Jessie J is apologizing to fans after being forced to cancel several concerts after breaking her foot in a fall. The English pop singer required emergency surgery and has been ordered to rest after breaking her foot in two places.
“Sorry doesn’t feel enough to say, I am devastated for my fans that I know have been waiting to see me and working hard for tickets,” Jessie J told her fans in a statement posted at her official web site. “I was so excited about the summer and I’m as upset as you all are. But unfortunately these things happen. I have to remain positive and I promise I will make it up later in the year.”
The list of shows Jessie won’t be able to perform at include T In The Park, Oxygen, T4 On The Beach, Paris: Orange Rock Corps, Wembley: Orange Rock Corps, ITunes Festival, Lovebox, Radio Aire Party In The Park, Key 103 Summertime Live, Summer Sonic Japan.
Among Jessie’s Twitter messages (@jessiejofficial) about the foot injury, beginning June 22nd, which included a show at Glastonbury in between the diagnosis and the surgery about 12 hours ago:
I am back in the UK. I didn’t tweet all day yesterday as I was at the hospital having scans on my foot! To get a specific diagnosis…
Turns out Ive been hobbling around with a broken foot :| So will be in a hench grey darfaydar looking boot and on crutches for 6 weeks (cool lol) #mashup
I said to a friend the other day. “The ones that love you when you are broken are the ones who will love you always….” #nobodysperfect
Trying to do anything with a broken foot is
Just left #glasto what an amazing show!!! So many people came out to watch!!! Loved it! I promised id bring some sun with me ;)
Apologies to any #heartbeats who were supposed to see me perform outside of the UK in the next few months. I’m not allowed to fly and I’m so :( I cant come #oneday x
Okay so I’m gonna tell you the latest on my foot…
I will be having surgery next week as the break is real bad.I want my #heartbeats to know that I want to do every show,festival,gig but it will all depend on how I am.I am going to be on crutches for way longer than 6 weeks :( #positivethinking I’m gonna do the best I can to #notletyoudown
I wish I could run around in the park and go swimming… #nextsummer
Okay so I’m signing out for today. Going in for my surgery now. Super scared! Tweet you on the other side #positivethinking
Keep making nervous jokes with the doctor and he keeps looking at me blankly. Which is making me laugh even more…. #AWKWARD
It’s getting serious. #justookmynosestudout
Can’t keep tweeting. Still very dizzy and being sick. But I’m okay I got through it. Thanks for all your message. Means a lot x
I am in tears. I never thought it would come to this. Next year I will be at all the festivals but for now I have to follow doctors orders and just look after me. I know my #heartbeats will understand… #imsorry
For those asking about my foot. You know when you wake up with #fuzzyglovehand lol. It’s like that on my foot X100 #fuzzyglovefoot