Utada’s ‘Exodus’ Breaking Records

According to Billboard Biz, Utada’s ‘Exodus’ album has topped Mariah Carey for the largest-ever one-day shipment for an English-language album in Japan. On September 8th, Universal Music Japan shipped 1 million copies of ‘Exodus’, easily topping Carey’s 500,000 units. ‘Exodus’ will reach American shores on October 5th.
Utada’s ‘Exodus’?… whats that?
She sung the song “Simple and Clean” for the Kingdom Hearts video game.
Who? When she sells 200 million like Mariah…then you can talk.
They can ship 100 billion copies but it doesn’t mean they’re going to sell that much. Shipping isn’t that much to go crazy about. Look at Britney. Her dumbass fans were going crazy because her money hungry record label shipped 8 million worldwide…sadly she was and still is at a measly 5.73 million sold. That’s just a waste of CDs. But being that Britney is just a waste of music space…it won’t really matter.
Mariah ain’t sold no damn 200M. Maybe like 160M, I think you mean Madonna.
Madonna? Haha funny! Mariah is ahead of Madonna
P.S. No one has even sold 200m yet
It’s because she is one of the biggest Japanese music stars, so of course when she has an English album released in her own country, it’s gonna sell a crazy amount. (Her full name is Utada Hikaru.)
Well it sold over 500,000 in its first week. Once again breaking another record (Another of Mariah’s). Anyway, Exodus is a great anyway, it deserves to sell that much.
Well I’m happy for the Girl cause no one can touch Mariah’s talent or success & Mariah is still growing so we haven’t even seen the best of Mariah yet.