The Wanted Talk Tour Bus Feces, ‘Glad You Came’ & iPhone Apps

The Dave Ryan Show interviewed Max George, Jay McGuiness, Siva Kaneswaran, Tom Parker and Nathan Sykes of The Wanted recently, where the boyband talked about entertaining themselves with burping, Tom’s #2 issue, knowing when ‘Glad You Came’ would be a hit, their delayed entrance into America and Jay getting identified playing Draw Something.
On a tour bus story:
Tom used the toilet on the tour van, and you can’t do a number two on a tour van. That’s the rule. Everyone knows that. Tom knows that. He threw it into a bag, chased us in the tour van, and touched our skin with his bag of feces, then threw it out the window to some unbeknownst driver behind.
On the first reaction to getting ‘Glad You Came’, Max said:
It was kind of mixed. We were pretty drunk at the time we heard it. Siva was gone, he was plastered. I personally wasn’t sure because I was like we’ve got an accordion in one of our songs, I’m not sure this is gonna work. For me, as soon as we saw the video, then I thought yeah, this is gonna be a big summer smash, and it was.
First impression of America:
We waited for six hours to get in the country. It was a long, long security check. Six hours at L.A. airport.
On Jay’s favorite iPhone app:
I have an app called Draw Something, which is basically online Pictionary. I randomly generate games with users you don’t know, and I didn’t have a clue that anyone realized I’m in The Wanted, and before someone drew a pigeon, they drew the words, congrats on Idol, and then drew a pigeon. I think my user name gave it away a little bit but… It’s a nickname of mind, but only one fans or the band would know.
The interview audio at has since been removed.
Music started playing as soon as I opened up this web-site, so irritating!