01 (11) 2006 1xP IGTTYAS (DVD chart)
01 (16) 2007 1xG TCT (DVD chart)
01 2008 1xP Hard Candy 1xP
08 2009 Celebration
total: + 4 000 000 albums and dvd
i don’t hate Celine Dion I actually like her and her music.
the proplem for senior artists age over 40 is USA ageism. that will happen to Mariah Carey too and the proplem for Mariah is her failure in Europe and even in asia nowadays.
you see Europe and rest of the world will always love Madonna and Celine and they can have huge succes whithout usa, but Mariah can’t
@ Post 154
We all get your OPINION ! You can go now :-)
@ shutup
First of all…Great lists ! I Like when people like you
and Moff post links and facts.
Second…you are totlly right about Trish and MariahFan
and Broken-T and lambs generally.They never post facts.
I remind you than when Moff asked TRISH for links she
answered in a childish way : ” how do you dare asking
where I get my info ? my list is right and your is
biased and false”
This is what they do…they use words ”false” ,
”biased” , ”irrelevent” to take down ALL the
distinctions Celine and Madonna have (World Music Awards
, Guinness Book etc) , while we totally accept all
Mariah’s awards during the 90’s and 2003.
Go to this page —>
to see that I had a terrible fight with TRISH. I posted
in this debate almost 40 links (under the name Unison -
Post 267)
proving Celine is the best seller and do you know the
answer I got when I asked for links ? ”you links are
biased and I don’t have to speak with links,because my
arguments prove everything.”
It’s like I am talking to fifteen years old.
Third, I agree that it is hard for women that do
mainstream music to sell in Us after age 40. and this is
proven by all Mariah’s latest efforts there.Besides,
Celine and Madonna themselves had difficult time
reaching the platinum status there.Mariah sold
almost 2m copies with 4 releases there,which is really
low not only for her standards by everyones.
Thank God Celine and Madonna tour,so they will always be
relevant & they are still huge in Europe. And in
Europe people always but albums.Personally
I think Celine’s albums will sell steadily in Us as
well because she is far away from mainstream. She does
Adult Cont. and people (over 30 usually) always buy this
kind of music.
I am from Europe too and I Know damn well that Mariah’s
music is not popular at all here.And If you think that
Celine outsold her in Canada , Europe (Big Differences)
, Africa , Australia (small difference) , North America
it is more than a FACT that Celine sold more.
Lambs will always talk and talk and talk with 0 proof.
I think they have a bad attitude and cause of this
people sometimes get mad at Mariah. Mariah is so cool
for me,a true legend. But she is supported by obsessed
liars and she seems ”bad” herself because of that.
Anyway…Keep up the good work !
I appreciate you Lucky Luke.
You say the truth with real facts and proves!
I also (like I always did) said that I was NOT a Mariah hater, because I like her music, too. Like millions of people, too.
But I do not understand why lambs don’t have any proves for posts, and why they usually don’t recognize our posts about REAL facts about sales.
Madonna is the best selling female artist of the world.
Nothing, can change that! Neither your untrue facts!
And not inflated album sales (especially single sales) of Mrs Carey!
When I hear that someone says Mariah has single sales of over 100 million, and that Mariah has better selling singles - I could get crazy!
Because this is total sh**!
Thank god there are some people in the world who know the real truth!
Why isn’t that debate closed long ago, because we have the conclusion!
Madonna is the best selling female artist, not Mariah Carey (we don’t wanna put Mariah down)
Celine is the true second top selling female artist.
And NOT Nana Mouskouri.
Celine is followed by Mariah Carey and she is followed by M(r)s Whitney Houston.
@ Lucky Luke
thanks! I know Mariah fans can be so annoying sometimes the only thing they can use is that Mariah got diamond award and she has 18 number ones and pla pla pla.. like she’s the greatist artist all of time lol. they think that Mariah is best selling female because she has those 18 number ones in USA but only 1 in europe.
sometimes it’s useless to against Mariah fans when it comes to album and single sales because. they are so childish
I will keep up the good work.
madonna number one.
Me too Moff,like you and Shutup I appreciate all Mariah haters !
Lucky Luke the only thing you can use is that Celine got her irrelevant Diamond award and severall citations and biased links.For Mdonna you just can use her biased and fake Guinness citations.Shutup ! all your lists are right only for Mariah haters like Moff and Lucky Luke ! Any objective music fan wouldn’t agree with them ! You prove how much you all are ignorants about facts !
@ Mariah4 Ever
Stop being bitter please unless you are 12 years old.
You don’t surprise us at all because
as I posted earlier you just use the predictable words
”irrelvent” , ”biased” etc …
You actually try to make me angry calling me hater
but you definitely fail in this.
So the real hater is you.
I explained how Mariah got her awards and everyhting
makes perfect sense.
All in all… - and stick to what I am going to say - …
If…I say IF you have something new to say by
bringing real facts and sources ,I will be more than
happy to talk with you.
Finally , you know very well that
Mediatraffic , Billboard , IFPI/RIAA ,
Guiness Book Of Records and World Music Awards
C O M B I N E D take down your denial on Celine’s
and Madonna’s worldwide distinctions.
In your place I would look everywhere for “objective music fans” and then I would ask: Are this lists (of shutup) right?
What you call an “abjective music fan” is probably just a Madonna hater and a Mariah Lover!
I would really like to know somebody who is working at RIAA or IFPI and you see that Madonna is the best selling female artist!
Followed by Celine.
Shutups lists are almost correct and not inflated like your best selling singles of your Mariah!
200m albums .. lol.
Nice reply !!
Check Comments 81 - 84 in this page…
They all use the SAME ”arguments” !
SAME Words ! SAME Phrases !
And Of course…without posting any fact at all…
@ Mariah 4ever
what could possibly be more truthfully than bilboard or mediatraffic? so far Madonna has 18 worldwide number one hit songs from 1987-2008 last one was 4 minutes topping the charts in 21 countries.
i have posted so many links to prove that Madonna is best selling female artist. you are acting like 12 year old lol.
@ Shutup : You’re a Mariah hater because you’re stupid ,not because you live in Europe .I am an European too, although I live in USA. I speak French,English and Danish and I am a lamb.I have many friends in Europe who love Mariah Carey.Even if Madonna and Celine are more successful than Mariah there,many Europeans consider Mariah as a better artist . Well,According to RIAA and provider datas sales worldwide, We Belong Together sold more than Hung Up worldwide,not just in USA.You know nothing on sales my dear,otherwise,you should know that Mariah is a huge single seller not only in USA,but worldwide.Mariah sold over 45 million albums in Asia alone.You can’t say that her career is dead ,nobody really knows when she will return to proeminence,as her new Christmas album proves that Mariah’s voice stay the best voice ever ! Now,haters can’t say anymore that Mariah lose her voice and blablabla…Her new Christmas album flopped only because of Susan Boyles’s.Susan is a new successful sensation worldwide, it’s normal that’s she sold better than any old artist.By the way,according to all critics,Mariah’s new Christmas album is better than Susan’s based on quality and vocal performance.Mariah’s sales decrease since she sing mainly Hip Hop/R&B style.If she would made Pop albums like Celine and Madonna ,she would sold much more than what she sold with her Hip Hop stuff ( like she used to when she sang Pop music only ).
Mariah had more number one Top 100 Hits in Billboard Hot 100 (the biggest musical Chart worldwide) than Madonna. You said that “madonna has 15 number ones in Europe and 12 in usa. 20 in Canada, 21 in italy. 13 in uk. 11 in Australia so how the hell Mariah has sold same amount of singles. Mariah has more radio airplair but only in usa. rest of the world ignores her. even her succes in Japan is minimal today” But,what can you say for Celine Dion ? she got only 43 number 1 Hits worldwide,include just 4 in Billboard Hot 100, whereas Mariah Carey got over 80 ones worldwide, include 18 in Billboard hot 100 ??? I remind you that Mariah rules on Billboard Hot 100 with Beatles and Elvis Presley.As a Mariah hater,you did your work very well! All your lists and all that you wrote here stinks because they taste so biased ,so partial and so subjective.Sorry,but I never eat anything who is spoil and creep,otherwise I would throw up and get sick.
Only RIAA is reliable for truthful datas sales about USA.World Music Award is much more reliable for worldwide sales than others world sales claimers.Guiness proved it as it made a very huge mistake about its initial Madonna’s sales estimations .All others are sales claimers are doubtfull ! Maybe Madonna sold more singles and albums over Mariah in Europe,but Mariah sold more Singles and more albums over Madonna in Asia ! No matter about it,as Mariah got the whole Asia continent.China alone got much more people than the whole Europe,and Mariah rules there.I don’t even to mention huge others Asian countries like Japan,Taiwan,Hong Kong, Korea,etc…
@ Moff,Lambs usually give you Mariah’s singles sales worldwide lists in all Popdirt forums,but you always just said the sales are inflated,they are biased and blablabla…I don’t have time to spend with haters like you on proving anything,whatever I’d give here,you’ll always refute it,since it favor Mariah.However,none of you said nothing about Shutup’s and Lucky Luke’s biased and partial lists ,as they biased them in favor of Madonna and Celine. Moff,I am just honest unlike you,I don’t hate Madonna,I even own many of her albums ! All that I hate are subjective debaturs who are blind and able to do anything for put Mariah down beside Celine and Madonna although the facts show obviously the opposite.You are a spiteful person as you always said that I insulted people formerly.At least,I change my ways since long ago.Moreover,I brought solid arguments and facts unlike much debaters here ! For all of you who really think that Celine outsold Mariah in albums sales worldwide,I’m gonna show you the opposite even by Lucky Luke’s own arguments,although he biased all them in favor of Celine while he decrease all Mariah’s ! I’m gonna prove to every objective people how much Lucky Luke is contradictory and a liar ! So,anyone objective couldn’t come here and call me liar anymore !
@ Lucky Luke: My last post is too long? You surely mean shutup lists !
Well,Mariah got the millennium award in 2000,not 1999.All The Way was already released since many months before.They Awarded Mariah because her global sales surpassed any female artist till 2000 year. Mariah was always claimed BEST SELLING FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIMES , not just best selling of an era unlike what you said .Mariah was awarded and honored as the best selling female artist of the 1990’s by the Legend Award of 1998 and the guiness citation of 1996-1997.I never said that Billboard is partial and subjective,you distort my claims deliberately.I said that huge institutions can make huge mistake like Guinness World Records usually did about Madonna’s sales,so objective people should analyze the facts and the datas themselves instead of just repeat what an institution or a link claim.For example,you said that A New Day Has Come sold more than TEOM with 12 million sales worldwide because its got 20 platinum certification in Europe alone unlike TEOM.You also recognize that RIAA certified A New Day 3 times Platinum for 3 million sales in USA while IFPI certified A New Day… 3 times platinum for 3 million sales in the whole Europe.3+3 =6 .So,where the 6 million other sales come from ??? About TEOM,even Wikipedia the worse Mariah hater site, admit that TEOM is certified 7 times in USA alone for 7 million sales without including other countries sales.How A New Day could ever sold as much as TEOM worldwide,even if TEOM sales was 6 million in US alone ??? In facts ,how A New Day could surpass 9-10 million sales worldwide the most ??? You see how an analyze can bring more light than a simple claim by a stupid link !! ! In facts,Celine never sold more albums than Mariah this decade.
All that I said about Celine’s 2000 decade albums is right.They are called moderate successes although they sold very low.Mariah’s are called flops although they doesn’t sold lower than Celine’s.About her French albums,please Lucky Luke,don’t lie to us.D’eux The French Album never sold 10 million worldwide ! it sold 9 million the most.All Celine’s French albums (since her international career in 1990) are promoted all over Europe,not just in 3 or 4 French countries. That’s why Celine sold 55 million albums in Europe.That’s proves OBVIOUSLY that USA alone is a bigger market than the whole Europe as Celine sold 50 million albums there for her English releases only ! However,Celine release severall French albums and Collections in Europe although her global sales almost equal to USA’s.Moreover,Celine got 2 Diamond certified albums in USA whereas she got just one in Europe (Let’s Talk About love).All that prove that Europe isn’t as huge as USA on musical sales !!!
Celine sold more than Mariah in Australia ? Hahaha! You made me laugh ! You must know that this Market belong to Mariah my dear,not just Music Box is sell good there,but all Mariah’s smash hit albums !
About confusion,you did ! just read your preview posts one more time. I repeat you that My Heart Will Go On global sales doesn’t reach 12 million worldwide,that’s a LIE ! it sold 10 million worldwide.
About singles,Mariah sold more than 50 million singles worldwide over Celine Dion.That’s a fact very dear !
@ Lucky luke : Lucky Luke ,right now,I’m gonna show to objective people here, how much you are a liar ! and how much you biased the sales that you gave here ! They contradict you ,( ALTHOUGH YOU DECREASE DELIBERATELY ALL MARIAH’S ALBUMS SALES AND INCREASE ALL CELINE’S ) You’re so contradictory ! according to all that you wrote about sales .Celine would be a much better seller and Asia continent than Mariah ! as you consider the sales of US and Europe for both although the remainder favorite Celine in all your datas ! As everyone knows ,Europe is the best Market of Celine unlike Mariah who got Asia ! You even don’t consider the WHOLE Asia continent .Let’s see !
-Mariah Carey 16m (Us 9P , Eur 1P)- VS -The Colour Of My Love 20 m (US 6P,Eur 4P)
-Their ASIAN SALES ???
- So, MC: 9m US + 1m Europe = 10 m will give 16 m sales worldwide when we added Asian sales + the rest of the world,while TCOFM: 6m US + 4m Europe = 10m will give 20 m sales worldwide when we add Asian sales + the rest of the world . As everybody know,Asia is the next bigger market of the world behind USA and Europe . Where The Colour Of My Love sell the 10 m remainder albums ?.Mariah Carey is as everybody know,the best selling non Asian artist in Asia How it could be possible to TCOML to outsold MC ??? When the sales of its GREATEST markets reach 10 million Someone can explain this to me please ?? Those facts show clearly that Mariah Carey album sold more than The Colour Of My Love as Lambs always claim it ! also proved it,but you just ignore it,now you ‘ll try to refute it !
Idem for all other albums of Celine and Mariah that Lucky Luke put their sales here !
-Emotions 08m (Us 4P , Eur 1P) – VS - Celine Dion 6m (Us 3P , 1m In Canada ??) It’s a HUGE LIE,Celine Dion album NEVER CERTIFIED 3 TIMES IN USA ,BUT 2 TIMES !!!!
- Emotions was successful in Japan and other Asian countries.This album was also relatively successful somewhere in Latin America. Besides,Emotions is a much more popular album worldwide than Celine Dion,even in Europe ! Don’t try to face Emotions to Celine Dion,cause Emotions sold much more than Celine Dion !Emotions sold over 10 million worldwide !
-.Mtv Live 06m (Us 3P , Eur 1P) Check Mariah Around The World’s DVD,in which Columbia claimed that MTV Unplugged EP album,(not MTV Live) reached 5 million sales worldwide shortly after its release,in 1992.
-.Music Box 30m (Us 10P , Eur 7P) – VS – Falling Into You 32m (Us 11P , Eur 9P , Japan M)Lets Talk About Love 32m (Us 10P , Eur 10P , Japan M)
So,Lucky Luke,Let’s calculate their respective sales,even according to your OWN figure sales :
-Falling Into You :11m in US + 9m in Eur + 1m Japan + 1m in Canada + 2m for the rest of Asia = 24 m )\
-Let’s Talk About Love :10m in US+ 10m in EUr + 1m in Japan + 1m in Canada + 2 m in the rest of Asia =24m
-Music Box : 10m in US +7 m in Eur + 3 m in Japan + 4m for the rest of Asia ( includimg 1m in Korea + 0,7m in China ) + 0,7m in Canada =24,7m
Music Box outsold Falling Into you and Let’s talk About love in Australia,New Zealand and everywhere in Oceania,in Brazil and some parts of Latin America .It sold the same than Falling Into You & Lets talk About Love in South Africa ( anyway,Africa is a weak market compared to Australia or Brazil alone ),so how FIY & LTAL could sell more than Music Box ? It’s untrue ! It would be the opposite ! In facts,They 3 sold the same amount of million worldwide.
05.Merry Xmas 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 2.5m) - VS - These Are Special Times 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P ,Canada D) - ( excluding Japan,Japan alone is not whole Asia just like UK nor France are not whole Europe ) ???
Are you sure that Merry Christmas sold only 1 million in Europe ?
Lets’s calculate well :
Merry Christmas :5m in US + 1m in Eur + 2,5m in Japan ( excluding the rest of Asia ) =8,5 m
These Are Special Times : 5m in US + 1 m in Eur + 1m in Canada =7m
As we see,Merry Christmas already have the advantage over These Are Special times .Besides,Merry Christmas outsold These Are Special Times in the rest of Asia, Australia,New Zealand and all the Pacific and Latin America.
Don’t’ try to equal These Are Special Times’s sales to Merry Christmas’s .Everyone know very well that Merry Christmas is according to every musical institutions,the best selling Christmas album of all times,and also the most popular Christmas album of the world.It sold much more than These Are Special Times ( over 17 mllion copies worldwide nowadays,as it sold 16 million marks back to 2006,according to the source showed by the post 106 ).MJN.Com also confirm these sales as it included it in their list of the 100 best selling albums of all times,unlike These Are Special Times.
.Number 1s 17m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 3,5 M) –VS - All The Way 23m (Us 9m -UPDATED – , Eur 5m , Japan 2M , Canada Diamond)
All The Way 9m in US ? really ? At December 2 ,2010,you posted in the Celine Vs Mariah Popdirt debate that All the Way was 7 times Platinum in US ! Did it sold 2 million new sales in US from December 2010 to January 2011 ? Everybody know it’s certified 7xP in USA for sales of 7 million.Don’t lie !
- All The Way’s sales in Japan are 2 million ? FALSE ! It NEVER reach 2 million in Japan, but just 1 million sales there !
All The Way : 7m in US + 5m in Eur + 1m in Japan + 1m in Canada = 13m
Number 1’s : 5m in US + 7m in Asia ( including 3,5 million for Japan alone ) = 12 m
Are you sure that Number 1’s sold just 1 million in Europe ? OK.As we see,there is only 1 million sales of difference among both albums for their respective best markets. So,where do this huge difference of 6 million come from ? Besides,how can you decrease all Mariah’s sales in Europe like this ? Even if Mariah is not a great seller in Europe,her European sales per album can’t be so weak ! How Mariah could sell 26,8 million albums in Europe with 18 releases there ,if her best selling albums couldn’t reach even 2 million there ? In accordance with your datas, Mariah’s best selling albums in Europe doesn’t surpass 1million sales there ( except for Music Box and Daydream ),but that can’t be true !
TEOM 11m (Us 6P – Europe 1P) – VS - A New Day Has Come 12m (Us 3P , Eur 3P , Canada 6P)
Are you sure that TEOM sold only 1m in whole Europe ?
A New Day Has Come : 3m in US + 3m in Europe + 0,6m in Canada + 0,1 m in Japan = 6,7m
The Emancipation Of Mimi : 6m in US + 1 m in Eur + 0,3 m in Canada + 1m in Japan = 8,3 m
How A New Day Has Come could ever outsold ,or even equal The Emancipation Of Mimi’s sales worldwide ? TEOM outsold ANDHC in whole Asia, Latin America,New Zealand ,Australia,etc…
So,The Emancipation Of Mimi sold more than A New Day Has Come worldwide .
It’s the same for the rest of Celine Dion and Mariah Carey’s respective album sales .When we compare detailed datas coming from any sources,we see that Mariah ‘s sales are higher than what some people usually claim,and that celine’s total sales doesn’t surpass Mariah’s. .
- I Never said Mariah was the best seller of one era.
Mariah was the best seller during the 90’s and therefore
she got her millenium award in 2000 like you correctly
mentioned. But still her ”Rainbow” album and Celine’s
”All The Way” / ”These Are Special Times”
were not certified until then.
Celine’s ”These Are Specials Times” Re-entered/ OR Topped Xmas charts
every year till 2001. And generally Celine’s mid 90’s
albums recieved high certifications in early 00’s.
For example ”Let’s Talk About Love”
was certified 10 Times Platinum in Europe by IFPI in
2003 !!! Got That ? In 2003 ! Her album D’Eux was
certified 8 times Platinum by IFPI in 2007 !!!!!!
- Billboard proved Celine sold more ALBUMS than Mariah
during the 00’s and saying it makes huge mistakes is just
your opinion and I can’t fight that.
- TEOM never reached 7 times platinum in Us. It is 6
times platinum,even her official site says so, so please
don’t repeat this again. Celine’s A New Day has sold
7m copies In Us and Europe just like Mariah’s TEOM.
All in all TEOM is more successful because it had more
successful singles and because its sales are neck to neck
with ”a new day has come” despite the fact that TEOM
was released in a bad era for album sales (downloading
started in 2004) while ”A New Day Has Come” was
released in 2002. So 1m copies more for ”A New Day Has
Come” doesn’t mean that much.
- D’Eux sold 10m because it is 8 times platinum in
Europe,7 Times in Canada and has sold over 250k in Us
! so yes…Its worldwide sales stand at 10m.
You wanna say 9m ? say 9m !! I don’t care !
- A French album that sells over 1m copies is a huge
success because it is promoted in France , Belgium and
Quebec and means it has at least reached
multiplatinum status there.Her only single promoted all
over Europe is ”Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore” , and this
because of its huge success in France
and ”Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi” after it won the
Eurovision song contest in 1988. End of story.
- Europe is just the same as Us in musical sales. Get
over it PLEASE ! it takes 1m to get a platinum
certification. What you say about Celine’s sales
is totally irrelevant to the size of the markets. Celine
is a good seller in Both Us and Europe.
- Celine Has 35 platinum certifications in Australia and
Mariah 32 platinum certifications despite the fact she
released a few more albums there.
So Celine is ahead but with an irrelevant difference of
- Celine and Mariah have same number of WORLDWIDE hits.
Mariah has million selling in Us. Celine is Europe. So,
I don’t even comment on the lie you posted
about 50m difference !
- The ”Colour of my Love” was much more successful In
Asia than ”Mariah Carey” because of the smash hit ”To
Love You More”
- ”Celine Dion” is highly undercertified in Us.
- ”Music Box” never sold 3m copies in Japan. Mariah’s
best seller there is ”Number 1s” with sales of 3m !
- ”All the way” is Celine’s best seller in Japan with
sales of 2m.
- All in all if you wanna refer to Asian sales BRING
FACTS ! You don’t even know who certifies sales there
and you keep mentioning to Mariah’s sales there.
- I can’t talk to a person that still believes
”Glitter” outsells ”Taking Chances” !!!
- You say ”when we compare sales coming from sources”
….when did you EVEN mention ONE source ?
- Mariah got The Diamond Award In 2003 for sales of 150m
albums and Celine replaced her for sales of 175m albums
in 2004 as world Music Award declared.
- You say Billboard makes mistakes,you call our lists
partial,you say Guinness Book Of records makes mistakes ,
you refer to Mariah’s Diamond award while calling
Celine’s 2004 Award Irrelvant,you say Wikipedia hates
Mariah…How can I logically answer to all this ? you
obviously think there is a conspirancy against Mariah !
I mean none of us ever called Musical institutions or
awards or magazines partial or wrong…we just say your
lists are wrong because there are not supported by
RIAA or IFPI or Meditraffic proof ! There are NO FACTS
For example to prove Mariah sold over 100m singles
worldwide. There is no FACT that proves her sales of 40m
albums in Asia…! I am a fan and I tell you…
I repost for you :Mariah got the millennium award in 2000,not 1999.All The Way was already released since many months before.They Awarded Mariah because her global sales surpassed any female artist till 2000 year. Mariah was always claimed BEST SELLING FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIMES , not just best selling of an era unlike what you said .Did Britney spears ever called nest selling artist of all times ,unlike Mariah ? as sheâ??s the best selling female artist of the 2000 decade ! Did Britney and Eminem get Chopard Diamond award for the 2000 era ,as they are both the best selling artists of the 2000â??s ?No,donâ??t try to confound us.Mariah was called best selling female artist OF ALL TIMES BY ALL MEDIAS ,FROM 2000 TO 2004,DONâ??T JOKE !Mariah was awarded and honored as the best selling female artist of the 1990â??s ERA already by the Legend Award of 1998 and the guiness citation of 1996-1997.I never said that Billboard is partial and subjective,you distort my claims deliberately.I said that huge institutions can make huge mistake like Guinness World Records usually did about Madonnaâ??s sales,so objective people should analyze the facts and the datas themselves instead of just repeat what an institution or a link claim.For example,you said that A New Day Has Come sold more than TEOM with 12 million sales worldwide because its got 20 platinum certification in Europe alone unlike TEOM.You also recognize that RIAA certified A New Day 3 times Platinum for 3 million sales in USA while IFPI certified A New Dayâ?¦ 3 times platinum for 3 million sales in the whole Europe.3+3 =6 .So,where the 6 million other sales come from ??? About TEOM,even Wikipedia the worse Mariah hater site, admit that TEOM is certified 7 times in USA alone for 7 million sales without including other countries sales.How A New Day could ever sold as much as TEOM worldwide,even if TEOM sales was 6 million in US alone ??? In facts ,how A New Day could surpass 9-10 million sales worldwide the most ??? You see how an analyze can bring more light than a simple claim by a stupid link !! ! In facts,Celine never sold more albums than Mariah this decade.
By the way,even if I donâ??t know yet who certifies sales in Asian countries,I know very well that Mariah Carey is very successful in these countries and sold much more albums than any other female artist there.So,she sold approximately 40- 45 million in Asia .Let me remind you that these markets are not as micro as European markets like,Greece,Hungary ( gold disc there worth 3 000 sales ),Portugal ( gold disc there worth 10 000 sales ),Russia ( gold disc there worth 10 000 sales ),Poland etcâ?¦ In countries like Luxembourg,Monaco,Liechsteinsten,Malte,Lettonia,Romania,Bulgary certifications there worth even much lower sales . There is only UK and France as relatively great markets in Europe.Even Germany isnâ??t a great market for international music .However,Japan alone is a bigger market than all of them.Mariahâ??s albums like Music Box and # 1â??S sold over 3 million each in Japan alone.
No,I donâ??t deny it,I recognize that Madonna refused the Chopard Diamond Award that WMA gave to Celine Dion in 2004.So,you finally give me reason when I said that Celineâ??s Chopard Award was irrelevant !
Let me remind you very dear Lucky Luke,that Falling Into You and Letâ??s Talk About Love doesnâ??t sold more than Music Box ! There is only 3 female albums who surpassed Music Box on sales.
-The Bodyguard (Whitney Houston)
-Come On Over (Shania Twain)
-Jagged Little Pill ( Alanis Morissette).
Music box sold as much as Falling Into You & Letâ??s Talk About Love .
Mariahâ??s WORLDWIDE Hits !
1-Vision Of Love ( # 1 in USA,Canada,New Zealand,Brazil,top ten in Australia,etcâ?¦)
2-Iâ??ll Be There
4-Without You
6-One Sweet Day
7-Open Arms
8-Always Be My Baby
9-All I Want For Christmas Is You
10-My All
11-When You Believe
13-We Belong Together
14-Itâ??s Like That
15-Touch My Body
(I donâ??t put Forever,Love Takes Time,Emotions,Underneath The Stars,Honey,Obsessed,I Still Believe,etcâ?¦because they are popular above all, in US and somewhere in Europe or in Asia ! )
Celineâ??s WORLDWIDE hits
1-The Power Of Love
2-Because You Loved Me
3-All By Myself
4-My Heart Will Go On
5-I Drove All Night ( above all in Europe and Canada )
Iâ??m Your Angel,Thatâ??s The Way It Is and A New Day Has Come are not worldwide Hits.they were local hits .How could you put Tell Him as a worldwide Hit ??? in how different countries by continent it was popular or had reached number 1 or even Top 10 ???
All that I said about Celineâ??s 2000 decade albums is right.They are called moderate successes although they sold very low.Mariahâ??s are called flops although they doesnâ??t sold lower than Celineâ??s.About her French albums,please Lucky Luke,donâ??t lie to us.Dâ??eux The French Album never sold 10 million worldwide ! it sold 9 million the most.All Celineâ??s French albums (since her international career in 1990) are promoted all over Europe,not just in 3 or 4 French countries. Thatâ??s why Celine sold 55 million albums in Europe.Thatâ??s proves OBVIOUSLY that USA alone is a bigger market than the whole Europe as Celine sold 50 million albums there for her English releases only ! However,Celine release severall French albums and Collections in Europe although her global sales almost equal to USAâ??s.Moreover,Celine got 2 Diamond certified albums in USA whereas she got just one in Europe (Letâ??s Talk About love).All that prove that Europe isnâ??t as huge as USA on musical sales !!!
Celine sold more than Mariah in Australia ? Hahaha! You made me laugh ! You must know that this Market belong to Mariah my dear,not just Music Box is sell good there,but all Mariahâ??s smash hit albums !
About confusion,you did ! just read your preview posts one more time. I repeat you that My Heart Will Go On global sales doesnâ??t reach 12 million worldwide,thatâ??s a LIE ! it sold 10 million worldwide.
About singles,Mariah sold more than 50 million singles worldwide over Celine Dion.Thatâ??s a fact very dear !
Lucky Luke ,right now,Iâ??m gonna show to objective people here, how much you are a liar ! and how much you biased the sales that you gave here ! They contradict you ,( ALTHOUGH YOU DECREASE DELIBERATELY ALL MARIAHâ??S ALBUMS SALES AND INCREASE ALL CELINEâ??S ) Youâ??re so contradictory ! according to all that you wrote about sales .Celine would be a much better seller and Asia continent than Mariah ! as you consider the sales of US and Europe for both although the remainder favorite Celine in all your datas ! As everyone knows ,Europe is the best Market of Celine unlike Mariah who got Asia ! You even donâ??t consider the WHOLE Asia continent .Letâ??s see !
-Mariah Carey 16m (Us 9P , Eur 1P)- VS -The Colour Of My Love 20 m (US 6P,Eur 4P)
-Their ASIAN SALES ???
- So, MC: 9m US + 1m Europe = 10 m will give 16 m sales worldwide when we added Asian sales + the rest of the world,while TCOFM: 6m US + 4m Europe = 10m will give 20 m sales worldwide when we add Asian sales + the rest of the world . As everybody know,Asia is the next bigger market of the world behind USA and Europe . Where The Colour Of My Love sell the 10 m remainder albums ?.Mariah Carey is as everybody know,the best selling non Asian artist in Asia How it could be possible to TCOML to outsold MC ??? When the sales of its GREATEST markets reach 10 million Someone can explain this to me please ?? Those facts show clearly that Mariah Carey album sold more than The Colour Of My Love as Lambs always claim it ! also proved it,but you just ignore it,now you â??ll try to refute it !
Idem for all other albums of Celine and Mariah that Lucky Luke put their sales here !
-Emotions 08m (Us 4P , Eur 1P) â?? VS - Celine Dion 6m (Us 3P , 1m In Canada ??) Itâ??s a HUGE LIE,Celine Dion album NEVER CERTIFIED 3 TIMES IN USA ,BUT 2 TIMES !!!!
- Emotions was successful in Japan and other Asian countries.This album was also relatively successful somewhere in Latin America. Besides,Emotions is a much more popular album worldwide than Celine Dion,even in Europe ! Donâ??t try to face Emotions to Celine Dion,cause Emotions sold much more than Celine Dion !Emotions sold over 10 million worldwide !
-.Mtv Live 06m (Us 3P , Eur 1P) Check Mariah Around The Worldâ??s DVD,in which Columbia claimed that MTV Unplugged EP album,(not MTV Live) reached 5 million sales worldwide shortly after its release,in 1992.
-.Music Box 30m (Us 10P , Eur 7P) â?? VS â?? Falling Into You 32m (Us 11P , Eur 9P , Japan M)Lets Talk About Love 32m (Us 10P , Eur 10P , Japan M)
So,Lucky Luke,Letâ??s calculate their respective sales,even according to your OWN figure sales :
-Falling Into You :11m in US + 9m in Eur + 1m Japan + 1m in Canada + 2m for the rest of Asia = 24 m )\
-Letâ??s Talk About Love :10m in US+ 10m in EUr + 1m in Japan + 1m in Canada + 2 m in the rest of Asia =24m
-Music Box : 10m in US +7 m in Eur + 3 m in Japan + 4m for the rest of Asia ( includimg 1m in Korea + 0,7m in China ) + 0,7m in Canada =24,7m
Music Box outsold Falling Into you and Letâ??s talk About love in Australia,New Zealand and everywhere in Oceania,in Brazil and some parts of Latin America .It sold the same than Falling Into You & Lets talk About Love in South Africa ( anyway,Africa is a weak market compared to Australia or Brazil alone ),so how FIY & LTAL could sell more than Music Box ? Itâ??s untrue ! It would be the opposite ! In facts,They 3 sold the same amount of million worldwide.
05.Merry Xmas 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 2.5m) - VS - These Are Special Times 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P ,Canada D) - ( excluding Japan,Japan alone is not whole Asia just like UK nor France are not whole Europe ) ???
Are you sure that Merry Christmas sold only 1 million in Europe ?
Letsâ??s calculate well :
Merry Christmas :5m in US + 1m in Eur + 2,5m in Japan ( excluding the rest of Asia ) =8,5 m
These Are Special Times : 5m in US + 1 m in Eur + 1m in Canada =7m
As we see,Merry Christmas already have the advantage over These Are Special times .Besides,Merry Christmas outsold These Are Special Times in the rest of Asia, Australia,New Zealand and all the Pacific and Latin America.
Donâ??tâ?? try to equal These Are Special Timesâ??s sales to Merry Christmasâ??s .Everyone know very well that Merry Christmas is according to every musical institutions,the best selling Christmas album of all times,and also the most popular Christmas album of the world.It sold much more than These Are Special Times ( over 17 mllion copies worldwide nowadays,as it sold 16 million marks back to 2006,according to the source showed by the post 106 ).MJN.Com also confirm these sales as it included it in their list of the 100 best selling albums of all times,unlike These Are Special Times.
.Number 1s 17m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 3,5 M) â??VS - All The Way 23m (Us 9m -UPDATED â?? , Eur 5m , Japan 2M , Canada Diamond)
All The Way 9m in US ? really ? At December 2 ,2010,you posted in the Celine Vs Mariah Popdirt debate that All the Way was 7 times Platinum in US ! Did it sold 2 million new sales in US from December 2010 to January 2011 ? Everybody know itâ??s certified 7xP in USA for sales of 7 million.Donâ??t lie !
- All The Wayâ??s sales in Japan are 2 million ? FALSE ! It NEVER reach 2 million in Japan, but just 1 million sales there !
All The Way : 7m in US + 5m in Eur + 1m in Japan + 1m in Canada = 13m
Number 1â??s : 5m in US + 7m in Asia ( including 3,5 million for Japan alone ) = 12 m
Are you sure that Number 1â??s sold just 1 million in Europe ? OK.As we see,there is only 1 million sales of difference among both albums for their respective best markets. So,where do this huge difference of 6 million come from ? Besides,how can you decrease all Mariahâ??s sales in Europe like this ? Even if Mariah is not a great seller in Europe,her European sales per album canâ??t be so weak ! How Mariah could sell 26,8 million albums in Europe with 18 releases there ,if her best selling albums couldnâ??t reach even 2 million there ? In accordance with your datas, Mariahâ??s best selling albums in Europe doesnâ??t surpass 1million sales there ( except for Music Box and Daydream ),but that canâ??t be true !
TEOM 11m (Us 6P â?? Europe 1P) â?? VS - A New Day Has Come 12m (Us 3P , Eur 3P , Canada 6P)
Are you sure that TEOM sold only 1m in whole Europe ?
A New Day Has Come : 3m in US + 3m in Europe + 0,6m in Canada + 0,1 m in Japan = 6,7m
The Emancipation Of Mimi : 6m in US + 1 m in Eur + 0,3 m in Canada + 1m in Japan = 8,3 m
How A New Day Has Come could ever outsold ,or even equal The Emancipation Of Mimiâ??s sales worldwide ? TEOM outsold ANDHC in whole Asia, Latin America,New Zealand ,Australia,etcâ?¦
So,The Emancipation Of Mimi sold more than A New Day Has Come worldwide .
Itâ??s the same for the rest of Celine Dion and Mariah Careyâ??s respective album sales .When we compare detailed datas coming from any sources,we see that Mariah â??s sales are higher than what some people usually claim,and that celineâ??s total sales doesnâ??t surpass Mariahâ??s.All your owns datas deny you.So,as I show it clearly, Mariah sold more albums than Celine Dion worldwide .
@ TRISH (Repost ONLY For You <3 )
01.I Never said Mariah was the best seller of one era.
I Said she sold more than Celine from 1990-1995 and that
Celine sold more than Mariah from 1996-2000.
Mariah was the best seller during the 90’s and therefore
she got her millennium award in 2000 like you correctly
mentioned. But still her ”Rainbow” album and Celine’s
”All The Way” / ”These Are Special Times”
were not certified until then and don’t try to change
Celine’s ”These Are Specials Times” Re-entered/ OR
Topped Xmas chart every year till 2001. And generally
Celine’s mid 90’s albums received high certifications in
early 00’s. For example ”Let’s Talk About Love”
was certified 10 Times Platinum in Europe by IFPI in
2003 !!! Got That ? In 2003 ! Her album D’Eux was
certified 8 times Platinum by IFPI in 2007 !!!!!!
02.Billboard proved Celine sold more ALBUMS than Mariah
during the 00’s and saying it makes huge mistakes is just
your opinion and I can’t fight that.
03.TEOM never reached 7 times platinum in Us. It is 6
times platinum,even her official site says so, so please
don’t repeat this again. Celine’s A New Day has sold
7m copies In Us and Europe (3.5m In each Market) just
like Mariah’s TEOM.
All in all TEOM is more successful because it had more
successful singles and because its sales are neck to neck
with ”a new day has come” despite the fact that TEOM
was released in a bad era for album sales (downloading
started in 2004) while ”A New Day Has Come” was
released in 2002. So 1m copies more for ”A New Day Has
Come” doesn’t mean that much.Sth more…TEOM
never sold 1m in Japan ! what a lie ! it is
certified Platinum there for sales of over
200k ! This alone proves who the BIG liar is.
04.D’Eux sold 10m because it is 8 times platinum in
Europe,7 Times in Canada and has sold over 250k in Us
! so yes…Its worldwide sales stand at 10m.
You wanna say 9m ? say 9m !! I don’t care !
05.Time to LEARN that A French album that sells over 1m
is a HUGE success because it is promoted in France ,
Belgium and Quebec and means it has at least reached
multiplatinum status there.Her only single promoted all
over Europe is ”Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore” , and this
because of its huge success in France
and ”Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi” after it won the
Eurovision song contest in 1988. End of story.
- Europe is just the same as Us in musical sales. Get
over it PLEASE ! it takes 1m to get a platinum
certification. What you say about Celine’s sales
is totally irrelevant to the size of the markets. Celine
is a good seller in Both Us and Europe.
- Celine Has 35 platinum certifications in Australia and
Mariah 32 platinum certifications despite the fact she
released a few more albums there.
So Celine is ahead but with an irrelevant difference of
06.Celine and Mariah have same number of WORLDWIDE hits.
Mariah has million selling in Us. Celine in Europe. So,
I don’t even comment on the lie you posted
about 50m difference !
”Open Arms” , ”I’ll Be There” , ”It’s Like That”
NEVER became worldwide hits ! ”Open Arms” reached top
10 In UK !
”Tell Him” reached top 10 or top 5 everywhere it was
released. Same goes for ”That’s The Way It Is”
You are such a hater saying Celine has only 5 wordlwide
hits. :-S
07.The ”Colour of my Love” was much more successful In
Asia than ”Mariah Carey” because of the smash hit ”To
Love You More”
08.”Music Box” never sold 3m copies in Japan. Mariah’s
best seller there is ”Number 1s” with sales of 3m !
09.”All the way” is Celine’s best seller in Japan with
sales of 2m. You are a fan and you don’t know that ? :/
10.I can’t talk to a person that still believes
”Glitter” outsells ”Taking Chances” !!!
11.Nobody ever gave the title ”best selling Xmas album
By a female artist” to Mariah and Celine.
And this is why I posted equal sales.
Mariah’s album sold more in Asia and Australia.
In Europe,Canada Celine surpassed her. In Us Celine’s
album as of 2010 has sold 100k more.
And of course she sells in Africa as well.
So the album sales are equal. Don’t try to change this
with fake Asian sales you can’t prove.
12.”Celine Dion” and ”All the way” according to
BILLBOARD are her only undercertified albums in Us…
and yes…”All The Way” it is still certified 7 times
platinum. STILL ENOUGH to surpass the 20m mark worldwide,
( 7m Us , 2m Japan , 5m Europe , 1m Canada , 200k In
Australia )
being at least 3m copies ahead of Mariah’s Number 1s that
sold 5m In Us , 3m In Japan , 2m In Europe , 300k In
Canada and became a huge seller in Asia (17m total)
Platinum there for sales of over 200k !
13.You dare to call me contradictory when you keep
refering to Asian sales
and THEN you admit you DON’T KNOW Who certifies sales
there ?
Then how do you know ? Are we adults or kids here ?
Are we serious ? You say Mariah sold 45m albums in Asia
and you admit you can’t prove anything !
14.Emotions sold 1m in Japan , 1m In Europe , 4m In Us
and 500k In Canada and Australia
so its sales reach 9m worldwide…I stand corrected in
15.Don’t try to confuse us with the pointless
comparisons you make in Europe and Asia. Europe has 3
HUGE markets while Asia has only 1.
It takes 300k to get platinum certification in UK , 500k
In Germany and 300k In France ! In Japan 200k are enough
! so Europe is much more important than Asia that
consists of one big market
(obviously SMALLER than Europe’s big ones) and many
MICRO markets
for which you apparently…DON’T HAVE A CLUE.
16.I am not contradictory because the sales I posted
about Celine and Mariah TOTALLY AGREE with the awards
and distinctions they got.(POST 156/157)
YOUR FALSE sales don’t agree with awards and therefore
you call awards irrelevant and lists partial and fake.
lol ! How EASY is this ?
Mariah got The Diamond Award In 2003
for sales of 150m albums and Celine replaced her for
sales of 175m albums,as World Music Awards Officially
17.You say ”when we compare sales coming from sources”
So I have to ask….when did you EVEN mention ONE source ?
18.You say Billboard makes mistakes,you call our lists
partial,you say Guinness Book Of records makes mistakes ,
you refer to Mariah’s Diamond award while calling
Celine’s 2004 Award Irrelevant,you say Wikipedia hates
Mariah…Why ? because ALL THESE kill your Daydream
of Mariah being the highest seller ?
How can I logically answer to all this ? you
obviously think there is a conspiracy against Mariah !
I mean none of us ever called Musical institutions or
awards or magazines partial or wrong…we just say YOUR
lists are wrong because there are NOT supported by
RIAA or IFPI or Mediatraffic proof !
And Thank God A.Recent Awards , B.Media , C.Data
From Sources AGREE That Madonna And Celine are
the best selling female artists ever.
My comment if Finally posted ! :-D
LET’S TALK ABOUT LOVE -> 10m Us , 10m Eur , 1m Jap , 1m
Can , 500k Australia. —> 22.5
(Its Sales in Canada are over 1.7m but you won’t believe
this so let’s get over it / forget it ! lmao)
MUSIC BOX -> 10m Us , 7m Europe , 2m Japan , 1m Australia
, 700k Canada -> 20.7m
Clearly it sold less than Let’s Talk About Love,this is
why you keep refering to Mariah’s fake sales in Asian
MICRO MARKETS , trying to confuse us.
FALLING INTO YOU -> 11m Us , 9m Europe , 1m Japan ,
1m Australia , 1m Canada -> 23m
This is why if you search the internet you’ll see that
MUSIC BOX is credited for sales of 26m or 28m or 30m or
32m….while everyone knows (undeniable fact) that
Celine’s FALLING INTO YOU sold over 32m and LET’S TALK
ABOUT LOVE over 32m or 31m !
DAYDREAM (Cause you said a big lie that it is one of the
top 10 best selling albums) has sold 10m in Us , 3m Eur ,
700k Canada , 2m Japan , 400k in Australia —> 16.1m
and if you search (Google it) you’ll see it is
estimated it sold 20m or 22m or 25m (the most) worldwide!
With your weak / false / baised argument of Mariah’s
sales in Asia that you can’t prove , you will never
change anyone’s mind here.
@ thris
you don’t know nothing about sales. Germany is 80% of uk market in album sales. oh and touch my body was not worldwide hit.
see it only managed to get at 30 in the year end chart of 2008. same goes for my all and so many other Mariah song that were only hits in usa! worldwide they didn’t have succes.
and there is biggest worldwide hits for every year, Madonna has 2.
as you can see Mariah has no best selling worldwide single for any year , even Celine Dion has with my heart will go on. and if you dare to look worldwide number ones for every week for every year from 1887-2008 you will see Madonna has much more succes.
teom is not 7 times platinum in usa. check this link its RIAA official information.
and Celine Dion has sold more albums than Mariah Carey. Europe is the same size market than usa!
thris your post are uselles without any kind of links to prove your sales. and don’t use word biased lol.
@ Shutup
Funny how she wanted to prove I am a liar by posting
Fake Sales in Asian micro countries,she can’t even prove!
For example ->
3m for Music Box in Japan and 4m other Asian countries !
lol ! YEAH RIGHT ! Lmao !
I am happy to see you didn’t believe her fake ”facts”.
Hahaha! Trish just put you down with your own datas Lucky Luke ! Hahaha ! She show to everyone ,as much you lied.All that you gave prove that Mariah sold more albums than Celine worldwide.You try to deny it but it’s too late as everyone can read your preview posts here !hahaha! Shutup,you already said yourself that you’re a Mariah hater,so anyone could never trust anything you’ll say here.Lucky Luke and you are both Mariah haters Hahaha ! Bravo Trish,you are really great ! As you keep Lucky Luke in his own trap.You can say anything here to clear you Lucky Luke.Your owns datas talked for you.Now,Everybody just discover you as a huge liar and a Mariah hater.Hahaha! Now,Truth Rules !
Hahaha! more you try to clear yourself more you put yourself deeper in your own contradictions ! You said that The Colour Of My Love sold more in Asia because of the single Hit To Love You More. According to your logic,Daydream,Mariah Carey,Music Box,Butterfly,Emotions and TEOM sold much more than Falling into you and Let’s Talk About Love in USA, as they got each,much more hits in USA than FIY and LTAL.hahaha! Rainbow sold much More in France than All The Way… as Rainbow got 1 number one Hit in that country unlike All The Way Which got zero # 1 Hit.The same for Against All Odds in UK.Hahahaha! Besides,I remind you that The Colour Of My Love was promoted by the sigle The Power Of Love,not by To Love You More.To Love You More was released in October 1995,two years after the release of TCOML.Its enter the rendition of TCOML in 1996.LIAR ! Hahaha! Based on Hits Mariah would wins anyway anywhere !!! Hahaha!Celine got just 1 number 1 Hit in Asia,just To Love You More in Japan.hahaha! Just stop to deny it.Mariah sold more albums worldwide than Celine,you prove it yourself Lucky Luke,Trish just use your owns datas for show it to everyone.Mariah rules !
TRISH you act in a really childish way now :-)
When I read the phrase ”Bravo TRISH” I remember
”Jefrie” From the other debate that said
”Bravo TRISH” ! LoL ! Same person everywhere under
different nicknames ! lmao !
Broken T / Mariah4ever / Jefrie etc
On The Colour Of My Love album it became huge in Asia
because of hit songs like Power of Love and To Love You
More !!! Mariah’s debut had only one moderate hit there.
So Yes ! The Colour Of My Love sold more there !
Now,Take it easy and Stop acting like a Celine hater.
Celine sold much more as everyone can see ! :-)
Recent Awards / IFPI Data / Label Announcement / Media !
Haters —> Stay Pressed :-D
@ Lucky Luke : So what ?Just like you did with Unison,Chris,My love etc…the poster nicknamed Mariah4ever is not me,this is my little sister.What’s
the matter ? What matters here is what we post,not our nicknames !Anyway,I’m right in what I say and you’re wrong.
The title of this entry is not Celine Dion & Madonna vs Mariah carey.Celine is even not mentioned at all here.
We should have this discussion on the Celine vs Mariah blog,not here.You come here for combining yourself with Madonna’s fans against lambs,I don’t care.
Just don’t forget that facts determine links,but links doesn’t determine facts.
@ Shut Up : Just do what you came for,OK ? As a hater,you’re here for decreasing Mariah’s sales and achievements by partial and biased lists,just do it.Don’t even comment my posts.
@ Everyone : The truth about Celine Dion sales vs Mariah Carey’s sales ACCORDING TO LUCKY LUKE’S DATAS ( continuation ) :
-Mariah Carey 16m (Us 9P , Eur 1P)- VS -The Colour Of My Love 20 m (US 6P,Eur 4P)
-Their ASIAN SALES ???
- So, MC: 9m US + 1m Europe = 10 m will give 16 m sales worldwide when we added Asian sales + the rest of the world sales,while TCOML: 6m US + 4m Europe = 10m will give 20 m sales worldwide when we add Asian sales + the rest of the world . As everybody know,Asia is the next bigger market of the world behind USA and Europe . Where The Colour Of My Love sell the 10 m remainder albums ? Mariah is a much better seller artist in Asia than Celine,everyone know it.
Lucky Luke said that The Colour Of My Love sold much more in Asia than Mariah Carey because of the smash hit To love You More ! LIE !
-First : The Colour Of My Love album was released in 1993 ,To Love You More was released in October 1995 in Japan ! It was recorded for popular Japanese TV drama series, called Koibito Yo (meaning My Dear Lover), and included on The Colour of My Love album re-release in Japan ( by 1996 ). So, the sales of the album The Colour Of My Love was already stabilized in Japan and the single couldn’t really influence its sales like you try to claim,as it was released more than 2 years ago !Besides, The Colour Of My Love doesn’t surpass 1m sales in Japan according to its certification there.
-Second :In accordance with your own logic,albums having hit songs necessarily sell more than albums which are poor on hit songs ,or having no hit song at all ,as you said that thanks to To Love You More which was # 1 in Japan,The Colour Of my Love sells many million in advantage of Mariah Carey’s eponymous album ( although The Colour Of my Love sales in that country doesn’t even surpass 1 million ) in Asia.So,you necessarily mean that Rainbow has sold more than All The Way in France since Rainbow has Heartbreaker as # 1 hit in France while All The Way had no # 1 hit there .So,Mariah Carey eponymous album,would sell much more than any Celine’s album in USA since it has 4 # 1 hits there whereas Celine’s albums never had more than 1 # 1 hit song there.So,Mariah Carey,Emotions,Music Box ,Merry Christmas,Daydream,Butterfly,Rainbow and The Emancipation Of Mimi sell much more in USA each than Falling Into You & Let’s Talk About Love in USA.Also,Mariah Carey eponymous album has sold more than Falling Into You and Let’s Talk About Love in Canada since it has 2 # 1 hits in Canada (Vision Of Love and Love Takes Time) while the others has respectively only 1 hit there.
-Third : Japan alone is not whole Asia ! To Love You More was a smash hit in Japan,not in whole Asia !Moreover, it appeared later on the Asian edition of Falling into You, Live à Paris and the U.S. edition of Let’s Talk About Love.You try to mix the success of this single with the sales of TCOML in Japan ,but it’s useless.Your lie is revealed.Falling Into You & Let’s Talk About Love were both promoted in Asia by To Love You more single,that’s why they sold so good in that continent.The Colour Of My Love did not as it was released years ago.
Conclusion : Mariah Carey sold much more than The Colour Of My Love worldwide.
Mariah Carey have much more hits worldwide than Celine Dion :
CELINE DION’S number 1 Hit songs in different countries worldwide
-France : 5
-USA, Canada: 4 ( for each country respectively)
-Australia, United Kingdom,Sweden: 3
-Greece,Norway,Belgium, Danemark , Netherlands ,Spain : 2
-Japan,China,Germany,Argentina,Brazil,Finland,Pologne,Turkey, ,Austria,Ireland, ,Switzerland : 1
Celine Dion got a total of 43 # 1 Hit songs in 23 countries,with 10 different singles.
Number 1 Hit Songs in different countries worldwide
USA : 18
Japan, New Zealand, Brazil : 7 ( for each countries respectively)
Canada : 6
Philippines : 4
Netherlands,Finland : 3
Australia ,United Kingdom ,Jamaica, Spain: 2
France,Cyprus,Ireland,Belgium,Italy,Austria, Israel,Croatia,Switzerland,Sweden,Romania,Germany,Taiwan,Hong Kong, Portugal,China,South Korea,Singapore: 1
Mariah Carey got a total of 81 # 1 hits songs in 26 countries, with 23 different singles.
Mariah also have much more top 10 hits than Celine worldwide.Mariah Carey surpass Celine Dion by far on worldwide hits as everybody see.This prove that Mariah has sold much more singles worldwide than Celine,not just 20 nor 30 million over Celine.
Lucky Luke said Celine has million selling singles in Europe like Mariah has million selling singles in USA,and that they both have THE SAME number of worldwide hits ! Really ? First: Billboard Chart is huger than Eurochart,especially for single sales.Besides,Mariah rules in Billboard ,did Celine ruled in Eurochart ? Second : How many hits singles did Celine has in Eurochart ? Mariah had 18 # 1 singles in Billboard Chart.You compare Celine’s single sales in Europe with Mariah’s in USA ??? You Lie ! Mariah sold much more singles than Celine and has much more hits worldwide as everybody see ! Everything proves it.
Glitter outsells Taking Chances.
Glitter sold 4,4m worldwide,Taking Chances sold 3,5m.
Glitter : 1m in USA + 1m in Japan + 1m in the rest of Asia ( including 0,4m in China alone ) + 0,3m in Europe + 1m in all the rest of the world = 4,3 million worldwide
Taking Chances :1m in USA + 0,1m in Japan + 0,4m in Canada + 1m in Europe + 1m in the rest of the world = 3,5 million worldwide
Therefore,Glitter sells more than Taking Chances worldwide.
Mariah has sold 150 million albums by 2000 ( Millennium Award ).In 2003,this amount passed to 170 million albums( Chopard Diamond Award ).
Mariah sold more albums than Celine Dion globally,as everything shows.
Lucky Luke said that there is no facts that prove Mariah’s sales in Asia reach 45 m in Asia ! I’ll gonna show to everyone that Mariah’s sales in Asia even surpass 45 million and reach 50 million there ! I’ll make all this by FACTS.
Mariah is in the top 10 best female album sellers in Europe with total sales reaching 26,8 million albums there.Everybody know it and admit it.Now,let’s compare Mariah’s total album sales in Europe to her album sales in Japan alone ( excluding all other Asian countries ).
I’ll even use Lucky Luke’s detailed datas so that any hater couldn’t say that my figures are biased.
Mariah Carey 1m in Europe-1m in Japan
Emotions 1m in Europe- 1m in Japan
MTV Unplugged EP 1m in Europe -1m in Japan
Music Box 7m in Europe -2,5m in Japan
Merry Christmas 1m in Europe-2,7 in Japan
Daydream 3m in Europe-2m in Japan
Butterfly 1m in Europe-1m in Japan
# 1’s 1m in Europe-3,5 in Japan
Rainbow 1m in Europe-1m in Japan
Greatest Hits 1m in Europe-1m in Japan
Glitter 0,3m in Europe-1m in Japan
Charmbracelet 0,4m in Europe-1m in Japan
The Emancipation Of Mimi 1m in Europe-1m in Japan
Total album sales ( excluding her lower selling releases) in Europe : 19m – in Japan 19,7m
Like we see,Mariah’s total sales in Japan alone slighty surpass her total sales in whole Europe.We didn’t included the sales of her lowest selling albums ( E=MC2,Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel,The Remixes,Ballads,Playlist,Merry Christmas 2 You,Valentines ) which combined would reach 1 million the less in Europe and in Japan respectively .We also neglected the sales below 0,5m for the better selling albums ( for example, for an album selling 10,4m,we put just 10m ).So,Mariah has sold obviously over 26 million albums in Japan ( she has sold 26,8 million in Europe totally ),since her sales in Japan surpass her sales in whole Europe.
Even if Mariah’s sales in all the rest of Asian countries would only equal her sales in Japan ( over 25 million ),her total album sales in whole Asia would reach 50 million the less.
A quick comparison between Madonna’s sales in UK/Europe and Mariah Carey’s sales in Japan/Asia :
Madonna has sold 20 million albums in UK ( her best European market by far )..Mariah has sold over 25 million albums in Japan( according to her certifications ),which is her best Asian market by far. Madonna’s 3 best selling albums in UK reach respectively 4m,2m and 1,8m.Mariah’s 3 best selling albums in Japan reach respectively 3,5m,2,7m and 2,5m.Madonna has 8 albums reaching at least 1 million sales in UK,Mariah has 13 albums reaching at least 1 million sales in Japan.
Madonna’s total album sales in whole Europe ( including UK ) is 75 million.Mariah’s total sales in Asia ( including Japan ) is 50 million ( the less ).so simple.
Mariah’s sales worldwide :
USA: 64m + Asia :50m + Europe :26,8m + Canada 5m+ Australia 2,8 m =148,6 million
Celine’s sales worldwide :
USA : 50m + Europe: 55m+ Asia 17m +Canada 15m +Australia 3m = 140 million
Verdict : Celine Dion doesn’t sold more albums than Mariah Carey,proven by FACTS and different datas connected /gathered together.Mariah Carey sold more albums than Celine Dion worldwide.
Everything you’ll say will be only contradiction against yourself and your datas/sources,since I clearly used them to desmontrate to everyone that Mariah’s album sales in Asia reach 50 million ,and that her global album sales surpass Celine’s.
Tell your ”Little Sister” to take it easy on us !! :-)
01.FIRST LIE -> ”The Colour Of My Love” is certified
Million in Japan !
Don’t you know anything on Celine’s certifications ?
”The Colour Of My Love” was released in early 1994 in
Japan,not 1993 !
The album had descent success but only after its
re-release in 1995 it reached the million mark there.
”The Colour Of My Love” sold almost 2m copies
In Canada as well (Her Best Seller There) and much more
than ”Mariah Carey” in Australia ! It is certified 8
times platinum In Australia and Diamond In Canada ,
while Mariah’s debut is double platinum in Austrlia and
7 times platinum in Canada !
So yes,globally it suprasses Mariah’s debut by 3 or 4m !
Anything else you want me to explain ? lol
02.Number 1 hits don’t always indicate bigger album
sales ! don’t change my words ! lol ! All I said was
that ”The Colour Of My Love”
had much more impact in Asia and mainly in Japan than
Mariah’s debut !
Sth more…The 2nd best selling single by a non-Asian
artist in Japan (Behind Mariah’s ”All I want For xmas
is u”) is ”To Love You More” !
A real smash hit selling over 1.3m in Japan alone.
03.FOR YOUR INFO ”To Love You More” was a bonus track
in her ”Falling Into You” album ! lol ! It was not
promoted in Asia Then !
This track is only promoted in
- JAPAN (The Colour Of My Love)
- US (Let’s Talk About Love)
- CANADA (Live A Paris)
04.Celine and Mariah have the same number of songs that
became huge worldwide ! you know what WORLDWIDE means ?
Number 1s for them in micro markets don’t say much !
What really matters is songs that became HUGE In Many
markets !
Who cares if ”Only One Road” reached number 1 In
Canadian AC Charts ?
Who cares if ”Think Twice” sold over 2m in Europe
Alone ?
Who cares if ”Love takes time” sold 500k in Us being
number 1 there?
Mariah’s songs heard all over the world - her worldwide
hits include
01.Hero (Her First Real BIG Hit) 02.Without You 03.All I
Want For Xmas Is You 04.Fantasy 05.One Sweet Day
06.Honey 07.Heartbreaker 08.When You Believe
09.We Belong Together
Celine’s songs heart all over the world inlcude
01.The Power Of Love 02.Because You Loved Me
03.It Is All Coming Back To Me Now
04.All By Myself 05.Tell Him 06.My Heart Will Go On
07.I Am Your Angel 08.That’s The Way It Is
09.A New Day Has Come
(I am trying to be fair so I don’t even mention other
”local” million selling singles such as Dreamlover ,
Always Be My Baby , Immortality , To Love You More ,
I still Belive , Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore , Shake It
Off , Beauty And The Beast , Je Sais Pas , Someday ,
Vision Of Love , Sous Le Vent , I am Alive ,
Don’t Forget About Us etc etc etc — woah ! MANY hits - LOL )
S T I C K T O T H I S ! ! ! ! !
06.THRIRD LIE —> Glitter is Platinum in Japan ! I am
begging you to search this !
I am trying to be patient with your posts really !
Glitter sold 1m In Us and reached gold in a few micro
markets so its sales barely reach the 3m mark !
Taking Chances sold 1m Us , 1m Eur , 400k Canada , 80k
Austr , 100k Japan, which is much more than Glitter !
Please !!!!!
07.FOURTH LIE —> The whole industry announced sales of
150m albums for Mariah In 2003 and you can’t change that!
So by now AS I SAY Her Global album sales reach 170m.
08.Don’t use expressions such as ”everything shows” ,
”as everyone sees” etc
cause it makes me think you are either 15 years old or a
bordeline RETARDED adult ! This is just childish !
08.FIFTH LIE -> TEOM,Gliter,Charmbracelet,Greatest Hits
are not million sellers in Japan !
Gngratulations - This is the BIGGEST LIE you ever said !
TEOM or example was certified platinum (200k) !
Do you REALLY think you’re gonna get away with lies on
certifications ?
Dear, I know everything ! You don’t know where you got
urself into ! I read ALL your posts (unlike u) and I
answer on everything !
09.The other sales you posted are SURPRISINGLY right !
Mariah sold 17m albums In Japan.
MUSIC BOX / DAYDREAM -> 2m each !
MERRY XMAS -> 2.5m
NUMBER 1S -> 3m certification
TEOM -> Platinum
Over 14m coming from these albums !
Her other albums are either GOLD or NOT certified so
her sales there stand at 17m ! not more.
10.Mariah’s bigger market based on certifications is
Japan ! 17m sales in Japan
allow us to ESTIMATE/ASSUME she sold the same in the
rest Asian MICRO Markets !
Probably her total reaches the 35m mark in Asia !
When you bring REAL facts on this we talk again !
Your Biased Estimations on sales don’t mean a thing !
11.Funny how you talk on 50m album sales in Asia NOW ,
while last week you said she sold over 40m and then you
changed it to 45m !
And now it is 50m ! lmao !
Uhmmm….did your little sister entered the debate ? lol
You are so contradictory !
12.Mariah sold 65m In Us , 25m Europe , 3m Australia ,
5m Canada , 35m Asia (Assumption)
130m at least in these markets ! so her global sales
would probably reach the 170m mark ! ( I add 40m :P )
Celine sold 55m In Us , 55m Europe , 3m Australia , 15m
Canada , 20m Asia (Her sales In Japan suprass the 9m
148m at least in these markets ! so her global sales
since 1990 would probably reach the 190m mark (I add 40m
:P ) !
Plus Celine the best selling artist of the last 20 years
in Africa , Asutralia , Canada , Europe and North
America !
This is why she got her Diamond award for sales of 175m
albums in 2004 ! The industry is not a team of idiots,
while you and your ”sister” are the smart ones that
know everything !
Give us a break here pls !
Tell your ”Little Sister” to take it easy on us !! :-)
01. FIRST LIE -> ”The Colour Of My Love” is certified
Million in Japan !
Don’t you know anything on Celine’s certifications ?
”The Colour Of My Love” was released in early 1994 in
Japan,not 1993 !
The album had descent success but only after its
re-release in 1995 it reached
the million mark there. ”The Colour Of My Love” sold
almost 2m copies.
In Canada as well (Her Best Seller There) and much more
than ”Mariah Carey” in Australia ! It is certified 8
times platinum In Australia and Diamond In Canada ,
while Mariah’s debut is double platinum in Austrlia and
7 times platinum in Canada !
So yes,globally it suprasses Mariah debut by 3 or 4m !
Anything else you want me to explain ? lol
02.Number 1 hits don’t always indicate bigger album
sales !
don’t change my words ! lol ! All I said was that ”The
Colour Of My Love” had much more impact in Asia than
Mariah’s debut !
Sth more…The 2nd best selling single by a non-Asian
artist in Japan (Behind Mariah’s ”All I want For xmas
is u”) is ”To Love You More” !
A real smash hit selling over 1.3m in Japan alone.
03.FOR YOUR INFO ”To Love You More” was a bonus track
in her ”Falling Into You”
album ! lol ! It was not promoted in Asia Then !
This track is only promoted in
- JAPAN (The Colour Of My Love)
- US (Let’s Talk About Love)
- CANADA (Live A Paris)
04.Celine and Mariah have the same number of songs that
became huge worldwide ! you know what WORLDWIDE means ?
Number 1s for them in
micro markets don’t say much !
What really matters is songs that became HUGE In Many
markets !
Who cares if ”Only One Road” reached number 1 In
Canadian AC Charts ?
Who cares if ”Think Twice” sold over 2m in Europe
Alone ?
Who cares if ”Love takes time” sold 500k in Us being
number 1 there?
Mariah’s songs heard all over the world - her worldwide
hits include
01.Hero (Her First Real BIG Hit) 02.Without You 03.All I
Want For Xmas Is You 04.Fantasy 05.One Sweet Day
06.Honey 07.Heartbreaker 08.When You Believe
09.We Belong Together
Celine’s songs heart all over the world inlcude
01.The Power Of Love 02.Because You Loved Me 03.It Is
All Coming Back To Me Now
04.All By Myself 05.Tell Him 06.My Heart Will Go On
07.I Am Your Angel
08.That’s The Way It Is 09.A New Day Has Come
( I am trying to be fair so I don’t even mention other
”local” million selling singles such as Dreamlover ,
Always Be My Baby , Immortality , To Love You More ,
I still Belive , Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore , Shake It
Off , Beauty And The Beast , Je Sais Pas , Someday ,
Vision Of Love , Sous Le Vent , I am Alive ,
Don’t Forget About Us etc etc etc — woah ! MANY hits -
S T I C K T O T H I S ! ! ! ! !
06.THRIRD LIE —> Glitter is Platinum in Japan ! I am \
begging you to search this !
I am trying to be patient with your posts really !
Glitter sold 1m In Us and reached gold in a few micro
markets so its sales barely reach the 3m mark !
Taking Chances sold 1m Us , 1m Eur , 400k Canada , 80k
Austr , 100k Japan,
which is much more than Glitter ! Please !!!!!
07.FOURTH LIE —> The whole industry announced sales of
150m albums for Mariah ! In 2003 and you can’t change
that !
08.Don’t use expressions such as ”everything shows” ,
”as everyone sees” etc
cause it makes me think you are either 15 years old or a
bordeline RETARDED adult ! This is just childish !
08.FIFTH LIE -> TEOM,Gliter,Charmbracelet are not
million sellers in Japan !
TEOM or example was certified platinum (200k) !
Do you REALLY think you’re gonna get away with lies on
certifications ?
Dear, I know everything ! You don’t know where you got
urself into !
I read ALL your posts (unlike u) and I answer on
everything !
09.The other sales you posted are SURPRISINGLY right !
Mariah sold 17m albums In Japan.
10.Mariah’s bigger market based on certifications is
Japan ! 17m sales in Japan allow us to ESTIMATE/ASSUME
she sold the same in the rest Asian MICRO Markets !
Probably her total reaches the 35m mark in Asia !
When you bring REAL facts we talk again !
Your Biased Opinion on sales don’t mean a thing !
11.Funny how you talk on 50m album sales in Asia NOW ,
while last week you said she sold over 40m and then you
changed it to 45m ! And now it is 50m ! lmao !
Uhmmm….did your little sister entered the debate ? lol
You are so contradictory !
Mariah sold 65m In Us , 25m Europe , 3m Australia , 5m
Canada , 35m Asia (Assumption)
130m at least in these markets ! so her global sales
would probably reach
the 170m mark ! ( I add 40m :P )
Celine sold 55m In Us , 55m Europe , 3m Australia , 15m
Canada , 20m Asia -> 148m at least in these markets ! so
her global sales since 1990
would probably reach the 190m mark (I add 42m :P ) !
Celine the best selling artist of the last 20 years in
Africa , Asutralia , Canada , Europe and North America !
Mariah’s Sales In Japan !
(You were 90 percent RIGHT)
- MUSIC BOX / DAYDREAM 2m each !
- MERRY XMAS 2/5m each !
- NUMBER 1S 3m each !
—> 14m From These Albums ! Her other albums are either
Gold or NOT certified so Let’s Say her total album sales
there reach the 17m mark !
I Assume she sold same ammount (PROPORTION) In Asia’s
rest micro markets ! 34m For Mariah in Asia , Let’s say
35m ! ( seems better lol )
Celine’s Albums
6m Copies from these albums ! If you add her other albums
that are GOLD Or NOT Certified you get a total of almost
9m In Japan and 20m In Asia !
Actually, I have seen in her sites and other pages in
internet that Celine has sold 20m In Asia being behind
Madonna and of course Mariah in Asia !
On Mariah’s sales in Asia … what you claim…(50m
albums) is NOWHERE !
If you add Celine’s and Mariah’s total sales you see
Celine is ahead !
But please get over it !
More sales don’t mean that much :-S ! There are
amazing artists , totally uknown that don’t sell !
So I am telling you to take it easy on us
and don’t try to defend Mariah with fakes sales
such as : glitter / charmbracelet sold 1m Japan etc !
Cause 01.YOU Are wasting your time
02.You don’t change my mind with this.
03.You make Mariah look bad - cause you indirectly
spread negativity !
04.You seem like a Celine hater , but I really believe u
like Celine , cause you told me so.
Wow what an incredible fight between LuckyLuke, Shutup and Trish and Mariah4ever !
I’m honest: I have no idea of sales in Asia, so I can’t tell anything about it :D
But what I can comment is that when I look for Japan certifications, I really must vote for Lucky Luke, because facts are facts. Sorry.
But what I discovered is (because actually Madonna vs. Mariah belongs to HERE, this debate)
is that Trish posted a very brazen, foolish, silly and absolutely untrue article: Read that, all music fans! :
Glitter -> 5m /Lead single : best selling single of the year
Music -> 10 m / Number 1 In 23 micro Countries
Charmbracelet -> 6m
American Life -> 2m -> Flop
The Emancipation Of Mimi -> 16m since 2005 / World Best selling album of 2005-2006
Confessions On A Dance Floor -> 10m since 2005 / Number 1 In 23 insignificant Countries
We Belong Together -> Best selling single of 2005-2006
Hung Up -> Number 1 In 45 insignificant music markets, with low global sales
E=MC 2 -> 4m copies since 2008
Hard Candy -> 3m copies since 2008
Touch My Body / Obsessed -> USA Hits ( the world largest music market )
4 Minutes -> Number 1 In 21 insignificant Countries !
Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel -> 2 m copies
Celebration -> lower than 2m copies
As Of 2010
Mariah’s Xmas Album was released In America Album already Sold 55.000 In Opening Week ! 35.000 In The
Second Week !
Maybe somebody of you already read this post and I’m actually just active here and “Top10 best selling female..”
so I just discovered this amazing (and by the way stupid) post from Trish.
Trish, do you really want to be person who posts REAL and TRUE facts with SOURCES?
YOU really want to be reliable ???????
Sorry Trish, but what I have just read is ONLY bullsh** and a lot of rubbish!
1. Glitter was a HUGE flop. You said number one in 23 micro countries.
Don’t forget it was number one in: USA, Canada, Germany, EUROCHARTS, France, UK and so on ..Micro countries ? ..
2. Charmbracelet sold less than American Life, which was even number ONE in UK, GERMANY, USA, Eurocharts and so on..It sold less, that’s right (4m) but it has sold MORE that the flopped Charmbracelet, Mariah’s 2nd flop!
3. COADF has sold 8-12 million, We’ll fight if I say it has sold more, so I do have to say they have same sales.
BTW, COADF was number one in 40 countries. Unlike TEOM which was top ten all around the world and number one in USA. We see that number one in many countries doesn’t mean greater sales.
4. We belong together wasn’t the best selling single worldwide in 2005-2005, you meant USA! YEAH! USA! But NOT worldwide ! ! !
Hung up was number one in 45 micro countries.. I don’t have to comment that ..
(I am not sure about sales of these singles, but I think Hung up has sold more)
5. E=MC2 4 million ??? Wanna joke, don’t you ?
Hard Candy has sold 1 million more than E=MC2, its sales stand at almost 4 million while E=MC2 is about 3 million.. probably it hasn’t reached 3m yet.
Hard Candy was 10th best selling album (11th) by IFPI and other sources like Mediatraffic, worldwide albums, …
E=MC was NOT Top even Top 20!
6. 4 Minutes has sold more (over 2m) in USA, although it peaked number 3!
Obsessed and Touch by body have sold LESS in USA.
4 Minutes was number one in micro markets ?
I don’t have to comment it ..Trish
7. Memoirs has sold LESS than Celebration. Celebration over 2m until now.
Memoirs sold about 1- 1,5 million. Don’t lie to us it wasn’t even successful in US, Warner bros. proved Celebration for sales of 2m.
Celebration was even No 1. in UK, France, Germany, Eurochart, and other countries, while Memoirs wasn’t even number one in the main country USA!
Mariah’s X Mas Album flopped because of Susan Boyles “The Gift” as everybody knows.
Though, it has sold 0,5 million copies till now.
Sticky and Sweet Tour by Madonna also.
Sorry I forgot to put the word “music” to number 1. in my post. Music was number 1!
The Funniest thing is that you tried to prove I am a liar
while you keep bringing fake sales for Mariah in Asia !
Oh no ! wait !
The Funniest thing is that you called me contradictory
while you said Mariah sold 45m albums in Asia , then
40m albums there and now over 50m albums !
Oh no ! wait again !
The funniest thing was the irrational comparison you
did between Madonna/Uk and Mariah/Japan ! But Madonna’s
fans should reply on this…
Everything would be so much easier for you and your
”little sister” if you had some IFPA or RIAA or
Mediatrafic facts …!
Ok…now I found it ! Really !
THE FUNNIEST thing of ALL is that you call
Billboard partial , Guinness Book Of Records biased ,
Wikipedia hater , Celine’s awards irrelvant , Labels
liars! lmao
. . . . Because all of this prove that Mariah is behind
Celine and Madonna in total record sales ! Of course
I don’t even mention touring and DVD sales..!
Certifications in Japan are pretty exact !
Saying Glitter , Charmbracelet , TEOM got a million
certification there is just a big lie and I don’t know
why things like this are posted.
Taking Chances sold a few copies less than Hard Candy
and both of them definitely stand above albums like
Glitter (2m) , Charmbracelet (3m) , Greatest Hits (3m) ,
E=MC2 (3m) , Memoirs (1m).
TRISH admited she doesn’t know a thing on Asian sales
but still screams out Mariah sold 50m there ! lmao !
My posts 156/157 say everything and they actually
totally agree with the awards Mariah and Celine got,so
I don’t have to act like a loser saying ”this is
irrelevant” , ”this is biased” etc etc etc…
@ All Of You
In Post 405 TRISH said My Heart Will Go On sold over
16m copies wordlwide and now she says it sold less than
10m !
(She also said All I Want For Xmas Is You sold over 20m
copies worldwide and Hero 12m and We belong together 17m
worldwide ! looooool !)
Trish…you are so done..!
Lucky Luke + Shutup + Moff against Trish alone.What a shame! .Besides,you dare sayin’ that you’re not Mariah haters!Lucky Luke ,stop accuse Trish to use other nicknames when a lamb come here for support Mariah (I am surely Trish,according to you).Like Trish said this is not a debate calling Madonna and Celine Dion Vs Mariah Carey. Lucky Luke,you stopped your Feud with Trish in the debate Celine Vs Mariah just to combine yourself with Madonna fans here.You deceive me,your not more than a Mariah hater like shutup and Moff.But anyway,Trish is better than all of you as she proves that Mariah really sold more albums than Celine worldwide.You just try to deny it,although the certifications show it obviously.I can’t understand why all of you hate Mariah so much !
@ Momo
Trish attacked to all of us ! I talked only to Moff and
she jumped here to post her lies !
Trish admited she used other nicknames so my accusations
are pretty much solid.
The other fan was her sister like she told us !
Celine’s named was mentioned before I entered the debate
I didn’t need to combine myself with fans of Madonna
because many Madonna fans said Mariah sold more than
Celine !!
But thank God many people here agree with what I am
saying !
Unlike TRISH , I don’t need you or my sister to show
I am supported !
My opinion on Mariah is CLEAR and you can’t change that.
I am not trying to ”insult” her by not saying she
is the best seller !
Read all my comments to see my opinion on Mariah etc.
Trish never proved anything ! Because she is unable
like you to bring any SOLID FACTS From REAL SOURCES !
Is this easy for you to understand ?
Certifications obviously prove the opossite since
Mariah has more certifications in Us and Asia , while
Celine’s certifications in Europe , Canada are much
higher than Mariah’s !
You say ”Trish is better” lmao !
what are you ? her COUSIN ?
Get a life and get out of here TRISH , you and your
You are so done.
I can understand you, Momo. Shutup, Lucky Luke and me vs. Trish and Mariah4ever (her little sister).
But what I can’t understand is, that Mariah fans are not able to see the truth.
Mariah’s sales in Asia are lower than 50 million, although Japan is her biggest music market there.
DO you think Mariah has sold really (50-17= 34) - 34 million other albums in rest of Asia ???
Momo, we don’t hate Mariah (at least not me) and perhaps you know that I was a Mariah fan because her 90s stuff was great!
Unlike some crazy Mariah fans who said:
Whoredonna, whore, silly Madonna, and who DECREASED Madonna sales extremely!
We always have been objective, we show FACTS with SOURCES, unlike you.. you don’t have any proves to show Mariah’s real sales which you want to have.
“Mariah sold much more albums than Celine worldwide”
Mariah fans: You believe in the Diamond Award, and I think you think its reliable. Me, too.
So why don’t you recognize Celine’s Award in 2004 ?
We - Shuptup, Lucky Luke and me, WE RECOGNIZE Mariah’s award in 2001.
(Although Madonna might have refused it). Its not sure.
We don’t hate Mariah. We show you the truth. Nothing but the truth.
I Am not a Hater either ! I have just focused on sales.
And when it comes to sales I can’t be Subjective !
I Like Mariah more than Madonna,when it comes to voice,
beauty,lyrics,character (If I may say) but saying she
sold more is just not true.
If we talked about beauty or songwriting skills I could
say that Celine can’t hold a candle next to Mariah !!!
Would this make me a Celine hater ?
Plus Celine can’t dance like Madonna,in my opinion !
Am I Hating on Celine now ?
Madonna can’t sing like Celine and Mariah and I was clear
on that but I never saw a Madonna fan calling me
HATER for this !
So take it easy with your insults !!
Start acting like ADULTS for a change…!
Nobody attacked TRISH here and as far as I know
she kept on insulting Madonna and her ”gay fans” etc
so it is more than obvious that our ATTITUDE has CLASS
to it..!
Finally The only haters here are YOU because you take
- Guinness Book Of Records !
- World Music Awards !
- IFPI Data !
- Wikipedia !
- Labels !
It is really sad we can’t talk in a logical level and
I see lie after lie being posted here , such as
”Glitter and Charmbracelet sold over 1m copies in
Bring real facts and we will discuss on them !
Till then,Goodbye !!
Bravo Trish ! You are a very great debater ! You are 100 % right in everything you prove here ! Your analyzes are great ! Every objective music fan can see it ! Bravo !
Trish doesn’t make Mariah bad,she just show how much great Mariah is,without insulting anyone else !
Trish ,you’re right about Mariah’s sales in Asia.Its reach 45-50 million there,including 20-25 million in Japan alone according to her sales there. If you add Celine’s and Mariah’s total sales you see
To Lucky Luke: Congrats! You finally find two fresh allies to combine yourself against lambs ! That’s why you stopped your fights with Trish in the Celine Vs Mariah entry.Here,you found easily Madonna’s fans as allies! Lucky Luke,don’t feign to be objective after your lies here.Please,stop your stupid game and spread your true face like you did with Unison ,Mooriah Scarey fans,etc…No one could believe you anymore,You just want to appear good in the eyes of objective readers,while trying to make Trish seems devilish and mad .Trish could play your game very well,But she’s not a coward like you.You still refer to the datas she used before she stopped fighting with you in the Celine vs Mariah’s blog .Nevertheless,you too ,you did the same when you used the nickname For Mooriah Scarey fans.You’re a coward !
You are stupid and totally wrong when you pick some pieces of TRISH posts from the Celine VS Mariah debate to bring them here.You should brought some of Lucky Luke’s post too if you really want to be honest and fair ( when he posted under Mooriah scarey fans and other nicknames ).Lucky Luke also gave “ very brazen, foolish, silly and absolutly untrue article” in that debate, not only TRISH.You just have no kindness towards lambs.For example,Lucky posted a New Day Has come sold 15 million,etc…Moff,either you clearly debate against Mariah,either you just shut up your stupid mouth,as you just can’t be fair ! If you can’t be neutral at 100 % you’d better shut up.All that you do, is putting TRISH arguments down.Now,she debate about Celine VS Mariah sales,she doesn’t attack Madonna.So,don’t try to attract readers of this debate to Trish formerly bad posts when she had Feud with Lucky Luke at the Celine VS Mariah entry.Lucky Luke also did the same.You just can’t see it,as he’s pander to you and pretend to be a Madonna fan just for benefit of your supports, you and other Madonna’s .Nevertheless,Lucky Luke always claimed formerly that Celine sold more albums than Madonna.He tsaid that Celine’s sales were 220 million ( in the blog Celine vs Mariah ).At those times,lambs always recognized Madonna’s sales supremacy over Celine. Moff,you see all Lucky Luke’s lies and contradictions there very well,you just ignore them.However,you only notice TRISH’s,it’s not fair at all.
Wow ! Little sister writes the same way with TRISH !
This is gift ! lmao !
Sweety,it is not a war ! stop personal attacks and
bring sales facts for a start !
TRISH is right ?
The person that said All I want for xmas is you sold 20m
is right ? ? ?
Ok :-D
@ MOFF @ Shutup @ Trish !
BIG LIE -> I never said Celine sold more records than
Madonna ! Even in the other debate I never said Madonna
sold LESS, so don’t try to ignite a fight between me and
the other guys here. That makes YOU a desperate coward.
I didn’t try to find a supporter ! lol !It just happened!
I just stopped the whole thing in the other debate cause
I was playing YOUR game with insults and nicknames etc !
YOU insulted me from YOUR initial post , but YOU asked
sorry then , so for me THIS BELONGS TO THE PAST !
Besides, I insulted YOU as well ! ( I FIRST said I was
So what are you doing now TRISH ? Hiding behind
different nicknames again ?
Saying it is ”your sister” ?
I Said months ago I used nicknames Unison,For Mooriah
Fans,My Love and I clearly explained the reasons.
Bring Facts and Stop nickname games cause your
crazy theories have 0 supporters in reality and that
makes you mad !
ALL nicknames are FAKE !
Always the same person behind
Jeffrie / Trish / Mariah4ever / Stacy / HOWARD / Francois
/ Songbird Supreme / The truth / BROKEN-T !
04.SAME ” ! ! !”
05.WORDS SUCH AS ”obviously” , ”clearly” , ”bravo”
This stupid game is so over !
Just CHECK what I am saying and you see I
speak the truth !
It is the same person behind all nicknames !
See for example lists of HOWARD and TRISH and FRANCOIS
saying Hero or One Sweet Day sold over 10m copies !
Plus Take notice at the TIME some posts are posted !
For example she enters under the nickname TRISH
at 12.04pm and then you have another message by
STACY at 12.11pm !
Plus when a nicknames gets owned due to lack of
arguments another one appears to show support , starting
talking on fake sales again and again !!
This is just so sick ! speaking to your own self to
be supported on issues like SALES !!! And when she
got owned she INVENTED the ”little sister” theory !
And now that she CAN’T prove Mariah sold more
she attacks everybody personaly !
Just check FRANCOIS / Songbird Supreme / STACY / TRISH
/ Mariah4Ever / Jeffrie / BROKEN-T / The truth
posts in these debates ! ALL THE SAME !
Dear (Mariah4ever or Trish or or or … )
1. I hoped that have finally understood how to debate, but you didn’t understand anything.
You agree with the number Trish gave. About Mariah’s 50 million album sold in Asia.
But the question is: Is this true ?
Celine’s sales for 50 million albums sold in Europe are proved by IFPI (Award).
So can you find any certifications in Asia that show that Mariah has sold 50 million albums there ?
I can tell you the answer: No, you won’t find anything that proves sales of 45-40 million albums sold by Mariah.
So this is the Conclusion: Mariah has NOT sold 50 million albums in Asia. Why don’t you believe it ?
Why ? You have NO proves!
2. If I saw any increased or decreased sales of Madonna or Celine, I surely would tell the one that he posted wrong sales ? Why not ?
about the 15 million sales for A new day ..
Sorry, but I didn’t see it! Don’t pillory me for something I haven’t seen yet…
Perhaps you saw it, but I did Not. So now, yeah, ‘A new day has come’ has sold LESS than 15 million.
Btw. you have not given us your proves for 50 million albums sold in Asia!
@ Everyone.From now on this blog,I’ll don’t answer to any post nor debate about Celine Vs Mariah.If someone really want to discuss about Celine Vs Mariah,he could do it in the Celine Vs Mariah entry,and I’ll reply to him very well.Here,I’ll only debate about Madonna Vs Mariah,since this blog is called …Madonna or Mariah.
Madonna -> 200m albums & 100m singles PROVED -> 300m rec
Mariah -> 170m albums & 60m singles -> 230m rec
Madonna also tours & sells millions of dvds.
So objectively she is the highest seller.
She suprasses Mariah in Us , Canada , Asutralia , Europe.
Mariah only in Asia.
I am more impressed by Mariah’s achievements (I post this
earlier) cause she is a faster seller than Madonna & I
prefer her music.
The top seller is Madonna based on Awards and IFPI and
of course Media Traffic data,already posted here.
@ MOFF @ Shutup
Now I am really going to combine with you on the
”Madonna Vs Mariah” debate ! Thanks For showing
support on the facts I posted about Celine,
Madonna and Mariah !
I’m gonna talk about Celine and Mariah at the other
debate ”Celine Vs Mariah” because I don’t want anybody
(like TRISH) to imply that I am not capable
of answering on my own !
But I’ll be here to check everything that’s being posted
cause I know EVERYTHING on Mariah’s sales !
I am really one of her biggest fans.
Be patient with TRISH cause she has 0 knowledge
on certifications and sales.
If she enters with another nickname again be sure
I’m gonna figure it out !
This stupid game is over…
1. The Immaculate Collection 29 million
2. True Blue 23,5 million
3. Like a Virgin 21 million
4. Ray Of Light 16 million
5. Like a Prayer 13 mill
6. Music 11 million
7. Confessions on a dance floor 11 million
8. Madonna 9,5 million
9. Something to remember 8,5 million
10. Bedtime Stories 8 million
11. I’m Breathless 7 million
12. Evita 6,5 million
13. Erotica 6 million
14. GHV2 6 million
15. You can dance 5 million
16. Who’s that girl 5 million
17. American Life 4 million
18. Hard Candy 3,8 million
19. Celebration 2,1 million
20. The Confessions Tour 1 million
21. I’m going to tell you a .. 0,8 million
22. Sticky and Sweet Tour 0,7 million
23. + DVD sales: 5 million
TOTAL: 203,4 million albums ONLY + single sales 100 million = 303,4 million records
Average: 8, 84 million per album
Average: 10, 84 million total sales
Mariah Carey
1. Music Box 29 million
2. Daydream 25 million
3. Number Ones 17 million
4. Mariah Carey 16 million
5. Merry Christmas 14 million
6. Butterfly 14 million
7. The Emancipation of Mimi 11 million
8. Rainbow 10 million
9. Emotions 8 million
10. MTV Live 6 million
11. Glitter 3 million
12. Charmbracelet 3 million
13. Greatest Hits 3 million
14. E=MC2 2,9 million
15. Memoirs of an.. 1 million
16. Remixes 1 million
17. The Ballads 0,5 million
18. Merry Christmas 2u 0,5 million
TOTAL: 164, 9 million albums ONLY + single sales of 60 million = 224, 9 million records
Average: 9, 16 million per album Average: 10, 71 million total sales
Best selling female is Madonna
@ right ?
If someone adds the Mariah facts you posted up to her
2002 Charmbracelet album you get a total of 150m albums !
This is why the WORLD MUSIC AWARDS in 2003 declared
sales of 150m albums worldwide !
I couldn’t agree with your Mariah’s facts more !
They are so exact and correct !
For example you say Daydream sold 25m !
10m in Us , 3m Europe , 2m Japan , 700k Canada and
350k Australia —> 16m , so worldwide Daydream sold
25m THE MOST !
I Would put 9m for Emotions though. Still great Work !
They completely agree with WMA and her label announcement
in 2010.
This list is so right at almost 100%!
Right, great job.
We see that in the 00s decade, Madonna has sold around 15 million albums more than Mariah Carey.
And Madonna ia slightly ahead of Mariah in total sales, but in the course of the years (especially during the 90s) Mariah sold much more albums than Madonna.
soory, I meant: Madonna is slightly ahead of Mariah in the average of total sales.
The distance to Madonna’s total sales from Mariah’s is 80 million.
So we can’t really say that Mariah is a faster selelr than Madonna.
Every artist has up and downs :D
@ rigth
that list is 100% right.
Indeed…! I was wrong. She is not a Faster seller ! She
would probably be if albums like Glitter , Charmbracelet
, Remixies etc weren’t huge commercial disappointments !
Madonna is obviously a stable seller cause in a career
that spans 27 years she only has two studio albums that
sold below expectations - definitely more than Mariah’s
lowest sellers.
According To BILLBOARD Mariah Carey Has Sold
31m Singles In Us !
Here Is The Proof
So Mariah’s total single sales can’t possibly reach
the 100m mark worldwide like lambs say !!!
When it comes to single sales her only strong market
Is Us ! (Not Asia)
Her only single to reach 1m copies in a country
outside Us is ”All I Want For Xmas Is You” that sold
over 1m in Japan.
She has NO million selling singles in UK , Germany ,
France , Canada etc etc and only a few platinum
certifications in Europe , Canada etc !
She is a huge singles seller Only Us ! (31m)
And Has some top 10 hits in Australia
(only 70k to reach platinum)
So her worldwide single sales are close to 60m THE MOST
as we have already said !
Tell me your thoughts on this…
yes Lucky Lucke 7 I agree with you!
Mariah is very huge single seller in US. and Japan but she has no big hits in other countries besides “without you” which was her only number one in almost every country in the world.
Although Madonna also doesn’t have a million seller e.g. UK or Germany, she has many many songs that sold slightly under 1 million!
Lucky Luke,about what you said on singles.This is exactly the same thing for Madonna in the countries where Mariah rules.
So Madonna’s total single sales can’t possibly reach
the 100m mark worldwide like Madonna’s fans say !!!
When it comes to single sales her only strong market
Is Europe ! (Not US)
How many platinum singles certifications Madonna got in Eurochart ???
Madonna has NO million selling singles in Japan ,Taiwan, Korea, etc… etc etc and only a few platinum
certifications in US !
She is a huge singles seller Only Europe ???
So her worldwide single sales are close to 70m THE MOST !
Madonna -> 190m albums & 70m singles
Mariah -> 190m albums & 90-100 m singles PROVED
(Madonna tours & sells millions of DVDs while Mariah compose,write,produce and arrange her materiel and keep her voice to sing masterpiece an incredible songs)
So objectively Mariah is the highest seller.
Madonna suprasses Mariah in Us on albums sales (by just 1 million sales) , Canada , Australia , Europe.
Mariah surpass Madonna in Asia,New Zealand, Latin America,West Indies.
@Lucky Luke,You really think that you could run me down with your pathetic words? No matter if Moff or other Mariah haters support you and your lies here as you pander to him like a desperate coward.However, don’t think that you impress anyone objective here when you try to denigrate me and said that I have 0 knowledge on certifications and sales.Everyone who objective see that I used your owns datas certifications like : A New Day : US & Europe : 3+ 3= 7. TEOM: US & Europe: 6+1 = 7.And you don’t stop to claim that A New Day outsold TEOM worldwide.You’re so pathetic Lucky Luke,you proved that you has 0 knowledge on maths.There is no need to mention IFPI,RIAA or Mediatrafic for understand that 3 +3 = 6 , not 7.
@ Lucky Luke and Moff : I like you both, cause you are so right ,so objective and so fair to agree with right’s (Lucky Luke’s) list.He couldn’t be more right than that ! So,The Immaculate Collection 29 million – Music Box 29 million.right. Butterfly and Merry Christmas 14m,etc…etc…Really funny !
-Lucky Luke said :” If Trish enters with another nickname again be sure
I’m gonna figure it out !”
“This stupid game is over…” Really? You afraid me . You put just 6 million for “MTV Live” although I said you many times its real sales was already 5 million back to 1992 according to Columbia,but you deny it.You just forget to put “ MTV Unplugged EP” with the Nickname “right” instead of “MTV Live” like you used to with Lucky Luke’s nickname. So,it’s seems like ”Trish “ is not the only one who continue to post comments under other nicknames ? Hahaha! That prove how much your list is biased and how much your devoted supporter is “right” and “objective” when he said : “This list is so right at almost 100%! Right, great job” as it claim that The Immaculate Collection sold as much as Music Box and Confession On A Dance Floor =TEOM on sales,etc…What a shame ! .Everyone see that you’ll never bring truth here,you doesn’t stop to fall in your own trap.Hahaha! You convince anyone with words like “I love Mariah,she have a better voice than Madonna,I never insult Mariah,I know everything about her sales as I am her fan too,Trish is mad,she insulted Madonna formerly,she’s a liar cause she post many comments under different nicknames,etc,,,” Hahaha! Very cunning tricks ! Moreover,Mediatrafic,Billboard,Riaa,IFPI agree with anything you claim here as sales for Mariah and other artists. You are always right at 100% in everything,Lambs are always wrong,they know nothing on sales as IFPI,Mediatrafic etc… never agree with them. RIAA claim A New Day sold 3m in US. IFPI claim that A New Day sold 3 million in Europe: 3+3 = 6.But You said A New Day is about 12-15 million worldwide. RIAA claim that TEOM sold 6m in US. IFPI claim that TEOM sold 1 million in Europe.You said that A New day sold 12 million worldwide while you said TEOM sold 11 million worldwide.Very “ Right” statements.After you claim IFPI,RIAA,Mediatrafic,etc…agree with your statements,unlike lambs.You are so right ! You waste your time when you post lists about Madonna or Mariah cause anyone will never trust your biased lists.You try desperately to deny your own certifications sales by IFPI and RIAA because they deny your statements.That’s why you combined yourself with Moff and tried to attract readers on my past posts in the Celine Vs Mariah entry.That’s so pathetic !
01.Stop insulting !
02.Madonna’s singles are only popular in Europe ?
Madonna Has 12# 1 Hot 100 hits , 38 Top 10s, The most of ANY artist (record), 39 #1s hits? on the Dance Charts (record), More #1 albums than Mariah, More #2 hits on the hot 100 than ANY artist (record). The most top 20, 30 & 40s hits than ANY female on the charts. So while you pimp Mariah’s one and ONLY achievement, Billboard themselves doesn’t even agree with you.
So your comment is an epic Fail !
Next —> :-D
03.Don’t use words ”proved” for Mariah since you proved nothing.
Oh dear .. TRISH !!!
1. Where is your prove for Mariah’s single sales that reach 70-100 million ?
Trish, are you crazy ? YOU EXAGGERATE ! And HOW!
You always claim high sales for Mariah single sales and always show us YOUR opinion on us .. like you said: “Mariah haters etc etc” but you have NO PROVES !
You post something (and something which is so long, nobody can follow, sometimes I lose my lust and delight to read your postings .. ) but anyway ..
Trish ? Do you believe in us at all ?
What we call mediatraffic, RIAA, PFI etc ARE SOURCES and SOURCES are PROVES!
You said ,for Mariahs (Overrated) single sales of 70 - 100 million, this was PROVED, you even wrote this word in BIG LETTERS to show us that it’s really proved !
But my question is: Where is your prove now, when it’s already been proved at all ?
It’s proved, It’s proved, it’s proved..
I can’t hear (see :D) it any more ! ! !
Trish, I want to know where you got this information ?
Has Mariah really sold 70 - 100 million singles ????
AND YES: Madonna has sold around 100 million singles!
The list Lucky Luke or shup up has released shows clearly all certifications (with sales) of Madonna in the respective countries.
You don’t believe it ? look it up. Look at the certifcation ans then you’ll understand that the sales (if you don’t believe it) are right!
And you’ll see that Madonna’s single sales are over 100 million !
Trish, in my opinion, I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SOURCE neither a homepage in the the Internet that claimed Mariah’s single sales of MORE THAN 70 million …
I wonder where you live, Trish !
Who cares if Lucky Luke was the one who posted “rights” list ???
If he had NOT posted that list.. I surely would have believed it because : THIS LIST IS RIGHT!
I don’t care who posted this list at all ?!
Madonna’s sales are PROVED by RIAA IFPI and Mediatraffic, and I hope you don’t call them “biased” because almost everything that shows Madonnas sales over Mariah are called “biased” by YOU!
Trish. Mariah has sold LESS singles than Madonna. AND less albums if you couldn’t believe and understand that.
And would it make any difference if MTV UNPLUGGED sold more than 6 million copies (maybe 7,8,9, 10 ??)
Then Mariah’s album sales would stand at 165,6,7 million which is clear enough that Madonna has sold more albums than her.
? Don’t use other nicknames ! I am not ”right” !
Post 207 was not psted by me,I swear !
MTV Unplugged sold 5m copies during 1992 and as of 2010
it has sold 6m copies !
Trish you have said in the past that MTV Unplugged has
sold over 10m copies worldwide !
How’s that ? since it never charted again in any
chart of the world !
It sold 3m In Us and had moderate success in other
parts of the world..!
Stop posting crap !
And don’t mention again Celine’s sales cause I’ll start
posting facts about her again and you told me not to
do so…!
You write the word ”prove” and you think it is really
proved ?
I don’t believe a thing you post unless I see a link !
A Link from RIAA , IFPI , Mediatraffic or Awards !
Mariah got Milleniun award in 2000 for album sales
of 130m and in 2003 Diamond Award for sales of 150m !
and this is PROVED ! Not because I say so , but because
WORLD MUSIC AWARDS said so ! got this ?
World Music Awards AGREE with Certifications and
most of all…they agree with the lists I posted
(156/157) and the list ”right” posted (207) !
I don’t remember any Madonna site to lie about Madonna’s
sales cause they are exact !
I Remember that TEAMLAMB ( Mariah site ) was SHUT DOWN
not once , but TWICE For spreading lies !
So Yes…Lambs have tendency to lie !
Example -> You say Mariah sold 280m records…
(Changed it from your previous LIE of 300m records)…
Any Proof ?
Ummmhh…..Let Me Think…!
Oh Yeah !
0 Proof xD Keep on failing <3 <3 <3
I repost for you : Lucky Luke ( or “ Right “ ),about what you said on singles.This is exactly the same thing for Madonna in the countries where Mariah rules.
So Madonna’s total single sales can’t possibly reach
the 100m mark worldwide like Madonna’s fans say !!!
When it comes to single sales her only strong market
Is Europe ! (Not US)
How many platinum singles certifications Madonna got in Eurochart ???
Madonna has NO million selling singles in Japan ,Taiwan, Korea, not even in UK ,her greatest European market by far !Nor in France,Germany,Canada,Australia,etc… only a few platinum certifications in US !
She is a huge singles seller Only in Europe
So her worldwide single sales are close to 70m THE MOST !
Madonna -> 190m albums & 70m singles
Mariah -> 190m albums & 90-100 m singles PROVED
(Madonna tours & sells millions of DVDs while Mariah compose,write,produce and arrange her materiel and keep her voice to sing masterpiece an incredible songs)
Tours are tours,records sales are records sales,don’t mix them.Here we talk about best selling recording artists.Medias call artists best selling ones for their record sales ,not including their concert ticket sales.Britney Spears and Eminem are called best selling artists of the 2000, cause they have sold more records than any other artists ( not more concert tickets ). So,don’t try to introduce ticket sales in the Best selling debate .Therefore, objectively Mariah is the highest seller.
Madonna supasses Mariah in Us on albums sales by just 1 million sales , Canada , Australia , Europe.
Mariah surpass Madonna in Asia,New Zealand and Pacific Islands, someparts in Latin America,West Indies.
@ Shut Up and Moff and Lucky Luke :All that I said about Mariah and Madonna’s singles is right. I like you so much, cause you are so right ,so objective and so fair to agree with “ right’s “ (Lucky Luke’s) list.He couldn’t be more right than that ! So,The Immaculate Collection 29 million – Music Box 29 million.right. Butterfly and Merry Christmas 14m,etc…etc…Really funny !
-Lucky Luke said : ” If Trish enters with another nickname again be sure
I’m gonna figure it out !”
“This stupid game is over…” Really? You frighten me . I am really really afraid by you ! You put just 6 million for “MTV Live” although I said you many times its real sales was already 5 million back to 1992 according to Columbia,but you deny it.You put same total sales for Merry Christmas and These Are Special Times although I showed clearly that Merry Christmas outsold TAST by 2 million at least !Everyone saw clearly that its sales would surpass TAST,but you just ignore it.About your “ MTV Live “, You just forget to put “ MTV Unplugged EP” with the Nickname “right” instead of “MTV Live” like you used to with Lucky Luke’s nickname! So,it’s seems like ”Trish “ is not the only one who continue to post comments under other nicknames ? Hahaha! How a self-proclamed Mariah hater as Shutup would ever agree with a right list of Mariah albums ? Hahaha! That prove how much your list is biased and how much your devoted supporter is “right” and “objective” when he said : “This list is so right at almost 100%! Right, great job” as it claim that The Immaculate Collection sold as much as Music Box and Confession On A Dance Floor =TEOM on sales,etc…What a shame ! .Everyone see that you’ll never bring truth here,you don’t stop to fall in your own trap.You accused me to use other nicknames while you do it ! Hahaha! You convince anyone with words like “I love Mariah,she have a better voice than Madonna,I never insult Mariah,I know everything about her sales as I am her fan too,Trish is mad,she insulted Madonna formerly,she’s a liar cause she post many comments under different nicknames,etc,,,” Hahaha! Very cunning tricks ! Moreover,Mediatrafic,Billboard,Riaa,IFPI agree with anything you claim here as sales for Mariah and other artists. You are always right at 100% in everything,Lambs are always wrong,they know nothing on sales as IFPI,Mediatrafic etc… never agree with them. RIAA claim A New Day sold 3m in US. IFPI claim that A New Day sold 3 million in Europe: 3+3 = 6.But You said A New Day is about 12-15 million worldwide. RIAA claim that TEOM sold 6m in US. IFPI claim that TEOM sold 1 million in Europe.You said that A New day sold 12 million worldwide while you said TEOM sold 11 million worldwide.Very “ Right” statements.After you claim IFPI,RIAA,Mediatrafic,etc…agree with your statements,unlike lambs.You are so right ! You waste your time when you post lists about Madonna or Mariah cause anyone will never trust your biased lists.You try desperately to deny your own certifications sales by IFPI and RIAA because they deny your statements.That’s why you combined yourself with Moff and tried to attract readers on my past posts in the Celine Vs Mariah entry.That’s so pathetic !
@Lucky Luke,do you really think that you could run me down with your pathetic words? No matter if Moff or other Mariah haters support you and your lies here as you pander to him like a desperate coward.However, don’t think that you impress anyone objective here when you try to denigrate me and said that I have 0 knowledge on certifications and sales.Every objective one see that I used your owns datas certifications like : A New Day : US & Europe : 3+ 3= 7. TEOM: US & Europe: 6+1 = 7.And you don’t stop to claim that A New Day outsold TEOM worldwide.You’re so pathetic Lucky Luke,you proved that you has 0 knowledge on maths.There is no need to mention IFPI,RIAA or Mediatrafic for understand that 3 +3 = 6 , not 7. Educate yourself.
@ Moff, Lucky Luke and Shut Up :
Since you said that lambs are wrong cause they challenge IFPI, Guinness World Records,Media-traffic’s datas …,so now answer to these questions if you can :
You ( Lucky Luke,Shut Up and another poster here ) claimed that Nana Mouskouri is ( besides Madonna and Celine Dion ) the third female artist who has sold 200 million albums worldwide ( in accordance with IFPI ) .Now,tell me :
- Why Nana Mouskouri is not in the list of the top 20 best selling artists in Europe ( Europe is ,as everybody know,Nana Mouskouri’s best market by very far ),nor in the top 10 best selling female artists in Europe ( while Mariah Carey is in that list ).Answer to this as you claimed that she’s ahead Mariah on album sales.
-Tell me which continent/countries are Nana Mouskouri’s strongest markets and how many albums she has sold there ( for example,we know that Mariah’s strongest markets are USA and Asia ).Since you said that I don’t know Mariah’s sales in Asia ( although I know that she sold close to 20 million albums in Japan alone,and that she have million selling albums in Korea,Taiwan,etc…),tell me what are Nana’s total sales in Europe ? How many albums Nana Mouskouri has sold in USA ? In Asia ? etc…. What are Nana’s best selling albums ? How many they have sold ?How many albums she have in the list of 100 best selling albums of all times ?
About Guinness World Records ,tell me :
Moff and many other Madonna’s supporters ( Alexis,etc…) claimed formeley that in accordance with Guinness ,Madonna has sold over 300 million albums not including singles ,back to 2003.Madonna’s fans also claimed that Guinness published it not just one time but 3 times ! They even said that Guinness had prove these figure sales many times .However,By June 2010,Guiness claim that Madonna’s album sales reach 200 million for 2011.What this mean ?
lol @ thris
mariah 90-100 million singles haha let me laugh. Madonnas singles only popular in Europe lol
mediatraffic. Madonna is thrid best selling in singles. Michael Jackson is ahead of her so she should be at 4.
you have no proves that Mariah has sold 100 million singles so stop lying.
from previos charts you can check from every week from year 1958 to 2011 and see that Madonna has 18 worldwide number ones and Mariah only has few. not even without you reached number one. check this link week 15 year 1994 that was it’s best position.
Open Your Heart (
Chart Run: 7 - 6 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 9
Weeks At #1: 1
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 9
Weeks In Top 10: 12
Weeks On Chart: 12
1987 YEC: #15
La Isla Bonita (
Chart Run: 10 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 9
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1987 YEC: #3
Total Points: 7,158,000
Who’s That Girl (
Chart Run: 6 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 9
Weeks At #1: 3
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 14
Weeks On Chart: 14
1987 YEC: #4
Total Points: 6,800,000
Causing A Commotion
Chart Run: 5 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 8
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 2
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 7
Weeks On Chart: 7
Like A Prayer (
Chart Run: 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 10
Weeks At #1: 13
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 15
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1989 YEC: #1
Total Points: 9,520,000
Express Yourself (
Chart Run: 6 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 6
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 10
Weeks In Top 10: 12
Weeks On Chart: 12
1989 YEC: #9
Cherish (
Chart Run: 10 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 6 - 8
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 9
Weeks On Chart: 9
1989 YEC: #17
Vogue (
Chart Run: 4 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 6 - 9
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1990 YEC: #2
Total Points: 8,575,000
Hanky Panky
Chart Run: 6 - 4 - 6 - 7
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 1
Weeks In Top 10: 4
Weeks On Chart: 4
Justify My Love (
Chart Run: 6 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 4
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 10
Weeks In Top 10: 11
Weeks On Chart: 11
Take A Bow (
Chart Run: 10 - 9 - 5 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 7 - 10
Weeks At #1: 6
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 13
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks On Chart: 18
1995 YEC: #7
Frozen (
Chart Run: 8 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 9
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 12
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1998 YEC: #5
Total Points: 6,343,000
despite frozen didn’t reach number one it is her comeback single and reached number one in uk last one was vogue.
American Pie (
Chart Run: 17 - 10 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 8 - 10 - 10 - 13 - 20 - 28 - 29 - 36
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 22
2000 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,746,000
Music (
Chart Run: 34 - 19 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 13 - 12 - 16 - 21 - 22 - 31 - 34
Weeks At #1: 12
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 25
2000 YEC: #1
Total Points: 7,414,000
Don’t Tell Me (
Chart Run: 9 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 5 - 5 - 6 - 12 - 12 - 18 - 23 - 29
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
2001 YEC: #5
Total Points: 4,994,000
American Life (
Chart Run: 34 - 14 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 11 - 19 - 26
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 9
Weeks In Top 10: 10
Weeks On Chart: 15
2003 YEC: #22
Total Points: 2,887,000
Me Against The Music (Featured) (
Chart Run: 25 - 13 - 8 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 24
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 13
Weeks On Chart: 18
2003 YEC: #27
2004 YEC: #33
Total Points: 3,680,000
Hung Up (
Chart Run: 23 - 13 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 9 - 15 - 15 - 20 - 23 - 28 - 35
Weeks At #1: 15
Weeks In Top 2: 16
Weeks In Top 5: 19
Weeks In Top 10: 20
Weeks On Chart: 28
2005 YEC: #8
2006 YEC: #8
Total Points: 8,698,000
Sorry (
Chart Run: 33 - 18 - 13 - 7 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 5 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 9 - 14 - 19 - 22 - 38
Weeks At #1: 7
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 24
2006 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,180,000
4 Minutes (
Chart Run: 36 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 10 - 11 - 14 - 13 - 18 - 20 - 24 - 27 - 33 - 35
Weeks At #1: 11
Weeks In Top 2: 14
Weeks In Top 5: 17
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks On Chart: 28
2008 YEC: #4
Total Points: 7,623,000
there I proved it:) Madonna has 18 worldwide number one singles and Mariah has only few last one was we belong together 2005 which was 5 weeks at number one vs hung up 15 weeks so hung up has sold more worldwide.
madonna has sold more singles worldwide. thris no one will belevie you whit out proves and so far you haven’t proved nothing.
@ thris
give us some sort of links to prove your sales. Madonna suppras Mariah in New Zealand and Latin america. Madonna also is more succesful in USA 38 top 10 hits vs Mariah 26. the reason why Mariah has 18 number ones is her huge radio airplay. even 4 minutes sold more than touch my body. 4 minutes has been certified 2 times platinum and according to nielsen Soundscan it has sold 2.81 million is usa. neither Madonna or Mariah have no 3 million selling single in USA but Madonna is closer with 4 minutes.
that is from BILBOARD! read the faq
madonna wins.
Trish, about Nana Mouskouri:
I have never mentioned Nana Mouskouri as the second biggest selling female artist of all time.
And if, back then, I just believed in some sources.
But if I’m honest, I don’t really thing Nana is second behind Madonna ..
She has no +5 million selling album, neither a worldwide hit.
That’s weird. But What I want to know is:
your prove for Mariah’s single sales of 70 - 100 million !
And of course you said, Mariah has sold 190 million albums.
Trish, that’s not true!
She has sold 160-170 million albums like “right”s list already proved.
Her single sales don’t surpass 60 million, you know that!
Give us your source, please.
01.”Madonna’s singles are only popular in Europe”
ANSWER -> Madonna Has 12#1 Hot 100 Hits ,
38 Top 10s - The most of ANY artist (Record)
39 #1s hits On the Dance Charts (Record)
More #1 Albums than Mariah.
More #2 hits on the hot 100 than ANY artist (record).
The most top 20, 30 & 40s hits than ANY female on the
So Billboard themselves doesn’t even agree with you.
RESULT - > Your comment is an epic Fail , cause Madonna
is huge in Us charts as well.
02.”Nana Mouskouri is not among the best sellers”
ANSWER -> First…Nana Mouskouri ? Why did you bring
this up again ?
Shall I start talking about Celine ?
Stick to the topic !
For Your Info —> Nana Mouskouri is 76 years old , has
released 450 albums and recorded over 1.500 songs !
She has more than 200 gold and platinum albums worldwide.
She won’t appear in any list cause she started loooong
ago her career when sales were only estimated ! they
were not exact !
Proof that she is among the highest sellers
Just GOOGLE ”Nana Mouskouri” and see for yourself.
03.For the rest crap you posted check my comments
217 , 220 , 221 ..!
Other LIES you told us include !
01.”Mariah Carey” Is 10P in Us and Daydream Is 11P
and TEOM is 7P !
02.TEOM , ”Glitter” , ”Charmbracelet” have sold over
1m copies in Japan each.
03.Eurochart is smaller than Us.
04.Mariah sold over 300m records…then changed to 280m.
05.Mariah sold over 45m albums in Asia…then changed
to 40m and then…changed to 50m !
06.”All I Want For Xmas Is You” sold over 20m !
07.”Mtv Live” sold over 10m copies worldwide.
08.TEOM sold over 12m copies worldwide…then changed to
13m and…15/16m in the other debate !
09.”Hung Up” became a hit in 45 micro markets !
10.”Touch My Body” ,”Open Arms” , ”My All” ,
”I’be There” are WORLDWIDE hits.
11.”Glitter” sold over 5m copies…then changed to
4.4m copies…! Still more than Madonna ”Hard Candy”
that barely sold 4m , despite debut at number 1 in
37 countries.
12.Mariah got ”Diamond Award” for sales of 170m
albums. (despite the fact that WMA announced sales of
150m albums)
@ Lucky Luke : You said that I am not healthy and accused me to use other nicknames ,good ! Therefore,since you are healthy,why do you behave like an unhealthy person as you use other nicknames ? Ha ha ha ! That makes you even more sick than the one you call sick ,cause as such an healthy person,you shouldn’t emulate unhealthy ones !!Ha ha ! This is what is called PATHETIC ! So, you have no excuse at all unlike the one you call unhealthy ! Ha Ha ! You’re worst !
Take it easy,I am not under the nicknames you mentioned.But I don’t care you don’t believe me.What matters is that you’re trapped by your own trap as everyone see ! This is so funny ! Ha ha !
@Moff:You are much more crazy than me ,cause you challenge only my statements although I use the same reasonings and the same statements than Lucky Luke.Besides,Mariah really sold 90 – 100 million singles worldwide unlike Madonna as Mariah sold more singles in US than Madonna did in Europe. You asked me proves? My proves are the same Lucky Luke gave when he said that Celine have the same number of worldwide hits than Mariah.My proves are the same than Lucky Luke and you gave here when you said that Celine’s singles sales are 50 million whereas Mariah’s are 50-65 million.So,we have the same proves !
@Moff & Lucky Luke (Right) : MTV Unpugged sold more than 10 million wordwide as I already said. Moff you and your allie reduce not only MTV Unplugged’s sales but every Mariah’s albums:Emotions,Music Box,Merry Christmas,TEOM,Butterfly,Glitter,Charmbracelet,etc…etc… You did it deliberately for prevent her global sales to reach 190-200 million as her true sales usually shown. which is clear enough to prove that Mariah has sold more abums than Madonna.
@Lucky Luke: You try to denigrate lambs and say that they have tendency to lie ?
About Madonna,this is not only her fans who lie for her but also huge institution that should be objective ,like Guinness World Records .Guiness lied not once,nor twice,but THREE times about Madonna’s sales ! It’s worst when it comes to Celine.Wikipedia lost its credibility since long ago because of its partial and biased datas and achievements in favor of Celine Dion.Even Celine’s own fans admit it and complain abou it in the Celine’s Wikipedia Discussion page ( French page). This is much less serious when the lies come from a fansite than a supposed respectable and neutral institution.
madonna 195 million albums and 110 million singles no one can’t denies these facts and I already proved that Madonna has 18 worldwide number one singles at post 226 whith links. those informations are from mediatraffic and they are official.
mariah single sales are somewhere at 50-60 million. Mariah has sold 31 million singles in USA but only 6 million in uk. it is huge lie to say that she sold 90 million singles lol. Mariah Careys worldwide number ones
all I want Christmas is you ( only for 1 week)
one sweet day (was number one for 5 weeks)
we belong together
those are only worldwide number ones I could find for Mariah.
madonna 18 worldwide number ones
mariah 4
Waouh ! Now you talk about popular and successful singles? It’s a dream ? Let me remind you your own words about singles a short time ago when we discussed about Celine VS Mariah.Lucky Luke said : “Number 1 hits don’t always indicate bigger album
sales !” .I’ll continue showing to objective people how much you are contradictory and how much you are partial in your reasonings ! Everyone can see that you fall in your own hole one more time.
@ Everyone When I said that Mariah got much more number 1 hits and Top 10 Singles hits than Celine worldwide after giving the proves of their respective number 1 Hits worldwide, ( I showed to everyone that she got just 43 number 1 Hits while Mariah got 81 ones ) Lucky Luke answered:
“Celine and Mariah have the same number of songs that
became huge worldwide ! you know what WORLDWIDE means ?
Number 1s for them in micro markets don’t say much !
Mariah’s songs heard all over the world – her worldwide
hits include
01.Hero (Her First Real BIG Hit) 02.Without You 03.All I
Want For Xmas Is You 04.Fantasy 05.One Sweet Day
06.Honey 07.Heartbreaker 08.When You Believe
09.We Belong Together
Celine’s songs heart all over the world inlcude
01.The Power Of Love 02.Because You Loved Me
03.It Is All Coming Back To Me Now
04.All By Myself 05.Tell Him 06.My Heart Will Go On
07.I Am Your Angel 08.That’s The Way It Is
09.A New Day Has Come
(I am trying to be fair so I don’t even mention other
”local” million selling singles such as Dreamlover ,
Always Be My Baby , Immortality , To Love You More ,
I still Belive , Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore , Shake It
Off , Beauty And The Beast , Je Sais Pas , Someday ,
Vision Of Love , Sous Le Vent , I am Alive ,
Don’t Forget About Us etc etc etc — woah ! MANY hits – LOL )”
So,Mariah Carey got the same worldwide hits than Madonna no question about it !
About sales of singles,Lucky Luke also said : “—> EUROCHART IS THE SAME AS US IN SALES !
S T I C K T O T H I S ! ! ! ! ! “
So, Mariah sold more singles than Madonna as Mariah got 15 Certified Platinum singles the less, in US alone.Can you precise for us how many Certified Platinum singles Madonna got in Eurochart ? her best market
As I see,anybody can answer my questions about Nana Mouskouri’s so called 200 million albums sold /IFPI’s claims ,nor Madonna’s Guinness former claims ??! Nevertheless,You were so sure when you supported the claims of these institutions !lambs’s statements are not supported by them,so they are biased,false,brazen,foolish! !!! I ask you one more time :- Why Nana Mouskouri is not in the list of the top 20 best selling artists in Europe ( Europe is ,as everybody know,Nana Mouskouri’s best market by very far ),nor in the top 10 best selling female artists in Europe ( while Mariah Carey is in that list ).Answer to this as you claimed that she’s ahead Mariah on album sales.
-Tell me which continent/countries are Nana Mouskouri’s strongest markets and how many albums she has sold there ( for example,we know that Mariah’s strongest markets are USA and Asia ).Since you said that I don’t know Mariah’s sales in Asia ( although I know that she sold close to 20 million albums in Japan alone,and that she have million selling albums in Korea,Taiwan,etc…),tell me what are Nana’s total sales in Europe ? How many albums Nana Mouskouri has sold in USA ? In Asia ? etc…. What are Nana’s best selling albums ? How many they have sold ?How many albums she have in the list of 100 best selling albums of all times ?
About Guinness World Records ,tell me :
Moff and many other Madonna’s supporters ( Alexis,etc…) claimed formeley that in accordance with Guinness ,Madonna has sold over 300 million albums not including singles ,back to 2003.Madonna’s fans also claimed that Guinness published it not just one time but 3 times ! They even said that Guinness had prove these figure sales many times .However,By June 2010,Guiness claim that Madonna’s album sales reach 200 million for 2011.What this mean ?
Your MISTAKES/LIES again ! (Stick To Number 7)
01.MTV Live sold 10m copies.
ANSWER—> It sold 3m In Us,Over 500k In Europe (Cause
It is not Platinum there),and peaked at number 13 in
Japanese charts so don’t expect many sales there. So
worldwide it sold 6m copies.
02.Wikipedia Is Partial.
ANSWER -> Wikipedia screws up in total album sales. Its
certifications are always correct and well sourced and
they never change,unlike total album sales. You’ll see
Wikipedia stating for ”One Heart” album for example
that it sold 5m copies , then 7m copies , then 8m copies
, then 6.5m copies etc ! so it is not to be trusted when
it comes to total album sales. On Info , Certifications
it agrees even with Mariah’s sites.
03.Mariah has same worldwide hits with Madonna.
ANSWER -> Mariah has 9 Big Worldwide Hits…Read
Shutup lists to see how many worldwide hits Madonna has
who is successful not only in Us but in Europe as well.
You look like an idiot trying to say Mariah sold more
because she is bigger in Us than Madonna is in Europe !
omg ! Comparing the strongest markets alone is so
dumb !!!
04.I Answered your questions on Nana Mouskouri.Stop
Insisting on this.Each Of Her Album sold about 30k-40k !
(Average) ! She has over 450 album releases. There are
sources that claim she sold over 300m records and other
(the ones I believe now) say her record sales are over
200m ! The Matter is that MARIAH SUPRASSES HER , Ok ?
Move On !
05.You are under every nickname I mentioned and you know
this damn well,but I don’t care anymore because the other
nicknames BROUGHT NO FACTS ! So…
06.You NEVER proved Mariah has more worldwide than
Celine.Calling Flops Like ”Open Arms” worldwide hit
proves nothing.
07.BIG LIE -> Mariah has 81 Number 1s worldwide !
How’s that ? She has released 67 singles !
08.Believe it or not , I didn’t post as ”right” cause
I am sick of this game ! I was the one that stopped
it before.
09.You call ME Contradictory ? Girl ! wow ! Labels ,
IFPI , RIAA , Wikipedia , WMA , Guinness Book of Records
totally disagree with you , not me ! lmao !
Plus you are the one that changes Mariah’s fake sales
all the time ! 300m records , then 280m records !
5m for Glitter , then 4.4m etc etc !
10.My Previous posts mentioned more lies you AVOID
to answer ! lol ! Keep Failing…
PS Still laughing cause you said Mariah has 81 number 1s
while she released 67 singles ! LMAO
OH Trish …
1. I have never mentioned that Madonna has sold 300 million albums. IF I had mentioned 300 million, then I would have talked about 300 million RECORDS = albums + singles !
that’s the first lie.
2. Mariah has sold LESS albums and LESS singles. That’s proved so many times but you can’t understand it, you are like a child who will understand things after puberty.
You said its proved but actually: You didn’t give us any proves yet ?
No proves for Mariah’s high sales.
3. Can you give me a site in the Internet that claims Mariah has sold more albums than Madonna ?
A site with a list of Mariah’s album sales ?
Are they really higher than Madonna’s?
About Nana Mouskouri - I even can’t explain that, sorry for this. Maybe someone can help us at this point ?
3. Guinness: Honestly, I’ve ever seen that Guinness claimed Madonna for album sales of 380 million, I just know it by reading different posting, not only popdirt.
4. Sometimes I even see a number of 338 million records. That means 200 million album sales and more than 100 million singles + other things like Live Albums etc., but I am not sure.
Trish, how often did I say that I had not decreased Mariah’s sales ?
The list of “right” is completely CORRECT!
Give me YOUR list of Mariah’s sales !
5. Worldwide hits:
Madonna has more. She more top ten hits EVERYWHERE, in all countries of the world.
Just in Japan, New Zealand (micro market) and other small Asian countries are Mariah’s strong markets.
Madonna has more top ten hits than Carey in America. 18 number ones, that’s 6 more than Madonna, but you know - Airplay doesn’t mean more sales ! Good example: 4 Minutes, vs. Touch my body !
6. Lucky Luke’s proves doesn’t show that Mariah has sold more than Madonna. Again: Madonna has sold more !
Trish - — tz tz tz ..
This girl is here to lie…she said Mariah has 81 number
1s worldwide , while Mariah has released 67 singles
during her career…
This says pretty much everything about her knowledge
and objectiveness…And of course NO LINKS ! :-D
@ Lucky Lamb
If you know music very well, and is very sharp yourself, you’d understand that the person who said Mariah has “81” number ones had a typing error and really intended to type “18” rather.
To those who say that size of the music market of a nation, or a continent, doesn’t matter, I strongly disagree. Of course It does matter. America is the largest music market in the whole world so conquering it in a span of just two decades is really an achievement. Mariah is the biggest in the US and none of you Madonna fans can say “It’s just here in the US” Do not boast us about Europe because we’ll tell you how Mariah rules in Asia. Not to mention Asia is the largest continent of all seven, and Japan has the second largest music market in the world, behind the US of course.
Just think of it as Mariah ruling the two largest music empires, and Madonna has her own little islands in Europe practicing her fake accents there. If you say Madonna, is big in France, we’ll say Mariah is huge in The Philippines, or in Taiwan. Mariah has had success and numerous number one songs in New Zealand so you can’t say it’s Madonna’s territory. South Korea, and Hong Kong proved to be Mariah nations too. And then there is Australia, Mariah has lots of Aussie fans and up to now can still have hit songs there. And who can forget Latin America, another huge continent that you can’t just forget right? Madonna fans? Recently Mariah set another, yes another one of many records she holds, as her cover version of I Wanna Know What Love Is topped the Brazilian Hot 100 for an astonishing 27 weeks. Brazil which is the biggest country in South America, is a Mariah nation and you Madonna fans can’t do anything about it.
When It comes to her songs, recently again, We Belong Together was just named the Song of the Decade for 2000s. As most of you people know, One Sweet Day, which is a Mariah Carey song (with Boyz II Men), was the Song of the 90’s! Hmmmm ok ( = more over, All I Want For Christmas Is You is the best selling holiday song of all time! It’s the best selling holiday ringtone as well. Oh Santa, which is the new Christmas song by Carey, is expected to follow AIWFCIY’s tradition to top holiday charts worldwide every year during Christmas season. Mariah is the first female who had a song debut at number one with Fantasy, first person ever to achieve this feat. consecutively with One Sweet Day, first person to have two songs debut at number one, and first and only person to have three songs debut at number one with Honey. Mariah is the first and only female to simultaneously occupy the top two positions on the BB Hot 100 with We Belong Together and Shake It Off, first and only person to simultaneously occupy the top two positions on the US Holiday Charts with AIWFCIY and Oh’ Santa, and the person, alongside with Celine Dion, with the most top ten singles on the US Adult Contemporary chart. Mariah has the most added weeks spent on the Hot 100 with 79 weeks. It’s like that topped multiple major Asian countries such as China (Hot 100) , Japan (Hot 100), and Taiwan (Hot 100). Without You is Mariah’s most successful in Europe topping the European Hot 100, Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. Mariah scored another UK number one with Against All Odds feat. Westlife in 2000. Mariah is the only artist to have their first 5 singles reach number one. In Canada, Mariah had a respectable number of successful hits, including number ones like Vision of Love, Someday, Emotions, I’ll Be There, Dreamlover, Fantasy, One Sweet Day, and Honey. Here are just few of Mariah’s achievements on her songs and singles.
In albums, TEOM is 2005’s best selling album worldwide. Music Box, and Daydream are all time worldwide best-sellers as well. Mariah Carey’s debut album exceeds sales of over 15 million copies. Her compilation album #1s exceeds 17 million, Rainbow sold over 10 million, Then there’s Butterfly which sold over ten million as well. Emotions is multimillion seller too. Merry Christmas has sold over 5 million in the US and over 12 million worldwide. Merry Christmas II You just turned gold in the US recently, and is expected to match the sales of Carey’s first Christmas album in the future. Charmbracelet sold over 4 million worldwide, and E=MC2 sold about 3 million worldwide. And of course all Madonna fans would claim Mariah had a flop album, which is Glitter. As a matter of fact Glitter sold over 3.5 million worldwide, which is not bad if you ask me. And the Glitter era took place when Mariah and Sony had their feud, so everybody should take that for a consideration. It was released too on the same the as 9/11 terrorist attack. Moving over, IDJ recently released a statement which claimed Memoirs is a multi-million seller worldwide. ( =
And lastly Madonna came out at least a decade before Mariah. She has released more albums, more single, more videos, than Mariah. For more than 30 years, Madonna has sold over 200 million records, and that is impressive. Celine sold about that much too but less, but still she started in 1981, almost a decade prior to Mariah’s debut. Carey is the other woman who sold that much but did it in a span of 20 years only and not 30 years or more like Celine and Madonna. So if you’ll ask me Mariah is the best selling female artist of all time. And you Madonna fans can quit talking about stadiums and sh*t because that’s not the point of this convo.
May I just add to Mariah Lamb’s comment:
*All I Want For Christmas Is You sold over 12 million copies worldwide.
*Mariah has the most platinum singles amongst all female artists.
*Madonna only has two digital singles to exceed over 1 million in sales, Hung up and 4 minutes. Mariah has four, One Sweet Day, AIFCIY, Touch My Body, and Obsessed.
*Oh Santa became the fastest ascending song to number in the history of Adult Contemporary chart (one week),
*Oh Santa became her 43rd Hot 100 chart entry too, she’s one one of the only eight women who have had 40 or more Hot 100 appearances.
and more, more, more.
And to some of you Madonna fans, quit talking about Evita or other Madonna movies,
no Lamb mentions Precious, or Tennessee. That just shows how desperate you guys are. And enough with the stadium, like honestly, who cares? MariahLamb is right, that’s not the point of this convo.
MAriah’s MTV Unplugged sold over 6 million worldwide. The Greatest Hits is multimillion seller too. The Ballads is certified Gold in the US.
Plus what Mariah Lamb and Mariah Fan said just proves Mariah is the best selling female artist of all time. What Madonna fanatics don’t understand is before Mariah’s big debut, Madonna is the best selling female, during Mariah’s early years, I’m sure she still is. But 10 years later, after Rainbow, Mariah’s sales are close to Madonna, maybe not more, but close. 5 years later, Mariah’s The Emancipation of Mimi was released and is another big hit exceeding sales of over 10 million, Then the singles, were as successful, there came E=MC2, Glitter and Charmbracelet had their respectable successes. In two decades Mariah has matched Madonna’s sales, which she worked for in over 30 years, So if you think of it in a long run, Mariah would really sell more than Madonna. Madonna is 60 in 10 years. Mariah is only 50 and can still sing. Who do you think would interest people more in ten years? of course it’s Mariah. So long story short, Mariah is the best selling female artist of all time.
First of all:
Madonna hasn’t sold just 200 million records. She has sold more than 300 million.
Mariah has sold about 230 - 240 million records worldwide. So Madonna (7 years more than Carey) has sold over 60 million records more than Mariah.
So. No. Mariah is NOT the best selling female artist .
The list of Mariah’s album sales is right and Butterfly (as Trish’s opinion) has not sold 17 million, but 10 million.
So Mariah’s total album sales stand at 165 million.
Madonna’s: 200 million.
Music Markets :
Madonna, again, has almost the same achievements than Mariah is the US Charts.
37 Top tens (most for any artist), 12 Number ones (just 6 behind Mariah) and 40 hot dance club songs (most for any artist).
Mariah rules in Asia. Correct.
Brazil: Madonna has bigger selling albums there.
Just “I want to know what love is) by Carey was the astonishing it by Mariah, other song weren’t so highly successful.
Madonna is ahead of Mariah in case of total sales in Latin America.
Overall - Madonna has just sold more records than Mariah Carey, whatever lambs say, She is not the faster seller.
The span is too high for Mariah !
@ Mariah lamb
01.Us is not the biggest market in sales. It equals
Europe cause it takes 1m copies to get platinum in both
02.Japan is not the second biggest market cause it takes
200k to get platinum there. In UK you need 300k , in
France 300k and in Germany 500k so UK , France and
Germany are bigger than Japan.
03.Mariah rules in Us , no doubt about it ! I even
posted her BILLBOARD Facts/achievements before. But
her single/album success in Europe/Canada is poor
compared to Madonna’s. Madonna has 38 top 10 hits in Us
while Mariah has 26 for instance ! so they are both huge
in Us , while Mariah is ahead there.
04.Thanx For the sales you posted ! It is nice seeing
a lamb not posting lies about her sales ! You totally
agree with me at Butterly , Rainbow , TEOM , Number 1s
sales and hopefully this will make TRISH shut up :P
Charmbracelet and Glitter has sold around 3m copies ,
not 4m cause they are only platinum in Us and gold
in a few micro markets.
05.The person that mentioned 81 number 1s made no
typing mistake. She has posted many lies in the past and
has repeated before the 81 number 1s theory.
06.Celine came out worldwide in 1990 and this is what
matters. It is unfair to say she started in 1981 just
to make her success look smaller and drop the average of
her sales.
07.I have said I am more impressed by Mariah’s sales
but this doesn’t make her the best seller. Madonna
suprasses her not only in record sales but also
in tours and DVD sales. And when it comes to touring
and DVD sales the fact that Madonna began in 1983 is
totally irrelevant. Nobody can say she is more successful
in these cause she started earlier.
08.Mariah’s flops include Charmbracelet , Remixies ,
E=MC2 , Memoirs of an imperfect angels , The Ballads ,
Merry Xmas To You.Not only Glitter.
09.Everyone should talk about tours when it comes to
sales because it costs over 100 or 200 dollars to attend
a concert while downloading singles for instance is
cheap !
So why should someone boast about the downloads of
”Obsessed” in Us and not for grossing over 400.000.000
from one tour ? ? ?
Tours not only prove people demand but who also is
STILL relevant.
10.Mariah got her Diamond award in 2003 for sales of
150m albums and Celine for sales of 175m albums.
As of 2010 Mariah reaches the 170m albums in sales and
Celine the 190m (Sales after 1990) !
Madonna sold 200m albums as the fans
above have proven many times.
11.All In All I respect your opinion and thankx for
showing us and TRISH as well that are objective lambs
out there,whose record datas agree with ours.
@ Lambs
Is This a massive attack ? lol !
01.The Ballads Is NOT Gold In Us ! Big Lie !
02.All I Want For Xmas For You has sold 6m copies,
not 12m !
03.Glitter and Charmbracelet RESPECTABLE SUCCESS ? ? ?
You mean commercial and critical flops being platinum
only in Us !
04.Why would anyone mention Tennesse ?
Is this movie Box Office hit ? No
Is it critically aclaimed ? No
Everyone mentions Evita because of its soundtrack
because it is among Madonna’s sales,just like Glitter
for Mariah. The difference is that Evita is
critically praised and embraced by audiences as well..!
05.When it comes to Madonna and Mariah the age difference
is irrelevant because Madonna proved that she can
suprass her in everything during the 00’s ! So even
if you compare their careers since 1990 (Mariah debut)
you see they are neck to neck in record sales (Mariah
being slightly ahead) , while Madonna outsells her
in tours and DVD sales by far ! Not to mention
soundtracks & reviews again..!
So no,nothing proves Mariah sold more than Madonna.
Madonna is a stable seller since day one !
After 27 years she is still relevant. Her only
so called ”flops” definitely sold more than
Mariah’s low sellers.
06. @ Ilovemariah
You should get your facts straight !
You say that Mariah reached Madonna’s sales after
Rainbow. What a big mistake !
Madonna had sold over 120m albums since 1992 !
Mariah got her Millennium award in 2000 (After Rainbow)
For sales of 130m albums !
So Mariah In 2000 = Madonna In 1993 !
Sorry To Kill Your Daydreams…
Mariahfan is 100% right.US is a bigger market than Europe as albums sold better in US than Europe. The Bodyguard,Music Box,Daydream,Fallin into You,Come On Over,Jagged Little Pill,etc… are sold most in US than in Europe.Japan is the second best market after US as albums sold million in Japan often than in UK nor France.Don’t try to counfond us when you talk about certifications.We talk about sales.US in Japan stay both the biggest music markets in the world.
Lucky Luke,how you can be so idiot? 81 # 1 Hits worldwide doesn’t mean 81 different singles reached number 1 worldwide,but 81 # 1 in different country Charts. For Example,Without You was number 1 in 10 different countries is counted as 10 number 1 Hits. So,Mariah got 81 number 1 Hits worldwide while Celine got just 43 ones. About sales,Trish proves many times that Mariah’s albums and singles are ahead of Madonna,anything you’ll claim here you and your allies are just deliriums by your blinded fanaticism !
Ilove Mariah is 100% right.Mariah is the best selling female artist all times as her sales surpass all other female artists on earth ! Lucky Luke,Madonna sold less singles in Europe than Mariah did in US.So,Mariah sold much more singles worldwide than know nothing on sales! You waste your time on run Trish down,you prove that you worth nothing without Moff and Shutup.NOTHING ! Stop to denigrate Trish because she proves to everyone that she’s a million times better than you Lucky Luke,you suck !
@ thris are you able to read or are you just stupid Mariah fan. Madonna has 18 WORLDWIDE NUMBER ONE SINLGES ACCORDING TO MEDIATRAFFIC AND MARIAH HAS ONLY 4. Mariah has not sold more albums than Madonna stupid. Madonna USA 64 million + 76 million from Europe that’s already 140 million! 15 million from asia = 154 million
mariah 63 million USA + 27 from Europe + 30 million from asia = 121 million.
we all know that Madonna has sold more albums in south america, Australia and canada.
and @ Mariah lamb.
mariahs single sales in europe!
these are from 2008 music week.
1..Into The Groove………….1985….843,561
2..Like A Virgin…… ………1984….768,129
4..Crazy For You……………..1985….662,481
5..Papa Don’t Preach…..1986….629,386
6..True Blue………………….1987….534,728
7..Hung Up…………… ………2005….525,000
8..Beautiful Stranger……..1999….513,992
9..Like A Prayer………………1989….513,231
10.Frozen………… .……………1998….508,296
12.4 Minutes…….……………..2008….480,000
13.La Isla Bonita…….……..1987….421,760
15.Material Girl………………..1985….389,999
16.American Pie……………….2000….380,937
17.Who’s That Girl……………1987….376,498
18.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina..1996….338,494
19.You’ll See…………………..1995….302,432
21 Gambler……………………….1985….292,341
22 Live To Tell……………..1986….271,897
23 Erotica……………………….1992….270,800
24 This Used To Be My Playground..1992….270,427
25 Ray Of Light……………….1998….262,514
26 Dear Jessie………………..1989….250,769
27 Causing A Commotio ……1987….229,934
28 Justify My Love………..….1990….228,683
29 Hanky Panky……………..1990….205,733
30 Dress You Up…………….1985….204,970
31 Angel……………….……..1985….198,650
32 Express Yourself…………1989….194,102
33 Cherish……………………1989….192,891
34 Open Your Heart………….1986….186,742
35 Don’t Tell Me………………2000….179,939
36 Sorry………………..……..2006….178,963
37 Power Of Goodbye/Little Star…1998….175,095
38 Die Another Da…………2002….167,863
39 Give It 2 Me..………..….2008….150,000
40 Deeper And Deep.……..1992….136,854
41 Rescue Me……………..1991….134,764
42 Rain………………..……1993….130,771
43 Nothing Really Matter…1999….128,137
44 Me Against The Music…..2003….126,136
45 The Look Of Love…..……1987….121,439
46 Secret…………………….1994….117,957
47 Lucky Star…………….…1984….117,470
48 Take A Bow………………1994….102,739
49 I’ll Remember…….………1994….100,090
50 Bedtime Story……………1995…..97,428
51 Drowned World/Subst For Love)..1998…..90,651
52 You Must Love Me……………1996…..90,428
53 What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001…..86,771
54 Fever……………………..1993…..86,077
55 Human Nature……………….1995…..80,685
56 Another Suitcase Another Hall..1997…..75,233
57 Bad Girl…………………..1993…..74,915
58 American Life………………2005…..72,260
59 Get Together……………….2006…..67,163
60 Hollywood………………….2003…..59,633
61 Oh Father………………….1996…..58,730
62 One More Chance…………….1996…..56,851
63 Jump………………………2006…..52,038
64 Love Profusion……………..2003…..41,025
65 Miles Away …………..…..2008…..20,000
total single sales: 17.150,000 celebration was released 2009
2..La Isla Bonita…………………1987….500.000
3..Hung Up……………………….2005…450.000 (270.000 Physical)
4..Like A Prayer…………………1989….420.000
5..Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.1997…410.000
6..4 Minutes…………………….2008….350.000 (50.000 Physical)
7..Into The Groove…………….1985….330.000
8..The Power Of Goodbye………..1998….310.000
9..Like A Virgin………………1984….310.000
10.American Pie……………….2000….300.000
11.Papa Don’t Preach……………1986….300.000
14.True Blue……………………1986….240.000
15.You’ll See…………………..1995….230.000
16.Express Yourself…………….1989….230.000
17.Who’s That Girl……………..1987….230.000
19.Take A Bow…………………..1994….190.000
21.Beautiful Stranger……………1999….150.000
22.Die Another Day………………2002….130.000
23.Justify My Love………………1990….130.000
24.Live To Tell…………………1986….130.000
25.Don’t Tell Me………………..2000….120.000
26.Material Girl…………………1985….120.000
27.Open Your Heart…………..1987….110.000
30.Crazy For You……………..1985…..110.000
31.Miles Away………………….2008….100.000
32.Bad Girl………………………1993….100.000
34.Give It 2 Me………………….2008…..90.000
38.Me against The Music……………2003…..70.000
40.Causing A Commotio…………….1987…..70.000
41.Dress you Up…………………..1984…..70.000
42.Sorry…………………………2006…..65.000 (40.000 Physical)
43.Rescue Me…………………1991…..60.000
44.Hanky Panky………………1990…..60.000
45.Dear Jessie………………..1989…..60.000
47.Ray Of Light………………..1998…..50.000
49.American Life………………2003…..40.000
50.Nothing Really Matters…..1999…..40.000
51.Drowned World…………….1998…..40.000
52.Human Nature……………..1995…..40.000
53.I’ll Remember………………1994…..40.000
54.The Look Of Love………….1987…..40.000
55.Jump………………………….2006…..20.000 (10.000 Physical)
56.Get Together………………..2006…..20.000 (10.000 Physical)
57.Nothing Fails………………..2003…..20.000
58.You Must Love Me…………1996…..20.000
59.Deeper And Deeper………..1992…..10.000
total: 8.320.000 singles sold in Germany.
1 Madonna La isla bonita 650.000
2 Madonna Into The Groove 610.000
3 Madonna Don’t Cry For Me Argentina 610.000
4 Madonna Like A Prayer 560.000
5 Madonna Who’s That Girl 54.000
6 Madonna Frozen 490.000
7 Madonna Hung Up 420.000
8 Madonna Papa Don’t Preach 410.000
9 Madonna True Blue 310.000
10 Madonna Music 310.000
11 Madonna Secret 290.000
12 Madonna Live To Tell 280.000
13 Madonna Like A Virgin 250.000
14 Madonna American Pie 250.000
15 Madonna Vogue 200.000
16 Madonna Beautiful Stranger 200.000
17 Madonna Dress You Up 170.000
18 Madonna Don’t Tell Me 160.000
19 Madonna The Power Of Good-Bye 130.000
20 Madonna Die Another Day 130.000
21 Madonna American Life 120.000
22 Madonna Open Your Heart 110.000
23 Madonna Ray Of Light 110.000
24 Madonna The Look Of Love 100.000
25 Madonna Gambler 90.000
26 Madonna This Used To Be My Playground 90.000
27 Madonna Me Against The Music 90.000
28 Madonna 4 Minutes 90.000
29 Madonna Cherish 80.000
30 Madonna You’ll See 80.000
31 Madonna Sorry 80.000
32 Madonna Hollywood 70.000
33 Madonna Love Profusion 60.000
34 Madonna Justify My Love 50.000
35 Madonna Rescue Me 50.000
36 Madonna Take A Bow 50.000
37 Madonna Nothing Fails 50.000
38 Madonna Holiday 50.000
39 Madonna Drowned World (Substitute For Love) 40.000
40 Madonna Oh Father 30.000
41 Madonna Erotica 30.000
42 Madonna What It Feels Like For A Girl 30.000
43 Madonna Get Together 30.000
44 Madonna Give It 2 Me 30.000
45 Madonna Holiday 20.000
46 Madonna Deeper And Deeper 20.000
47 Madonna Nothing Really Matters 20.000
48 Madonna I’ll Remember 10.000
49 Madonna You Must Love Me 10.000
France / Singles sales 8.700.000M+
uk 17,5 million
germany 8,3 million
france 8,7 million
thats already 34 million and only three markets from europe. then there is Italy where she has 21 number one singles. so no boubt she has sold 4 million singles there. Spain 2 million + 5 million for the micro markets like sweden, norway, finland, poland, switcherlad and so on..
madonna has sold 45 million singles in Europe and she has 15 number ones. Mariah has sold only about 15-20 million.
madonna also has sold 40 million singles in usa
read it Madonna haters!
usa + Europe = 85 million. Madonna has easily sold over 100 million singles and Mariah hasn’t even 60.
madonna has sold over 300 million records deal with it.
oops I ment to say MADONNAS single sales in Europe not Mariahs lol.
Liar ! Mariah got the Millennium Award in 2000 for 150 million albums.In 2003,she won the Chopard Award for 170 million of albums sold.Don’t try to confuse us.About Celine Chopard Award,you claimed here yourself that it was irrelevant as you said that Madonna refused it ! Hahaha! So many contradictions as Trish usually showed ! (Today,she’s busy.Mariah is slighty ahead of Madonna on albums sales.Celine 190 million albums ? Let me laught Hahahaha! It’s so funny ! Celine worldwide sales doesn’t reach 170 million marks ! Why you continue to lie like this ? Don’t you get shame ? If Celine would sold 190 million albums Mariah would sold 250 million ones Hahaha ! Don’t joke Lucky Luke,be honest and fair,you know very well that Celine worldwide albums sales can’t surpass 160-170 million.Let’s be honest and fair !
@ MariahCarey4Ever !
We get your OPINION ! Now go back to CLUB PENGUIN and
leave this page,while letting us talk about real facts !
For Example —->
Mariah got the Diamond award in 2003 for album sales of
150m and since she sold almost 20m albums more.
So her total since 1990 comes to 170m albums.
Links that PROVE Mariah got her award For 150 million
album sales
back in 2003 ->
These Two links are from MARIAH’S OFFICIAL SITES !
See how this works little bitch ? You think YOUR OPINION
matters more than WMA and Mariah’s Site ?
Do you think what you say matters more than the fact
that MARIAH HERSELF accepted an Award for sales of 150m ?
The other lambs PUT YOU and your ”sister” in total
SHAME because they agreed with my data !
Oh and yes Us = Europe in sales…! Sorry but IFPI and
RIAA prove this..! Japan is smaller than UK , France ,
Germany as certifications prove.
81 Numbers in many countries while without you topped
the charts in 10 countries ? Than means her rest singles
topped the charts in 71 countries whcih is really low !
lol !
Especially if you think songs like Hung Up and
My HearT Will Go On reached number 1 at over 30 markets!
You fell into your own trap and now you try to save it !
hahahahaa ! let me laugh !
Mariah doesn’t sell singles in Europe at all,while
Madonna sells in both Us and Europe…! so Madonna
is ahead ! what you and your ”sister” say is so
dumb..! xD
Girl you are either ignorant or bordeline retarded.
Your comments only amuse me ! xD
The Ballads is certified Gold in the US. And yes Japan is the second biggest music market behind the US. Charmbracelet sold over 4 million worldwide and Glitter sold over 3.5 worldwide. What I meant with reepectable successes for these albums was the sales were low compare to other Mariah albums but compare to other artists, especially today’s, 4 million copies per album isn’t so bad. And after all its about 7.5 million addition to MC’s album sales.
@ ilovemariah
01.Ballads is not Gold in Us. It sold over 100k
there,after it debuted at number 10 in Billboard hot 200
and then vanished from the charts.
You think I’m gonna buy your lies because YOU say so ?
2.What can’t you understand ? UK , France and Germany
are BIGGER than Japan !
01.Us —-> 1m to get platinum !
02.Europe —> 1m to get platinum !
03.Germany —> 500k to get platinum !
04.Uk —> 300k to get platinum !
05.France —> 300k to get platinum !
06.Japan —> 200k to get platinum !
07.Canada —> 100k to get platinum !
and so on…
What you probably mean is that Japan/Asia is Mariah’s
strongest markets after Us !
3.Glitter and Charmbracelet sold 3m copies each ! now
move on with this ! Moreover they were released
back in 2001 and 2002 were albums still used to sell
so they are flops ! You can’t compare them with albums
after 2004 because since music is downloaded…!
5.What you say about Us and Japan makes you look
like a racist ! You don’t seem to realize that when we
talk about sales and strong markets it is certifications
that matters and NOT population !
6.Moreover stick to what is proved by Mariah’s official
site (not my opinion) —> she sold 150m albums by 2003.
End of story , unless you don’t even believe her site
or Mariah herself !!
Hard Candy -> Gold Us,Platinum Canada,Europe,Australia
so Madonna fans said it sold 3.8m worldwide.
Taking Chances -> Platinum Us,Europe,Australia,
4 Platinum Canada , Gold Japan , 2 Platinum S.Africa
so I say it probably reaches the 4m mark.
Glitter -> Us Platinum , Gold France , Switzerland ,
NO certified In Australia , Canada , Europe…
And Lambs say it sold 3.5m or 4m or 4.5m !
And of course you desperately try to cover this with
FAKE Asian sales YOU admited YOU CAN’T Prove…
Sorry guys… :-)
@ Shutup
Your comment 248 said it all. Now let lambs
(FIVE nicknames in ONE day alone - ha ha ha) to
post their opinion without bringing any sold fact.
BILLBOARD ? Whats That ? LOL !
Good Job… ;-)
Source : Mariah VS Madonna debate , popdirt
”Aronga you are like Madonna, that’s why you defend her .I hate women like you,which would do anything for money or for success,it’s disgurting.As a woman,I ashamed for you.John is just an idiotic person and an a-hole who venerate Madonna.But everybody know that your idol is a GLOBAL slut icon when Mariah is THE FEMALE SINGER OF ALL TIMES. Madonna just able to promote her ass and incite perverts like John to masturbate theirselves.Billboard is the bigger music Chart Worlwide and Mariah rule in it next to Beatles and Elvis Prestley.Madonna got UK Chart and tours because of her ass and breast,when Mariah got Billboard Chart and record sales because of her talent and her voice.Madonna use payola and her body to get Charts when Mariah use her incredible voice and talent to get Charts[….] even Madonna sing with rappers now,because of Mariah Carey’s music revolution. Madonna’s Tours success is not impressive as it’s not really a concert,it’s rather a Streap Tease that Madonna make next to her public .Then it’s not Madonna’s music which really interesting those persons ,but Madonna’s sexual eccentricities and scandals Mariah Carey’s music is popular everywhere worldwide thanks to her exceptional voice and her talent.You said that Mariah looks like a slut,but you must know that Madonna is a slut ,like you. Mariah is just beautiful and sexy and contrary to Madonna, she doesn’t get her body damaged by hundreds of men in sexual adventures .Madonna’s ass is damaged because she was with too many men in her life ( more than 500 men ).That’s why we know she’s a slut !Besides, it’s disgurting to see this middle aged woman still making sexual tricks with her body for getting her albums sold. Unfortunately, Madonna is too old to play sexy chicks : her asses,thigh and face are emaciated by time.So it’s blunty Make you feel sick to watch this damaged body trying to make sexy tricks,or wearing a bikini /dance clothes (video clip of Hung Up ).I admit that it made me laugh a lot the first time I saw this foolish video,but next times,I found it blunty ugly and disgurting. Everybody know dance,there is so many people who dance so better than Madonna ; artists, star,average people.etc…But Mariah carey know sing better than anyone worldwide..As Simon Cowell said “ To sing a Whitney Houston song is very hard,to sing a Mariah Carey song is a vocal suicide ! “.I know you’ll be very angry,but I just tell truth,sorry. ”
My Comment : This Proves Your Education ! Sad…
By Lucky Luke.
The only time I insulted Mariah in my whole life was just
to upset TRISH in the other debate for the insults she
kept spreading against Celine : ”Horseface , robot”
etc !
And now she came back (Under her ”sister” disguise)
to say Celine sings like Britney and Lady Gaga !
PS The only time I insulted Mariah was at the other
debate just to upset TRISH and after that I apologised !
And now she comes back under her ”sister” disguise
to say Celine Dion sings like Britney Spears !
Jesus !
@ what thris said about Madonna.
okey honey. can you go any lower than that? calling Madonna a slut that still doesn’t make differense that Madonna is best selling female artist all of time.
it seems that Mariah fans can not face the reality. Mariah has had 3 flops albums in a row emc=2, memoirs and merry Christmas to you. and you said Mariah music is popular all around the world hahahahaha. well Europe could care sh** about Mariahs music neither Japan or Australia they did care about her in the 90s lol. Madonnas latest eras hard candy and celebration have sold more than Mariahs last 3 eras in Japan and world wide.
about Madonnas tours. 3,5 million people went to see sticky and sweet tour and it crossed 408 million. Mariah flops with her tours desbite having amazing voice. the reason why Mariah is not succesful in Europe is becouse she’s fat! Madonna’s sticky and sweet tour was also higest crossing tour in USA 2008.
madonna was chosen at 11 the world most powerful womens of the history and Mariah was not on the list:)
you are just a pathetic troll with no life.
oh Madonna has power what Mariah could never ever have:)
@ Lucky Luke: Why I would believe in your lies? You said that Celine Dion album reach 6 million while you try to do the same for MTV.In 2000 year,Celine Dion album reached 3 million sales worldwide while MTV already surpassed 6 million since this time.If today’s CD’s sales reach 6 million,in the same way MTV reach 10 m as well.Besides, MTV is a much more popular album worldwide than CD.
So MTVworldwide sales is 10m copies.About Mariah’s new Christmas album,it has sold 432,000 copies in the United States.[42] On January 11, 2011, Merry Christmas II You was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), denoting shipments of 500,000 units.So,don’t try to deny it as it is a fresh info ! Everyone can see it before haters and partial links come to biase this ![43]
Yes,Wikipedia Is Partial.Everyone know Wikipedia’s subjectivity on internet,don’t try to clear its biased behavior just because its favor Celine. Wikipedia is worst than a Celine fansite or blog.Wikipedia claim that Celine’s All The Way reach 30 million sales (they change it now) These Are Special Times outsold Mariah’s Merry Christmas worldwide,etc…etc… ,They claim Celine became popular worldwide since Unison album whereas they claim Mariah became huge worldwide since Music Box,etc… etc…Wikipedia even claim that Celine got the most largest vocal range ever. (Wikipedia human voice article French page).they include Celine in their list of most extended voices ever in musical history,but doesn’t even mention Mariah Carey.About sales,I would never say all Wikipedia’s biased and partial datas in favor of Celine Dion.In the French discussion page of Celine Dion Wikipedia, many readers denounced Wikipedia’s partiality and claimed that it’s main administrators are all Canadians ( Personally,I don’t know if it’s true ),and that’s why they favor Celine Dion. This site should be shutdown since long ago because of its obvious partiality towards some artists and its hating against some other ones.Idem for Guinness,but at least,Guinness rectify its lies about Madonna’s sales !
.Mariah has same worldwide hits with Madonna in the same way you said Celine has the same worldwide hits than Mariah.
Read Lambs lists to see how many worldwide hits Mariah has
which are successful not only in Us but in Europe,Asia and Oceania as well.
You look like an a-hole trying to say Madonna sold more
Just because she is bigger in Europe than Mariah is in Asia !
omg ! Comparing the strongest markets alone is so
dumb !!!
You continue to say that I am under nicknames? You hate me most since I discovered that you are under “Right” nickname and many,many other nicknames Hahaha! I don’t care ! But,let’s be clear about this question of nicknames. In the Celine Vs Mariah blog,Lucky Luke was under all these nicknames : Not telling, Katie, MC HATERS, CHriS, mike, CHRIS and MIKE lover, Lucky Luke, I HATE U MC, Pigriah Cari, Whoriah Carey, MariahHero20, CelineDionFan7, ToujoursCD, JackWade, Fran , Unison, B.B.B , C.Dion , Mikey , Kimmy , Mooriah Scarey , Celine Dion Lover, Truth is, My Love , Forever Mrs Dion , Vivre , FoR mOOriAH Fans . Total: 27 different nicknames for Lucky Luke while he try to feigh an innocent person next to me here.Hahaha! Lucky Luke was under 27 different nicknames,even Latonya (a Whitney fan ) who integrated the blog much more later than us discoverd it and denigrated him !And more recently,I discovered he’s last nickname “ Right ‘ while he had rightly put me on my guard about using nicknames ! Hahaha !
About the 20 million sales for All I Want 4 Xmas Is You that you don’t stopping to mention in each new post,at least I was exaggerate not only Mariah’s AIWFCIY,but also Celine’s My Heart Will Go On with 16 million,unlike you who just increase all Celine’s sales and decrease all Mariah’s.That proves how much I am better than you since I increased not only Mariah’s sales,but also Celine’s .This proves that I am not a Celine hater ,unlike you who are a Mariah hater.
About sales,You NEVER proved Celine has as much worldwide Hits than
Mariah.How could you do ? As everyone knows Celine got 4 Hot 100 number 1 hits on Billboard Chart ( the larger music market ) while Mariah got 18 !!! If Celine really got the same number of worldwide hits than Carey why she got just 4 Hot 100 in Billboard whereas Mariah got 18 ? Why she got just 4 Hot 100 in Canada her own country whereas Mariah got 7 ? Why she got just 1 Hot 100 in Japan whereas Mariah got 7 ? .Besides,How many Hot 100 singles Celine got in Eurochart ? In Brazil ? Answer to this question if you dare ! HOW MANY NUMBER 1 SINGLES CELINE GOT IN EUROCHART ??? How many certified Platinum singles Celine got in Eurochart since you said that USA=Europe on sales and that Celine’s market for singles is Europe ,like Mariah’s is USA ?
You dare put Mariah’s HUGE worldwide Hits like Vision Of Love,Love Takes Time,Heartbreaker,etc… beside Celine local hits like Sous Le Vent,Tell Him,Je Sais Pas,To Love You More,Think Twice,etc… You are so STUPID and so IGNORANT !!! .Even Janet Jackson,Britney Spears and Lady Gaga outsold Celine on Single sales.Celine just can’t compare with an huge singles seller as Mariah Carey,only Madonna and Whitney Houston can.Celine’s worldwide singles sales is about 30-40 million worldwide the most !
Mariah has 81 Number 1s worldwide ! with 23 different singles ! not 81 Singles reached number 1 ,use your brain !
I don’t just call you Contradictory ,I proved it ! You said: Labels ,
IFPI , RIAA , Wikipedia , WMA , Guinness Book of Records
totally disagree with me , not you ! lmao ! Really ? That’s why you wrote The Colour Of My Love sold 20 million worldwide although RIAA certified it 6 times for 6 million sales while IFPI certified it 4 times for 4 million.So 6 + 4 = 10 million sales.What are your proves for the 20 million sales of its albums? Where do you come from with the 10 million remainder sales ? Idem for A New Day,These Are Special Times,All The Way,etc…etc…That’s what you call IFPI,RIAA, agree with you ???
@ Moff: Madonna’s fans did ! Maybe not you personally but you always support them (like you support Lucky Luke’s lies here) as you never said nothing to challenge this.You just challenge everything about Mariah.When Lucky Luke say here something very exaggerate towards Madonna or Celine,you support it or just don’t comment it.But When me or another lamb say something about Mariah here ,you challenge it and ask for proves.I repeat to you about proves that my proves are the same than Lucky Luke’s.So ask him where he come from with “proves” like Celine has the same number of worldwide hits than Carey.Ask him how many number 1 singles Celine got in Eurochart,Billboard,etc…How many certified platinum Celine have in Eurochart.Ask him how The Colour Of My Love could ever sold 20 million worldwide while its RIAA and IFPI certication reach 10 million sales,its Japanese sales reach 1 million sales Just like Mariah’s self-titled album .Ask him how A New Day Has Come could outsold TEOM when 3mRIAA + 3mIFPI =6 whereas for TEOM 6mRIAA +1mIFPI =7 ,beside TEOM outsold ANDHC and the rest of the world.etc… So ask him how Celine’s global sales could ever surpass Mariah’s.If you don’t have enough guts to question Lucky Luke’s lies,don’t ever dare ask me proves.Zero partiality on a righfull debate ! You feign to give proves when you just mention IFPI,RIAA,Mediatrafic,etc… within your biased statements !
1. Mariah has sold MORE albums and MORE singles. That’s proved so many times but you can’t understand it, you are like someone who can’t accept truth since it come from he’s opponent.I can understand that you don’t want to blow Lucky Luke away by objective rectification just because he panders desperately to you.
Moff,The list of “right” is completely INCORRECT! You know it very well as you know Music Box sold 32 million copies ,not just 29.etc…,etc…All Mariah’s albums are decreased in that list,you know it very well Moff.
No,no I’ll Give any list here ! You has already seen many right lists of Mariah’s sales by lambs.However,you always challenge them unlike Celine’s and of course Madonna’s..For example,although lambs gave NRJ.Com 100 best selling albums of all times,you said it’s biased.You decide that sources which doesn’t penalize Mariah are incorrect .It will never have an agreement between lambs and you.
Worldwide hits:
Moff,your statement about worldwide hits is contradictory to Lucky Luke’s.According to him,number 1 and Top 10 Hits are not worldwide hits.Sorry,I can’t accept your statement Moff,you’re wrong. Don’t lose your time to precise Madonna’s number 1 and Top 10 Hits.In the same way than Lucky Luke said for Celine VS Mariah,I say that Madonna got the same number of worldwide hits than Mariah Carey.
Move on this,the essential question is : How many platinum singles Madonna has in Eurochart ? We all already know that Mariah got over 15 Platinum singles certifications in US alone.How many Madonna got in Eurochart,her biggest market ??? Mariah has sold more singles than Madonna in USA ! Mariah is credited as the female artists with the most certified platinum singles in USA.So ,saying that she have 18 # 1 hits there due to airplay is just bullsh** since her singles sales match with her amount of number ones.Moff,you said: “EVERY SOURCE in the Internet claimed: MADONNA HAS SOLD MORE ALBUMS AND SINGLES THAN MARIAH CAREY.” Let me remind you that you and other Madonna’s fans said the same words to justify that Madonna has sold 300 million albums,until the time Guinness rectify its lie itself to 200 million albums for Madonna.So,don’t say “every source in the internet” say something as if it was true.If huge and so-called prestigious institutions like Guinness had lied formerly for Madonna,which other stars on the internet could be 100 % undoubtful ? Sorry but facts already show that sales claimers lie in favor of Madonna.
Just give to us Madonna’s singles sales certifications in Eurochart proving that her sales there surpass Mariah’s in Billboard ! I repeat you that Mariah sold more singles than Madonna !
@ Lucky Luke
You prove that you really know nothing on Hits.That’s why you said that Celine got the same worldwide hits than Mariah.Mariah got 81 # 1 worldwide very dear !81 # hits doesn’t mean 81 different singles reaching # 1 .Educate yourself about Hit Charts .You dare mention Celine’s I Am Your Angel ,It’s All Coming back to me now as worldwide hit !While you call Vision Of love, Heartbreaker ,Love takes time local hits !You prove you’re really crazy.
I already gave here the details about Mariah and Celine respective # 1 hits worldwide on a preview comment.
This says pretty much everything about your ignorance
and stupidity…And of course NO BRAIN !
First of all:
Mariah hasn’t sold just 230 – 240 million records. She has sold around than 280-300 million records.
Madonna has sold about 240 – 250 million records worldwide. So Mariah (7 years less than Madonna) has sold over 50 million records more than Madonna.
So,No.Madonna is NOT the best selling female artist .
The list of Mariah’s album sales is biased and Butterfly (as Moff and Lucky Luke’s opinion) has not sold 10 nor 14 million, but 17 million.
So Mariah’s total album sales stand at 190-200 million.
Madonna’s: 160- 170 million.
Brazil: Mariah has bigger selling albums there.
not just “I want to know what love is) by Carey was the astonishing hit by Mariah, she got 7 number ones Hits there !
Mariah is ahead of Madonna in case of total record sales in Latin America and West Indies. Madonna just have most # 1 there by frequent airplay. But like Lucky Luke said ,Number one hit songs doesn’t indicate high-selling albums.
Mariah outsold Madonna in New-Zealand and in all the Pacific.
Overall – Mariah has sold more records than Madonna in all means
@ Lucky Luke
01.Us is the biggest market in sales. It surpass
Europe cause there is much more Platinum and Diamond certified albums coming from US than from Europe.Albums are also certified platinum ,multi-platinum or diamond much more easier and more frequently in USA than in Europe.So USA is a bigger music market than Europe.
Japan is the second biggest market cause albums reach million sales much more frequently in Japan than in any European country .UK and France are small markets beside Japan .
You thank Mariah Lamb just because you see that he ignore the true sales of Mariah’s albums.You try to take advantage on this Hahaha! It’s so funny !But you have to notice above of all that he also claim Mariah Carey is the best selling female artist,not Madonna nor Celine.So,this means necessarily that he’s detailed sales of Madonna and Celine would be much lower than he’s sales Mariah’s. You also have to notice that he hadn’t specify Mariah’s sales ,but just say that the surpass such-and-such million ,they sold over such-and-such million.For example,sayin’ that Rainbow surpasses 10 million sales doesn’t mean it sold rightly 10 million,but that its sales are superior to 10 million ,and could be around 10 till19 million.So he’s claim doesn’t contradict mines.Anyway,I am very sure about all that I claim here,so nothing can shake my statements and solid arguments. I know everything about Mariah- Celine- Madonna-Whitney.I speak and write in three different languages and read a lot.So,I know many things over many of you that speak only one language.That’s why I never just repeat the first info I find out about something.Mariah’s albums sales are higher than what you think.
Nobody cares if you are impressed by Madonna’s or Mariah’s sales,what it’s matter,this the truth by which Mariah is a better seller than Madonna.
Madonna surpasses Mariah only in DVD sales but Mariah surpass Madonna on every musical assets and skills.
08.Madonna’s flops include American Life,Erotica, Hard Candy,Celebration,You Can Dance,I’m Going To Tell You a…, Who’s that Girl,Remixed and Revisited,etc…
No,everyone shouldn’t talk about tours when it come to sales ,but only be the labels and the artists cause they own all the profits ..The financial and commercial aspect of artists is reserved to the appreciation of the beneficiaries,although extraordinary commercial feats can.No matter if a concert ticket costs 100 or 200 or 1000 dollars,no one give a sh** to this.That’s why No one ever include tickets sales when it comes to RECORD SALES No matter if they are cheap or expensive.Records sales mean Album + Singles.That’s also why every lists showing best-selling artists of all times never include concert ticket sales,but albums and singles.Not include concert Tickets, whatever if they are expensive compared to albums and singles.Prices of material are about the label and the artist’s profit, and their fortune. Record sales refers to the amount of people who appreciate the work of an artist. No one can add his own criteria to what the Musical Industry already admit for record sales of artists.
Tours doesn’t prove people demand nor whom artist is relevant cause there is many average –record selling artists who are very successful in tours.Every feat is independent with each others.There is artists people love much more in a record than on stage,and there is other ones by whom people are more impressed on stage than in a record.There is no correlation between the success of an artist on tours with he’s success in record sales.There is artists whom are very successful on tours but are not particularly successful in record sales,inversely there is artists whom are incredibly successful in record sales but not particularly successful in tours. Tours are not relevant for sales,otherwise why Madonna’s and Celine’s 2000’s albums decreased on sales while their respective concert tickets sales increase much more than in the 1990 decade ? Why Britney and Eminem aren’t the best seller concert Tickets,as they are called the best selling artists of the 2000 ? Why Celine Dion is called highest selling touring artist of the 2000’s , not best selling female artist of the 2000’s ? Madonna would owns the best selling album of all times as she owns the best selling tour of all times.In facts,she doesn’t got the best selling album even for 2006 year ,nor for the 2000 decade.So,you see that your reasoning is purely stupid !
10.Mariah got her Diamond award in 2003 for sales of
170m albums and Celine for so-called sales of “ 175m albums” as Lucky Luke said himself that Celine’s Chopard Diamond Award was irrelevant since he claimed that Celine won it because Madonna refused it !
As of 2010 Mariah reaches the 190-200m albums in sales and
Celine the 160m-170m (Sales since 1981) !
Madonna sold 170m albums as the facts
above have proven many times.
All In All I respect your opinion and thanks for
showing to everyone as well that there is many huge institutions like Guinness world Records,Wikipedia and IFPI whose record data proves they had fail in some of their statements .
@ Shutup : Madonna’s 195 million albums and 100 million singles sold is a pure myth,you know it damn well.Nothing never prove it and could never prove it.
@ Lucky Luke : You fail in your ridiculous statement about Nana Mouskouri ! Haha ha ! 450 albums released and several hundred of certifications of Nana Mouskouri mean nothing , you’re crazy !
You said that Each Of Her Album sold about 30k-40k !
(Average) ? Let me tell you that Nana’s best selling album doesn’t even reach …6 million ! see ? And for your info,Nana’s best market is France,and her total sales there doesn’t even reach 10 million with hundred of albums released there! Surprise ! I got this info from very reliable sources . Nana’s second best market is Canada with sales around 5 million there,then UK with sales around 4 million ,then Greece ( her home-country,in which she’s the best selling artist overall ) with sales around 3 million there ! See ? Several certifications from not always mean impressive sales ,OK ? She’s unknown in USA,Asia,
…Australia,etc…her global sales is about 40- 50 million the most.About Mariah’s flops,Glitter was flop because of terrorist attacks in US the same day of its release on September 11 2001.Charmbracelet is not a flop album cause it was released formerly in a no commercial purpose.Nevertheless it sold over 4 million worldwide.
Everything proves clearly that Mariah is ahead of Madonna on records sales worldwide !
IloveMariah is right Mariah’s ballads is gold in US !
Mariah’s new Christmas album,it has sold 432,000 copies in the United States.[42] On January 11, 2011, Merry Christmas II You was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), denoting shipments of 500,000 units.So haters,don’t try to deny it as it is a fresh info ! Everyone can see it before haters and partial links come to biase this ![43] US.
01.I said Wikipedia screws up in total sales,no need to
repeat this. Funny how you copy paste info from wikipedia
02.On nicknames I have nothing more to say. I was more
than honest before.
03.Mariah got Diamond award for 150m albums as it is
proved by her official site.
04.At the end of the day only Madonna and Celine will
be praised for their sales.
05.More sales come from Us ? lmao ! Sorry but Madonna’s
and Celine’s career is based more in Europe. Plus there
are so many huge Us artists (rappers etc) totally
06.Butterfly 17 million ! ha ha ha ha !
Butterfly -> 5m Us , 1m Eur , 1m Jap , 500k Can & Aus.
—> 7.5m , lets say 8m !
The Colour Of My Love -> 6m Us , 1m Eur , 1m Jap , 1m Can
500k Aus —> 9.5m ! ha ha
Your comment is an epic FAIL !
07.Tour sales prove who is RELEVANT !!! It has nothing
to do with album success !! Celine doesn’t need hit
singles to have a tour filled with love and fans !!!
08.All your posts are so pointless because everything
clearly proves Mariah is behind Celine and Madonna ,
not only in record sales but also in RECENT awards ,
tours , DVD sales , CROWD DEMAND !
09.I am done replying to a little girl that
says Love Takes is a WORLDWIDE hit.
You really can’t go any lower…
Oh Trish you are so sick.
You said that “everyone knows it very well” and Madonna has sold less albums and singles than Mariah.
But you haven’t given us any proves yet ..
Oh Trish .
YOU ARE THE MADONNA HATER. And yes, that’s a fact.
Rights list is wrong, it agrees with RIAA, IFPI and mediatraffic.
why don’t you understand it
can you give us the rpove for 17 million for Butterfly ?
Trish .. No proves.
The links of Lucky Luke proves very well that Madonna outsold Mariah Carey in everything .
@ MOFF & Shutup
As I said I am done wasting my time on a person
babbling Mariah’s fake sales with 0 proof.
I am going to give more links to YOU to show how Madonna
and Celine (Since SHE keeps refering to Celine and not
me) suprass Mariah.
I Have a you tube account named ”LUXIUSTA” !
If you have too , add me to chat there !
You’ll see one of my comments in this video ;-)
I am going to return here just to post facts,
not to ”talk” with the girl that says Celine sold
160m albums worldwide ! What a shame..!
Besides debading about sales means you post facts
from music sources / magazines / awards etc…
And this is what I intend to do ;)
@ thris
where are the proves? Mariah fake sales lol.
top single sellers
and asia is not bigger market than Europe dum ass. I agree with moff you are a Madonna hater. sick one.
merry Christmas to you has only sold 500 000 copies worldwide lol 430 000 in USA and only 10 000 in uk, 30 000 in Japan lol hahha. Madonna has sold 100 million singles that’s a fact honey.
Open Your Heart (
Chart Run: 7 – 6 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 9
Weeks At #1: 1
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 9
Weeks In Top 10: 12
Weeks On Chart: 12
1987 YEC: #15
La Isla Bonita (
Chart Run: 10 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 9
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1987 YEC: #3
Total Points: 7,158,000
Who’s That Girl (
Chart Run: 6 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 9
Weeks At #1: 3
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 14
Weeks On Chart: 14
1987 YEC: #4
Total Points: 6,800,000
Causing A Commotion
Chart Run: 5 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 5 – 8
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 2
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 7
Weeks On Chart: 7
Like A Prayer (
Chart Run: 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 4 – 10
Weeks At #1: 13
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 15
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1989 YEC: #1
Total Points: 9,520,000
Express Yourself (
Chart Run: 6 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 6
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 10
Weeks In Top 10: 12
Weeks On Chart: 12
1989 YEC: #9
Cherish (
Chart Run: 10 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 8
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 9
Weeks On Chart: 9
1989 YEC: #17
Vogue (
Chart Run: 4 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 6 – 9
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1990 YEC: #2
Total Points: 8,575,000
Hanky Panky
Chart Run: 6 – 4 – 6 – 7
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 1
Weeks In Top 10: 4
Weeks On Chart: 4
Justify My Love (
Chart Run: 6 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 4
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 10
Weeks In Top 10: 11
Weeks On Chart: 11
Take A Bow (
Chart Run: 10 – 9 – 5 – 7 – 5 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 10
Weeks At #1: 6
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 13
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks On Chart: 18
1995 YEC: #7
Frozen (
Chart Run: 8 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 9
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 12
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1998 YEC: #5
Total Points: 6,343,000
despite frozen didn’t reach number one it is her comeback single and reached number one in uk last one was vogue.
American Pie (
Chart Run: 17 – 10 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 4 – 8 – 10 – 10 – 13 – 20 – 28 – 29 – 36
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 22
2000 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,746,000
Music (
Chart Run: 34 – 19 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 13 – 12 – 16 – 21 – 22 – 31 – 34
Weeks At #1: 12
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 25
2000 YEC: #1
Total Points: 7,414,000
Don’t Tell Me (
Chart Run: 9 – 10 – 6 – 6 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 5 – 5 – 6 – 12 – 12 – 18 – 23 – 29
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
2001 YEC: #5
Total Points: 4,994,000
American Life (
Chart Run: 34 – 14 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 11 – 19 – 26
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 9
Weeks In Top 10: 10
Weeks On Chart: 15
2003 YEC: #22
Total Points: 2,887,000
Me Against The Music (Featured) (
Chart Run: 25 – 13 – 8 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 8 – 11 – 16 – 24
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 13
Weeks On Chart: 18
2003 YEC: #27
2004 YEC: #33
Total Points: 3,680,000
Hung Up (
Chart Run: 23 – 13 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 15 – 15 – 20 – 23 – 28 – 35
Weeks At #1: 15
Weeks In Top 2: 16
Weeks In Top 5: 19
Weeks In Top 10: 20
Weeks On Chart: 28
2005 YEC: #8
2006 YEC: #8
Total Points: 8,698,000
Sorry (
Chart Run: 33 – 18 – 13 – 7 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 5 – 6 – 6 – 6 – 9 – 14 – 19 – 22 – 38
Weeks At #1: 7
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 24
2006 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,180,000
4 Minutes (
Chart Run: 36 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 10 – 11 – 14 – 13 – 18 – 20 – 24 – 27 – 33 – 35
Weeks At #1: 11
Weeks In Top 2: 14
Weeks In Top 5: 17
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks On Chart: 28
2008 YEC: #4
Total Points: 7,623,000
@ thris
nothing proves that Mariah has sold more than Madonna.
it’s only your delusional fake sales. Madonna has 12 number ones on usa, 13 in uk. 4 in germnay but many number 2s. 11 in australia, 20 in canada, 21 in italy.
you are 12 year old child who cannot understand anything
you are big fat liar. tours are very good measure of succes.
@ thris
you really need to see a doctor. it seems you are obsessed with Madonna and she controls your life hahahah. maybe you are the crazy laura from youtube?
Mariah Best Seller ? WHAT A JOKE !
Madonna -> 38 Top 10 Hits In Us / 18 Number 1 United W.C.
Mariah -> 26 Top 10 Hits In Us / 4 Number 1 United W.C.
Madonna holds The title of Best Selling Female Artist
In Europe , Australia ! While suprasses Mariah even in
Us !
Celine holds the title of best selling female
artist EVER in Canada , Africa and is the best selling
female artist of the past 20 years in Europe (IFPI Award
In 2003) and has sold more than MC In Australia and
North America as well.
Mariah is the best selling international artist in Asia
and 3rd best seller in Us and that’s it.
Mariah proved this decade she can have only one
successful album while she released over 10 releases !
She had distinctions in Us and THERE IT ENDS !
Was she EVER awarded in Europe ? NO
In Canada ? NO
North America ? NO
Africa ? NO
Can her tours challenge Madonna’s or Celine’s ? NO
Her DVD sales ? NO
Is Mariah EVER refered as the best seller ? NO
Does her label trust her anymore ? NO , they prefer
promoting Rihanna’s crap music instead cause Mariah
only flops after TEOM.
Does her official site mention sales of 200m albums ? NO
Did anyone talked about 170m sales as of 2003 ? NO
Is Mariah a stable seller like Celine and Madonna ? NO
How many platinum certifications did she ger
in Europe THIS DECADE ? 1 !!!
In Canada ? ……
She sold LESS albums in US as Billboard proved the
20 BEST SELLERS and Celine was placed at number 20
and Mariah WAS NOT ON THE LIST !!!
Celine , my love , is praised for her
sales by industry and media !
Celine was awarded many times at both local and
worldwide awards this decade.
She was placed at number 1 for income this decade !
Mariah appears in no lists of best sellers this decade ,
not even for the album or singles sales.
She only got some local Us awards and good for her ,
but she is so irrelevant nowadays next to Celine
worldwide,despite the fact that some of her
works (Merry Xmas To You) deserve standing ovation.
She is number 1 only in the eyes of SOME of her lambs.
Celine will always be relevant worldwide ! This is why
people buy her albums , no matter the singles and
She owns the 2nd highest grossing tour for a solo artist
ever !!!
Her new Vegas show is already sold out ! :-D
Her Dvds sold over 1m copies worldwide with 0 promotion !
Her music suprasses language lines as she is very
successful at both English and French..!
Taking Chances sold 1m in Us and debuted at number
in Eurochart , Canada and Africa ! Platinum , gold ,
or multiplatinum certifications at ALL MARKETS !
Madonna,the queen of dance songs, proved she can still
be innovative , smart and successful not only in album
sales ( 15m Music / 12 COADF ) but also in single
sales ( HUNG UP / 4 MINUTES ) and of course in
touring and DVD sales..! All this after she is
27 years in the industry !
Still relevant ! Still at the top of the game..!
Madonna takes part in movies and soundtracks and turns
them to gold successes,
Mariah makes movies and turns them to GLITTER !
Madonna’s Latest tour grossed 408.000.000 dollars !
Mariah’s 800k with 80% capacity in Us !!
I Love it when haters are so pressed and bitter to
post lies ! This proves the POWER of the best selling
female artists of this planet !
STAY PRESSED . . . . . . . .
1.Garth Brooks 68,363,000
2.Beatles 60,370,000
3.Mariah Carey 52,388,000
4.Metallica 52,160,000
5.Celine Dion 50,933,000 (362.000 copies sold in 2009)
6.George Strait 41,843,000
7.Tim McGraw 38,677,000
8.Alan Jackson 37,447,000
9.Pink Floyd 35,867,000
10.Eminem 35,326,000
1.Metallica/ Metallica 15,500,000
2.Come On Over/ Shania Twain 15,487,000
3.Jagged Little Pill/ Alanis Morissette 14,642,000
4.Millennium/ Backstreet Boys 12,109,000
5.Soundtrack/ Bodyguard 11,815,000
6.Supernatural/ Santana 11,687,000
7.Beatles 1/ Beatles 11,564,000
8.Human Clay/ Creed 11,547,000
9.No Strings Attached/ N Sync 11,113,000
10.Falling Into You/ Celine Dion 10,781,000
Need To Say More ? ? ?
Celine since 1990 ->
Best Seller In Canada ( 7 Million Selling Albums-record)
, Australia (4 million records sold)
Europe (50m albums sold by 2003 - IFPI Award )
, Africa (3m In SOUTH Africa - Award In 2008 )
, North America , 2nd Best Seller In Us
with 2m difference from Mariah and 11m in SHIPPMENTS.
By Luke. (More Links Are Coming)
I am 100 % right in everything I claimed here.You all know it damn well !Hahaha! All of you are out of control! Lucky Luke is out of control ! He exhaust all the lies he could find and now as arguments, he use my old posts from other Popdirt blogs to make Madonna’s fans more hounded against me ! He’s so desperate and so hopeless ! Hahaha!
Yes,I accept that I’ve posted the comment you show here since so many months ago (June or July).Indeed,I really dislike immoral and depraved persons,wether they are famous or not.This prove that I have a strict ,straight and good education.Besides,about education,Madonna’s fans are in no position to criticize anyone.Cause their idol is not a model for straight education !
Lucky Luke,this is a hating comment to say All I Want For Christmas Is You sold 6 million worldwide.This song is sold over 12 million worldwide,inform yourself about this UNIQUE Christmas single !
AGREE with World Music Awards In 2003 and prove what I
said for her sales by then.
Us -> Platinum (1M)
Uk -> Platinum (300k)
Japan -> Million (1m)
Italy / Denmark (Gold)
Australia (Platinum)
CHARTS -> Top 10 Everywhere , Number 1 Us and UK Holiday
Us (Gold) (Psysical Sales only)
Germany 4 Platinum (2m)
Belgium 3 Platinum
Uk , Australia , Japan -> 2 Platinum (1.3m,150k,400k)
European micro countris -> 2 Platinum
France -> Diamond (1m)
Number 1 -> Us , UK , Germany , France , Australia ,
All Europen countries , United World Chart (16weeks)
and Number 1,2 or 3 at all Billboard charts , even
Latin Hot Tracks.
So yes My Heart Will Go On sells 10m copies and
All I want for xmas is you sells 12m copies !
let me laugh now !
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Comments 267 & 273 & 274 & 276 said it all…
More Facts On The Way…
For pathetic lambs generic phrases such as ”I am
right” , ”This is biased” etc are enough to ”prove”
their theories.
I could do the same , right ?
But no, for me this is not a debate…it is rather
a hating show off ! Who can hate better,more etc…
The girl that said Celine sings like Britney has already
proved everything on objectiveness, really no need
to say more.
As I said , more facts are coming.
Stay tuned and pressed ! lmao !
lol @ thris
maybe you should finish your elementary school first:)
haha 12 million for Mariahs Christmas single. lol it was only 1 week at number one on united world chart:) hmm Celine Dions my heart will go on was 16 weeks! it also was biggest hit of 1998 selling 12 million copies worldwide.
you are 100% wrong in everything. without proves you are a liar honey:)
All I Want For Christmas Is You sold 12 million worldwide . Unlike MHWGO,AIWFCIY charts every years since 1994 ,so it collect much more weeks on sales than MHWGO who charted only in 1998 .It sold over 2 million in USA and 2,3 million in Japan alone.It was a # 1 in many many countries worldwide 9 Portugal,Finland,Korea,Japan,Malaysia, etc…)Mariah Carey is the best selling female artist of all times .Mariah Carey is ahead any female artists on earth and she kills them on record sales, talent,voice,legacy,influence,contribution,etc…Mariah sold 65 million albums in USA,51,5 million in Asia,26,8 million in Europe, 5 million in Canada,3 million in Australia, 3 million in Brazil. Go,Go Mariah ! You are the voice ! THE BEST INEVERYTHING,PLUS YOU’RE THE BEST SELLING FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIMES !!!!!!!
You are a child. We try to ignore you :D
Do you have proves that Mariah sold more than Madonna ?
I think .. NO
@ All I Want For Xmas Is You charts since 2004 again when
DOWNLOADS Began , you Imbecill ! It sold almost 1.5m In
Japan and 2m In Us while My Heart Will Go On sold over
8m In Europe ALONE !
Now scram !
She’s right.AIWFCIY sold over 12 m worldwide.Its charted every year since 1994.Why are you so hounded against Mariah ?@Lucky Luke:. -I copy info from Wikipedia because at the end of December 2010.Wikipedia admited that Mariah’s new Christmas albums reached over 360,000 in US alone.At the first week 0f January 2011,Wikipedia decreased it by 280,000 in US.But,after that RIAA certified this album Gold for sales of 432,000 Wikipedia put the true sales,but later this biased site could change it again.That’s why I attracted readers on this ! The same thing is usually happened in Wikipedia for Mariah’s sales.
-On nicknames You have nothing more to say. You was more
than honest before,you really proved it by “Right” nickname that you used a short time ago after you put me on my guard ! Hahaha!
-Mariah’s album sales surpass 190m proved by her datas sales.
-.At the end of the day only Mariah will
be praised for her sales. But also for her extraordinary voice,her particular talent and sing skills, her worldwide legacy and influence .Madonna and Celine doesn’t
-.Yes,There is MUCH MORE SALES COME FROM US THAN EUROPE !!!! THAT’S WHY EUROPPEAN ARTISTS WHO WANT TO BE POPULAR WORLDWIDE AND GETTING MUCH MORE SUCCESS USUALLY HAVE SING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND RELEASE ALBUMS IN US FOR GETTING SUCCESS AS INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS !!!! The US artists (rappers etc) who are totally IRRELEVANT to Europe sold much more in US than European artists who are totally IRRELEVANT in US did in Europe.And they are much more popular worldwide than their European equivalent .For example,Missy Elliott is much more popular worldwide than the French female rapper Diam’s.
Madonna’s and Celine’s career is based more in Europe.So what ? Mariah’s Barbra’s,Whitney’s,Britney’s,etc… career is based more in US. Plus Celine got most Platinum and Diamond Certifications from US than Europe although Europe is her biggest market.That prove US is a much more BIGGER market than Europe !
-Butterfly is sold over 17 million worldwide !
-You contradict yourself about The Colour Of My Love : 6m Us , 1m Eur , 1m Jap , 1m Canada
500k Aus —> 9.5m .So where do you come from with the 10.5 remainder sales for giving the 20 million sales To TCOML? Hahaha!
You gave me reason,as you proved that my comment about Butterfly is most plausible than yours about The Colour Of My Love ! Hahaha!
Wake Up ! Dear Lucky,tours make Celine more and more rich,and her voice more and more nasal,clumsy and dry ! While Mariah make a few concerts to take her voice incredible as it stay ! Celine’s voice get damaged hugely by her endless tours, like Whitney’s voice is damaged by crack .Only Mariah’s voice stay untouchable ! About Madonna,she approach 60,she will be unable to make acrobatic moves and suggestive shakes to amaze people.Mariah ? She keep her UNIQUE voice,her incredible skills talent will stay and she will continue to amaze people by incredible and unique songs through the years !!!!
people will continue to LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE listening Mariah’s songs ! Her singles will continue to climb Charts ! And she will always be THE VOICE !
-All your posts about tours are so pointless because everything
clearly proves Mariah is ahead Celine and Madonna ,
not only in record sales but also in MAJOR and RELEVANT awards ,
Singles sales,Hits,Voice,Sing skills,Legacy,Influence,Diversity,etc… ,
.I am done replying to a frustrated boy that
says Love Takes Time and Vision Of Love is in the same Level than Tell Him,Sous,Le Vent,It’s All Coming Back To Me Now,I Am Your Angel ,Je ne Sais Pas,etc…Close to these local hits,Love Takes Time is a WORLDWIDE hit because it was number 1 in BILLBOARD HOT 100 and Canada,Brazil and top ten in severall countries worldwide.Vision Of Love was number 1 in Billboard Hot 100,Canada,New Zealand,Top Ten in UK,Irish,Brazil,Dutch,Japan,Australia,etc… In how many countries Tell Him,I Am Your Angel,To love You more,,It’s all Coming back to me now,Think twice,… were number 1 ? Which place these songs had reach in Eurochart ? Celine’s equivalent Billboard ? ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IF YOU DARE !!!!!!!!!!
@ Moff :Oh Moff you are so delusional.
You said that you gave “ proves” although you can’t answer to ANY OF MY QUESTIONS ON MY PREVIEW POSTS !! JUST TRY TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS MOFF,JUST TRY TO DO IT IF YOU DARE !!! You even can’t give Madonna’s Platinum Certification Singles in Eurochart ! None of you gave ANY proves to Madonna sold most albums and singles than Mariah.It would be too much easier to make foolish lists like Shutup,Lucky Luke and you did Moff. Hahaha! Do you really think that lambs are a team of idiots ? Hahaha!
Moff you haven’t given us any proves yet … We await them,bring Madonna’s and Celines’s single Certifications from Eurochart,not Mediatrafic biased interpretations and estimations,but the Eurochart DATAS THEMSELVES !
Oh Moff .
YOU ARE THE LUCKY LUKE LOVER. And yes, that’s obvious ! You’re in love with Lucky Luke ! Otherwise,you couldn’t swallow anything he gave to you like this ! You and Shutup are both very crazy lovers of Lucky Luke as you do everything to conquer him and support his lies.I guess that Lucky Luke prefer Moff to Shutup…Lol! But don’t be jealous Shut Up, maybe he will be able to take you both together Hahahaha!
“Right”’s (Lucky Luke’s) list is wrong,because RIAA and IFPI gave only US and Europe sales.Mediatrafic is based on biased interpretations of sale ! How could you ever admit Music Box sold 29 m worldwide ? Could you do the same for Falling Into You and Let’s Talk About Love ? This really match with RIAA and IFPI datas ? What do you do with Asian sales ? RIAA nor IFPI concern and mediatrafic doesn’t consider Asian sales in their statements and estimations and Asia belongs to Mariah in the same way Europe belongs to Madonna and Celine.Do Asian sales really low next to Europe just because no one knows exactly how many Mariah sold there ? Do Madonna’s and Celine’s European sales are huge because everyone knows IFPI count albums sold there ? Hahahaha! Very stupid reasoning ! Asia got more than 5 times European population and Japan alone blow UK,France and Germany away combined in music sales.So,Mariah’s sales in Asia is much more important than what people usually admit.Even 50 million is very very under estimate for her Mariah’s sales there !
why don’t you understand it Moff ? Yes I can,just add RIAA + IFPI sales to Asian and rest of the world sales for Butterfly and you’ll get over 17 million sales.Exactely like you do with Celine’s and Madonna’s albums.It’s so simple !
Moff about proves,none of you gave any here ! You just mention RIAA and IFPI but,your statements doesn’t match with these.Lucky Luke’s RIAA and IFPI datas prove it ! About links.They are created by haters and subjective persons like Lucky Luke,Shutup and you as Lucky Luke admit it himself ! That’s why he tried to make swallow his lies in the Celine Vs Mariah debate saying that he gave “47 links” proving Celine sold more than Mariah worldwide.Hahaha! So,links are not “PROVES”.any fool and pathetic failure can create “47 links” with biased facts.We are not stupids !
MOFF IS CRAZY,IS CRAZY for LUCKY LUKE,nothing more ! This is the only plausible explication on your weird devotion toward him !
The RIAA ,IFPI and Asian datas sales proves very well that Mariah Carey outsold Madonna and Celine Dion in everything !
My sister is not a “Child”.@ Lucky Luke ,MOFF & Shutup
Yo’re really done wasting my time on lying about sales to a person who is smarter than you and who discover your combine about fake “Links” that you create and biase yourself as you claim it here yourself !
You can continue to babbling Madonna’s and Celine’s fake sales with 0 true link and proof in other debates,but not here,cause there is trendy and informated lambs here who discover your tricks and lies !
No one cares about the plot you try to combine with Moff by your “ Chatting”.I remind you that here is not a social website,a meet site,for friendship or other types fo relations,but a blog ,a objective forum which talk about sales of Madonna and Mariah.I’ll continue to “answer”, not to ”talk” with the boy that says Mariah sold 150- 160 m albums worldwide,while he try to say Celine sold
over 160m albums worldwide ! What a hating LIE..!
Besides debading about sales means you post true facts
from RIAA/IFPI/Eurochart/WMA/etc…Not subjective interpretations of the datas by subjective institutions,nor biased Links ! but the datas themselves !
And this is what I intend to do ;)
@ Shutup: Who is called “thris” in that debate ? You’d better buy some new glasses cause you’re totally blinded in all means ! Hahahaha! I must recognize that your lists are a little bit less biased than Lucky Luke’s.Now you exaggerate them much more since Lucky Luke corrupt you and incite you to do that for satisfy his foolish hating.Hahaha!Lucky Luke even corrupt Moff who feigned to be objective and who had credit from some lambs formerly..Now,Moff lose his credibility and become a huge Mariah hater like Lucky Luke wanted to.
Shutup,just put some new glasses that Lucky Luke doesn’t soil,then you could see my proves about Mariah’s true sales! Otherwise you couldn’t !
Dum ass ? Do you talk about your mother or Lucky Luke? I remind you that here,we talk about sales,not about bitches !
Asia is a bigger market than Europe ,as Japan sales alone surpass UK’s,France and Germany’s combined !It’s not astonish that you agree with Moff as you both share Lucky Luke’s ass.Everyone objective see obviously that you three are Mariah haters,not me nor any other lamb !
-I said Music Box,Falling Into You,Let’s Talk About Love sold 3 32 million.Lucky Luke and you decrease Music Box at 28-29 million .Who act like hater ?
-I said (also another lamb ) All I want For Christmas Is You sold 12 million – My Heart Will go on 10 million. Lucky said AIWFCIY sold 6 million .Who act like hater ?
-I Said Mariah got most # 1 worldwide than Celine since she got much more # 1 Hot 100 in Billboard and in Worldwide Chart than Celine ,but you said Mariah equal Celine on worldwide Hits. Who act like hater ?
-I said Mariah is a huge single Hits artist in the world.You said her 18 number 1 in Billboard is due to Airplay,while you said Madonna got 15 Number one in Eurochart,18,in Worldchart,etc… Who act like hater ?
-I said Mariah sold about 40- 50 million singles over Celine according to her Singles Certifications by RIAA and her sales in the rest of the world.But you said Celine have as much in Europe although she got just one number 1 in Eurochart and you said Mariah outsold Celine in Singles by 5-10 million sales.Whereas,You said Madonna outsold Mariah by 40 – 50 million singles sales although you can’t give her Platinum certification sales in Eurochart. Who act like hater ?
@Shutup :Evevything proves that Mariah sold more than Madonna.
it’s only your foolish love for Lucky Luke who prevent you from seeing it .
This is you who really need to see a doctor. it seems you are obsessed with Lucky Luke he controls your life Moff and you hahaha !
@ Dear TRASH
01.Wikipedia makes mistakes - we know it ! stop
repeating it ! Nobody brought Wikipedia facts here !
02.”190m proved by her data sales” …. Bring them
here IF YOU DARE ! Cause last time I checked them
I only saw 150m album sales at 2003 ! not 170m like
you say ! This is posted at her official site , biography
, this is what her label announced , this is what
WMA said and now we have YOU here putting 20m albums more
03.Europe is the same size as Us you imbecill racist
cause there artists popular here and not popular in Us
and the opossite ! Don’t say Us is the biggest because
Mariah is popular there…You can’t make a point !
04.I Was Wrong putting 1m for Europe for
The Colour Of My Love.It sold 4m there cause it
is 4 times platinum by IFPI !
6m Us & 4m E & 1m C & 1m J —> 12m
5m Us & 1m E & 300k C & 1m J —> 7.3m for Butterfly in
these markets !
So Yes The Colour Of My Love sold much more !!!
Where do you find the rest 10m TRASH ? xD
05.Celine’s show is already sold out ! so frop
your stupid comments on ”nasal” issues etc
cause people don’t give a sh** on this !
They’re gonna give money for Celine
and Madonna tours till the last day
of their careers ! Celine sells
out stadiums since age 14 ! AND IF YOU RE
06.Love Takes Time reached number 1 in Us,Canada
and New Zealand ! No success in Europe , Japan !
Outside Top 10 In Australia !
Vision Of Love was a great hit but moderate
success in Japan and Continental Europe,not
number 1 in Japan ! Same level like Celine’s
”Beauty And The Beast”…both Gold In Us
and moderate top 10 or 10 20 hits worldwide !
None of these songs became huge in United World Chart !
07.Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On sold 8m In Europe ,
Think Twice sold over 2m there…need to say more about
her European sales?
08.On All I Want For Xmas Is You my answer is clear !
It charted since 2004 again , not every year after 1994.
It sold 2m In Us (1.5m Digital sales) , 1-2m In Europe ,
1m Japan…. You just compare this to the smash hit
My Heart Will Go On that sold 8m In Europe Alone !
09.Madonna indeed got 18 number 1s in United World Chart.
lol ! Am I hater because I Know this ? lol
09.Your sister doesn’t exist cause you enter here
with this nickname but if she does she is probably
14 years old while you can’t be more than 18 and
we couldn’t care less about your biased opinion on
Since You don’t believe in musical institutions etc
FINALLY Check This :
# TRISH Says:
July 5th, 2010 at 10:41 am
Mariah sold 150 million albums in 2001 ( Millennium Award ),in 2003,this number turns to 155 million ( Chopard Diamond Award ).In 2005,The sales of Mariah’s albums worlwide reached 175 million 2009,this number turns to 200 million ( albums only ). Mariah is the second best selling female artist with 200 million albums sold worldwide .Even Wikipedia ( the worse hater of Mariah ) agree with this number now.So Markus,go and get a sexual life instead of fantasize on Madonna’s ****#@ !!!!
…. Really TRISH ? ? ? 155m since 2003 and now you
say 170m despite no facts prove this ?
Who is contradictory now ?
I answered to all your crap :-) OWNED ! Again !
More links are coming….
You should be ashamed - and I mean every word - for
what you post for me , MOFF , and shutup …
You can’t go any lower.
Ps —> You are bit fat liar ! Check this and beat it !
Lets Talk About Love and Falling Into You are in the top
20 Best sellers OF ALL TIME ! Music Box is below this !
Daydream is lower than All The Way ! Ha Ha Ha !
And The Colour Of My Love is higher than Mariah Carey
and Butterfly and Number’s cause they are out of the list
@ trish and Mariahs lovers lol
no proves no sales information only lies. actually acording to RIAA Madonna has sold 64 million albums in USA and Mariah 63,5 million and ass for Europe Madonna 75 million and Mariah only 26 lol. it is like 8 years since Mariahs fake worldwide best selling female artist award.
lol at the word biased. how old are you 11, 12?
madonna 18 worldwide number ones and Mariah only 4 so go to eat some fatty pie honey. Mariah has not sold 50 million albums in asia. only 30 million. I will post this link again just to make you Mariah fans grazy.
Open Your Heart (
Chart Run: 7 – 6 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 9
Weeks At #1: 1
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 9
Weeks In Top 10: 12
Weeks On Chart: 12
1987 YEC: #15
La Isla Bonita (
Chart Run: 10 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 9
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1987 YEC: #3
Total Points: 7,158,000
Who’s That Girl (
Chart Run: 6 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 9
Weeks At #1: 3
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 14
Weeks On Chart: 14
1987 YEC: #4
Total Points: 6,800,000
Causing A Commotion
Chart Run: 5 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 5 – 8
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 2
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 7
Weeks On Chart: 7
Like A Prayer (
Chart Run: 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 4 – 10
Weeks At #1: 13
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 15
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1989 YEC: #1
Total Points: 9,520,000
Express Yourself (
Chart Run: 6 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 6
Weeks At #1: 5
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 10
Weeks In Top 10: 12
Weeks On Chart: 12
1989 YEC: #9
Cherish (
Chart Run: 10 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 8
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 4
Weeks In Top 5: 6
Weeks In Top 10: 9
Weeks On Chart: 9
1989 YEC: #17
Vogue (
Chart Run: 4 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 6 – 9
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 10
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
1990 YEC: #2
Total Points: 8,575,000
Hanky Panky
Chart Run: 6 – 4 – 6 – 7
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 0
Weeks In Top 5: 1
Weeks In Top 10: 4
Weeks On Chart: 4
Justify My Love (
Chart Run: 6 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 4
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 10
Weeks In Top 10: 11
Weeks On Chart: 11
Take A Bow (
Chart Run: 10 – 9 – 5 – 7 – 5 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 10
Weeks At #1: 6
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 13
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks On Chart: 18
1995 YEC: #7
Frozen (
Chart Run: 8 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 9
Weeks At #1: 0
Weeks In Top 2: 12
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 17
1998 YEC: #5
Total Points: 6,343,000
despite frozen didn’t reach number one it is her comeback single and reached number one in uk last one was vogue.
American Pie (
Chart Run: 17 – 10 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 4 – 8 – 10 – 10 – 13 – 20 – 28 – 29 – 36
Weeks At #1: 8
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 22
2000 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,746,000
Music (
Chart Run: 34 – 19 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 13 – 12 – 16 – 21 – 22 – 31 – 34
Weeks At #1: 12
Weeks In Top 2: 13
Weeks In Top 5: 14
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 25
2000 YEC: #1
Total Points: 7,414,000
Don’t Tell Me (
Chart Run: 9 – 10 – 6 – 6 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 5 – 5 – 6 – 12 – 12 – 18 – 23 – 29
Weeks At #1: 2
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 16
Weeks On Chart: 16
2001 YEC: #5
Total Points: 4,994,000
American Life (
Chart Run: 34 – 14 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 11 – 19 – 26
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 9
Weeks In Top 10: 10
Weeks On Chart: 15
2003 YEC: #22
Total Points: 2,887,000
Me Against The Music (Featured) (
Chart Run: 25 – 13 – 8 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 8 – 11 – 16 – 24
Weeks At #1: 4
Weeks In Top 2: 7
Weeks In Top 5: 11
Weeks In Top 10: 13
Weeks On Chart: 18
2003 YEC: #27
2004 YEC: #33
Total Points: 3,680,000
Hung Up (
Chart Run: 23 – 13 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 15 – 15 – 20 – 23 – 28 – 35
Weeks At #1: 15
Weeks In Top 2: 16
Weeks In Top 5: 19
Weeks In Top 10: 20
Weeks On Chart: 28
2005 YEC: #8
2006 YEC: #8
Total Points: 8,698,000
Sorry (
Chart Run: 33 – 18 – 13 – 7 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 5 – 6 – 6 – 6 – 9 – 14 – 19 – 22 – 38
Weeks At #1: 7
Weeks In Top 2: 9
Weeks In Top 5: 12
Weeks In Top 10: 17
Weeks On Chart: 24
2006 YEC: #4
Total Points: 5,180,000
4 Minutes (
Chart Run: 36 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 10 – 11 – 14 – 13 – 18 – 20 – 24 – 27 – 33 – 35
Weeks At #1: 11
Weeks In Top 2: 14
Weeks In Top 5: 17
Weeks In Top 10: 18
Weeks On Chart: 28
2008 YEC: #4
Total Points: 7,623,000
mariah only had 1 platinum album in Europe in this decade. mediatraffic is very thrutful.
Ha ha ha ha … Owned xD
Oh little TRI(A)SH !
Were you let down by somebody to post these huge lies here?
- What does “I love Lucky Luke” have to do with this debate?
First: Its not true, second: you say this, because you have no arguments.
- Saying that Mariah has sold 170 million albums in 2003, although you posted 155 by 2003 some months ago MEAN: YOU ARE WRONG IN WHAT YOU SAY!!!
Trish, like Lucky Luke an Shuptup said, WE DON’T BELIEVE WIKIPEDIA ! Don’t repeat it again. DON’T DARE!
Everything which is AGAINST Mariah you call : “biased” and untrue and lie etc.
We gave enough proves that Madonna outsold Mariah.
Why don’t you believe MEdiatraffic,IFPI, RIAA, WWA ?
You call it “biased” and “created by a hater” because it doesn’t prove that Ms Carey is ahead of Madonna ?
Who cares the changing of nicknames here ?
You say: who acts like a hater?
I’ll you the answer: YOU ACT LIKE A HATER - understand?
—- YOU —-
We need proves for Mariah’s sales in Asia for over 50 million. Understand? PROVES
P R O V E S.
You say: I took the proves Lucky Luke gave us here and it shows Mariah outsold Madonna in everything.
So then: explain it to us. Explain the way you use, to see that Mariah outsold Madonna with LUKY LUKES proves.
DARE ! ! !
Afraid ?
Butterfly: 5x Platinum US.; 1x P in Europe; Japan: Over 1 million.
7m for these markets. So why is it implausible for you that Butterfly HAS sold “just” 10 million worldwide.
Can you tell me where the other 10 million sales come from when Butterfly (your opinion) has sold over 17 million copies ?
What I don’t want to read in your next post is:
Butterfly has sold more than 17 million, more than Ray of Light !
This is what I don’t want to read. Tell me your certifications where you get the other 10 million sales, ok ?
ok ?
ok Trish ?
Who cares about Celine nasal voice ?
She outsells every stadium, though the high ticket prices!
Mariah can’t fill stadium ! !
Trish ? Tell me why ?
WHY ? Dare to reply my question ? No ? Can you ?
Madonna sells tickets in a few minutes, even in Japan, Asia! Mariah can’t ! Why ?
You say people will keep listening to Mariah songs and her great voice. Yes, that’s what I don’t deny.
But Do you think people will stop listening music of Madonna or Celine ?
Do you think they will stop buying expensive tickets of Madonna or Celine ?
Do you think they buy it to waste their money for nothing ?
Why don’t they buy a Mariah ticket ..
I think she’s better ?
And can you prove the sales for AWFCIY ?
12 million ?
Where do they come from ?
Asia ?
Europe ?
US ?
Give us certifications for your sales.
Don’t argue with any “love” things, that wont help us. You just want to provoke, that’s all !
Ray of light ? 11 million ?
US: 4x platinum
Europe: 7x platinum
Canada: 7x platinum
Australia: 3x P
Already 12 million. More than Butterfly, and I didn’t mention Latin America, Asia and Africa etc.
BBC mentioned sales of 20 million for Ray of light. I don’t believe it. (Its not a reliable source) so no reproaches from you, Trish ! I just said it.
According to IFPI Madonna sold 200 million albums worldwide.
2003, 150 million albums for Mariah, so far - we haven’t got any award for album sales of 170m or (like your opinion: 190m).
Trish: No Proves.
Can you give one ?
Trish ….
@ Moff ,Trish is right and you’re wrong. If it’s true Mariah’s sales were only 155 million by 2003, when the sales of her albums released after 2003 are added,you have more than 185 million albums sold.and we have to add the new sales of her 1990 albums on this.So her total surpass 190 million.
You say : ”Asia is a bigger market than Europe ,as Japan sales alone surpass UK’s,France and Germany’s combined !”
01.Germany -> 500k to get platium
02.Uk -> 300k to get platinum
03.France -> 300k to get platinum
04.Japan -> 200k to get platinum
2.5m IN GERMANY and 1m IN JAPAN !
So how come Japan is bigger ? You are such an ignorant !
Is Australia (70k to get Platinum) bigger than Canada
(100k) in sales ? NO !
It would be much better for Mariah or Celine to get
3 Platinum certification in UK than in Japan cause it
means MORE SALES !!
What are you doing here ? Trying to say Japan and Us
are the biggest markets ? this alone proves what an
ignorant you are ! Soooooooooooorry but Eurpe etc
are huge markets and huge amounts of sales come from
there !
You are so pathetic - REALLY PATHETIC - trying to
decrease the value of markets such as Canada or Europe
because Mariah’s success is poor there compared
to Celine’s and Madonna’s !
I haven’t met a dumbest person in my whole life , really.
Leave this debate pleeeeeease caus not only you know
sh** you can only prove sh** as well…
you are wrong.
Can you prove Mariah sales by 2003 ?
Mariah got it for 150m album sales, not for 170 million.Momo, tell me why Trish said the opposite before ?
She said: 155 million by 2003, why did she change her mind ?
@ Momo !
If her sales of 2003 are 155 her sales by now are 175m !
11m TEOM & 3m E=MC2 & 1m Remixies & 1m Memoirs & 1m other
releases (Ballads , Playlist etc…)
Stop posting crap here please ! Where did you find
30m after 2003 ? Where ? ? ?
Her Biography , RIAA , Official Site , Label and AFTER
this the WMA ALL Declared sales of 150m by 2003 !
You DESPERATELY try to raise this figure to 155m and
TRISH tries to say it stands at 170m by then !
This happens when you lie…
Now go and find some actual FACTS and then come back
to say who is wrong or right !
Don’t jump into fights like a FART when you don’t
have sth new to say or solid facts to post…
@ Dear Lucky Slut ! You deform my nickname ! About what I said on Japan,it’s based on sales not on certifications.Don’t try to confound readers ! Sales reached million more often in Japan than in UK,France and Germany combined !
Wikipedia makes partialities, not “mistakes” , as they always favor Celine while they always decrease Mariah in their “mistakes” – we know it ! stop
hidding it just because it favor Celine in everything ! Hahaha!
Yes, more than ”190m proved by Mariah’s data sales” Just use your brain (if you got),then you could see that I already brought them here !
I remind you that Sony BMG announced Celine has sold 200 million records in 2007.I think this number is overestimated cause 175m albums + 25m singles = 200 m records.
@Lucky Slut ! : Idiot,US is a BIGGER market than Europe ! THERE IS MUCH MORE SALES COME FROM US THAN EUROPE !!!! THAT’S WHY EUROPPEAN ARTISTS WHO WANT TO BE POPULAR WORLDWIDE AND GETTING MUCH MORE SUCCESS USUALLY HAVE TO SING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND RELEASE ALBUMS IN US FOR GETTING WORLDWIDE SUCCESS AS SUCH INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS !!!! The US artists (rappers etc) who are totally IRRELEVANT to Europe sold much more in US than European artists who are totally IRRELEVANT in US did in Europe.And they are much more popular worldwide than their European equivalent .For example,Barbra Streisand,Missy Elliott,Eminem and Snoop Dogg are MUCH MORE successful and popular worldwide than their Europpean equivalents : Nana Mouskouri, Diam’s ,and MC Solaar. How many of you here even know Diam’s and MC Solaar ? Hahahaha! You can’t check on Google ! Hahaha! US is light years BIGGER than Europe on sales and worldwide impact ! US music culture had global impact unlike European’s . Alla Pugacheva,Mylene Farmer ,Patricia Kaas and Kylie Minogue are not as huge as their their American equivalents ! Don’t say US is the same size than Europe because Celine and Madonna are Huge there !
About racism.This is you (you and many,many other Madonna’s and Celine’s fans Mariah haters) who already said many times,since the debut of this forum,that Mariah was only an US artist,that she’s totally unknown in Europe,that she’s nothing in Europe,that European people hate her and they even don’t play her music on Radios ! etc… etc…Recently, Shutup even confirmed this when he said these same words and add that he hate personally Mariah because he’s an Europpean ! THAT’S WHAT IS CALLED RACISM ! not the fact that US is a BIGGER market than Europe !By the way I am European and can’t be racist against my own race ,gnorant ! Check the word “ racist “ in a dictionary for seeing it meaning, dumb idiot !
By the way,why some of Mariah’s haters always claim their European origin ?And always connect their European ethnic to their Mariah’s hound ? Did Mariah wrong Europeans ? Please, tell me cause I ignore that. So, It’s not really Mariah Carey’s music which sound bad in European ears ? It is so weird and so paradoxical ! Anyway, people judge an artist by his/her talent and the quality of his work,not by he’s racial origin ! An artist is an artist,no matter he’s origin ! So stupid !
I Was right putting 17m for Butterfly !
6m Us & 4m E & 1m C & 1,5m Asia —> 12,5m for The Colour Of My Love
5m Us & 1m E & 300k C & 4,7m Asia —>11 m for Butterfly
in these markets !
So No, no.The Colour Of My Love sold slightly more than Butterfly !!!
Celine’s show is already sold out ! We can consider her nasal voice is already know out with it ! Hahaha!
People gonna give ears for Mariah’s masterpiece songs
till the last day of her career ! The high quality of Mariah’s voice is what will left of Mariah’s contribution in music even though she can’t fill stadiums ( maybe bad for Mariah’s bank account but very good for her voice as such a vocalist,and even better as such the ultimate voice worldwide,also good for music lovers worldwide which could appreciate her work in the future through many generations & refer to her beautiful voice ,and good for worldwide musical legacy in which many artists can take inspiration from ) ,while very huge amount of money and a impressive fortune is what Celine will left to her children and her label while her fans couldn’t appreciate her work through the future due to the decline of her voice ( good for Celine Dion and her label,bad for her fans and musical legacy ). Mariah sold albums by many million and got many number 1,Top 10 Hits in BILLBOARD HOT 100 and the rest of the world.
since age 20 !
To Love You More had success only in Japan (No other Celine’s single got success there ! ) nowhere else ! Beauty and the Beast was a Top 20 Hit in Billboard Hot 100 unlike Love Takes Time which was number 1.etc… You said Vison Of Love is Gold Certified in US, My Heart Will Go On too,its certified just gold in US.You just try to confound Hits with Single sales. Everyone know that Vision Of Love is worldwide hit beside Celine’s local hits you mentioned.
What matters about worldwide Hits, is the HUGE Hit Parade Charts. Billboard + Eurochart + Worldwide Chart. Mariah kills Celine on this ! It’s useless to talk about Celine’s Huge hits face to Mariah’s. HITS STAY UNDENIABLE FACTS ,YOU CAN’T CHANGE THEM ! MARIAH BEAT CELINE WITH HUUUUUUUUUGE DIFFERENCE !!!!!!
Celine Dion’s Think Twice sold 1m in UK,its doesn’t reach 1 m in the rest of Europe.Don’t try to take advantage on its UK sales for the rest of Europe ! My Heart Will Go On sold 8m In Europe ? Hahaha! What a good joke ! Hahaha! Do you really think that someone will swallow this delirium here ? If MHWGO would sold 8m in Europe, Mariah’s One Sweet Day would sold 10m in US and All I Want For Christmas is you would sold 15m in US alone ! Hahaha ! I can’t stop to laugh ! Hahaha! Even in your nasal dreams you can’t see this stupid myth ! It’s really,really funny !How it could sold 8 million in Europe while it reach 1 million just in UK ? Anyway, it sold 0,5 million in USA and 0,1 m in Japan.
My Heart Will Go On sold 10m worldwide the very most ,while All I Want For Christmas Is You sold over 12 million worldwide (this sales increase slightly every year on Holyday Charts) All I Want For Christmas Is You collect 5 million sales just for 2 countries : USA and Japan ! END OF STORY !
No,you are not a hater because you know that Madonna got 18 number 1s in United World Chart.You are a hater because you try to deny that Mariah got much more worldwide Hits than Celine ! You are a hater because you said Mariah’s 18 number 1 in Billboard are due to frequent Radios Airplay ! Lambs never try to deny that Madonna has this number of Hits,lambs never tried to confound people on Hits and sales.You always did for Mariah ! The haters are you ! Hits are hits ,sales are sales ! Don’t try to mix them !
When you defend Celine,you always forget that your weapons could hurt Madonna,and the same for Celine vice versa.That’s why you’re always in contradiction with yourself ! You defend two very different artists Lucky. Celine – Madonna.Mariah could be consider as a alloy of both as she combine most assets than both combined.Voice,Hits,Sales,Beauty,Sexyness,Skills,Talent,Contribution on music,Influence,etc…That’s why it’s so hard for you to trap Mariah without blow Celine or Madonna away.Hahaha! YOU ARE NOT AS SMART AS YOU THINK LUCKY, YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE !!! Hahaha!
Don’t you get shame to continue to use my very old posts from another blog against me ? You try to take advantage on my slip pen.I meant 165 million albums in 2003, not 155.Anyway,any normal person will notice that Mariah could’nt sold just 5 million albums between 2001- 2003.It’s senseless ! You fail my dear loser !Hahaha ! I’m not contradictory unlike you,I meant 165m Album since 2003 and now I say 190m – 200 m Albums sold by Mariah Carey worldwide ! All the facts prove this !!!!
About what I discover between Moff,Shutup and you.This is not me who should be ashamed ,but you ! This you who feigned to stop your feud with me in the Celine Vs Mariah blog, just for come here and shasing after Moff and Shutup for have their support for your lies against me ! This is you who seduce Moff,not me ! Now,both Moff and Shut Up are crazy for you and support anything you said here just to pleasure you ! Formerly,Moff never insulted me although I insulted him.Now,thanks to you,although I didn’t insult him,he insult me and call me “Trash” just like you do.He become violent just for you,to support you .He’s crazy for you Lucky Luke,this is more than obvious for everyone !
Don’t feigh to be embarrassed by it now,just accept it cause you cause it ,slut !
I already show by detailed sales in accordance with RIAA,IFPI,and all other worldwide markets sales that Music Box sold slighty more than Falling Into You worldwide.Let’s Talk About Love is behind them on sales with a reasonable difference !
According to their respective sales worldwide:
Daydream is very close to Let’s Talk About Love on sales.
# 1’S outsold All The Way by a slight difference !
And The Colour Of My Love is lower than Mariah Carey eponymous album.
@ Shutup: Congrats! You are finally able to write “Trish” You make a very good progress !
I know that actually according to RIAA, Madonna has sold 64 million albums in USA and Mariah 63,5 million and for Europe Madonna 70 million and Mariah only 26,8 .But Mariah sold over 50 million albums in Asia and Madonna about 15 million there ( the closest western artist behind Mariah there ) .So,I agree with you ,these numbers say all the truth !
Madonna 18 worldwide number ones and Mariah only 4.And Celine ??? You forget to precise Celine’s Worldwide number ones.Please give it to me ! Hahaha! At least,Mariah got 18 number 1 in Billboard Hot 100 and Madonna 12…Celine??? Hahahaha ! @ Moff: Oh Moff,you insult me now because of this bitch named Lucky Luke ! You never did before ! You deceive me Moff.I had overestimate you ! I denounce you because your love with Lucky Luke make you completely blinded in this debate Moff ! You never ever notice any Lucky Luke’s lie and contradiction here.I’m sure if Lucky Luke say 2 + 2 = 10 you’ll just applaud him and say that he’s right ( for example,when he said that 3+3 =7 and that this number give 12 million for A New Day Has Come’s sales ) ! So,how can you notice any insignificant mistake done by me ? I know that you’re not an idiot Moff,you’re just blinded by your love.Lucky Luke trapped you by he’s seductive power ! Hahaha!
You gave any proves that Madonna outsold Mariah ! I did Moff,I’m tired to repeat it everytime !
Why don’t you give the right sales from IFPI, RIAA, WMA ? Why don’t you believe that Mariah’s sales in Asia are huge like you do for Madonna’s and Celine’s in Europe? Asian got more than 3 billion of people.Europe doesn’t even got 1 billion of people ! Moreover,Japan alone proves that Asia continent is a much more bigger market than what people usually think ! Mariah’s sales is about 50 million albums in Asia. You call Asia a small market next to Europe because it is Mariah Carey who rules there on sales !
You said this is me who act like a hater,although I showed by what means Lucky Luke and you did ! You see Moff,you are blinded by your love for Lucky Luke,blinded ! You’ll never say something reasonable here because of him !Just to avoid hurting him !
We need proves for Madonna’s and Celine’s Eurochart Platinum certifications singles sales in Europe . Understand ? PROVES
P R O V E S.
Moff: I’ll answer to ALL your questions when you’ll answer to mines that I posted so many weeks ogo.Answer to all my questions and I’ll answer to all yours.I’ll explain you the way I used.I had question you first ,so I am the first to await your answers !
About your question “Can you tell me where the other 10 million sales come from when Butterfly (your opinion) has sold over 17 million copies ?”
Just ask this same question to Lucky Luke about The Colour Of My Love,A New Day Has Come,All The Way,These Are Special Times,etc…etc… and I’ll answer to you after him !
Who cares about Mariah doesn’t tour ? She’s enough rich ! There is no need that she damage her extraordinary voice just to collect more money .Art is more important than money.
She create and sing incredible songs that no one else can ! Her singles sells good enough and climb Charts though she has many new and fresh artists as rivals !
Celine can’t get a new number 1 Hit in Billboard nor in Eurochart since 1998 ! !
Moff ? Tell me why ?
WHY ? Dare to reply my question ? No ? Can you ?
I answer you about Mariah who doesn’t tour.I remind you that Mariah was always worried about her voice since her prime debut,though her huge success.Mariah didn’t want to damage her UNIQUE voice by severall tours ! That’s why she always made a few concerts even when she was at her days.That’s why she’s not popular on stage.However,people satisfy to listening her incredible songs via her singles on radios and albums ! Mariah usually give a raffined work to people,her music climb Chart thanks to its quality ! Mariah doesn’t has the need to make endless tours and concerts and damage her voice to promote an album ,like Celine do.That’s why her music is sold very good worldwide since her debut although she never gave huge tours to promote them !
Ask your lover where does he come from with his foolish 8 million sales for MHWGO and I’ll answer you about AIWFCIY !
Give us certifications for your sales,not just cite RIAA,Eurochart,Mediatrafic,etc… It’s too easy !Everyone can do the same !
If you really want that I don’t argue with any “love” things, just act like a straight person and keep your judgements fair ! Don’t be partial towards Lucky Luke’s lies and contradictions ! This is your devotion towards him which show me that you’re obsessed with him ! I would loooooooooooooooooove to debate with you Moff, if you pluck up courage to denounce Lucky Luke’s lies and contradictions here !
01.I Leave the insults to you…this is the only thing
you can do.
02.One Sweet Day sold 2m copies In Us.
My Heart Will Go On sold 2m In Germany , Over 1m In UK ,
Over 1m In France,while it was number 1 in all the other
micro markets for months.So its European sales reach the
8m mark.Plus it is the most downloaded Celine song
since 2004.
03.Butterfly 4.7m In Asia ? LIE , cause you can’t prove it.
Keep posting lies and I will keep answering again and
again and again.
04.You kept talking about Celine. I stopped when you
told me so.
05.All I Want For Xmas Is You sold 500k In Us and then
reached 2m after the digital downloads in 2004.In Japan
it reached the million you have 3m from these
markets and not 5m.
06.No matter what you say Mariah sold 150m albums by
2003 cause I don’t believe you , but I believe her
official site (btw I am a member there) , her label
, her biography and of course what WMA declared.
07.The Colour Of My Love (18-20m) sold more than
Mariah Carey (16-18m) and more than Number 1s (15-17m)
and it proved by the link I posted earlier…the one
you of course didn’t even open , cause you don’t
trust MediaTraffic ! xD
08.I am not contradictory and you know this damn well.
Since day I say Celine sold 200m albums , 190m of them
come since 1990 ! I say from day 1 she got her Diamond
Award in 2004 for sales of 175m albums and you have
also agreed in the past about this figure ! You said
”Mariah got the Diamond Award in 2003 for 170m sales
and Celine for 175m sales in 2004 and then Mariah
suprassed her cause of TEOM” and now you say
Celine sold 160-170m albums in total…so
the contradictory hater is you and only you !
Moreover I exaplained why her label mantioned ALBUM
sales of 200m by 2007.
09.You say Us is bigger because more sales come from
there ? Is this an argument ? how old are you ? 12 , 13 ?
We talk about sales ! and sales come from certifications.
so certifications show us the big or small markets !
Not the amount of abums ! Jesus ! Plus , since we
talk about Madonna and Celine , even if I use your
argument , I must say that Europe is bigger cause more
of their sales come from Europe ! Finally Yes ! there
are so many artists considered worldwide flops because
they are huge in only one market..! Us or Europe etc..
so your argument fails.
And NO I am not trying to say Europe equals Us
because Celine is bigger here ! I am not like u
Moreover you imbecill , Celine sold like 50-55m
at both Europe and Us…Why would it be better for
me to lie about their size ? Use your brain for once !
Mariah is the one that sold only 25m in Europe and this
is why you try desperately to shout out lies about
the size of Us and Japan ! —> FAIL !
10.I never implied I am smart ! I didn’t come here to
combine myself with other people cause we had stopped
fighting before…but this doesn’t mean I changed my
mind and obviously you keep your opinion too !
So what’s the big deal if I came here to talk about
the best selling female artists ever ? Did I insult
anyone ? NO ! But whatever I Write to you is pointless
since you still think I am Chris etc…
11.What are you doing in debate about sales when you
don’t trust IFPI,RIAA,Mediatraffic,WMA,Guiness Book etc ?
Do you think the crap you post about 12m sales of
All I Want For Xmas is you will suddenly make us
say ”OOOOooooooooh TRISH is so right” !
Do you think I’m gonna eat the lies you keep posting
without even checking them ? 170m sales for MC by 2003!
let me laugh…!!
12.What I Like the most is that you are still UNABLE
—- U N A B L E — to bring facts here and therefore
you find it enough to talk about seduction,conspiracy
and whatever comes to your sick mind.
Goodbye for now…!
I would love to debate with you Trish, if you first gave us proves for your high sales in Asia and single and album sales of Mariah, Trish.
I gave you proves.
Look at the list of mediatraffic of best selling albums.
You’ll see that:
Falling into you, The immaculate collection, Lets talk about love are placed higher than Music Box
Look at worldwide albums. And you’ll see that:
Falling into you, Lets talk about love and The immaculate collection are placed higher than the best selling Mariah Carey album, Music Box.
I am honest, and I don’t know where 8m from My heart will go on come from.
But If I think about it: it was huge in Europe, especially in Germany, F, and UK, where it has sold more than 1 million each.
In Eurocharts, MHWGO spent 17 weeks at number one and Germany: 14 weeks at number one. Over 2 million copies sold there.
Music Box has sold 32 million copies, according to Wikipedia. But not according to RIAA, IFPI, Mediatriffic or worldwide albums.
And Trish, you haven’t given us a source for Asian album sales yet.
And you still claim Mariah’s album sales of over 190 million and you said, I already proved it, But sorry, either I’m blind or you didn’t post it.
Trish, you have no proves for such high sales of Mariah !
I would be pleased if you post it, and I’ve been waiting for many weeks.
But no. Every day the same: “I already gave you proves”.
And Trish, no. I am not obsessed with Lucky Luke.
He agrees with “right”s list and me, too. Whats the problem ?
He gave us proves, he is mostly right.
I’ve been doing research and I never saw such high sales for Mariah Carey like you did.
Number Ones outsold All the way ?
Trish ? Think about that !?
According to IFPI, Madonna has sold 200m albums. its proved. And unlike you, I’ll give you the link :
And you can’t give us links for Mariah because she has not sold 50 million albums in Asia and not 190 - 200 million worldwide, that’s not correct.
Do you mean Celine just tours to make money ?
Maybe, we don’t know that. But I think Celine wants to make people happy while they’re listening to their music LIVE.
That means, people don’t like listening to Mariah songs because why doesn’t she have a tour which can compete with Madonnas or Celine’s ?
You said.. oh big Mariah Carey.. people will always keep listening and so on. But don’t forget that people don’t listen to her music live.
Her ticket prices are cheap and even then, people don’t buy a ticket.
A ticket price of a Madonna or a Celine Concert are much higher.
And people buy it. Because they are richer ?
No. Because they want to get entertained by great artists like Celine and Madonna.
I don’t deny that Mariah still has a great voice and is THE VOICE but she is really not able to sell out stadiums.
Yes, she is rich enough like you said. But if she wants to make people get entertained, she can’t. There are just a few people who want to go to a Mariah Concert.
Madonna, Celine and Mariah - 3 great artists.
01.I Leave the insults to you Trish…this is the only
thing you can do.
02.One Sweet Day sold 2m copies In Us.
My Heart Will Go On sold 2m In Germany , Over 1m In UK ,
Over 1m In France,while it was number 1 in all the other
micro markets for months.So its European sales reach the
8m mark.Plus it is the most downloaded Celine song
since 2004.The Fact That the both spend same weeks
at number 1 In Us and Eurochart respectively doesn’t
mean they sold the same..! Weak Argument !
03.Butterfly 4.7m In Asia ? LIE , cause you can’t prove it.
Keep posting lies and I will keep answering again and
again and again.
04.You kept talking about Celine. I stopped when you
told me so.
05.All I Want For Xmas Is You sold 500k In Us and then
reached 2m after the digital downloads in 2004.In Japan
it reached the million you have 3m from these
markets and not 5m.
06.No matter what you say Mariah sold 150m albums by
2003 cause I don’t believe you , but I believe her
official site (btw I am a member there) , her label
, her biography and of course what WMA declared.
07.The Colour Of My Love (18-20m) sold more than
Mariah Carey (16-18m) and more than Number 1s (15-17m)
and it proved by the link I posted earlier…the one
you of course didn’t even open , cause you don’t
trust MediaTraffic ! xD
Moff even posted the Fact !
08.I am not contradictory and you know this damn well.
Since day 1 I say Celine sold 200m albums , 190m of them
come since 1990 ! I say from day 1 she got her Diamond
Award in 2004 for sales of 175m albums and you have
also agreed in the past about this figure ! You said
”Mariah got the Diamond Award in 2003 for 170m sales
and Celine for 175m sales in 2004 and then Mariah
suprassed her cause of TEOM” and now you say
Celine sold 160-170m albums in total…so
the contradictory hater is you and only you !
Moreover I exaplained why her label mantioned ALBUM
sales of 200m by 2007.
09.You say Us is bigger because more sales come from
there ? Is this an argument ? how old are you ? 12 , 13 ?
We talk about sales ! and sales come from certifications.
so certifications show us the big or small markets !
Not the amount of abums ! Jesus ! Plus , since we
talk about Madonna and Celine , even if I use your
argument , I must say that Europe is bigger cause more
of their sales come from Europe ! Finally Yes ! there
are so many artists considered worldwide flops because
they are huge in only one market..! Us or Europe etc..
so your argument fails.
And NO I am not trying to say Europe equals Us
because Celine is bigger here ! I am not like u
Moreover you imbecill , Celine sold like 50-55m
at both Europe and Us…Why would it be better for
me to lie about their size ? Use your brain for once !
Mariah is the one that sold only 25m in Europe and this
is why you try desperately to shout out lies about
the size of Us and Japan ! —> FAIL !
10.I never implied I am smart ! I didn’t come here to
combine myself with other people cause we had stopped
fighting before…but this doesn’t mean I changed my
mind and obviously you keep your opinion too !
So what’s the big deal if I came here to talk about
the best selling female artists ever ? Did I insult
anyone ? NO ! But whatever I Write to you is pointless
since you still think I am Chris etc…
11.What are you doing in debate about sales when you
don’t trust IFPI,RIAA,Mediatraffic,WMA,Guiness Book etc ?
Do you think the crap you post about 12m sales of
All I Want For Xmas is you will suddenly make us
say ”OOOOooooooooh TRISH is so right” !
Do you think I’m gonna eat the lies you keep posting
without even checking them ? 170m sales for MC by 2003!
let me laugh…!!
12.Celine tours to make money ? Even if this mean
aspect is true…good for her xD
13.What I Like the most is that you are still UNABLE
—- U N A B L E — to bring facts here and therefore
you find it enough to talk about seduction,conspiracy
and whatever comes to your sick mind.
Stop supporting Mariah’s worldwide sales with fake sales
coming from Asian micro markets. You can’t prove these
sales and you make yourself look lile a total fool.
No facts at all. Just Fail.
europe is the same size market than usa. it takes 500 000 to get gold and 1 million to get platinum in europe. asia in Japan it takes 250 000 copies to get platinum and Mariah has not sold 50 million albums in asia that’s a lie. she has sold 15 million in japan. even in asia her career is downhill hmm memoirs about 150 000 in asia and merry Christmas to you about 40 000 in Japan maybe 80 000 in asia. her career is over in Europe and damaged in asia.
Something more… TRISH you said Celine sold 20m albums
in Asia and then you said Madonna sold 15m albums there
being the 2nd best seller there…Uhmm…contradictory
again TRISH ? ? ?
The one time you write sold 20m being the 3rd selller
there and now you only post 15m for Madonna calling
her the 2nd seller there…
Do you indirectly imply that Celine sold less than 15m
In whole Asia ? cause last time we checked she sold
9m albums in Japan alone.
All your comments are so full of FAIL !
Mariah sold 35m albums in Asia , Madonna is behind her
with sales of AT LEAST 25m and Celine is the 3rd best
seller with 20m copies sold !!
PS…Mariah sold 53m In Us…63m are her
Mariah needs 18 number 1s in Us to sell 54m albums
while Celine needs 4 number 1s to sell 52m albums !
Madonna is ahead of Mariah In Us , Canada , N.America
, Europe , Australia , Africa…Mariah is ahead Madonna
only in Asia..!
So You Have
America , Europe , Australia , Africa VS Asia !!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha …!!
@Lucky Luke: I don’t remember that I said 20 million album in Asia for Celine,it would mean that Mariah’s sales there are 70 million the less.Anyway,what is matter is what that I claim here in that debate,not my old posts from other debates.Yes ,Madonna is the closest female artist to Mariah on Asian sales,not Celine.Celine is behind Madonna.And like Shutup and me already said,Madonna’s sales in Asia reach approximately 15 million there.
@Moff: Look at all my posts here just without thinking about Lucky Luke,and you’ll very surprised to see the several times I gave proves here.Just try to do it Moff and you’ll see that ! Lambs would love that you give proves for your high sales in Europe,Asia,Australia,etc…for single and album sales of Madonna and Celine.
Celine’s best selling albums, Falling into you, Lets talk about love are placed lower than the best selling Mariah Carey album, Music Box.
Madonna’s best selling album,The Immaculate Collection is placed lower than Mariah’s Daydream !
I am honest, and I know where all these sales come from.Also the 12m for All I Want For Christmas Is You !
About My heart will go on.It collect close to10 million sales for the whole world !\
Music Box has sold 32 million copies, according to Every right sources ! Moff,you just mean ” Among all biased site only Wikipedia admit 32 m for Music Box “ Moff .I recognize that all other biased sources put lower sales for Music Box. But according to RIAA, IFPI, WMA’s detailed datas,etc… this album really sold over 32 million worldwide !!!
And Moff, you have’nt given us a source for Celine’s and Madonna’s Eurochart Platinum Certification single sales yet.
And you still claim Madonna single sales of over 70 million and 50 million for Celine said , I already proved it, But sorry, you didn’t post it.
Moff, you have no proves for such high sales of Madonna’s and Celine’s singles !
And Moff, yes. You are very ,very obsessed with Lucky Luke.I got many proves ! This is much more than obvious for everyone !
“He agrees with “right”s list and me, too”… It’s so romantic ! “He gave us proves, he is mostly right !” Oh ! there is too much tenderness on that ! I gonna be in tears …! There is too much feelings and emotions ! Snif…!
Moff ? I can’t understand you since many,many weeks ago.Lucky Luke change your mind completely ! It’s not from my business,as you are both surely mature enough, nobody cares about your thing…Two or three…persons who are in love together,it would be so banal.But,this make you particularly partial toward the blog and hounded against me and all my statements Moff ! you refute all my arguments here just because of him ! You can deny it since it’s obvious for everyone.The worst is that you say that “He gave us proves,he is mostly right !” Now ,I finally understand why people usually say that love can make lovers blinded ! I’ll gonna prove to everyone here how your love with Lucky Luke change your mind and make you blinded Moff ! Not today,but soon ! I promise !
Yes,Number Ones outsold All the way !
According to her datas sales, Madonna hasn’t sold 200m albums. IFPI can’t proved this as IFPI’s datas concern European sales only.And could it prove it since it still unable to prove Nana Mouskouri’s fake 200 million sales ? IFPI doesn’t even dare show Nana Mouskouri’s total sales in Europe ! It overestimate Madonna’s sales like its did with Nana Mouskouri’s .This is useless to give any biased link !
And I can’t give you links for Mariah in Asia not because she has not sold 50 million albums in Asia but because these links doesn’t exist yet.However,all my statements are right about her sales there.Otherwise,nobody can talk about Mariah’s worldwide sales since nobody knows her sales in Asia.It’s useless to debate about best selling female artists when the sales from the greatest market of one of the challengers are unknown.That doesn’t mean Asian sales are weak relatively to Europe just because,everyone knows European sales.So,either we stopping to talk about Best Female Selling Artist,either we accept that Mariah sold 50 million albums the less, in Asia. In that case,anyone couldn’t be consider as the best selling female artist over Mariah.
Mariah wants to make people happy too,not just Celine does.That’s why she treasures her incredible voice and avoid to damage it by endless concerts since her debuts! If she would sing everyday, during many months,many years…by endless tours like Celine do ! Her fans would be very sad ! They prefer to listen Mariah live a few times,but they know that she’s able to continue to make amazing and incredible albums,with incredible songs to enjoy them ! All the money in the world couldn’t buy Mariah’s extraordinary and beautiful voice ! So it’s useless that she waste this unique gifted instrument by profitable endless tours.With all the money Madonna and Celine gross in tours,they can’t buy Mariah’s vocal notes,nor produce as much vocal smoothness and flexibility ! There is no expensive plastic implant which could allow them to get such an extraordinary voice .Besides,Mariah makes people happy on stage too,as they listen to Mariah’s music LIVE too ! Mariah just make a few concerts relatively to Celine’s endless concerts for not damaged her UNIQUE voice ! That’s doesn’t mean she’s never sing live. Mariah’s songs even got much more better live versions than Celine’s !
- About Madonna’s severall tours,it’s useless to talk about voice for her as “singing” is the last thing about what her fans are worried to. ..since she still able to move and turn them on !
Moff : If Celine’s tours really make her so “Huge” ! Why she doesn’t have even one number 1 Hit in Eurochart,nor in Billboard,nor in Worldwide Chart for the whole 2000 decade ??? Why Mariah who didn’t “ outsells every stadium “ continue to got number 1 Hits in Chart even in 2000 decade ??? while Celine who continue to “Outsells every stadium with the high ticket prices! “ even got any number 1 song in these Charts?
@ Shutup,Mariah sold over 25 million albums in Japan,not just 15 million .With 7 albums certified million-selling in Canada,people say that Celine Dion’s total album sold there reach 15 million ( including 1 million of her 1980’s French albums released in Quebec ).How dare you say Mariah had sold only 15 million albums in Japan ? She have more than 10 albums certified million-selling and multi-million selling in Japan ! And there are her other album sales that have not reach 1 million there.Mariah’s total albums sold in all Asia surpass highly 50 million,everything proves it .
@ Lucky Luke. You Leave the insults to me because I don’t give you the choice ! Lucky Luke,you only can take advantage on Moff and Shutup supports ! Nothing else. I dare you to continue this debate with me without Moff and Shutup! Hahahaha! The only thing you can do better than me is chasing after men !
My Heart Will Go On sold 10 million worldwide ,the very most.No matter what you claim for its European sales,it totalize 0,6 million for USA and Japan,the 2 greatest markets in the world.
Butterfly 4.7m In Asia ( including over 0,6 million in China & 0,5 million in Korea ) .You, can’t prove a lower sales !
Keep posting biased sources and “Links” and I will keep answering again and
again and again.
All I Want For Xmas Is You sold over 12 million worldwide !
Neither,nobody don’t believe you , but they believe Mariah’s
True Datas Sales. Nobody believe in Mariah’s Official Site cause there is so much haters and fake lambs who integrated this site just to spy on lambs and decrease Mariah’s sales!
The Colour Of My Love (15-16 m) sold less than Butterfly ( 17m)
Mariah Carey (18-20m) more than All The Way (17-18m)
and it proved by the detailed datas RIAA,IFPI,Asian sales,etc…
The one you of course didn’t even able to understand ,cause you’re blinded by biased sources ! Hahaha!
It’s not astonishing that “Moff even posted the Fact !” as Moff and you become the same person and you both just become one person ! Hahaha!
Celine sold 200m records,not albums , 165m-170m albums (since 1981) 30m- 35m Singles + DVDs. The sales of her 1980’s local albums are insignificants cause released and limited just in only in Quebec,not even in the whole Canada.Hahaha! They had reach just 1 million.That’s why they’re never included in any list of Celine Dion Discography.You try to put 10 million for Celine’s 1980s local albums released in Quebec ? Hahahah ! What a stupid joke ! Hahaha! Someone,please help me cause I can’t stop to laugh ! Hahahaha! You’re a very good joke Lucky Luke,almost like Celine ! You both could give lucrative laughable spectacles !You really deserve to become a very good comedian Lucky, as you can make people laugh !
About Celine Diamond Award you said that Celine won it because Madonna refused it ! So you said it was irrelevant to Celine ! Hahaha! I could go on.. and on… with your contradictions.But,it’s useless.People are not idiots Lucky Luke,they are smart enough to notice who among you and me is the most contradictory here ! I could trap you most by your contradictions if I would used your past posts from here and from Celine Vs Mariah blog.I just don’t act like a coward,unlike you.All our posts and comments are here ! Everyone can read them !
It’s useless to explain 200 million records sales claim by the Label of an artist.Everyone already what that means.Besides,it’s not from you to explain Celine’s Label Claims.They said 200 million records.Every musical institutions,medias,etc… know 200 million records mean Album + Singles + DvD. It’s explicit enough to everyone !
Yes,I say Us is bigger market than Europe because more sales come from
US .There is much more albums,for much more artists which got Gold,Platinum and Diamond certifications in US than Europe.It’s clear ! Just Madonna and Celine got Diamond albums in Europe.That’s why they are so huge there.But in US,there is severall other female artists who got Diamond certifications : Mariah Carey,Barbra Streisand,Whitney Houston, Britney Spears,Shania Twain,Dixie Chicks,Alanis Morissette,etc…Except for Madonna and Celine Dion,how many female artists got Diamond certifications in Europe ? In US,there is an endless list of artist who got Diamond Certification unlike Europe.Albums like The Bodyguard,Come On Over,etc…even certified 17 times Platinum in US and 19 times platinum there.Does Europe got even one female album reaching 15 million there ???? No,no obviously.You said “ I must say that Europe is bigger cause more
of their ( Madonna and Celine) sales come from Europe !” But it just because both are the greatest female selling artists in Europe.Europe is a great market just for Madonna and Celine,unlike US which is a great market for much more female artists ! Not for just Madonna and Celine ! Celine is a huge seller in Europe for sales of 50-55 millions albums there whereas she’s an average seller in US with almost the same sales although CELINE RELEASE MUCH MORE ALBUMS IN EUROPE THAN US .Hahahaha! Mariah,Whitney,Madonna,Celine,Shania Twain,Alanis Morissette,Cher,Britney,etc…got all,at least one certified Diamond album in US whereas only Celine Dion and Madonna got just 1 album certified Diamond in Europe ! Hahaha! I prove by all means how much US is a much more bigger market than Europe ! It’s useless to continue to deny it ! Hahahaha!
Use the word “imbecill” about your husband Moff,because this is only him that you can manipulate and change his mind,not me.OK ?
Continue to post foolish craps as the 8m sales of My Heart Will Go On in Europe to impress your both idiot husbands Moff and Shutup ! Not objective people,nor lambs !
“My sick mind”? You’re right,I am a sick mind relatively to you cause I didn’t try to seduce the posters here to get their support.
@Shutup: I already made congratulations to you for your huge progress to recopied the word Trish.But now,you must exceed that.It’s bad to just recopy words from your classmate Lucky Luke,even if he is your wife ! Here is an objective debate not a blog for lovers. Lucky luke’s fail arguments about sales and certifications can’t help you in anything.Be a good pupil and learn how to debate by your kind towards your Lucky then he will give to you his sweet candy ! Hahaha!
By the way,you said that European people dislike Mariah because she’s fat.Very great argument ! Therefore,you prove that American people is open-minded and impartial unlike European people .If European people could really claim that they dislike Mariah Carey’s music because Mariah is “too fat” ! What American people should say about Susan Boyle who is fat and ugly ? And who’s not particulary talented nor gifted unlike Mariah ? Nevertheless,Susan is very successful in US.Cause American people are not petty unlike Europeans.If American people would be like Europeans,do Celine could achieve this level of success in US ? Anyway, Mariah will on a diet to become thin and beautiful like Susan that she can be successful in Europe and that European people can love her,like they love Susan !
Bye,sweethearts ! Thanks for amusing me!!!.
Why is Madonna is this list, not Mariah?
Why is Madonna in the list, not Mariah ?
Mariah appears 3 times in the list. Madonna: 10 times!
Why are “Music Box”, “Daydream” placed lower than “Falling into you”, “Lets talk about love” and “the immaculate Colelction” ?
PS: Even True Blue (according to this source) has sold more than Daydream.
Why does IFPI claim 200 million ALBUMS for Madonna ?
By the way I found out, without mentioning to this stupid “love thing” I still cannot understand, that YOU, TRISH, are a very tricky debater here. You try to say the truth with great (actually lies) and try to put (me) us down !
People would believe many words you say, if they didn’t know anything about musicbusiness and sales of artists!!
Clever trish!
But what I also found out is:
You said: IFPI, RIAA, etc proved it many times.
But, can you give us a link?
Links for your high sales of Mariahs album, especially these for Butterfly and AIWFCIY ?????????
no trish. The end.
Yes, WE gave you proves. WITH LINKS
I don’t just say: yes.. its proved by IFPI, RIAA and so on ..
So we can comprehend you!
Do you want us to search for it ?
Maybe, but I can tell you, that there are no links for these high sales.
“Céline Dion is by far and away Europe’s top multi-million-selling artist. Her eight album titles have achieved 33 Platinum Europe Awards over the six years, nearly twice as many as Madonna who is next in line at 17.” this is claimed by IFPI.
Celine won an award by IPFI for album sales of over 50 million in Europe alone.
So we can imagine, that Madonna who came earlier, has more album sales, especially because she has sold more albums in Europe and the whole world in the 00s than Celine and Carey !
And you have no proves for Mariah Carey sales .
Madonna is the most successful artist EVER in Europecharts according to Billboard
15 number ones. She has two songs which were 12 weeks at number one: Like a Prayer and Hung up and papa don’t preach was 11 weeks at the top spot.
This is by the way, Madonnas achievement in Europe, because lambs always praise MariahS “US records” : 18 number ones, her long stays at number one etc.
and would you believe this, (maybe try the same)
and you see Madonnas sales in Europe.
Also Celine Dions single sales are calculated very well:
Same for Mariah ?
01.This whole insulting thing is beneath me…and for the
second time I am gonna give an end to it.
02.Now on sales…I think it is pointless to repeat that
you didn’t bring any facts.It is obvious.You are not in
position to call links ”biased” when you don’t bring
one.Still…what are you doing on a sales debate when
you don’t trust sources ? Plus…since you don’t trust
sources why do you write generic sentences such as
”detailed datas proved Mariah sold more” … ? ? ?
Where are these detailed datas ? If you were a good
debatur you would show us to shut up…but no..!
03.I mention the WMA because the declared sales based
on facts and this is totally irrelevant with the fact
that Madonna refused the award. I care about what they
said on sales..!
04.All The album and Asian facts TRISH posts are big
You lied before that TEOM sold 1m copies In Japan while
TEOM is certified platinum there for sales of 200k and
not 1m…see why you are unable to talk in a normal way ?
Moreover…even if I accept your argument ”Us is bigger
because more sales come from there” …well this means
that the next big markets are UK , Canada , Germany
and France because much more sales come from there than
Japan ! ha ha ! You fall into your own trap…!
Sorry girl…only certifications matter !
05.You said in the past that Celine had sold 175m
albums by 2004..! and that Mariah suprassed her with
TEOM cause her album sales stood at 170m by 2003 !
So now you come here and make yourself
LOOK LIKE A TOTAL FOOL , saying that Celine sold
160-170m albums…!
06.Tell Me When I said Celine sold 10m during the 80s!!
Do you think I am stupid to claim sth like this ?
Celine sold almost 2m copies by her 80’s albums and
2m copies more are sold by compilations of these albums
distributed in frencophone countries by Sony Bmg
without promo after the 1995 success…!
07.All I Want For Xmas is you sold 500k In Us & 1.5m
downloads there…& 1.5m In Japan & 1-2m In Europe..!
08.My Heart Will Go On sold 700k in Us during 1998
cause only 700k were available by Sony ! This is why the
song reached nummber 1 at the airplay for 10 weeks but
stayed at number 1 for only 2 weeks…
Huge Airplay & 0 sales since the copies were sold out.
This was a Sony BMG Tactic in Us cause they wanted
to have album sales for Celine’s album and Titanic
soundtrack. In Europe it sold 8m copies with 4.5m of
them coming from Europe’s 3 big markets. In Japan it
sold 400k…
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone knows this ! Please ! lmao !
09.Mariah sold 17m copies In Japan and 35M-40M the most
In whole Asia. Celine sold 9m In Japan and 20m (NOT MORE)
10.Since Mediatraffic places Music Box 13 places BEHIND
Falling Into You and 16 places BEHIND Lets Talk About
Love , All The Way ahead of Daydream , and The Colour
Of My Love ahead of Butterfly , Number 1s and Mariah
Carey (apparently these albums appear in NO LISTS
of best sellers) I should really tell you that you
are wasting you time here :)
Should we believe TRISH or Mediatraffic ? ? ?
Ha ha ha…
11.Mariah uses pre-recorded vocals in her tours…just
Like Celine and Madonna do. Check perfomances of
”Fly Like A Bird” during her latest short tour…
All the whistle notes (for instance) are pre-recorded.
12.”Money can’t buy Mariah’s voice” ….well…
”Money can’t buy Celine’s voice either”…
whats your point in this..?
13.You say I should prove Buterfly sold less than 4.7m
In Asian micro-markets…Sorry girl,but since you want
to take a part in a debate the BURDEN of proving your
idol’s sales falls on your side !!!
Bring Certifications from China and Hong Kong…
You already said you DON’T KNOW anything on sales there
but then you come here PRETENDING you know the exact
number of Butterfly’s sales ! You didn’t say 4m or 5m ,
you said 4.7m to try to confuse us by showing a very
”exact” number ! Ha ha ha ! FAIL ! What a child you are
Not these games on me ;-)
14.All The Way -> 7m Us , 5m Europe , 2m Japan , 1m Cnd
—> 15m from these markets and YOU say it sold
16m worldwide ! Ha ha ha ! Too bad certifications
put you in total SHAME as always.
15.The Diamond Award is given to artists that sold over
100m copies during their careers…
The fact that Madonna hasn’t got a Diamond Award , while
it is more than a FACT that she sold over 100m albums ,
allow us to SUPPOSE that she refused the award..!
Still,I don’t see how the fact that Madonna didn’t get
the award contradicts with what WMA declared about Celine
—-> 175m copies !
You are probably so happy thinking that Celine’s award is
Irrelevant because she was named the ”best selling
female artist of all time” ,while Madonna had
obviously sold more records.
And yes…you are right at this…Madonna was ahead so
the title was irrelevant ! ?he title !
Not the album sales they declared,because this was
part of their responsibility. Naming the best seller of
all times WAS NOT Diamond Award’s ”job” !
Moreover…If I accept your argument that Celine’s
award is irrelevant,I should assume that Mariah’s
award is irrelevant as well…for that same reason !
So…there’ll be left only one significant award for MC
, the one back in 2000 !
Once again,you fall into your own trap. xD
16.On Nana Mousxouri…Why are you so obsessed with her ?
She sold many records…but her discography began 50
years ago,so we have only estimations,not facts !!
She released over 400 albums..! Do we know exactly
the sales of Beatles , Elvis , MJ ? No !
Why ? Because they debuted loooooooooooooooong ago !
Still…they had less releases and much more successful
than Nana Mousxouri so it easier to estimate their sales
in a more accurate way !
Don’t try to imply that IFPI is biased and false cause
it doesn’t include Nana Mousxouri in any lists.
17.You say Mariah sold 280-300m records. This is figure
is beyond crazy cause as we know Mariah is never called
the best seller by the industry , there are no facts
to prove these sales , she appears in lists of best
sellers always behind Celine and Madonna (Billboard ,
mediatraffic etc) …
18.So MOFF Loves me ? wow ! I knew I was adorable
but not to this level ! ha ha ha ha !! xD
Yes,Mariah sold over 50 million albums in Asia.The fact is that she surpass all other female artists by huge difference like Madonna then Celine surpass all other female artists by huge difference in Europe ! Yes,Celine sold less than 15 million in Europe since she’s behind Madonna there.Celine’s sales in Asia is about 11 – 13 million there !
About OVERCERTIFIED SHIPPMENTS,let me tell you that American institutions like RIAA and World Music Award are light yeeeeeeeeeeeeears more straight and reliable than Europpean institutions like IFPI and Mediatrafic.RIAA never ever made mistakes or lies about American artists sales unlike IFPI who said that Nana Mouskouri sold 200 million albums while this same institution is unable to prove it by detailed datas sales nor cannot include Nana in any list of best seller female artist or best selling female albums in Europe ! RIAA never try to say Barbra Streisand the best selling female artist of all times unlike IFPI tried to do with Nana Mouskouri.American people are very very objective and fair about artists unlike Europeans. ALL MARIAH’S ALBUMS AND SINGLES ARE UNDERCERTIFIED IN EUROPE BY IFPI WHEREAS ALL CELINE’S ALBUMS AND SINGLES ARE HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGELY OVERCERTIFIED IN CANADA AND OVERCERTIFIED BY IFPI IN EUROPE .HOW ALL MARIAH’S ALBUM 9 EXCEPT HER 2 BEST SELLING ALBUMS COULD STAND AT 1 MILLION SALES IN EUROPE SINCE THE 1990’S TILL NOW ? AS IF THERE WAS A LIMIT OF SALES THAT THEY SHOULDN’T SURPASS IN EUROPE !HOW CELINE COULD SOLD 55 MILLION ALBUMS THERE WHEN SHE GOT A FEW HITS THERE ???? AT LEAST MARIAH RULES ON BILLBOARD AND SHE WAS VERY POPULAR IN US .CAN YOU TELL ME IN WHICH LARGE/MAJOR CHART CELINE EVER RULE AS THE SUPREME FEMALE ARTIST ??? EVERYONE KNOWS THAT IFPI INCREASE AND OVERCERTIFIED CELINE’S SINGLES AND ALBUMS IN EUROPE !!! DON’T TRY TO TURN THIS AGAINST AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS. IF AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS WOULD BE REALLY SUBJECTIVE ,HOW THEY COULD EVER CERTIFY CELINE DION FOR SALES OVER 50 MILLION ALBUMS THERE // ALTHOUGH SHE GOT JUST AND ONLY 4 NUMBER 1 HIT IN HER ENTIRE CAREER THERE ???
- In accordance to what you said about Mariah’s 18 number 1 in Billbooard. : Madonna need 18 number 1 Hits in Worldwide Chart ,15 number 1 Hits in Eurochart and 12 number 1 Hits in Billboard Chart to sell the same amount of albums than Celine WHEREAS Celine Dion needs just 1 number 1 Hit in Worldwide Chart, 4 in Billboard and 1 in Eurochart to equal Madonna on total album sales.Conclusion: All the amount of Number 1 hits that Madonna got over other female artists are irrelevant and useless since Celine who is the female artist having the less Number 1 Hits equal Madonna who got the most number 1 Hits worldwide: Hahahaha!
Almost everything you wrote showed us again, that you have no proves.
1. “Mariah has sold 50 million albums in Asia” — this statement is well-grounded with that: “Shes ahead of all other female artists” - This is the reason why Mariah has sold 50 million Albums there ?
.. trish ..
2. Celine is close to Madonna in album sales, yes. I don’t deny it. But Madonna is ahead of Celine on single sales by FAAARR!!
Celine is a typical album seller. Her album success is huge, compared to her single success during her career.
So, there is no question why Celine has sold this amoutn of albums in Europe, although she has just a few number one hits in Eurocharts.
This is no argument ?
3. Do you really dare to say that “American institutions are more reliable that European” ???
.. Sorry to say that, you’re wrong.
01.Thanx For being unable to reply to my previous
02.RIAA proved that Mariah is overcertified cause she has
recieved 63m certifications while her sales reach the 53m
mark being ahead of Celine for 2m.
Mariah sold 63m copies in Us with 18 Number 1s.
Celine sold 52m copies in Us with 4 Number 1s.
Does this ring you any bell ? This proves Celine
sells albums without needing any hits Hot 100,cause
her success is Based on her perfomance on AC Charts.
She was NEVER mainstream.
Check her AC chart perfomance to see everything makes
Example —> A New Day Has Come sold 3m In Us because
A New Day Has Come (song) stayed 21 weeks at number 1
at AC charts & I’m Alive reached top 10 there.
Example —> One Heart sold 2m copies In Us cause
I Drove All Night reached top 10 at AC Charts and
Have You Ever Been In Love stayed 14 weeks at Number 2.
Example —> Taking Chances had only 1 single to reach
top 10 In AC Charts…So the album sold only 1m copies.
Example —> Falling Into You - Her Best Seller —>
Becuase You Loved Me / It Is All Coming Back To Me Now
/ All By Myself —-> Number 1 AC Hits.
Example —> Her Secord Best Seller —> Lets Talk About
Love —> My Heart Will Go On number 1 AC Charts /
To Love You More number 1 AC Charts (8weeks) / Tell Him
a top 10 hit.
So everything makes sense ! See the proportion !
Celine won’t need mega hits at Hot 100 to sell albums
,cause she is treated as an AC artist by her label and
public alike. Of course if success at Hot 100 comes
the album sales become stronger. But her base is
always AC charts.
03.Moreover the albums that sold well in Europe were
actually the result of big European hits,so I don’t
get your point at all.
Examples—> My Heart Will Go On Number 1 Eurochart For
17 Weeks , Immortality -> Top 10 Hit , Tell Him -> Top 5
Hit At Eurochart —-> 10m Sales For Let’s Talk About
Everything makes perfect sense.
04.I already answered on Nana Mousxouri
05.Mediatraffic Is NOT A European Source,like IFPI.
Once again you proved what an ignorant you are.
06.The Burden to prove Mariah’s sales falls on your
side and if you unable to do so,leave.
07.Celine sold 20m copies In Asia.I explained this in
previous posts,based on the way YOU thought about
Mariah’s sales there. You said Mariah sold 24m albums
In Japan and then you said she sold 50m in Asia,meaning
she sold at least 25m In Asian micro markets.
So your thought goes like this —>
Japan = Asian Micro Markets…You made an
Assumption of course,cause there are no facts and it
seems pretty much right to me. Of course you lied
about the 25m sales , cause Mariah only sold 17m
In Japan,not 25m ! lmao !
08.You still haven’t answered what you are doing in
a sales debate since you don’t trust sources or awards ?
09.The only weapons you have is falsified and biased
sales coming from Asia for which like YOU said ,
YOU DON’T HAVE A CLUE ! ha ha ha ha !
10.You called ME a slut ? ts ts ts ! this is not polite.
Somebody would assume you are pissed and angry…
Maybe its time to get a life,right ? so you don’t
have to come in debates like this to express your
anger at strangers…cause this is what you do
the past 8 months. You are here insulting people
using words ”slut , bitch , motherfu**er , whore ,
masturbation , a-hole , piece of sh** , I could spit
on your face” etc etc etc…
What’s that honey ? xD ….
@ Lucky Luke : Now on sales…I think it is pointless to talk about best selling female artist of all times since nobody knows the total sales of Mariah Carey in Asia .I repeat that Mariah’s album sales in Asia surpass by far 50 million.
All the links and sources you mentioned ( Mediatraffic,IFPI,etc…) surely consider only the Japanese sales of albums not their whole Asian sales ,and they underestimate Mariah’s sales in Asian continent.That’s why, they put Music Box and Daydream lower than Falling Into You and Let’s Talk About Love.etc…etc…Otherwise,Music Box and Daydream would be placed ahead Falling Into You and Let’s Talk About Love,if their Asian sales were considered.It’s exactly if these sources and links would consider only Madonna’s UK sales and Celine’s France sales but not their whole Europe sales.So,Mariah’s worldwide albums sales are very underestimated relatively to Celine’s and Madonna’s.So,nobody can say Music Box and Daydream sold lower than Falling Into You and Let’s Talk About Love just because mediatrafic,IFPT,etc…ignore Mariah’s Asian sales in their lists.
You dare claim 17 million albums sales in Japan by Mariah while you claim 15 million albums sold for Celine in Canada ? Mariah got 15 certified million and multi-million selling albums in Japan while Celine got just 7 certified million selling albums in Canada .As you double Celine’s certified million album sales for getting 15 million as her total albums sales in Canada ,in the same way,Mariah’s 15 million selling certified albums in Japan must be doubled for obtaining at least 30 million albums sales in Japan.So simple.Therefore,we see that even 50 million albums sold in Asia is highly underestimated for Mariah.
As I already prove that USA is the largest music market worldwide,now I’ll prove that Japan is the second largest music market of the world .Mariah Carey is the best selling artist in Japan and her sales there surpass Madonna’s in UK ( Madonna sold 20 million albums in UK which is the largest European market whereas Mariah’s album sales in Japan is about 27-30 million ).So Japan is bigger.
-You said: “after US the next big markets are UK , Canada , Germany
and France because much more sales come from there than
Japan ! ha ha ! You fall into your own trap …!” It’s a little bit sooner for laughing dear Lucky Luke,this is you who fail,not me,because Japan is a much more bigger market than all the markets you mentioned. Only USA can be considered as the biggest music market,all other markets:.Europe is the biggest market for Madonna and Celine Dion as Asia is the biggest market for Mariah Carey.Only USA is the biggest market for every artists !
Sorry boy…sales matters much more than certifications! Otherwise,a Platinum certification from Monaco would equal to a Platinum certification from US.Hahaha! However when it come to the sales , about 300-500 album sold could be platinum in Monaco whereas 1 million album sold are platinum in USA ! Certifications could worth very various sales,dependently the country where it come from,but sales are exacts no matter in which countries they come from.
About the Chopard Diamond Award,let me tell you that Mariah’s Chopard Diamond in 2003 was relevant.Don’t try to say the opposite because you know that Celine’s was irrelevant.If you say it just for pleasure Madonna’s fans and getting their support for Celine in this debate it’s from your business,but don’t dare say the same about Mariah’s.Unlike Celine’s ,Mariah’s CHOPARD DIAMOND AWARD IN 2003 IS RELEVANT, the whole world always agree with it.Mariah didn’t got this Award suddenly unlike Celine.Mariah owns the title of best selling female since 1998 Legend Award,2000 Millennium Award,2003 Diamond Chopard Award.Mariah’s.Since 2000 till 2004,Mariah was always claimed best selling female artist of all times by every medias, and the industry of music.That’s why till now,every medias still face Mariah to Madonna as best selling female artist.Even this blog face Madonna to Mariah,not to Celine .Check in the internet and you’ll never see any blog,any comparison,any poll facing Celine Dion to Madonna as best-selling female artist.Lambs are proud about the Diamond Chopard Award cause they know that Mariah Carey really deserved it. Mariah Carey and Madonna are also always claimed as the greatest female artists in the world ( not just in case of sales ),unlike Celine Dion.
By the way,Celine 1980’s NEVER REACH 2 MILLION, EVER !!!!!!!!! I got the detailed lists.Hahahaha! You think people are idiots ? If Celine’s 1980 local albums would sold 2 million in just Quebec,how many Mariah Carey’s debut albums (professional albums with great musical experts and huge promotions) would sold in New York state alone ? 10 or 20 million ??????? Hahahahaha! It’s so funny ! Hahahaha! How you could lie like this ? The total of Celine’s 1980’s albums with the recent compilations releasing by Sony reach a total of 1.3 million the very most,not even 2 million.So,don’t try to say 4 million sales for those albums.
All that you say about My Heart Will Go On are lies,you increase all of them.This single sold 10 million worldwide the very,very most,not even 10 million + 1 unit. Hahaha!
BY A FEMALE ARTIST IN HISTORY OF MUSIC.It could be consider as the 2nd best selling single by a female artist in history since it’s a regular song unlike ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU WHICH SHARE WITH I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU THE NUMBER OVER 12 MILLION SALES WORLDWIDE !!!
Everyone knows this !
09.Mariah sold 27m- 30m copies In Japan and 50m -60m
In whole Asia.
- Celine sold 13m albums (NOT MORE)
In Asia, include 7m in Japan alone.
I am clear about Mariah’s tours.She have better live version songs than Celine,although both use pre-recorded vocals.
Yes,I said “With all the money Celine gross in her endless tours,she can’t buy Mariah’s extraordinary and unique gifted voice . There is no expensive vocal implant which could allow Celine to get Mariah’s vocal 5 octave range + MARIAH’S UNIQUE vocal beauty,smoothness,thickness,silkiness,strength,loudness,flexibility,versatility,agility and power”. All that I mention here are proved by Mariah’s songs ! So,everyone can listen them for verify my claims !!!
1.Mediatraffic counts WORLDWIDE sales,even in Asia.You
have no proof to support what you say so —> Next —>
2.You say that Mariah got more platinum certifications
in Japan than Madonna in UK (Their Stongest markets)
so Japan is Bigger ! Shall I start laughing now ?
This is an arguments my 10 years old cousins would
be ASHAMED to post.
3.When I say certifications I mean Certification LEVELS !
Not judging by the word ”platinum” or ”gold” BUT
the Amount of sales these words represent in each
country.So your Monaco sarcastic example is AN EPIC
FAIL !!!
4.You come here to say people don’t count Mariah’s
Asian sales. THIS A NEW ARGUMENT ! Bravo Trish ! You
keep going lower…May I ask you HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS
You Fall In Your Trap Again !
It Is Simple —> You said you don’t know anything on
Asian sales , so now you can’t mention them ! Next —>
5.When we talk about Worldwide sales we must look at
how many records are sold in each continent , not by
just comparing the artists’ strongest markets like you
do ! But even if we would do so we see Madonna is the
best seller cause she sold 70m albums in Europe and 64m
In Us like YOU say Mariah sold 63m In Us and 50m in
Japan ! see how easy it is to become a VICTIM of your
6.I Said right from the start that we should TRUST
Thw World Music Awards ! You are the one that calls
Celine’s award Irrelevant ! Since you called Mariah’s
award RELEVANT you of course agree with what Music
Awards said about Mariah selling 150m albums by 2003 !
150m Albums , Not more !!!
want..! YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS ! Sorry…
7.All I Want For Xmas Is You is not even the 3rd best
seller ! lmao ! Without You sold more copies worldwide.
What an I G N O R A N T you are..! All I Want For Xmas
Is You sold 2m copies In Us , 1.5m Japan , 1-2m Europe.
It is BY FAR Behind Celine’s biggest hit.
8.I Was wrong saying My Heart Will Go On sold 12m copies.
It sold 11m copies.700k Us , 7m Europe , 500k Japan
& 150k Australia & it is Celine’s most downloaded song
In order to have a descent debate I have decided to
participate here using YOUR WEAPONS. I mean , I will
play the game following YOUR rules !
So, tell me which musical insitutions are to be trusted
etc ! I don’t need you to give a reason !
Just say ”we should trust this and this and that” !!
BUT be careful cause in the past you said that you
base your info on magazines and what you see on TV
and as a reply I Brought like 15 links proving Celine
sold more than Mariah…and these links were by
Magazines (Forbes,LA Times,Uk Magazines etc) and videos
from TV.
And do you remember what you answered ? That YOUR Info
INTERNET !!! -.-
So now - since you are the only one Mariah supporter here
- I let you choose the sources etc in which we should
base our arguments.
Forget what we said and just reply to this so we can
have a descent debate based on YOUR choices…
Fair enough ? I Think Yes !
PS … Who told you Celine would ever want Mariah’s
voice ? She is who she is and people love her for her
voice,critics praise her voice since 1981 and fans pay
huge amounts of money to attend her concerts and her
record sales are always strong and stable,unlike Mariah
that has her ups and downs and doesn’t sell out stadiums.
And all this because people LOVE Celine’s powerful ,
strong , crystal clear , unique , flexible , steady ,
versitile , smooth , beautiful voice ! The voice
that helped her win numerous awards through the years,
even when she was uknown worldwide. (Yamaha Tokio song
contest at age 14 and Eurovision song contest age 20 etc)
The voice that made the BEST voices of this world
collaborate with her —> Barbra Streisand , Bee Gees ,
Garou , Il Divo , Lucciano Pavarotti , Andrea Bocelli ,
Michael Bolton , Candadian Tenors etc…
I am not saying she is better than MC…I am just
answering to your HATING , MEAN , NASTY comment you
left once again that ”Celine can’t buy Mariah’s voice”.
Celine couldn’t buy Mariah’s 5 octave range.As the musical & vocal expert Simon Cowell said: ” to sing a Mariah song is a vocal suicide ! “.About Celine’s voice,everyone could sing like her,just to hold one nose and gige voice.
Nana Mousxouri isn’t the only one old artist.There are so much old artists around the world ,that had release hundred of albums,and whom are not among the best sellers of the world ! Nana’s oldness as artist doesn’t mean that she could ever be among the best selling female artists.400 albums released doens’t mean huge global sales ( Nana surely released one album per month or per weak ). Hahaha ! About Beatles , Elvis , MJ,they are really huge and popular worldwide and everyone know them.They are so popular everywhere worldwide,even after their death ! Their discography,their albums and their music are really popular next to everyone. But Nana Mouskouri ? Hahaha!People know Nana Mouskouri only through IFPI’s falsified lists ! Beatles,Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson’s sales are not just estimated ! There are so many proves and facts supporting their huge sales all around the world ! IFPI just lied ! I don’t stop to talk about Nana just for proving to everyone that many great institutions could lie in their statements,Guinness World Records,IFPI,Wikipedia,etc… they are biased ! Hahaha! I don’t accuse them I proved it here many,many times ! Hahaha!
@ Lucky Luke :
Mariah sold 190m – 200 m albums with 18 number 1 Hits in Billboard Hot 100 and 4 number 1 Hits in Worldwide Chart and .
Celine sold 165m - 170m albums worldwide with just 4 number 1 Hits in Billboard Hot 100 and only one number 1 Hit in worldwide Chart.
Does this ring you any bell ? This proves Mariah
sells albums without needing any endless tours and concerts.
Her singles climbs not just the AC Charts,but the Top Chart : The Hot 100 Singles Charts !Moreover,the AC Charts are insignificant close to THE HOT 100 SINGLES CHART.That’s why every biography of artists, blogs,Medias,etc… talk about number 1 Hits in Hot 100 Singles Chart,they never talk about Adult Contemporary Chart
So everything makes sense ! See the proportion !
Mariah won’t need to “sell out every stadiums by concert tickets” to sell albums
,not only because she is treated as a Top Charting artist,but before all cause she sing incredible songs that no other female artist can ,thanks to her exceptional God given voice ,her artistical creativity and her unique talent as songwriter and producer and the quality of her songs.
About the fact that Mariah’s sales in Asia are unknown,doesn’t it the proof that her sales are so huge there that any institution can’t count them? Asia is so huge and got so many people…many billion people in a single contitnent,it’s really hard to count Mariah’s sales all over the Asian continent,which got the most people on the planet ! Furthermore,her 25 – 30 million albums sales in Japan alone show us how much her sales are huge there ! Who knows if Mariah’s sales doesn’t reach 80 or even 100 million there ?…or more? Nobody knows in truth! So,this debate become totally useless because no one knows exactly Mariah’s sales in Asia ! If you think that I overestimate her sales there by the 50 million I claim.In the same way ,I think you underestimate her sales by the 35m – 40 millions you claim.I can’t prove the 50 million album sold by Mariah in Asia,neither you can’t prove the 35 – 40 milllion that you claim.So,either you never talk about best selling female artist and don’t mention Mariah Carey at all in any post,either you accept that she sold 50 million albums in Asia the less ! Since you talk about music and albums sold by female artists.I will always demand Mariah Carey the best selling female artist of all times,because I think she is,since everything show that !
Dear honey,don’t believe that I am ever pissed and angry by anything here,don’t make this mistake.I am a too open-minded person for that.And don’t worry,unlike you,I get a life,a real life.The proof? Unlike you who are here everyday to post comments everytime and everyday,I am very busy sometimes and don’t even get time enough to answer your comments someday .But you post your comments EVERYDAY in that debate as if you never got something more important to do.So,I guess that you should first mind about yourself on getting a life . If it’s that you call “getting no life” About me,you could never imagine how great and good my life is ! By all means !!! Waouh !! I get chills ! !!! I am light yeeeeeeeeeeears beyond the frustrated person you imagine.Unlike you,who surely got nothing else to do than spend your time on integrate all websites and blogs that talk about Celine,Madonna and Mariah just to collect “links” enough for increase Celine and Madonna then spy on lambs and decrease Mariah’s sales and put her down under a lamb cover.Then collect biased links and sources to being able enough to debate about them.I got better things to do with my busy days than pathetic things like this.. I reply to insults only when I have some rest . So,you can’t judge me simply because you read my posts on this blog.Hurry up and get a life yourself !
maybe we already know you are an open-minded person. But that doesn’t mean that your “opinion” is wrong.
1. You said “Mariah is the best selling female artist, because I think she is, since everything prove it”
What do you mean with “everything” ?
You didn’t give us any proves. Neither any links or figures of album or single sales.
Again - no proves.
2. Why didn’t you give this argument earlier in this debate?
Did it come to your mind since we said that you have no proves for the Asian sales for Mariah ?
You don’t know it.
3. Mariah is big in Japan and other small Asian countries.
I hope you just mean East-Asia. Because: Asia doesn’t only consist of Japan, Korea, China, Thailand etc.
Russia, whole middle east part like Arabia, Iran, Turkey etc are part of Asia!
That Mariah is successful in Japan and Korea doesn’t mean that she is as successful in other countries as you claim.
For example IPFI gives “Middle east” awards and Celebration is certified platinum and we don’t know if Mariah is also as popular as Madonna there.
I don’t that. You can’t claim that.
And moreover: my aunt lives in Bangkok and she is a huge fan of Celine Dion for example, so we see that Mariah’s “world” is smaller than you think.
Maybe, we don’t know that, but maybe Madonna or Celine has sold more records than Mariah in the rest of Asia because I said Asia didn’t consist only of Japan etc !
So your argument, actually, isn’t a proof that Mariah is the best selling female artist of the world.
We should act this way: We need all sales of continents (PROVED) and then we’ll see if the Asia market clearly shows us if its SO important like you think.
IFPI proved that Madonna has sold 50 million albums in Europe by 2001. Celine also got that award.
We know pretty accurate the north American sales and Australian, but Latin America, Africa and Asia are still argumentative !
I refuse to respond to your stupid comments about
Celine’s voice and Mariah’s FAKE Sales.
200m albums ? ha ha ha ! Where ?
Of course it rings many bells !
These FAKE sales are not even proven by her label
or her OFFICIAL SITES !! ha ha ha
And you come hear repeating my phrases like a little kid!
I wrote something and I am waiting your reply.
Tell us what sources are to be trusted so we can
talk on that base. I let you choose. If no sources
are to be trusted then this debate is over.
You can choose A.Awards B.Media C.Labels D.Music
Institutuions E.Magazines (like you did in the past)
and whatever else comes to your mind…
Make the rules for this debate and like I said
I will follow !
Oh yeah ! Simon Cowell is NOT a music / vocal expert !
He is a music executive and this is totally irrelevant
to music pedagogy and knowledge. He is a judge at a
popular talent show and because of his strict behaviour
he is considered to be an ”expert” by ignorant people.
Moff,inform yourself about the demography of the world.Asia doesn’t got micro markets as Asia got more than the half people of the whole world.Trish is right,Mariah sold more than Madonna and Celine.Stop to deny it!
@ Mariah4ever/TRISH
Hey ! Inform yourself on music sales and certification
levels ! Certification levels don’t depend on population
alone ! Before saying TRISH (yourself) is right , tell
us why she is (you are) right by bringing facts !
Pretty tough , right ? LOL
It’s stupid to challenge Mariah’s popularity and success in Thailand just because your aunt who is a Celine Dion fan live there.That doesn’t mean Celine is as popular as Mariah there. Childish argument ! Even if all your relatives and friends who living in Asia would be all Celine’s and Madonna’s fans wouldn’t mean they equal s Mariah’s on success there.My relatives and friends living in France and Danemark and whom are all lambs doesn’t mean that Mariah’s success in these countries surpass Celine’s and Madonna’s .
About Russia,Turkey,etc…They are not Asian countries,they are called Eurasian countries (half Europe & Half Asia) Cause they are situated between Europe and Asia. Besides,not just Japan,China,Taiwan,Hong Kong,Korea,etc… belongs to Mariah.But also ,Iran,Irak,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Pakistan,India,Nepal,Afghanisthan,Cambodge,etc…. Mariah is the most successful artist in whole Asia ,end of story.When you say that Celine and Madonna are the most successful artists in Europe,doesn’t it include all European countries like Lithuania,Lettonia.Estonia,Ukrenia,etc ? The same way,Mariah’s success in Asia include all Asian countries relatively.For example,the Sultan Of Brunei and his family are huge fans of Mariah Carey’s music.One of his sons even sent to Mariah Carey via his private Jet ,many Diamond Jewels as gifts.Mariah is huge in the whole Asian continent in the same way Madonna and Celine are in Europe !
@Lucky Luke:
About the way we should proceed to continue this debate in a fairest way for all artists that are mentioned.Before all I think we should see Mariah Carey’s sales in Asia with the same eyes that we do for Madonna’s and Celine’s in Europe.For example,Madonna’s and Celine’s albums in Europe sold much better than Mariah’s there,whatever their success on Charts sales and Hit parades.In the same way,Mariah’s albums sold much better than Madonna’s and Celine’s in Asia whatever Mariah’s success on Charts and Tours.For example,when we consider Celine’s The Colour Of My Love which has sold 4 million in Europe while Mariah Carey’s self –titled album sold just 1 million there.In the same way,Mariah’s eponymous album sold logically around 4 million in the whole Asia while Celine’s TCOML would sold 1 or 2 million there. Celine’s A New Day Has Come which is sold 3 million in Europe while The Emancipation Of Mimi sold just 1 million in Europe.So,A New Day could sold around 500.000 – 1 million in Asia while TEOM could sold 2m – 3 million there. Etc… The same for the rest of Mariah/Madonna’s & Celine’s sales.etc…
Then ,we could consider RIAA and IFPI Certification sales for three artists (not lists) as sources for their US and Europe sales.Therefore,the respective global sales of Mariah,Madonna and Celine would be compared on a fair base.
we should consider each decade separately for each artist.For example,How many albums Madonna,Celine and Mariah had sold respectively sine their debut to 2000 year with detailed datas.Then,with detailed datas sales, their global albums sales since 2000 year to 2010.
1.What do you mean when you say detailed datas ?
Coming From where ?
2.The way you think about proportion in Europe and Asia
makes no sense at all,because you can’t talk based on
proportions when you have to do with different artists
in different countries/cultures with different
certification levels.Success is
determined by certifications,not assumptions based
on irrational proportions.
Even between Us and Europen sales there is no
proportion at all , while the certification levels
are the same. Why would be a proportion between
Asia and Europe ?
Example 1 -> One Sweet Day spent 4 months at number 1
In Us and sold 2m copies. My Heart Will Go On spent
4 months in Europe and sold 7m copies.
Example 2 -> I don’t wanna cry reached number 1 in Us and
is not certified , while I Still believe reached number
4 and became platinum.
So…it is impossible to find a ”logical” proportion
between Asia and Europe,like you tried to do.
Moreover Madonna and Celine sold 70m and 57m r
respectively in Europe (BOTH Awarded for this)
while Mariah sold 35-40m in Asia (Never Awarded).
The 50m sales you claim is not proven…it is nowhere on
the internet.Appears in no Mariah sites and of course in
no detailed datas.
Yes I know that just because of my relatives I have in Thailand we can’t see the success of Mariah Carey.
But I hope you also know that the greatest part of Turkey and Russia belongs to Asia. Just a small part belongs to Europe. So actually - the greater part of these countries are parts of Asia. I really don’t know where you get the facts that Mariah is the most popular artist (and best selling) in nations like: Iran, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Cambodge …
We don’t know anything about it !!
If we first don’t know actual facts we wont know the popularity neither the success of Mariah or Madonna.
So I would say that Mariah’s part is obviously whole East-Asia (incl. Japan, Korea and rest of East-Asian countries)
and about the rest (west-Asia, incl middle east) we don’t know we can only suppose. But IFPI like I said gives Middle East Award and until now, just Madonna has one. (or some)
According to the list of “right” which is pretty accurate we can see how much Madonna and Mariah have sold since their debut:
Madonna: (debut 1983)
Madonna - 9.5m
Like A Virgin - 21m
True Blue - 23.5m
You can dance - 5m
Who’s that girl - 5m
Like a prayer - 13m
The immaculate collection - 29m
I’m breathless - 7m
Erotica - 6m
Bedtime Stories - 8m
Something to remember - 8,5m
Evita - 6.5m
Ray of light - 16m
so Madonna album sales since her debut to 2000:
158 million
Mariah Carey (1990):
Music Box 29 million
Daydream 25 million
Number Ones 17 million
Mariah Carey 16 million
Merry Christmas 14 million
Butterfly 14 million
Rainbow 10 million
Emotions 8 million
MTV Live 6 million
— 125 million albums to the year 2000.
So we see that Madonna had sold more albums than Mariah Carey to the year 2000. And of course to 2003, the list agrees with Chopard Diamond Award given to Mariah in 2003.
So up tp 2010 Madonna:
Music - 13m
GHV 2 - 6m
American Life - 4m
Remixes and revisited - 1
Confessions on a .. - 11m
Hard Candy - 3,8m
Celebration - 2,1m
+ DVDs (IGTTUAS, TCT, ) - 1,5m
total sales 42m to 2010.
Mariah :
The Emancipation of Mimi 11 million
Glitter 3 million
Charmbracelet 3 million
Greatest Hits 3 million
E=MC2 2,9 million
Memoirs of an.. 1 million
Remixes 1 million
The Ballads 0,5 million
Merry Christmas to you 0,5 million
to 2010: lets say 26 million
What can we see ?
Madonna is the best selling female artist.
No doubt. Although Mariah got the Diamond Award in 2003 and nothing proves than Mariah sold 190 - 200 million albums. its proved nowhere.
@ trish
Iran,Irak,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Pakistan,India,Nepal,Afghanisthan,Cambodge
you really thinks that Mariah has sold albums in iran or saudi arabian these are middle east countries where womens are killed for no good reason. these are Muslims countries where womens have no justis. so I doubt they listen any western music lol. this just proves you don’t know anything about albums sales in asia.
Moreover, that would mean according to IFPI that Madonna has sold more records than estimated because of pirating.
“The IFPI is most worried by organised crime syndicates that are flooding the European market with pirated discs. Its research shows Madonna is the most pirated artist. But the IFPI is against imposing a “blank tape” levy on blank CDs, which could be impractical in law because the discs can store data as well as music. ”
So we should look after the real certifications and estimations. And that clearly shows that Madonna is the best selling female artist.
Simon Cowell is not an expert? Hahah! So,who is the expert ? Barbra Streisand? Every artists who already collaborate with Celine Dion ? Let me laugh Hahaha!How silly and dumb you are.Simon Cowell is an expert on musical and vocal question,that’s why they put him as Judge at popular talent show.Idiot ! Anyway,,we could consider him most as a vocal expert than the artists you mentioned,Barbra Streisand,Michael Bolton,etc… They are not vocal experts,but artists like Mariah Carey,Elvis Presley,madonna,Whitney houston,etc…Even if Simon Cowell isn’t a vocal a vocal expert,he’s in a better position to say something fair about the vocal talent of an artist than Barbra,Bolton,etc… Besides,Mariah doesn’t need anyone to boost and improve the popularity/reputation of her exceptiona voice by flattering citations or comments.The extraordinary qualities of her voice speak by themselves,to anyone who listen her.Mariah’s 5 octave vocal range and her exceptional singing ability is obvious for everyone,weither they are experts or not.
Moreover,if the artists you mentioned are impressed by Celine’s voice,what they would say of Mariah’s voice which is really exceptional and got so much qualities and abilities over Celine’s??? You prove one more time that the only ignorant is you !
According to any right list which is not biased we can see how much Madonna and Mariah have sold since their debut:
Madonna: (debut 1983)
Madonna – 8.5m
Lika Virgin – 19m
True Blue – 18.5m
You can dance – 5m
Whos that girl – 5m
Like a prayer – 13m
The immaculate collection – 24m
I’m breathless – 7m
Erotica – 6m
Bedtime Stories – 7m
Something to remember – 5,5m
Evita – 4.5m
Ray of light – 12m
so Madonna album sales since her debut to 2000:
135 million
Mariah Carey (1990):
Music Box 32 million
Daydream 28 million
Number Ones 19 million
Mariah Carey 19 million
Merry Christmas 17 million
Butterfly 17 million
Rainbow 13 million
Emotions 12 million
MTV Unplugged EP 10 million
– 151 million albums to the year 2000.
So we see that Mariah had sold more albums than Madonna to the year 2000. And of course to 2003, the list agrees with Chopard Diamond Award given to Mariah in 2003.
So up tp 2010 Madonna:
Music – 8m
GHV 2 – 3m
American Life – 3m
Remixes and revisited – 1
Confessions on a .. – 9m
Hard Candy – 2,8m
Celebration – 1,1m
+ DVDs (IGTTUAS, TCT, ) – 1,5m
total sales 28m to 2010.
Mariah :
The Emancipation of Mimi 13 million
Glitter 5 million
Charmbracelet 5 million
Greatest Hits 5 million
E=MC2 2,9 million
Memoirs of an.. 3 million
Remixes 1 million
The Ballads 0,5 million
Merry Christmas to you 0,5 million
to 2010: lets say 36 million
What can we see ?
Mariah Carey is the best selling female artist !
Oh little Trish ..
someone who decreased Madonna sales and INCREASED Mariah sales - and HOW should be ignored.
You have - again - no proves, no true sales.
How come:
Celebration has sold less than Memoirs ?
Hard Candy less than E=MC2 ? Although it was listed at 3,5 by the end of 2008 ? And E=MC2 wasn’t listed at all ?
trish - you are a SHAME !
Just when I thought we could have a descent debate you
came back and instead of replying to the proportion
theories you posted , you just post FAKE
sales you CAN’T prove again. xD
You claim 8m For Music…
Lets See… 5P In Europe & 3P In Us & 3P Canada & 3P
Australia -> 8.5m Already without counting Asia , Africa
and N.America.
Your effort to Provoke fails.
This debate is over.
Nobody knows that Mariah has sold 190 largely !
1. you have no proves, like always as Trish or Momo, and now I really think both are the same person cause both claim 12 million for Ray of light and both have the same writing and spelling style … post HIGH Mariah sales, and DECREASED MADONNA sales !
3. again – you have no proves
4. you try to convince people by saying “everything proves it by detailed facts and data”
5. you have no proves and try to call every source which claims “Madonna or Celine has higher sales than Mariah” BIASED OR IRRELEVANT
6. Should I say Mariah’s award was irrelevant ? YES – IT WAS, IT WAS IRRELEVANT !
TRISH – The Chopard given to Mariah WAS IRRELEVANT cause Madonna had more albums sales by 2000 (and 2003) than MARIAH – with PROVED Album sales !
WB claimed 24 for Madonnas True Blue and not 18.5 million like U SAID!
TRISH YOU ARE A SHAME, not only for this debate, also for every fan of Madonna and Celine Dion, especially for Mariah Carey !
If she knew what you posted, she would surely be ashamed of you ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Such a crazy fan who tries to decrease every album which has sold more than any of Mrs Carey’s !!
You want to provoke and I think we should ignore you.
We should have had ignore you just before you posted your second post here in this debate because we should have known what A LIAR YOU HAD BEEN. And of course, you are still a liar.
By all means !! !!
YOU HAVE NO PROVES – and really want to try to convince other readers that Mariah is the best selling female artist of all time by saying that EVERY DATA proves it ????
At Trish: HAHAHA
Do you think this lists is totally LYING ?????
I Told you in the past ”Momo” , ”MariahCareyFan” ,
”Stacy” are the same person.
I understood this due to the spelling mistakes , style
and cliche words ”biased” , ”falsified” etc…
Always the same arguments.
01.Mariah got the Diamond Award in 2003 for sales of
170m Albums while it is declared she won this award
for sales of 150m albums !
02.Mariah sold 50m albums in Asia. With NO PROVES.
03.Guiness Book Of Records , Billboard , Mediatraffic
NONE Of them recognises Mariah !
Not only the lies are HUGE,but this debate became
predictable and boring.
Like I Had said , it is more of a hating show off
than a descent debate.
Such a shame.
@ hahahaha at trish
trying despredly to make Madonnas album sales lower than they really are and inflate Mariahs album sales. you are pathetick troll. Madonna has sold 42 million albums on 00s and Mariah only 26 lol. you said 1,1 million for celebration lol it has been certified platinum in Europe and gold in usa. hard candy has sold 3,8 million worldwide and it was much more succesful worldwide than emc2.
memoirs 3 million where? hmmm gold in USA and maybe 200k in Europe I would say about 1 million lol. for your information celebration sold more in Japan than floppy memoirs and celebration has been certified platinum in Japan selling more than 200 000 copies.
Estimate shipments: 2.4 million. #22 on IFPI’s 2009 Year End Chart. From a Warner UK press release on Dec 03 2009: “Celebration” has sold over 2 million copies worldwide already”.
saying that memoirs has sold 3 million is a joke. it flopped in europe, it flopped in asia and it flopped even in usa. 1 million for memoirs and 2,4 million for celebration. ghv2 it has sold 2 million in Europe and 1,3 million in USA according to nielsen soundscan. so 5 million worldwide. I can definitely say that your Mariahs album sales are totally inflated. despredly making Mariah bigger than Madonna in 00s hahah lol.
don’t use everything proves it because nothing proves your fake sales for Mariah not ifpi not RIAA not mediatraffic, it’s only your delusional mind.
mariah has sold 170 million albums and Madonna 195 million.
The Following List Was Posted By A LAMB At The Other
Debate (Celine Vs Mariah) :
1 The Beatles 40+ 400,000,000 UK 60s (1962-1970) Rock/Pop Guinness/EMI
See also: Discussion #36
2. Michael Jackson 14 350,000,000 US 70s-00s (1979-) Pop/R&B MJ Stats
3 Elvis Presley 150+ 300,000,000 US 50s-70s (1956-1977) Country/Rock
See also: Discussion #1
4. Madonna 16 275,000,000 US 80s-00s (1984-) Pop WBR 2005
Discography [1]
5. Nana Mouskouri 450 250,000,000 Greece 60s-00s (1959-) Pop [2]
6. Cliff Richard 60+ 250,000,000 UK 50s-00s (1959-1969,1977-1979,1986-1999) Rock/Pop [4]
7.The Rolling Stones 54 ~250,000,000 UK 60s-00s (1964-1981) Rock 60.5 million in the US [5]
8. Mariah Carey 14 230,000,000 US 90s-00s (1990-) Pop/R&B Albums Discography
9. Elton John 43 ~220,000,000 UK 70s-00s (1972-1976,1989-1991,1997-) Pop [6]
10.Celine Dion 21 220,000,000 Canada 80s-00s (1990-) Pop Music/Pop Discography See also: Discussion #1
I Don’t agree with this list cause it comes from NO
Official Sources BUT IT PROVES that there are LAMBS
out there that actually TRUST sources where MADONNA
is shown AHEAD of Mariah for over 45.000.000 records..!
Even Lambs Find Sources Like This RELIABLE !!!
No wonder…Madonna has sold much more records.
1. @Moff: About what you said for Mariah’s popularity and success in some Asian countries,this is the same for Madonna and Celine in Europe.Nobody can say that Madonna and Celine are the most popular artists (and best selling) in European nations like: ,Romania,Bulgaria, Hungary, Lettonia, Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine,etc, …I really don’t know where you get the facts that Madonna and Celine are the most popular artists (and best selling) in whole Europe.
2. If we first don’t know actual facts we wont know the popularity neither the success of Mariah ,Celine or Madonna.
So I would say that Madonna’s and Celine’s part is obviously whole West-Europe (incl. UK,France,germany and rest of West-European countries )
and about the rest (East-Europe, incl North-Scandinavian countries ) we don’t know we can only suppose. But IFPI could give Award to Madonna or to Celine for sales on …the Moon or on March ! Just like they did for Nana Mouskouri when they claim her global album sales are around 200-300 million,but they are still unable to prove this claim till now ! Ha haha ! What a shame ! IFPI can lie for Madonna’s sales in Europe and European countries,but Asia ? No,they must let sales claims to Asian institutions.Indeed,how they could count Madonna’s sales in Asia while they can’t count Nana’s on Europe,which is inside their ability ? Funny! hahaha !
Mariah Carey is the most successful artist in whole Asia.
You listen to Madonna’s music and you said that you like Celine’s too.So,are you a man or a woman ? Men listen music as well as women.In Muslim countries,people listen to music not a lot but sometimes.Obviously,they listen no music from depraved and immoral women like Madonna that sell her music through her body.Madonna sells her music in western countries just thanks to her sexual image.No,they listen true-talented artists and vocalists like Mariah Carey,that they can appreciate the music even if they never saw her .cause this is the music and the quality of the vocal performances which amaze them,not superficiality from image nor sexual tricks .That’s why Mariah is the # 1 western artist in those countries ,thanks to her very extraordinary voice and her particular singing ability.
@ Moff : IFPI is partial and proved it many times.So the sh**s you wrote about it are useless.Anyway,Mariah’s music is much more pirated in Asia than Madonna’s in Europe.So if illegal sales would be counted,Mariah’s sales would surpass largely 2 times Madonna’s sales.
Oh Moff, you have again no proves,no true come : Erotica sold 6 million,the same than MTV Unplugged ? Erotica was a huge flop,while MTV is a very successful album ,that have sold over 5 million units the same year of its release ! Emotions 8 million ? Greatest Hits 3 million ? Glitter 3 million ? Charmbracelet 3 million ? Music Box 29 million? hahaha ! you decrease ALL Mariah’s sales !No,the list of “ Right “ ( Lucky luke ) is not right at all !
Moff - you are a shame !
1. Your Mariah’s list : Mariah Carey (1990):
Music Box 29 million
Daydream 25 million
Number Ones 17 million
Mariah Carey 16 million
Merry Christmas 14 million
Butterfly 14 million
Rainbow 10 million
Emotions 8 million
MTV Live 6 million
– 125 million albums to the year 2000. And you have the guts to add : “ ‘And of course to 2003, the list agrees with Chopard Diamond Award given to Mariah in 2003. “
Of course ? Really ? you claimed everywhere that Mariah’s Chopard Diamond Award in 2003 was given to Mariah for sales of 150 million albums. Your list shows 125 million till 2000. Mariah’s 3 releases before she won the Chopard Award in 2003 are Glitter,Charmbracelet and Greatest Hits.You put 3 million for each,giving a total of 9 million.So when the 125 million are added to the 9 million,you have 134 million albums sold to 2003,not 150 million ! What do you do with the 16 million albums sales remained ? CONTRADICTIONS IN YOUR LIST ! Hahaha ! !
@ Lucky Luke : You just post FAKE sales supported by partial and biased sources . You claim 29 million for Music box, 14 million for Merry Christmas,etc…!!! Your effort to decrease Mariah’s sales fails.
@ Moff : Nobody knows Madonna has sold 190-200 million albums !
Nobody MOFF!
1- You have no proves,just some unfair estimations ,subjectives and partials sources and links created by haters like you ( Moff and Lucky Luke ) ,like always ,and now I really think both are the same person by all means !…Lol ! Cause both claim 14 million for Butterfly and Merry Christmas,and both have the same opinions,same tastes,writing style,spelling style,etc…both call MTV Unplugged “ MTV Live “, both always agree together,and both share… much more !
2- You post HIGH Madonna sales ,and DECREASE ALL MARIAH sales ! with any proves ! Just saying that “right”/Lucky Luke’s list is right because you’re in love with him.
4- You have any right arguments nor proves and try to call every source which claims Madonna or Celine has higher sales than Mariah “ RIGHT AND RELEVANT “ .However,you call every sources or lists which claims Mariah has higher sales than Madonna and Celine “ BIASED AND IRRELEVANT”
5- You make a huuuuuuuuuge mistake saying that Mariah’s Chopard Diamond Award was irrelevant ! You surely mean Celine’s.Lambs are really proud about Mariah’s Chopard Diamond Award because Mariah won it not because another artist refused it,unlike Celine’s (according to Celine own fans).Mariah was really ahead of Madonna and Celine on worldwide sales (till today) when she won that Award.Since the 2000 year to right now,Mariah was,is and will always be the real best selling female artist of all times
You say that I am a shame for every fan of Madonna and Celine Dion,especially for Mariah Carey ! But at the contrary I am their pride cause unlike you who don’t bring any new infos in that debate,but just repeat what IFPI,Wikipedia,Guinness,etc…and other partial sources and links claims,I proved to everyone the partialities of Guinness World Records,IFPI,Wikipedia,etc… And show that links and lists are often created just for cheat on us to the real facts !
I think you’are a much bigger shame for everyone when you disguised yourself on objective music fan and lamb and integrate every websites,fan clubs,blogs,forums,etc…just to spy on true lambs,create biased links with decreasing sales for Mariah,create biased links with increased sales for Celine Dion and Madonna.Take part in every blogs and trying to make people swallow all your bulls **ts when you just give an impressive amount of biased links.But you just forget that not everyone are stupid !
The worse is that you accuse me for every tricks you use here ! You accuse me to decrease Madonna’s sales but it’s what you did for Mariah’s.You accuse me to increase Mariah’s sales ,but it’s exactly what you did for Madonna’s.So,you complain against yourself !
You said that I want to provoke but it’s exactly what you did when you put Music Box sales at 29 million ,Butterfly and Merry Christmas 14 million,Emotions 8 million,Glitter and Greatest hits at 3 million each ,etc… etc… You put these low sales deliberately as you know very well that these sales are very,very exaggerately decreased.
You said “I think we should ignore you” Hahaha! No matter about it,I’ll ignore you too.However,I’ll continue to post comments and I’ll answer to any post talking about sales and best selling female artists ! I should know what a hater you had been since long ago Moff,and you become worse since this creep bitch named Lucky Luke corrupt you and owns your mind !
Whatever you say or do,Mariah Carey stay the best selling female artist of all times ! Your “links” can change nothing on that !
1. @Lucky Luke : “Moff,I told you in the past “Momo”,MariahCareyFan”,etc… are the same person”.So now,You complain to your husband against me? Then what ? Moff will beat me up ? Moff has right on you,not on me.Slut ! Moreover,Moff and you are the same person by all means ! Same arguments,same contradictions,style and cliché words “links” “ proves”, “tours” etc…
Celine got the Diamond Award in 2004 for sales of
175m Albums while Celine’s 2000 year sales didn’t reach even 130 million worldwide.So Celine sold more than 45 million albums in just 4 years.Then Sony BMG announce 200 million album sold by Celine Dion since 2007 … Hahahha! More than foolish ! So Celine sold more than 70 million albums worldwide between 2000-2007 With just 1 album reaching 10 million sales worldwide for the whole 2000 decade ( A New Day Has Come) Hahaha! See How stupid you are when you come here and talk about these biased sources again ! Your sources lies because all of them just consider Japanese sales for Mariah whereas everyone knows Mariah’s sales in Asia are huuuuuuuge ! So,it’s normal that they put Celine and Madonna ahead of Mariah in their biased lists,it’s because Mariah’s best market sales is not counted.You can’t continue to talk about sales for Madonna and Celine in the whole Europe when you just ignore Mariah’s in Asia.It’s because you know that Mariah’s sales in Asia added with her sales in US and with rest of the world will surpass Madonna and Celine by huge difference,so you prefer to stay into your lies !
You’re right ,it’s more a hating show off that you do against Mariah than a descent debate.Otherwise,it’s more a loving show off that you do,but only between you and Moff !
Again: this is Mariah vs. Madonna, and everything which belongs to “Celine vs Mariah” you have to put there ..
To Tours:
I’ve read this post from another debate and I think about tours Mariah fans can’t deny it. Madonna is the greatest female entertainer of all times and for all who say Mariah’s tours are the most exciting, spectacular and best shows:
“I went to the Mariah Show in Miami. It was the most disappointing concert I have ever been to. She has no business trying to dance. She can sing but that is it!! I asked the ticket counter if the show was sold out and they said no. She didn’t even sell out the cheapest seats. It was a waste of money.”
We see Mariah cannot even sell out tours in the USA. And about her 18#s: Actually the Billboard Charts are based mainly on Airplay and that’s the reason why Mariah had so many number ones there.
In 2000 the World Music Awards named Carey the best-selling female artist of all time, and she has recorded the most U.S. number-one singles for a female artist. According to Billboard magazine, she was the most successful artist of the 1990s in the United States. In 1993, a series of subsequent hit records established her position as Columbia’s highest-selling act.
In 2000, she received the Best Selling Pop-Female Artist of the Millennium award for being the best selling female pop artist of all time. In 2003, she also became the first female artist to receive the Chopard Diamond World Music Award, for sales surpassing 150 million records. She has sold a total of eighty-five million records in the U.S. (sixty-four million albums and twenty-one million singles) and over 215 million records worldwide, (160 million albums plus 55 million singles)
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Real Facts:Sep 4th, 2006 - 02:23:11
You will not find 1 legit official source that actually tracks album sales to state Mariah Carey is the #1 selling female vocalist. Billboard states ‘Madonna is the most successful female vocalist of the entire rock era’
According to the Guinness Book of World Records Madonna is the Most Successful Female Recording Artist of All Time.
Just because you get an award for something does not mean its fact or you were first. If you look at the RIAA for the USA Mariah is both behind Madonna and Barbara Streisand. Awards shows not not track album sales in the 1st place.
Yes: “In 2000 the World Music Awards named Carey the best-selling female artist of all time, but they also stated that this award was offered to Madonna first-they stated Madonna’s rep never replied so the award went to another deserving artist.”
Madonna has sold around 200 million albums.
And she has sold over 100 million singles.
That means a summary of over 300 million records.
Mariah Carey has sold almost 170 million albums.
And she has sold at least 55 million singles.
Total of at least 220 million records (230).
Number one hits worldwide:
USA: 12; UK: 13; Canada: 24; France: 3; Germany: 4; Italy: 24; Japan: 21; Australia: 11; New Zealand: 5
so total: 117 #s
USA: 18; UK: 3; Canada: 7; France: 0; Germany: 1;
Italy: 1; Japan: 13; Australia: 2 ; New Zealand: 7
So total: 52#s
We needn’t talk about Top 10 Hits …
About top selling albums:
1. The Immaculate Collection - 30m
1. Music Box - 30m
3. Daydream - 25m
4. True Blue - 24m
5. Like a Virgin - 21m
6. 1#s - 17m
7. Ray Of Light - 16m
8. Mariah Carey - 17m
9. Merry Christmas - 14m
10. Like a Prayer - 13m
They are actually equal in high album sales, but Mariah has more albums between 10-20 million in sales (6) and Madonna has 3 albums with at least 20 million.
Overall Madonna has sold almost 30 million albums more than Mariah Carey.
But Mariah has sold more higher selling albums than Madonna in a shorter time.
But back again - since 1998 Madonna is selling much more than Mariah Carey (apart from TEOM) and tours much more successful.
Voice: Mariah is a better singer with a great and skillful voice.
Writing skills: Mariah is a great song writer with a sense for a good sounding single.
Entertainment: Madonna wins. She has higher grossing tours (although tickets are much more expensive) and even in Mariah’s HOME - USA - She can’t even sell out stadiums. Madonna wins.
I don’t wanna provoke Mariah fans but these are facts - undeniable facts.
Mariah had her prime time in the 90s, Madonna in the 80s and even in Europe in the 00s Madonna is having a bigger success then ever.
End of story.
01.I said Music Box sold 30m copies,not 29m.And This is
true.I said Celine sold 175m Albums by 2004 and I said
Her Label inflated her sales in 2007 by saying she sold
200m albums.Don’t you get shamed by changing my words
since anyone can read my previous comments ?
02.I don’t complain to Moff and I don’t need support to
make a point.”Moff and Lucky Luke are the same person”
This is so classic of you…Trying to turn
this all around against me because you have nothing new
to add ! Well…sorry but you have 3 different people
against you for the stupid lies you keep posting.I Was
the 1st to end the nicknames game cause it was ”nerve
cracking” for me.Now go on … enter here as your
”little sister” to insult us while writing ”Bravo”
to yourself!
03.Mariah is so far behind Celine and Madonna in total
record sales as everything proves it !
Madonna and Celine are the highest grossing female
artists ever and have the biggest amount of DVDs sold.
BUT I won’t keep up mentioning Celine’s sales by country
cause you just don’t believe what I say since you got
THE NERVE To call IFPI Partial.IFPI Was NEVER Proved
to be partial.Sorry… :)
can’t even respond to this. You just came back with
a fake list and insults ! God !
Well, I REPEAT AGAIN ! Tell what is to be trusted and
what is not to be trusted.
05.The only person that contradicts is YOU !!
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 1 —> Mariah sold 200m albums
coming from Asia (50m) , Us (64m) , Europe (26m) ,
Australia (4m) … -> 144m Albums !
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 2 —> Mariah sold 100m singles.
As we showed you Mariah sold 32m singles in Us !
Did she sell 68m singles to the rest of the world ?
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 3 —> Mariah sold 150m by 2000
and 170m by 2003 ! And Then you say Glitter ,
Charmbracelet and Greatest Hits sold 5m each AS OF 2011
(Not 2003) ! But EVEN IF they sold 5m till 2003 … WE
see she sold 15m albums and not 20m !!
ANYWAY…Your STUPID LIE contradicts with the
Fact that Mariah sold 130m albums by 2000 and 150m albums
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 4 —> TEOM sold 13m copies !
Or really ? Island Def Jam Announced sales
of 10m copies by the end of 2006 ! (Teom Had Already
Fell Off The Charts by mid 2006)
How did it sell over 13m like YOU say the following
years when it didn’t chart again ? ? ?
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 5 -> Celine sold 165m albums !
Oh really ? ? ? ? ? Too Bad EVERYTHING PUTS YOU TO
Celine sold AT LEAST 185m ALBUMS since her debut in
1981.Definitely more than Mariah’s 165-170m albums.
You sold Over 12m copies. Uhmm…Where are the
certifications ?
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 7 —> Mariah sold 50m albums
In Asia !! Well…where are the certifications ?
Where are the awards ? how much did she sell in each
country ? Do you know who certifies sales there ? NO
Do you know the certification levels ? NO Any local
award ? NO
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 8 —> Celine’s Diamond award is
irrelevant cause Madonna had sold more than her since
Well…this means Madonna’s album sales stood above
the 175m mark according to you…so NO DOUBT Madonna
sold 200m albums by 2011 !!
With 300m RECORDS sold , Mariah is the BEST Songwriter ,
the BEST Voice , The MOST Influencial , A GOOD DANCER
she is sexy , beautiful …..
Well…If she combined ALL of these assets she would
be able to fill stadiums. And don’t start saying
that touring is irrelevant to success and skills !
Cause actually touring is the RESULT Of success and
skills ! Having people attending your concerts means you
have a worldwide strong and stable fan base.
Even if Mariah is a bad entertainer ( Of course you said
she is a good entertainer since she can dance and be
sexy on stage) this doesn’t justify the fact that she
is unable to sellout , cause there is a huge amount
of artists out there that fill stadiums cause of
Why can’t Mariah sell out ? ANSWER : Cause her success
Mariah is indeed beautiful , a great song creator , a
rare/flexible/soft voice but she is not the best seller
And as we see…not only Mariah can’t tour in the
success level of Madonna and Celine but she
has like 8 FLOPPED Projects the past ELEVEN Years !
Where is the fan base of the best selling female
artist ? ? ?
Why doesn’t the industry award the best seller ever
and gives awards to Celine (Years 2004,2007,2008) ? ? ?
See how easy it is to become a victim of your own
contradictions ? Learn how to read carefully when we
post sth ! When I say That Celine sold over 200m albums
according to her label , doesn’t mean that I support
this point ! It is just the process of thought !
Two Questions for you…
01.What do you mean by saying ”detaled datas” ?
02.WHY Is IFPI , BILLBOARD , WMA , Mediatraffic
, Wikipedia Partial and Biased AGAINST Mariah ?
Why ? Why ? Why ? I don’t find a reason to hate her…
Is there a conspiracy ? ? ? xD
PS —> Erotica is considered a flop because it is a
highly controversial album , panned by critics that sold
almost 6m copies worldwide. It is considered a flop
because Madonna had sold over 25m with a Compilation
album the previous years and had many albums to
sell at least 15m copies. So the album was a
commercial disapointment for her. Still it sold 6m.
Mtv Unplugged is a successful project that sold 6m.
6m Is GOOD For a Live recording.Moreover you contradict
again by saying it sold 5m copies in 1992 and 10m copies
till 2011. WHERE Did it find the rest 5m copies since
it never charted again ? Lmao ! The album is 3P In Us
and achieved moderate success worldwide.
LOL AT THIS —> ”However,you call every sources or lists which claims Mariah has higher sales than Madonna and Celine “ BIASED AND IRRELEVANT””
”Every sources or lists” ? ? ? ARE YOU SERIOUS ?
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
The Answer is Simple : There are no such lists and
sources so we don’t even have to say wearas they are
irrelevant or not .
Just check the the Guinness Book of World Records.. It will tell U Xactly who the biggest selling femal artist is . . . this discussion is so pointless really
”Read the Popdirt blogs: The 10 best selling female artists of all times, The Top Selling Female Artist Of All Times Madonna Or Mariah Carey, Mariah Female Artist Of All Times,etc… So yes,Mariah is in all RIGHT lists of top 10 best selling artists.She’s even ahead Celine on these lists ! See ? This is a shame for you to ignore that ! ”
My Comment —>
According to TRISH, (a self-proclaimed ”Good and Smart
Debatur”) we should base our opinion on popdirt debate
lists and NOT on data coming from RIAA , IFPI ,
World Music Awards , Mediatraffic , BILLBOARD
Etc Etc Etc that All COMBINED declare Celine as the best
seller ABOVE Mariah !!
Well…now we should all LAUGH together !
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!
I just saw your comment on Simon Cowell. A Girl that
gave the title ”musical and vocal expert” to Simon
Cowell , a music excecutive , calls me an ignorant ?
Wow…can you look more silly ? Give it another try.
Yes he is not an expert.
Moreover , you said Barbra Streisand is not an expert…
So she would never be put as a judge at a talent
show,right ?
Do you forget that David Husselhoff has been judging
many singers that attend the Auditions at American
Got Talent ? According to the dumb way you think , he is
a music expert since he is placed there.
Also , Jeniffer Lopez will be a judge at American Idol !
Tell me that she is a vocal and musical expert , while
Barbra Streisand and Bocelli are NOT , so I can
officially give you the title of the most annoying troll
ever !
Being a judge is one thing…Having music knowledge
and pedagogy is another…Now move on !
Celine also doesn’t need anyone to boost her popularity
as an excellent vocalist. Let’s just consider ourselves
lucky she sang amazing duet with Pavaorotti , Streisand ,
Bee Gees , Bocelli and didn’t drop her level singing
half-naked next to Nicki Minaj , Snoop Dog and Jay-Z !
Now…You can laugh along with me ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
If There’s one artist that tours for money,that would
easily be Mariah ! Yes , you got it right ! Mariah !
She only tours after flops. Through the 90’s she enjoyed
all this success and she was lazy touring , but after
Glitter and Charmbracelet Flopped , she had to do her
FIRST SERIOUS LONG tour around the globe to re-gain
the lost ground ! Moreover , in case you don’t know ,
Mariah is getting ready for another world tour in 2012
probably ! She announced it a month ago via her Twitter
and asked her fans to suggest set lists. Of course
she does the same again…After so many flop albums
and commercial disapointments in A ROW (E=MC2 , Memoirs
, Ballads , Merry Xmas) she obviously felt the need to
tour again…cause she is losing her fan base and
therefore…loses money ! This is not bad at all !
I find it a great idea to do so and I don’t have a
problem with singers touring for money…but it is
time for you to at last show some respect and cut
the crap…cause you talk crap when you say Madonna and
Celine ”tour for money” since history shows that
only Mariah uses touring when things get tough…
@ Lucky Luke, Moff, Shutup,other Celine’s fans;
Please,tell me how many albums Celine and Mariah had sell since their respective debuts till 2000 year,with detailed datas ? Tell me how many these both women had sold till 2003,then till 2004,then till 2006? Please answer to me.I ask these questions to any Celine’s fan.
Bye !
you want it, you get it:
Celine Dion:
First French Albums 2 million
Unison 3 million
Dion chante plamondon 2 million
Celine Dion 6 million
The Colour Of My Love 19 million
À L’ Olympia 2 million
D’ eux 8 million
Falling Into You 32 million
Live À Paris 3 million
Let’s Talk About Love 31 million
S’il Suffisait D’aimer 3 million
These Are Special Times 12 million
Au Couer Du Stade 2 million
All The Way … A Decade Of Song 22 million
To 2000: 147 million
The Collectors Series Volume One 3 million
A New Day Has Come 12 million
To 2003: 162 million
One Heart 6 million
1 Fille et 4 Types 2 million
A New Day … Live In Las Vegas 1,2 million
Miracle 2,6 million
To 2004: 173, 8 million
DIAMOND AWARD FOR 175 million album sales
Canada On Ne Change Pas 1,2 million
D’ elles 1 million
Taking Chances 3,5 million
My Love: Essential Collection 2 million
Taking Chances World Tour 0,4 million
+ Other albums 3 million (Live albums etc.)
+ DVDs 5 million
To 2011: 185m (+ DVD sales 5m)
Mariah Carey:
Mariah Carey 16 million
Emotions 9 million
Music Box 29 million
MTV Live 6 million
Merry Christmas 14 million
Daydream 25 million
Butterfly 14 million
Number Ones 17 million
Rainbow 10 million
To 2000: 140 million
Glitter 3 million
Charmbracelet 3 million
Greatest Hits 3 million
Remixes 1 million
To 2003: 150 million
DIAMOND AWARD FOR 150m album sales !!
The Emancipation of Mimi 11 million
To 2006: 161 million
E=MC2 2,9 million
Memoirs of an imp.. 1 million
The Ballads 0,5 million
Merry Christmas2u 0,5 million
To 2011: 165, 9 m
We see Celine outsold Mariah to 2011
I also did it for Madonna because .. Celine belongs to the other debate ..
so Madonna:
Madonna 9,5 million
Like a Virgin 21 million
True Blue 23,5 million
You can dance 5 million
Who’s that girl 5 million
Like a prayer 13 million
The Immaculate Collection 30 million
I’m Breathless 7 million
Erotica 6 million
Bedtime Stories 8 million
Something to remember 8,5 million
Evita 6,5 million
Ray Of Light 16 million
To year 2000: 159 million
Music 11 million
GHV2 6 million
American Life 4 million
To 2003: 180 million
Remixed and Revisited 1 million
To 2004: 181 million
Confessions on a dance floor 11 million
I’m going to tell you a secret 0,8 million
To 2006: 192, 8 million
The Confessions Tour 1 million
Hard Candy 3,8 million
Celebration 2,1 million
Sticky and Sweet Tour 0,7 million
+ Sales of DVDs 5 million
To 2010: 200,4 million (+DVD sales of 5m)
Madonna is the greatest selling female artist.
The sources agree with the list (took from “right” and little bit changed) and 200 million album sales for Madonna are also proved by Guinness. The list also shows it. The 2 Diamond awards given to Mariah and Celine also show that the list is pretty accurate.
See ?
Sorry, American Life was released in April 2003. So you add it to 2004
First of all,you are not in position to demand any
answers from us since 01.You still haven’t given a
definition to ”detailed data” , 02.You never gave
proof for the theories you support used to say
that Celine and Mariah were neck by neck (This is the
exact phrase you used) in total record sales and now you
come back saying Celine sold 200m records and Mariah
300m records. This is pure CONTRADICTION. And of course
with 0 knowledge on Mariah’s Asian sales/certifications
DESPITE all these I am going to reply based on what YOU
said on comment 307 !
So Here You Are :
01.Mariah Carey 16m (Us 9P , Eur 1P)
02.Emotions 09m (Us 4P , Eur 1P)
03.Mtv Live 06m (Us 3P , Eur 1P)
04.Music Box 30m (Us 10P , Eur 7P)
05.Merry Xmas 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 2.5m)
06.Daydream 25m (Us 10P , Eur 3P)
07.Butterfly 14m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 1M)
08.Number 1s 17m (Us 5P , Eur 1P , Japan 3M)
09.Rainbow 10m (Us 3P , Eur 1P , Japan 1M)
10.Glitter 3m (Us 1P , Eur – )
11.Charmbracelet 3m (Us 1P – Eur -)
12.Greatest Hits 3m (Us 1P – Eur -)
150m Albums For Mariah 2003 —> Diamond Chopard Award
13.Remixies 1m (250k in Us)
14.TEOM 11m (Us 6P – Europe 1P)
15.E=MC2 2.5m (Us 1P – Europe – )
16.Ballads 500k worldwide
17.Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel 1m ( Us – Gold)
18.Merry Xmas 2 U 400k (Almost 300k In Us)
167m Albums In Total !!
01.80s Albums & French Compilations From her 80s discography In 90s and 00s -> 3m
02.Unison 3m (Us P , 700k In Canada)
03.Dion Chante Plamondon 2m (700k In France , 2P Canada)
04.Celine Dion 6m (Us 3P , 1m In Canada)
05.The Colour Of My Love 18m (Us 6P , Eur 4P , Japan M)
06.A L’Olympia 1.5m (Eur P)
07.D’Eux 10m (Europe 8P , Canada 800k , 250k In Us According to Nielsen Soundscan)
08.Falling Into You 32m (Us 11P , Eur 9P , Japan M)
09.Live A Paris 3m (Eur 2P)
10.Lets Talk About Love 32m (Us 10P , Eur 10P , Japan M)
11.S’Il Suffisait D’Aimer 4m (2P Europe , 5P Canada)
12.These Are Special Times 12m (Us 5P , Eur 1P ,Canada D)
13.Au Coeur Du Stade 1.5m (Almost 1m In Europe)
14.All The Way 23m (Us 9m -UPDATED – , Eur 5m , Japan 2M , Canada Diamond)
15.Collectors Series 3m (Us 1m – UPDATED )
16.A New Day Has Come 11m (Us 3P , Eur 3P , Canada 6P)
17.One Heart 6m (Us 2P , Eur 1P)
18.1 Fille Et 4 Types 2m (800k In France)
19.A New Day…Live In Las Vegas 2m (Us Gold)
175M Albums For Celine By 2004 -> Diamond Award
21.Miracle 3m (Us Platinum – Eur – …like Mariah’s gliter etc)
22.On Ne Change Pas 2m (700k France / Best Selling French Compilation of 2005)
23.D’Elles 1m (France 1P , Canada 2P)
24.Taking Chances 4m (Us 1P , Eur 1P , Aus 1P , Can 4P)
25.My Love 2m (Canada 2P , UK 500k , Us 400k / Best Selling Compilation of 2008)
—> AT LEAST 187m Albums For Celine.
01.Madonna 9m
02.Like A Virgin 20m
03.True Blue 22m
04.Who’s That Girl 4m
05.You Can Dance 4m
06.Like A Prayer 13m
07.Breathless 6m
08.The Immaculate Collection 30m
09.Erotica 6m
10.Bedtime Stories 8m
11.Something To Remember 8m
12.Evita 6m
13.Ray Of Light 16m
14.Music 11m
15.GHV2 6m
16.American Life 4m
17.Remixed And Revisited 1m
(Little Bit Behind Celine Dion In Album Sales by 2004)
18.Confessions On A Dance Floor 11m
(Madonna gets the top spot again)
19.The Confessions Tour 1m
20.I’m Going To Tell You A Little Secret 1m
21.Hard Candy 4m
22.Celebration 2.5m
194m Albums For Madonna -> Female Artist with
Highest Amount of sales ! So simple.
Mariah deserved her 2000 award over Celine because Mariah
had sold more albums during the 90’s , since she
suprasses Celine in total album sales from 1990 - 1998 !
Celine’s main success came at late 90’s so the album
sales of these albums were only counted in early 00’s !
For instance the sales of ”Let’s Talk About Love”
In Europe were only counted/known by 2003 !!!
Mariah’s success came in early 90’s so her album
sales were really clear by 2000 !
I Remind You That Chopard Diamond Awards (They Award
ALBUM , Not Single sales) Recognised
Officially Celine Dion As The Best Selling Female Artist
Of All Time In 2004,AFTER Mariah Obviously Replacing Her.
Actually they announced sales of 150m For MC and 175m
For Celine,so nobody can challenge that.
Here Is Extra Proof For what I Claim
Something more…Guiness Book Of Records NEVER Claimed
more sales for Madonna…maybe some of her stans said so.
Don’t trust stans and by the way don’t ask questions
on sales to every Celine fan cause you will get surprised
by what some Celiniacs claim ! For example they base
Celine’s sales on her label’s 2007 announcement of
200m albums and therefore claim Celine sold over
210m albums by 2011 and over 70m singles , being the
best seller ! They are out of control ! Some of them
actually count additionally her contribution to projects
and soundtracks and easily say she sold over 350m
records -.- !! These figures of course can’t be proved
, just like the ones you keep posting about Mariah and
sales of 300m records , which is a huge lie !
I Mentioned World Music Awards because TRISH said
In POST 307 That World Music Awards are RELIABLE.
SHE WROTE : ”et me tell you that American institutions like RIAA and World Music Award are light yeeeeeeeeeeeeears more straight and reliable than Europpean institutions like IFPI and Mediatrafic.”
So…Thank You Trish ! You are an inspiration :-)
By Lucky Luke
* Correction -> 600k For Merry Xmas To You , It Is Gold
In Us (500k) ! And Probably E=MC2 Reaches the 3m mark.
No big deal anyway…
Madonna is definitely ahead ! Almost 200m Albums
and 100m Singles , Highest Grossing Female Artist Ever
and 7-8m Dvds Sold. Celine is behind her…At Least
185m Albums sold , 50m singles , 5.5m Dvds , Grossed
over 680m From Vegas and TC Tour This Decade. Her New
Vegas Show currently marks as the fastest selling
show in the history of Ceasar Palace.
Facts can’t be challenged by theories.
@ Moff : Hahahaha! ! So according to you,Celine is the best selling female artist in 2000 decade unlike what every musical institutions and medias always admit ! So funny ! Hahhaha! Celine outsold Mariah in 2000 year what a good joke!
@Moff: About voice and singing skills I think Celine fans and Madonna’s can’t deny the fact that Mariah Carey is the greatest voice of all times and the greatest singer of all times !
About Tours,I always admitted Madonna and Celine are more successful on tours than Mariah. Mariah is before all an amazing singer and an exceptional vocalist.Mariah also treasures her unique voice since her debut,that’s why tours aren’t the most important things in her career,but rather her songs and her singing skills.Mariah sells albums thanks to her incredible voice without promoting them by endless tours,unlike Celine and Madonna.Celine sells albums thanks to her endless tours which damaged her voice more and more .We see Celine cannot even got any Hits in the USA ,nor in any other major chart (Eurochart, Billboard, Worldwide Chart ) for these last 12 years,including the whole 2000 decade ( although the Harris poll claimed Celine as the favorite artist of Americans for 2000’s).Celine cannot have Hits not only in US,but also in Europe,her best market,nor in Worldwide Chart, although she sell out all her ticket concerts.We see clearly that tours are not relevant for music sales,but only for entertainment on stage.Hahaha!
About Madonna,her number 1 hits are irrelevant for sales as even her fans said so.They admitted that Madonna equals Celine Dion on albums sales worldwide although Madonna is the queen of number 1 Hits whereas Celine is the less successful artist on number 1 Hits. Unlike these both women,Mariah’s 18 number 1 hits are relevant for her albums sales and her singles sales .That’s why Billboard credited Mariah as the female artist having the most certified platinum singles ever . So Moff,you see that unlike what you said,Mariah’s # 1 hits in USA are not due only to frequent radio airplays,since Mariah got the most certified Platinum singles there .Moff said: “In 2003, she also became the first female artist to receive the Chopard Diamond World Music Award, for sales surpassing 150 million records” .Moff,Before you said 150 million album in 2003 by Mariah,but now you said 150 million records ? Hahaha! Funny Moff,that’s mean that Madonna’s total records in 2003 was about 110 – 120 million and Celine’s total records in 2003 was about 80 – 90 million.Let’s say 100 million.See? By all means,Mariah was always ahead of both ! Hahahaha!
Madonna has NEVER, EVER nominated for the Millennium Award that Mimi won.She just got Guinness biased citations and IFPI foolish estimations ! Madonna was already far behind Mariah on albums sales since the 2000 year !
Moff,don’t forget Guinness also said since 2003 that Madonna’s albums sales reached more than 300 million worldwide.I’m sure that 10 years later,around 2021 ,the truth will be remain and Guinness will give the true Madonna’s sales by decreasing Madonna’s fake 200 million albums sales at 140 – 150 million worldwide,just Like it did by removing the fake 300 million albums in 2003 to the 200 million ones for 2011.
Mariah Carey has sold around 200 million albums and more than 100 million singles ! For a Total surpassing 300 million records sold worldwide.
Madonna has sold around 165 – 170 million albums and over 60 million singles,with a total of 225- 230 million records.
About top selling albums:
1. Music Box – 32m
2. Daydream - 26m
3. The Immaculate Collection – 26m
4. # 1’S - 19 m
5. True Blue - 20m
6. Mariah Carey - 19m
7. Like a Virgin – 18m
8. Merry Christmas – 17 m
9. Butterfly – 17 m
10. Ray Of Light – 16 m
Mariah is ahead with a respectable difference,we recognize that Madonna release more albums than Mariah.But overall, Mariah Carey has sold approximately 20- 30 million albums over Madonna.
Singing ability : Mariah kills Madonna .
Dance: Madonna is a better dancer with some impressive moves and amazing choregraphies.
Entertainment: Madonna is a great entertainer,she give good shows on stage.
Voice: Mariah is the greatest female vocalist of all times and the greatest singer of all times !
Writing Skills: Mariah Carey is in the same league than Paul McCartney and John Lennon for the most number 1 songs penned by songwriters overall.She’s ahead famous songwriters like David Foster,Walter Afanasieff,Babyface,etc….Mariah is ahead the greatest and most famous female songwriters Carole King,Diane Warren,etc… They are ranked behind Mariah on amount of # 1 hit songs written.So,Mariah Carey is a HUGE songwriter ,no question !
Influence: Mariah wins,Mariah Carey influences more artists than Madonna wether they are Europeans,Americans or Asians.
Legacy: Mariah wins,Mariah bring innumerable contributions on music.She change Pop music and is the pioneer of many new things on today’s music.
I don’t provoke anyone,these are undeniable facts ! Sorry Moff,but Mimi is the real best selling female artist of all times !
@Lucky Luke: Music Box doesn’t sold 29 m copies,nor 30 m but 32 million copies worldwide ! Hahaha! Dear Lucky, I don’t just call IFPI partial,I proved it !
You said: “ I Told You TO SET THE BASE FOR THIS DEBATE And you
can’t even respond to this” Just read the post # 320 and you’ll see that I’ve already answer to you on this point. You just ignore my response.
Hahaha! About contradictions,you and your alter ego Moff are the deserving champions Lucky ! Not just me Hahaha! Let’s see:
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 1 —> Madonna sold 200m albums
coming from Asia (15m) , Us (64,5m) , Europe (74m) ,
Australia (6m) … -> 154m Albums !
2. CONTRADICTION NUMBER 2 —> Celine sold 190 - 200m albums
coming from Asia (13m) , Us (50m) , Europe (54m) ,Canada (15)
Australia (4m) … -> 136m Albums !
Hahaha! It seems like your “links” doesn’t give every important details.Hahahaha!
1. CONTRADICTION NUMBER 3 —> Madonna sold 100m singles.
At least,It’s proved that Mariah sold over 32 m certified Singles in US alone. Madonna even didn’t sold 25m singles in US nor in Europe ! Where do Madonna is credited as the female artist with the most certified platinum singles ? You can’t even give her singles Platinum certifications on Eurochart. How she could ever sold 100 million singles worldwide?
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 4 —> You always say that Mariah’s 18 number 1 Hits in Billboard Hot 100 are due to Radio Airplay although you know that she’s the best female single seller in US.Madonna got 18 Number 1 in Worldwide Chart + 15 number 1 Hits in Eurochart + 12 Number 1 Hits in Billboard Chart without selling even 25 million singles in any of those Charts ? Hahahaha!
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 5 —- You always try to show that Madonna sold most records than Mariah based on her impressive amount of number 1 Hits worldwide,whereas you say Celine doesn’t need to have number 1 Hits in any Chart worldwide to sell albums Hahahaha ! According to you,Madonna’s numerous number 1 Hits worldwide are impressive and relevant only face to Mariah’s,but not face to Celine’s.No matter if Celine doesn’t have Hits worldwide,she stay as great as Madonna ,but about Mariah,the inferiority of her amount of # 1 hits beside Madonna’s make her small next to Madonna .You decide what makes an artist great and when ,but in accordance with an essential criterion : your personal preference ( you love Celine & Madonna and you hate Mariah ) ! Hahahahaha!
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 6 —- You say Madonna sold 40 – 45 million singles over Mariah although Mariah got much more singles which sold over 3 million and over 5 million than Madonna worldwide.Whereas you said Mariah sold just 5 – 10 million singles over Celine Dion worldwide although Celine got just 1 single selling over 4 million worldwide.Celine doesn’t have a single sold million worldwide since the 1990 decade.Since the 1990’s ,Mariah’s singles sales already surpassed Celine’s by very far !You hate Mariah so much,that you never notice it and you got the nerve to say Mariah outsold Celine by just 5 – 10 million singles. Hahahaha!
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 7 —- You say Celine sold more albums than Mariah since institutions awarded her for that,and she’s called the best selling female artist of all times by every great musical the same time you recognize that Madonna sold more albums and more singles than Celine according to Guiness.According to you,Celine is the best selling female artist for Mariah and other female singers ,but not include Madonna as you love Madonna like you love Celine.Hahhahahaha!
You said that Celine is named the best selling female artist of all times,at the same time ,you also said that she’s the best selling female artist of THE PAST 20 YEARS ! You create a criterion for Celine’s best-selling title,adding “ for the past 20 years” or “ since the 1990’s “ just to avoid striking on the best-selling title of your other idol Madonna !
In facts,Celine is not the best selling female artist of the past 20 years ! Mariah Carey is the best selling artist OVERALL of the 1990 decade,Britney Spears is the best selling FEMALE artist of the 2000 decade ! And you admitted that Celine’s total album sold were behind Madonna’s in the 2000 decade .How Celine could be the best selling female artist of the past 20 years ?
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 9 —- You said formerly lambs can’t say Mariah has a better voice than Celine because voice is a subjective question.However,you cited Barbra Streisand,Michael Bolton,II Divo,Andrea Bocelli ,Luciano Pavarotti as the greatest voices of the world .
You admitted Mariah is the best selling artist in 2000 year (Millenium Award) till 2003 Year (Chopard Diamond Award) for sales of 150 million albums ,but in 2004 Celine’s albums surpass Mariah’s suddenly by 25 million albums sold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then 2004 – 2011 Celine’s albums reach suddenly 190 – 200 million worldwide ,while Mariah’s stand at 160 – 170 million in 2011 .Hahahahahaha! Celine’s album sales grows spectacularly within 3 years,or 2 years,or even 1 year ! while Mariah’s stand relatively at the same number within 3 years,or 5 years or more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 11 —- You Challenge the 13 m sales of TEOM worldwide and try to put 11 million sales for it while you claim A New Day… sold 11- 12 million although A New Day sold 3 million in US + 3 million in Europe = 6 million whereas TEOM sold over 6 million in US + 1 million in Europe = 7 million.And TEOM outsold ANDHC in all the rest of the world .Did A New Day charted after 2002 ??? It’s so silly !
About All I Want For Christmas Is You,it sold over 12 million copies worldwide !It sold over 2 million in Japan and is ranked the best selling single there .And yes, Mimi sold over 50 million albums the very low in whole Asia !
CONTRADICTION NUMBER 12 —— Celine’s Diamond Award is irrelevant
1- Because you admit it yourself that she received it because Madonna refused it !
2- Because in 2003, Celine sales didn’t even reach 150 million albums yet worldwide !
With 300m RECORDS sold ( refute it if you can) , Mariah is the BEST female Songwriter (Fact ),
the BEST Voice ever ( by far : undeniable fact) ! The best singer ever ! ( undeniable ) ,The MOST Influencial female artist ever (Fact) , A GOOD DANCER ( you said the same for Celine.Anyway,Celine is not better ) she is sexy (fact ) , beautiful (fact ) …..
Yes, she combined ALL of these assets very well as all the proves can show it ! This is not by Mariah’s fault if Celine doesn’t combine these assets,if she’s just able to impress people by her pull faces and her straight and predictable nasal belts on stage !
Mariah doesn’t care about fill stadiums,her fans doesn’t care about it ! We are worried about Mariah’s EXTRAORDINARY VOICE and SINGING SKILLS !!! We need her incredible and unique songs which are able to climb Charts,unlike Celine’s !
Of course, touring is irrelevant to success and skills ! Otherwise,Celine would have many number 1 Hits in Billboard,in Eurochart and in Worldwide Chart during these 12 last years,while she still able to fill every stadiums ! She would also have the best-selling albums of the 2000 decade ! If Celine’s voice was so particular ,Celine would have a vocal citation on Guinness World Record ! She could also beat a vocal record ! All these people who buy Celine’s concert Tickets would vote her as the best female voice ever ! But instead,they voted Mariah as the ultimate voice ! Hahahaha! Tours are not relevant to success honey !Nor to the better vocalist !Cher and Tina Turner are among the most successful female artists on stage,but they are not among even the average female vocalists ! Madonna got huge successes in concerts ,but she’s not a vocalist ! Tours refers to entertainment,not to vocal performances.Otherwise,Madonna wouldn’t be the highest grossing touring artist since she’s not even among the average vocalists.
Celine’s 175 million albums sold in 2004 is a pure myth,you know that damn well ! Celine’s global albums sales since 1981 to 2011 is about 161m – 165 million the most ! Let’s say 168 million.So,we see that Celine is far behind Mariah.No doubt,Mimi is the best selling female artist of all times !
Glitter,Charmbracelet,E=MC2, etc… are considered as flops because Mariah had sold over 32 million with an album and had many albums to sell at least 17 million copies.However,Glitter is not really a flop ,cause it was released the day of the terrorist attacks against the World trade Center . Glitter included the best selling single of 2001,so its sales looked promising The whole world,particulary America payed attention to the tragedy,and the album was completely forgotten. Charmbracelet is not a flop cause it was released in a no commercial purpose.It was dedicated to Mariah’s relatives and close friends.In the other hand,Unison sold 1 million worldwide till 1991 and Celine Dion 2 million in 1992.Till 2000,Unison has sold 2,5 million worldwide and Celine Dion 3 million.They deserve to be called flop much more than Mariah’s Glitter and Charmbracelet cause :
1-They was released in the most successful era .
2-They has strike any hitch which could annoyed their sales .
3-They are Pop albums,the most successful musical genre ( especially beside R&B /Hip Hop genre )
PS : Where did Unison and Celine Dion find the rest many million sales which are added to their 2000 respective number since they never charted again ? This rule is valid not only for Mariah’s albums sales ,like MTV Unplugged EP,Emotions,etc…
The lists/ sources that lambs brought and that you refuted :
-NRJ 100 best selling albums of all times
-Reference for sales and chart achievements of Mariah Carey .
-Citations from Mariah Carey ( about Butterfly’s sales )
-some other indiect sources
As you claimed to Carla who gave a list of 10 best selling artist of all times,that her list is not right because Mariah is ranked ahead of Celine.In the same way,I think this list is fan made because Madonna is ranked ahead of Mariah.You understand dear lucky? So,it’s useless to talk about links and lists as the only one giving by a lamb is challenging by you although Madonna is ranked first female artist.
@ Lucky Luke
Yes,Simon Cowell can be considered as an expert beside the artists you mentioned.Saying that he could be in the same level than J-Lo and David Hasselholff on musical knowledge show how much you are stupid.You’re not just silly,but also delusional and pathetic ! Simon Cowell is in a position to make good statements about vocal abilities of artists !
Unlike Mariah,Celine need to sing with “great vocalists” to boost her voice popularity
Well, Mariah doesn’t just sing with rappers.She already sing with the biggest vocalists in this world.Whitney Houston,Luciano Pavarotti,Luther Vandross,Boyz II Men,etc… .Mariah is not border on Pop music unlike Celine.However Mariah’s R&B music is very good.Like you I don’t like R&B music,I listen only Mariah’s R&B songs that are the best R&B songs I ever known ever !I also like Destiny’s Child greatest hits,as R&B songs.I would like Mariah sing with Pop singers like Celine do.Her collaborations with pop singers are very amazing and very impressive proved by their unique quality and their huge impact on Charts,plus their worldwide popularity !
Celine doesn’t got any Hit during these last 12 years because people are tired to listen her belts Cause they use to listen them since so long ago.She doesn’t have as much as Mariah to offer vocally.They support her on stage thanks to her great sense of humour and her capability to amuse the audience . She know what the public wants on stage and give it to them .Mariah stay the voice ! The greatest female artist of all times !
I agree.
But I’ve got one simple question:
(at all debaters here)
Where are links for the prove that Madonna had sold 380 million album/single according to the Guinness Book of World Records ?
She surely hasn’t reached that number yet but I read it so often but actually I have never seen an official link.
Help ?
You are really stupid and you didn’t ever read my reply.
I don’t say Celine sold 200m albums but 185m albums.
Are you unable to read now ?
Shall I Repeat it again ? ? ? Not 200m BUT OVER 185m !
I Also explained why Mariah got her 2000 and 2003
awards and you choose to ignore the truth.
01.Mariah deserved her 2000 award over Celine because
Mariah had sold more albums during the 90’s.
Celine’s main success came at late 90’s so the album
sales of these albums were only counted in early 00’s !
For instance the sales of ”Let’s Talk About Love”
In Europe were only counted/known by 2003 !!!
Mariah’s success came in early 90’s so her album
sales were really clear by 2000 !
I Remind You That Chopard Diamond Awards (They Award
ALBUM , Not Single sales) Recognised
Officially Celine Dion As The Best Selling Female Artist
Of All Time In 2004,AFTER Mariah Obviously Replacing Her.
Actually they announced sales of 150m For MC and 175m
For Celine,so nobody can challenge that.
Here Is Extra Proof For what I Claim
02.Guiness Book Of Records NEVER Claimed
more sales for Madonna…This is what her stans probably
say !
03.IFPI Partial ? Even if it partial does it change much
? ? ? Since Billboard and RIAA also prove Madonna sold
more than Mariah in Us…
04.CONTRADICTION -> You say World Music Awards are
reliable and then you say Celine’s award is irrelevant ?
Bitter much little troll ? Lmao ! You can’t have it
both ways…sorry..!
05.I Explained why Celine REALLY Deserved her 2004 award
(which awards ALBUM sales , not record sales since it
doesn’t include Dvd sales etc) , even over Madonna
cause Celine was slightly ahead of Madonna in 2004 ,
and Madonna got the top spot again After COADF ! Plus
Madonna outsold Celine in record sales the years
2008 - 2010 again..! So their difference of album
sales now is close to 10m.
01.You say Mariah sold 50m albums in Asia and 300m
records worldwide and you ask me to dispute it !
Oh Really ? Well…sorry but the burden of proving
what you claim falls on YOUR side ! AFTER you prove it
, I will try to dispute it ! This is how a debate goes.
You can’t just post here what comes to your mind !
It is funny that you said that Mariah’s sales are neck
by neck with Celine’s and now you come here to say
Mariah suprasses Celine for 35m albums and 65m singles !
This is the definition of CONTRADICTION.
Madonna sold 65m Albums in Us , 70m in Europe , 30m
Asia , 5m Oceania , 9m (At least) Canada , over 10m
In N.America and over 5m In Africa.There You go.
Mariah sold 65m Us , 25m Europe , 50m Asia (Ha Ha Ha) ,
5m Oceania , 5m Canada … 150m Albums !
Does she reach 50m in album sales from Africa and
N.America ? Ha ha ha ha ! What a CONTRADICTION !
Now go on ! PROVE Mariah’s albums sales of 200m BY
COUNTRY IF YOU DARE ! Moreover…Madonna sold more
singles than Mariah , even in Us as data from Billboard
Madonna has 38 top 10 Hits at Billboard and sold 40m
singles in Us alone , while Mariah sold 32m singles
Morever Madonna has much more worldwide hits and much
more European hits. So yes ! Madonna SUPRASSED Mariah
in single sales.
07.Of course Celine is the best selling artist (not just
female) since the begin of the Nielsen Soundscan era !
Of course she is ! Celine and only Celine !
08.How come you claim Butterfly sold 17m copies ?
You say 5m from Us , 6m Asia , 300k Canada , 1m Europe ,
150k Austalia —> 12.5m ! Where does Butterfly
find the rest 5.5m ? Ha ha ha !
09.I mentioned J Lo and Hasselhof to show you
that randon people are put to judge artists ! Same
goes for Simon Cowell ! He has 0 music knowledge so
all your arguments on this fail. Mariah could be a
better judge cause she has music pedagogy and knows
exactly to describe the flaws of a voice.
Moreover…don’t start talking about duets,really :-)
The whole ”skills thing” is over cause we talked on
this in huge posts at the other debate.
10.On tours…ok…you suprassed yourself in this !
Mariah doesn’t sell out cause she is an average seller
(In 00s), a bad performer and don’t even her fans care
to attend her concerts ! If you (Lambs) cared about her
voice you would buy more albums of her ;-) !! How come
Mariah fills 70-80% average of her stadiums and her
latest albums barely reached gold or platinum in Us ?
(Her strongest market)
Can’t you see Mariah’s success is limited nowadays ?
HER BEAUTIFUL VOICE” and you say most lambs think
like this… Yes…a really truthful fact ! Ha ha ha !
11.Unison and Celine Dion sold low indeed but this was
before Celine Dion became The CELINE DION she is today.
On the other hand Mariah’s flops came after she was
Awarded the best seller of the 90s…What a Pitty,right
? !!
Moreover ALL Mariah’s albums are high budget and
followed by much promotion , unlike Celine’s low
budget albums -> One Heart , Miracle , On Ne Change Pas
that sold steadily despite lack of promo ! (she was
busy doing Vegas) ! One heart was the 10th best seller
of 2003 , Miracle is credited by Billboard as one of
the best selling kids albums in History and On Ne
Change Pas became the best selling French compilation
of 2005 ! This is what I call S U C C E S S..!
All this while Celine was grossing 400.000.000 from
her shows. Lmao !
12.Loverboy the best seller of 2001 ? Girl…you are
sleeping ! Moreover you still didn’t prove AIFCIY sales.
13.What do you mean by saying detailed datas again ?
It seems to me this is a phrase you love to repeat and
you are unable to give a decent definition to it.
14.You said that Mediatraffic is biased because it
doesn’t count Mariah’s Asian Sales. We see it puts
Music Box in place 33 ! If you are correct that means
that it is placed at number 33 because it sold
10m Us , 7m Europe , 700k Canada , 1.4m Australia
… Almost 20m copies…(Asian sales not counted
like you said.) … So why didn’t they put Music Box
at place 90 or 93 for instanc ? :-D
See how your comment lack intelligence and real
knowledge ?
15.CONTRADICTION -> You say WMA Are to be trusted and
then you say Mariah sold 170m albums by 2003 ! That means
WMA Are NOT to be trusted cause they announced sales
of 150m for Mimi. Ouch !
16.You come here babbling sales like a 15 year old
and you are still unable to prove anything ! Sorry
but your stupid theories will never challenge real
Trish: this list shows it all. You ask where Madonna got 200m albums sold? Here it comes:
65m USA, 9m Canada, 70m Europe, 5m Oceania (because at least 4m in Australia), 5m in Africa and we didn’t count sales in Asia, Mexico and whole South Africa!
Records? Trish, READ: this list shows ALBUM Sales and not record sales! Mariah has sold more records and MORE albums than Celine to 2000, that’s why she was awarded with the Millennium Award. And yes, actually Celine should be awarded with the Chopard even in 2003. But as we know. the total amount of her album sales weren’t that high than today! I can just repeat what Lucky Luke said: Mariah’s sales were clear!
Celine Dion:
First French Albums 2 million
Unison 3 million
Dion chante plamondon 2 million
Celine Dion 6 million
The Colour Of My Love 19 million
À L’ Olympia 2 million
D’ eux 8 million
Falling Into You 32 million
Live À Paris 3 million
Let’s Talk About Love 31 million
S’il Suffisait D’aimer 3 million
These Are Special Times 12 million
Au Couer Du Stade 2 million
All The Way … A Decade Of Song 22 million
To 2000: 147 million
The Collectors Series Volume One 3 million
A New Day Has Come 12 million
To 2003: 162 million
One Heart 6 million
1 Fille et 4 Types 2 million
A New Day … Live In Las Vegas 1,2 million
Miracle 2,6 million
To 2004: 173, 8 million
DIAMOND AWARD FOR 175 million album sales
Canada On Ne Change Pas 1,2 million
D’ elles 1 million
Taking Chances 3,5 million
My Love: Essential Collection 2 million
Taking Chances World Tour 0,4 million
+ Other albums 3 million (Live albums etc.)
+ DVDs 5 million
To 2011: 185m (+ DVD sales 5m)
Mariah Carey:
Mariah Carey 16 million
Emotions 9 million
Music Box 29 million
MTV Live 6 million
Merry Christmas 14 million
Daydream 25 million
Butterfly 14 million
Number Ones 17 million
Rainbow 10 million
To 2000: 140 million
Glitter 3 million
Charmbracelet 3 million
Greatest Hits 3 million
Remixes 1 million
To 2003: 150 million
DIAMOND AWARD FOR 150m album sales !!
The Emancipation of Mimi 11 million
To 2006: 161 million
E=MC2 2,9 million
Memoirs of an imp.. 1 million
The Ballads 0,5 million
Merry Christmas2u 0,5 million
To 2011: 165, 9 m
We see Celine outsold Mariah to 2011
I also did it for Madonna because .. Celine belongs to the other debate ..
so Madonna:
Madonna 9,5 million
Like a Virgin 21 million
True Blue 23,5 million
You can dance 5 million
Who’s that girl 5 million
Like a prayer 13 million
The Immaculate Collection 30 million
I’m Breathless 7 million
Erotica 6 million
Bedtime Stories 8 million
Something to remember 8,5 million
Evita 6,5 million
Ray Of Light 16 million
To year 2000: 159 million
Music 11 million
GHV2 6 million
American Life 4 million
To 2003: 180 million
Remixed and Revisited 1 million
To 2004: 181 million
Confessions on a dance floor 11 million
I’m going to tell you a secret 0,8 million
To 2006: 192, 8 million
The Confessions Tour 1 million
Hard Candy 3,8 million
Celebration 2,1 million
Sticky and Sweet Tour 0,7 million
To 2010: 200,4 million
Madonna is the greatest selling female artist.
The sources agree with the list (took from “right” and little bit changed) and 200 million album sales for Madonna are also proved by Guinness. The list also shows it. The 2 Diamond awards given to Mariah and Celine also show that the list is pretty accurate.
See ?
You totally lie about Mariahs million selling singles! You are still unable to prove it!!
Trish, you are silly. Claiming 17 million for butterfly and then saying 14m …
You say 100 million singles for Mariah ?
Give us a list with total Mariah single sales, then we see.
here is a list why Madonna has sold 100 million singles:
1..Like A Virgin………………1984…..5.220.000
2..Like A Prayer………………1989…..5.115.000
4..4 Minutes………………….2008…..4.815.000
5..Hung Up……………………2005…..4.395.000
6..Papa Don’t Preach…………..1986…..3.770.000
7..La Isla Bonita……………..1987…..3.660.000
8..Into The Groove…………….1985…..3.410.000
9..Crazy For You………………1985…..3.230.000
12.Justify My Love…………….1990…..2.970.000
13.True Blue………………….1986…..2.805.000
14.Who’s That Girl…………….1987…..2.675.000
16.Live To Tell……………….1986…..2.275.000
17.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina…..1996…..2.260.000
18.Material Girl………………1985…..2.100.000
19.This Used To Be My Playground..1992…..2.095.000
21.Express Yourself……………1989…..1.825.000
22.Ray Of Light……………….1998…..1.800.000
23.American Pie……………….2000…..1.580.000
24.Beautiful Stranger………….1999…..1.530.000
27.Open Your Heart…………….1986…..1.440.000
28.Don’t Tell Me………………2000…..1.440.000
29.Take A Bow…………………1994…..1.435.000
30.You’ll See…………………1995…..1.430.000
31.Dress You Up……………….1985…..1.420.000
32.The Power Of Goodbye………..1998…..1.370.000
35.Causing A Commotion…………1987…..1.235.000
36.Die Another Day…………….2002…..1.230.000
37.Miles Away…………………2008…..1.135.000
38.I’ll Remember………………1994…..1.060.000
39.Lucky Star…………………1984…..1.010.000
40.Give It 2 Me……………….2008…..1.005.000
42.Hanky Panky………………..1990…….975.000
43.You Must Love Me……………1996…….965.000
45.Me Against The Music………..2003…….900.000
47.Rescue Me………………….1991…….855.000
48.Deeper And Deeper…………..1992…….840.000
50.Bad Girl…………………..1992…….585.000
51.Keep It Together……………1990…….580.000
52.What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001…….560.000
53.American Life………………2003…….550.000
54.Human Nature……………….1995…….545.000
55.Nothing Really Matters………1999…….500.000
56.Dear Jessie………………..1989…….465.000
57.Oh Father………………….1989…….460.000
58.The Look Of Love……………1987…….410.000
60.Bedtime Story………………1995…….365.000
61.Get Together……………….2006…….365.000
64.Drowned World………………1998…….275.000
65.Burnin Up………………….1983…….260.000
66.Love Profusion……………..2003…….245.000
67.Santa Baby…………………1987…….200.000
68.Love Don’t Live Here Anymore…1995…….170.000
69.Beat Goes On……………….2008…….185.000
70.Nothing Fails………………2003…….165.000
72.Candy Shop…………………2008…….150.000
74.Another Suitcase……………1997…….115.000
76.One More Chance…………….1995……..95.000
77.Oh Father………………….1995……..85.000
79.Bye Bye Baby……………….1993……..55.000
80.It’s So Cool……………….2009……..35.000
81.Physical Attraction…………1983……..25.000
82.Over And Over………………1985……..20.000
83.Love Don’t Live Here Anymore…1985……..15.000
TOTAL single sales: 111.295.000
USA: 285.000
Total: 340.000
Burnin up:
USA: 285.000
Australia: 25.000
Total: 360.000
USA: 970.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 760.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 210.000
Netherlands: 60.000
EUROPE: 1.250.000
Australia: 60.000
Total: 2.690.000
Lucky Star:
USA: 1.150.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 125.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 160.000
Total: 1.565.000
USA: 1.125.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 310.000
Netherlands: 60.000
EUROPE: 400.000
Australia: 25.000
Total: 1.850.000
Like A Virgin:
USA: 2.410.000
Canada: 100.000
UK: 775.000
France: 250.000
Germany: 310.000
Netherlands: 95.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 1.655.000
Australia: 165.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 300.000
Total: 5.435.000
Material Girl:
USA: 1.545.000
Canada: 45.000
UK: 400.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 120.000
Netherlands: 33.000
Italy: 13.000
EUROPE: 720.000
Australia: 50.000
Japan: 70.000
Total: 2.850.000
Crazy For You:
USA: 1.620.000
Canada: 65.000
UK: 670.000
France: 40.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 20.000
EUROPE: 1.030.000
Australia: 125.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 70.000
Total: 3.440.000
Into The Groove:
USA: 190.000
UK: 850.000
France: 620.000
Germany: 330.000
Netherlands: 120.000
Italy: 200.000
EUROPE: 2.450.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 230.000
Total: 3.395.000
USA: 1.085.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 200.000
France: 20.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 405.000
Australia: 145.000
Japan: 40.000
Total: 2.025.000
Dress You Up:
USA: 1.065.000
Canada: 40.000
UK: 210.000
France: 170.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 35.000
EUROPE: 555.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 65.000
Total: 2.100.000
UK: 295.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 40.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 695.000
Australia: 30.000
Japan: 25.000
Total: 895.000
Love Don’t Live Here Anymore (1):
Japan: 5.000
Total: 15.000 (?)
Over And Over:
Italy: 5.000
EUROPE: 15.000
Total: 20.000 (?)
Live To Tell:
USA: 1.020.000
Canada: 110.000
UK: 280.000
France: 280.000
Germany: 130.000
Netherlands: 50.000
Italy: 110.000
EUROPE: 990.000
Australia: 50.000
Japan: 40.000
Total: 2.620.000
Papa Don’t Preach:
USA: 1.080.000
Canada: 135.000
UK: 640.000
France: 450.000
Germany: 300.000
Netherlands: 75.000
Italy: 200.000
EUROPE: 1.950.000
Australia: 135.000
Japan: 70.000
Total: 4.000.000
True Blue:
USA: 940.000
Canada: 90.000
UK: 540.000
France: 310.000
Germany: 240.000
Netherlands: 45.000
Italy: 55.000
EUROPE: 1.405.000
Australia: 70.000
Japan: 25.000
Total: 3.000.000
Open Your Heart:
USA: 990.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 190.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 110.000
Netherlands: 35.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 565.000
Australia: 20.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 1.945.000
La Isla Bonita:
USA: 1.065.000
Canada: 55.000
UK: 430.000
France: 700.000
Germany: 500.000
Netherlands: 65.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 2.120.000
Australia: 50.000
Japan: 230.000
Total: 4.170.000
Who’s That Girl:
USA: 970.000
Canada: 55.000
UK: 380.000
France: 540.000
Germany: 230.000
Netherlands: 70.000
Italy: 130.000
EUROPE: 1.570.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 55.000
Total: 3.200.000
Causing A Commotion:
USA: 945.000
Canada: 40.000
UK: 230.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 40.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 430.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 75.000
Total: 1.825.000
The Look Of Love:
UK: 125.000
France: 100.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 15.000
EUROPE: 325.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 410.000
USA: 10.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 60.000
Santa Baby:
USA: 170.000
Total: 180.000
Like A Prayer:
USA: 1.570.000
Canada: 45.000
UK: 530.000
France: 560.000
Germany: 420.000
Netherlands: 55.000
Italy: 200.000
EUROPE: 2.095.000
Australia: 175.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 80.000
Total: 4.685.000
Express Yourself:
USA: 1.030.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 200.000
Germany: 230.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 650.000
Australia: 65.000
Brazil: 50.000
Total: 2.155.000
USA: 990.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 195.000
France: 80.000
Germany: 100.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 525.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 1.865.000
Dear Jessie:
UK: 255.000
Germany: 60.000
Netherlands: 10.000
EUROPE: 390.000
Total: 465.000
Oh Father:
USA: 430.000
France: 55.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 100.000
Total: 635.000
Keep It Together:
USA: 715.000
Canada: 10.000
Japan: 120.000
Total: 1.010.000
USA: 2.625.000
Canada: 100.000
UK: 500.000
France: 200.000
Germany: 240.000
Netherlands: 35.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 1.275.000
Australia: 145.000
New Zealand: 5.000
Japan: 90.000
Brazil: 50.000
Total: 5.050.000
Hanky Panky:
USA: 570.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 210.000
France: 15.000
Germany: 60.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 415.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 1.275.000
Justify My Love:
USA: USA: 1.980.000
Canada: 65.000
UK: 235.000
France: 75.000
Germany: 130.000
Netherlands: 30.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 600.000
Australia: 55.000
Total: 3.205.000
Rescue Me:
USA: 515.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 135.000
France: 60.000
Germany: 60.000
Netherlands: 10.000
EUROPE: 315.000
Australia: 20.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 1.105.000
This Used To Be My Playground:
USA: 1.220.000
Canada: 55.000
UK: 275.000
France: 120.000
Germany: 190.000
Netherlands: 20.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 840.000
Australia: 40.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 2.280.000
USA: 655.000
Canada: 30.000
UK: 275.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 610.000
Australia: 40.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 1.415.000
Deeper And Deeper:
USA: 440.000
Canada: 40.000
UK: 140.000
France: 45.000
Germany: 10.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 100.000
EUROPE: 365.000
Australia: 40.000
Total: 930.000
Bad Girl:
USA: 215.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 75.000
France: 25.000
Germany: 100.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 310.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 585.000
UK: 90.000
France: 20.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 150.000
Total: 160.000
USA: 460.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 135.000
France: 15.000
Germany: 90.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 325.000
Australia: 75.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 940.000
Bye Bye Baby:
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 20.000
Australia: 30.000
Total: 55.000
I’ll Remember:
USA: 825.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 105.000
France: 20.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 55.000
EUROPE: 270.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 1.215.000
USA: 660.000
Canada: 60.000
UK: 125.000
France: 350.000
Germany: 90.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 725.000
Australia: 60.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 1.595.000
Take A Bow:
USA: 980.000
Canada: 20.000
UK: 105.000
France: 65.000
Germany: 190.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 65.000
EUROPE: 525.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 1.630.000
Bedtime Story:
USA: 165.000
Canada: 5.000
UK: 100.000
France: 10.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 20.000
EUROPE: 160.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 385.000
Human Nature:
USA: 295.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 85.000
Germany: 40.000
EUROPE: 155.000
Japan: 85.000
Total: 575.000
You’ll See:
USA: 625.000
Canada: 5.000
UK: 305.000
France: 80.000
Germany: 230.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 30.000
EUROPE: 790.000
Australia: 45.000
Total: 1.530.000
Oh Father:
UK: 60.000
EUROPE: 80.000
Total: 85.000
One More Chance:
UK: 60.000
EUROPE: 80.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 95.000
Love Don’t Live Here Anymore:
USA: 170.000
France: 20.000
EUROPE: 35.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 230.000
You Must Love Me:
USA: 765.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 95.000
France: 30.000
Germany: 20.000
Italy: 20.000
EUROPE: 205.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 1.080.000
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina:
USA: 415.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 345.000
France: 610.000
Germany: 410.000
Netherlands: 35.000
Italy: 30.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 50.000
EUROPE: 1.710.000
Australia: 50.000
Total: 2.320.000
Another Suitcase Another Hall:
UK: 80.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 105.000
Total: 115.000
USA: 965.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 515.000
France: 490.000
Germany: 510.000
Netherlands: 70.000
Italy: 140.000
Autria: 25.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 50.000
Norway: 50.000
Sweden: 10.000
EUROPE: 2.030.000
Australia: 70.000
Total: 3.290.000
Ray Of Light:
USA: 1.155.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 270.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 50.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 70.000
EUROPE: 615.000
Australia: 55.000
Total: 1.955.000
Drowned World:
USA: 30.000
Canada: 5.000
UK: 95.000
France: 40.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 215.000
Australia: 5.000
Total: 280.000
The Power Of Goodbye:
USA: 520.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 180.000
France: 130.000
Germany: 310.000
Netherlands: 30.000
Italy: 50.000
Autria: 25.000
Sweden: 10.000
EUROPE: 825.000
Australia: 5.000
Total: 1.450.000
Nothing Really Matters:
USA: 225.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 130.000
France: 20.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
EUROPE: 235.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 520.000
Beautiful Stranger:
USA: 220.000
UK: 520.000
France: 200.000
Germany: 150.000
Netherlands: 20.000
Italy: 50.000
Belgium: 25.000
EUROPE: 1.130.000
Australia: 90.000
Total: 1.535.000
American Pie:
USA: 125.000
Canada: 30.000
UK: 385.000
France: 250.000
Germany: 300.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 100.000
Austria: 25.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 25.000
Denmark: 15.000
Sweden: 20.000
EUROPE: 1.270.000
Australia: 65.000
Japan: 20.000
Total: 1.610.000
USA: 1.645.000
Canada: 35.000
UK: 405.000
France: 310.000
Germany: 260.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 70.000
Spain: 25.000
Switzerland: 25.000
Belgium: 25.000
Denmark: 10.000
Sweden: 20.000
Greece: 40.000
EUROPE: 1.280.000
Australia: 150.000
Japan: 20.000
Brazil: 150.000
Total: 3.385.000
Don’t Tell Me:
USA: 685.000
Canada: 10.000
UK: 185.000
France: 160.000
Germany: 120.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 635.000
Australia: 85.000
Total: 1.510.000
What it Feels Like For A Girl:
USA: 225.000
UK: 90.000
France: 30.000
Germany: 50.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 225.000
Australia: 45.000
Total: 530.000
Die Another Day:
USA: 405.000
Canada: 25.000
UK: 170.000
France: 130.000
Germany: 130.000
Netherlands: 15.000
Italy: 70.000
Spain: 20.000
Belgium: 25.000
Greece: 10.000
EUROPE: 615.000
Australia: 45.000
Japan: 30.000
Total: 1.205.000
American Life:
USA: 155.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 75.000
France: 120.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 25.000
EUROPE: 320.000
Australia: 35.000
Total: 570.000
USA: 115.000
UK: 60.000
France: 70.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 5.000
EUROPE: 215.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 370.000
Me Against The Music:
USA: 465.000
UK: 135.000
France: 90.000
Germany: 70.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 380.000
Australia: 95.000
Japan: 15.000
South Korea: 5.000
Brazil: 1.500 (promo)
Total: 1.025.000
Nothing Fails:
USA: 45.000
France: 50.000
Germany: 40.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 5.000
EUROPE: 95.000
Total: 155.000
Love Profusion:
USA: 45.000
UK: 45.000
France: 60.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 150.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 230.000
Hung Up:
USA: 1.305.000
Canada: 105.000
UK: 545.000
France: 600.000
Germany: 450.000
Netherlands: 25.000
Italy: 175.000
Austria: 15.000
Switzerland: 20.000
Belgium: 25.000
Sweden: 40.000
Denmark: 25.000
Greece: 10.000
Cyprus: 10.000
EUROPE: 2.170.000
Australia: 100.000
Japan: 510.000
Brazil: 1.000 (Promo)
Total: 4.560.000
USA: 420.000
Canada: 15.000
UK: 190.000
France: 110.000
Germany: 65.000
Netherlands: 10.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 470.000
Australia: 20.000
Japan: 5.000
Total: 1.015.000
Get Together:
USA: 150.000
UK: 75.000
France: 30.000
Germany: 20.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 170.000
Australia: 10.000
Total: 365.000
USA: 195.000
UK: 65.000
Germany: 20.000
Netherlands: 5.000
Italy: 10.000
EUROPE: 120.000
Australia: 5.000
Total: 355.000
4 Minutes:
USA: 2.745.000
Canada: 150.000
UK: 460.000
France: 125.000
Germany: 350.000
Netherlands: 70.000
Italy: 90.000
Spain: 120.000
Belgium: 15.000
Finland: 10.000
Denmark: 30.000
Sweden: 10.000
EUROPE: 1.350.000
Australia: 120.000
New Zealand: 10.000
Japan: 100.000
Brazil: 100.000
Mexico: 20.000
Total: 4.705.000
Give It 2 Me:
USA: 350.000
UK: 170.000
France: 60.000
Germany: 90.000
Italy: 100.000
Spain: 20.000
Finland: 5.000
Denmark: 30.000
EUROPE: 520.000
Australia: 15.000
Japan: 5.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 1.025.000
Miles Away:
USA: 80.000
UK: 30.000
France: 5.000
Germany: 100.000
Italy: 15.000
EUROPE: 190.000
Japan: 850.000
Total: 1.185.000
USA: 220.000( from Nielsen Soundscan)
Canada: 40.000
UK: 115.000
France: 40.000
Germany: 90.000
Italy: 50.000
EUROPE: 380.000
Australia: 15.000
Total: 620.000
USA: 30.000
UK: 5.000
Italy: 2.000
EUROPE: 15.000
Total: 50.000
Album Tracks:
Physical Attraction:
USA: 20.000
Total: 25.000
Candy Shop:
USA: 35.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 145.000
Beat Goes On:
USA: 55.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 155.000
Brazil: 100.000
Total: 110.000
It’s So Cool:
USA: 15.000
UK: 5.000
Italy: 2.000
EUROPE: 15.000
Total: 35.000
So Trish?
Can you do this for Mariah Carey?
Can you give us proves for Mariah’s 200 m album sales and 100m single sales?
You will never find a link on this , because Guiness
Book Of Records NEVER Claimed 380m records for Madonna !
This is a LIE posted by TRISH ! This is what she probably
read by a Madonna stan (I Assume) and she used this
to take down Guinness Book Of Records due to its
The TRUTH Is That Guinness Book Of Records first featured
Madonna for her GLOBAL sales a year ago , saying she
sold 300m records (Albums , Singles , Dvds)..! And this
is the truth !
Madonna is the best seller and this is posted by ME !
I am a HARDCORE CELINE FAN but I have the guts to admit
Madonna sold more ! You will be surprised but I own
only 2 Madonna’s albums , cause I just like her music…
I am not a FAN at all,cause I don’t like her voice.
Moreover - On The Links Topic - don’t ask links from
TRISH ! She is here the past 9 months and has posted 0
links , not even from her so called ”detailed real
datas” !!!
I Read a comment you left long ago saying Madonna sold
about 10m albums more than Celine and I COULDN’T AGREE
Madonna sold Over 190m Albums (At Least) & 100m singles
& 8m Dvds. So 300m records at least.
Celine sold Over 185m Albums & 50m singles & 5m Dvds.
So 240m records at least.
Mariah sold Over 165m Albums & 55m singles & 2m dvds
(Her 90s Dvds are ONLY Popular In Us and got platinum
certification -> 100k).
So Over 120m records For Mariah.
The Funniest thing ever is that Mariah’s current label
OFFICIALLY announced sales of over 200m records in total
for Mariah in 2011. And now TRISH comes to say they are
WRONG in their calculations cause Mariah sold 100m MORE
!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha
I could understand mistakes on sales of around 10m or
20m…but a mistake of 100m records ? ? ?
Does her label HATER HER ? LMAO ! Cause this what I
assume based on the partialities of TRISH …
IFPI , Wikipedia ,World Music Awards , Mediatraffic ,
So , I guess we should add Columbia Records (Announced
150m Albums by 2003) and
Island Def Jam to the list of ”Mariah Haters” ,
while TRISH ”owns the truth” … Ha ha ha !
The truth she is unable to prove with solid sales facts
and certifications.
01.Wikipedia (cause Canadians own it)
02.World Music Awards (cause they award Celine after MC)
03.IFPI (cause they award only Madonna and Celine)
04.RIAA (cause according to this source Madonna sold
65m albums in Us and 40m singles there while Mariah
sold 63m albums there and 32m singles - sobs * )
05.BILLBOARD (cause it proved Mariah is overcertified
by her label , since BILLBOARD Showed Mariah album
sales stand at 53m in Us , and her SHIPMENTS at 63m )
06.Guiness Book Of Records (It is features Madonna as
the best seller and not Mariah)
07.Island Def Jam (They don’t know Mariah’s initial sales
cause Mariah signed in during the 00s)
08.Mediatraffic (cause it doesn’t count Mariah’s Asian
09.Columbia Records (cause it announced sales of 150m
albums by 2003 while Trish says 170m albums by then…
so Columbia Hates on Mariah and is partial.)
10.Nielsen Soundscan (cause it proves Celine sold more
than Mariah In America - Us & Canada sales - )
——> So don’t expect any logical answers. She is
gonna come back in 3 days from now insulting us babbling
the same old boring and predictable stuff against us and
against all sources that offically declare Madonna and
THEN Celine sold more records than MC.
@ahahahahahah trish
delusional . where did Mariah sold 100 million singles. we know she sold 32 million in USA but where does these magical 70 million comes from? you should know that eurochart does not certifie singles. but we have single sales for uk, france and Germany and italy. maonna has sold over 40 million singles in USA
she s much more succesful that Mariah in USA with 37 top ten hits Mariah only 26.
then her uk single sales these are from 2008 music week.
1..Into The Groove………….1985….843,561
2..Like A Virgin…… ………1984….768,129
4..Crazy For You……………1985….662,481
5..Papa Don’t Preach… …..1986….629,386
6..True Blue………………….1987….534,728
7..Hung Up…………… ……2005….525,000
8..Beautiful Stranger………..1999….513,992
9..Like A Prayer…………….1989….513,231
10.Frozen………… .………..1998….508,296
12.4 Minutes…….……………2008….480,000
13.La Isla Bonita…….………1987….421,760
15.Material Girl………………1985….389,999
16.American Pie…………….2000….380,937
17.Who’s That Girl………….1987….376,498
18.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina..1996….338,494
19.You’ll See…………………..1995….302,432
21 Gambler…………………….1985….292,341
22 Live To Tell…………………1986….271,897
23 Erotica……………………..1992….270,800
24 This Used To Be My Playground..1992….270,427
25 Ray Of Light……………….1998….262,514
26 Dear Jessie………………..1989….250,769
27 Causing A Commotio ……1987….229,934
28 Justify My Love………..….1990….228,683
29 Hanky Panky……………..1990….205,733
30 Dress You Up…………….1985….204,970
31 Angel……………….……..1985….198,650
32 Express Yourself…………1989….194,102
33 Cherish……………………1989….192,891
34 Open Your Heart………….1986….186,742
35 Don’t Tell Me………………2000….179,939
36 Sorry………………..……..2006….178,963
37 Power Of Goodbye/Little Star…1998….175,095
38 Die Another Da…………2002….167,863
39 Give It 2 Me..………..….2008….150,000
40 Deeper And Deep.……..1992….136,854
41 Rescue Me……………..1991….134,764
42 Rain………………..……1993….130,771
43 Nothing Really Matter…1999….128,137
44 Me Against The Music…..2003….126,136
45 The Look Of Love…..……1987….121,439
46 Secret…………………….1994….117,957
47 Lucky Star…………….…1984….117,470
48 Take A Bow………………1994….102,739
49 I’ll Remember…….………1994….100,090
50 Bedtime Story……………1995…..97,428
51 Drowned World/Subst For Love)..1998…..90,651
52 You Must Love Me……………1996…..90,428
53 What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001…..86,771
54 Fever……………………..1993…..86,077
55 Human Nature……………….1995…..80,685
56 Another Suitcase Another Hall..1997…..75,233
57 Bad Girl…………………..1993…..74,915
58 American Life………………2005…..72,260
59 Get Together……………….2006…..67,163
60 Hollywood………………….2003…..59,633
61 Oh Father………………….1996…..58,730
62 One More Chance…………….1996…..56,851
63 Jump………………………2006…..52,038
64 Love Profusion……………..2003…..41,025
65 Miles Away ………………..2008…..20,000
total sales: 17.150,000 celebration was released 2009
those sales are from 2010 so Madonna has sold 17,5 million in uk alone vs Mariah has sold only 5 million singles in uk flop:)
germany single sales:
2..La Isla Bonita…………………1987….500.000
3..Hung Up………………………..2005…450.000 (270.000 Physical)
4..Like A Prayer…………………1989….420.000
5..Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.1997….410.000
6..4 Minutes…………………….2008….350.000 (50.000 Physical)
7..Into The Groove…………….1985….330.000
8..The Power Of Goodbye…..1998….310.000
9..Like A Virgin………………..1984….310.000
10.American Pie……………….2000….300.000
11.Papa Don’t Preach………..1986….300.000
14.True Blue……………………1986….240.000
15.You’ll See…………………..1995….230.000
16.Express Yourself………….1989….230.000
17.Who’s That Girl…………….1987….230.000
19.Take A Bow…………………1994….190.000
21.Beautiful Stranger………….1999….150.000
22.Die Another Day…………….2002….130.000
23.Justify My Love……………..1990….130.000
24.Live To Tell…………………..1986….130.000
25.Don’t Tell Me………………..2000….120.000
26.Material Girl…………………1985….120.000
27.Open Your Heart…………..1987….110.000
30.Crazy For You……………..1985….110.000
31.Miles Away………………….2008….100.000
32.Bad Girl………………………1993….100.000
34.Give It 2 Me………………….2008…..90.000
38.Me against The Music……2003…..70.000
40.Causing A Commotio…….1987…..70.000
41.Dress you Up………………1984…..70.000
42.Sorry…………………………2006…..65.000 (40.000 Physical)
43.Rescue Me…………………1991…..60.000
44.Hanky Panky………………1990…..60.000
45.Dear Jessie………………..1989…..60.000
47.Ray Of Light………………..1998…..50.000
49.American Life………………2003…..40.000
50.Nothing Really Matters…..1999…..40.000
51.Drowned World…………….1998…..40.000
52.Human Nature……………..1995…..40.000
53.I’ll Remember………………1994…..40.000
54.The Look Of Love………….1987…..40.000
55.Jump………………………….2006…..20.000 (10.000 Physical)
56.Get Together………………..2006…..20.000 (10.000 Physical)
57.Nothing Fails……………2003…..20.000
58.You Must Love Me…………1996…..20.000
59.Deeper And Deeper………..1992…..10.000
total: 8.320.000
1 Madonna La isla bonita 650.000
2 Madonna Into The Groove 610.000
3 Madonna Don’t Cry For Me Argentina 610.000
4 Madonna Like A Prayer 560.000
5 Madonna Who’s That Girl 54.000
6 Madonna Frozen 490.000
7 Madonna Hung Up 420.000
8 Madonna Papa Don’t Preach 410.000
9 Madonna True Blue 310.000
10 Madonna Music 310.000
11 Madonna Secret 290.000
12 Madonna Live To Tell 280.000
13 Madonna Like A Virgin 250.000
14 Madonna American Pie 250.000
15 Madonna Vogue 200.000
16 Madonna Beautiful Stranger 200.000
17 Madonna Dress You Up 170.000
18 Madonna Don’t Tell Me 160.000
19 Madonna The Power Of Good-Bye 130.000
20 Madonna Die Another Day 130.000
21 Madonna American Life 120.000
22 Madonna Open Your Heart 110.000
23 Madonna Ray Of Light 110.000
24 Madonna The Look Of Love 100.000
25 Madonna Gambler 90.000
26 Madonna This Used To Be My Playground 90.000
27 Madonna Me Against The Music 90.000
28 Madonna 4 Minutes 90.000
29 Madonna Cherish 80.000
30 Madonna You’ll See 80.000
31 Madonna Sorry 80.000
32 Madonna Hollywood 70.000
33 Madonna Love Profusion 60.000
34 Madonna Justify My Love 50.000
35 Madonna Rescue Me 50.000
36 Madonna Take A Bow 50.000
37 Madonna Nothing Fails 50.000
38 Madonna Holiday 50.000
39 Madonna Drowned World (Substitute For Love) 40.000
40 Madonna Oh Father 30.000
41 Madonna Erotica 30.000
42 Madonna What It Feels Like For A Girl 30.000
43 Madonna Get Together 30.000
44 Madonna Give It 2 Me 30.000
45 Madonna Holiday 20.000
46 Madonna Deeper And Deeper 20.000
47 Madonna Nothing Really Matters 20.000
48 Madonna I’ll Remember 10.000
49 Madonna You Must Love Me 10.000
France / Singles sales 8.700.000M+
UK: 17.500.000
FR: 8.700.000
GR: 8.300.000
THESE THREE MARKET BUT MADONNAS SINGLES SALES IN EUROPE TO 34,5 MILLION. not counting tens of smal market where Madonna has huge succes. Italy Madonna has 21 number one singles so she has sold over 3 million singles there
= 37,5 million Spain at least 2 million and 0,5 for sweden
=40 million + 5 million from rest of the europe
madonna has sold 45 million singles in Europe bitch:)
40 million from USA and 45 million Europe already makes 85 million. Madonna has sold easily over 100 million singles.
once again:)
01.D’Amour Ou D’Amitie -> 700k (Gold)
02.Un Garcon Pas Comme Les Autres -> 300k (Gold)
03.The Power Of Love -> 200k (Silver)
04.Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore -> 1m (Platinum)
05.Je Sais Pas -> 500k (Silver)
06.All By Myself -> 200k (Silver)
07.Tell him -> 400k (Gold)
08.The Reason/My Heart Will Go On -> 1.3 (Diamond)
09.Immortality -> 150k (Silver)
10.Zora Sourit -> 125k (Silver)
11.S’il Suffisait D’aimer -> 260k (Gold)
12.On Ne Change Pas -> 230k (Silver)
13.That’s The Way It Is -> 150k (Silver)
14.Sous Le Vent -> 750k (Platinum)
15.I’m Alive -> 250k (Gold)
16.Tout L’Or Des Hommes -> 120k (Silver)
17.Je Ne Vous Oublie Pas -> 200k (Silver)
-> 7m Singles Come From Her CERTIFIED Singles ONLY.
Celine Has Sold Over 8m Singles In Total.
01.Think Twice -> 1.3m (Platinum)
02.Because You Loved Me -> 400k (Gold)
03.It Is All Coming Back To Me Now -> 350k (Silver)
04.All By Myself -> 200k (Silver)
05.Tell Him -> 400k (Gold)
06.My Heart Will Go On -> 1.4m (Platinum)
07.Immortality 300k (Silver)
08.I Am Your Angel 275k (Silver)
-> 4.5m From Her Cerified Singles Only
-> Over 6m Singles For Celine In Uk
(Proved By Her Special IFPI Award For Record Sales In Uk)
01.Because You Loved Me -> 300k (Gold)
02.My Heart Will Go On -> 2.2m (4xPlatinum)
03.Immortality -> 600k (Platinum)
04.That’s The Way It Is -> 250k (Gold)
3.3m Singles From Her CERTIFIED Singles.
—> Total —> 4.5m
Celine has sold at least 18m Singles coming ONLY from
France , UK and Germany.
Other Strong Markets for Celine such as Belgium ,
Netherlands , Italy or Spain are not even counted.
So Her Total Single Sales In Europe suprass the 25m mark.
01.Beauty And The Beast —> 500k (Gold)
02.The Power Of Love —-> 1m (Platinum)
03.Becase You Loved me —> 1m (Platinum)
04.It Is All Coming Back To Me Now —> 1m (Platinum)
05.All By Myself —> 500k (Gold)
06.My Heart Will Go On —> 700k (Gold)
07.I Am Your Angel —> 1.5m (Platinum)
& 300-450k From Top Hits Like If You Asked Me ,
Where Does My Heart Beat Now , A New Day Has Come.
& The Fact That I delete 0.2 - 0.5 from each of her
million selling singles…& Digital Downloads
—> Celine sold 12m singles In Total In Us
01.To Love You More 1.2m (Million)
02.The Power Of The Dream 100k (Gold)
03.Be The Man 200k (Platinum)
04.My Heart Will Go On 500k (2xPlatinum)
-> 2m sales from her CERTIFIED singles
-> At Least 2.5m If we count all her other singles in Japan.
01.The Power Of Love -> 70k (Platinum)
02.Think Twice -> 70k (Platinum)
03.Because You Loved Me -> 150k (2xPlatinum)
04.It Is All Coming Back To Me Now -> 35k (Gold)
05.Tell Him -> 35k (Gold)
06.My Heart Will Go On -> 150k (2xPlatinum)
07.I Am Your Angel -> 35k (Gold)
08.That’s The Way It Is -> 35k (Gold)
09.A New Day Has Come -> 35k (Gold)
10.I Drove All Night -> 35k (Gold)
—> We Get Almost 700k From Her CERTIFIED Singles.
-> 1m In OCEANIA (Not Australia) In Total.
—> RESULT 41m Singles sold.
41m without counting Canada
(4 Number 1s & 8 Number 1s In Quebec) ,
The rest of Asia , Whole Africa and N.America , digital
downloads around the world.
Total single sales definitely reach the 50m mark for
01.Unison -> 100k
02.The Colour Of My Love -> 600k
03.Live A Paris -> 300k
04.Live In Memphis -> 150k
05.Au Coeur Du Stade -> 300k
06.All The Way -> 1m
07.On Ne Change Pas -> 150k
08.A New Day…Live In Las Vegas -> 2m
09.Celine Sur Les Plaines -> 150k
10.Celine : Through The Eyes Of The World 500k (200k From Canada)
11.Taking Chances World Tour -> 400k
—-> 5.5m Dvds sold.
I Repeat again so haters (well…THE Hater)
will swallow this slowly ->
Madonna 190m albums (The Least) & 100m singles & 8m Dvds
Celine 185m Albums & 50m singles & 5.5m Dvds.
By Lucky Luke.
Singles (physical + digital)
2..Burning Up…………………1983……205.000
5..Lucky Star…………………1984……675.000
6..Like A Virgin………………1984….2.225.000
7..Material Girl………………1985……960.000
8..Crazy For You………………1985….1.445.000
9..Into The Groove…………….1985……220.000
11.Dress You Up……………….1985……535.000
12.Live To Tell……………….1986……735.000
13.Papa Don’t Preach…………..1986……895.000
14.True Blue………………….1986……650.000
15.Open Your Heart…………….1986……605.000
16.La Isla Bonita……………..1987……645.000
17.Who’s That Girl…………….1987……530.000
18.Causing A Commotion…………1987……450.000
20.Like A Prayer………………1989….1.950.000
21.Express Yourself……………1989……760.000
23.Oh Father………………….1989……285.000
24.Keep It Together……………1990……365.000
26.Hanky Panky………………..1990……320.000
27.Justify My Love…………….1990….1.780.000*
28.Rescue Me………………….1991……320.000
29.This Used To Be My Playground..1992….1.020.000
31.Deeper And Deeper…………..1992……355.000
32.Bad Girl…………………..1993……220.000
34.I’ll Remember………………1994……680.000
36.Take A Bow…………………1994……795.000
37.Bedtime Story………………1995……150.000
38.Human Nature……………….1995……270.000
39.You’ll See…………………1995……530.000
40.Love don’t live here anymore…1996……105.000
41.You Must Love Me……………1996……655.000
42.Don’t Cry For Me Argentina…..1997……355.000
44.Ray Of Light……………….1998….1.010.000*
45.Drowned World………………1998…….25.000
46.The Power Of Goodbye………..1998……445.000
47.Nothing Really Matters………1999……205.000
48.Beautiful Stranger………….1999……215.000
49.American Pie……………….2000…….95.000
51.Don’t Tell Me………………2000……620.000
52.What It Feels Like For A Girl..2001……250.000*
53.Die Another Day…………….2002……425.000
54.American Life………………2003……140.000
56.Me Against The Music………..2003……325.000
57.Nothing Fails………………2003…….50.000
58.Love Profusion……………..2004…….60.000
59.Hung Up……………………2005….1.295.000
61.Get Together……………….2006……155.000
63.4 Minutes………………….2008….2.860.000
64.Give It 2 Me……………….2008……360.000
65.Miles Away…………………2008…….60.000
*= includes VHS/DVD sales
Album Tracks:
1..Physical Attraction…………1983…….25.000
2..Santa Baby…………………1987……200.000
3..Candy Shop…………………2008…….40.000
4..Beat Goes On……………….2008…….65.000
5..It’s So Cool……………….2009…….10.000
+400.000 copies for other tracks**
TOT: 41.975.000
i know Madonna has only 26 gold singles, but three of them are certified with old rules. and 6 platinum and three 2 multiplatinum =26,5 million + digital which are 12 million and many singles for Madonna has not even been certified even if they have passed gold physical + digital
with rest of the world Madonna has sold more than 100 million singles.
Locking this post and continuing the discussion here.