Avril Lavigne & Her Dad Backstage At ‘Today’

Avril Lavigne posted footage backstage at the ‘Today’ show earlier this morning, where she talked with her dad John about the release of her album ‘Goodbye Lullaby’.
“Here it is, finally, the album release day, March 8th, 2011. Dad are you excited my CD is coming out,” the pop star said turning to her father John.
“Yeah, I’m really excited, and I was up at 3 o’clock this morning. That’s how excited I was.” Asked why, he said, “Well, it’s your CD release today. I had to shower and I wanted to make sure I was ready for it all.”
For her part, Avril said, “I skipped out on the shower today and I’m eating donuts and bagels. It’s that early. It’s time to get ready in my hair and makeup and I just did soundcheck. Very exciting day.”
Watch it via YouTube below.
I think it is great how she shares her life with us, i find it most informative and thank her and the company for this. This shows the person behind the image; which I have to say are more entertaining to me then the concerts, since I grew up in a simular background and part of the world with the same experences. I would like to meet her someday.