Pop Artists Mourn The Death Of James Gandolfini On Twitter

Pop artists are reacting on Twitter to news that James Gandolfini died Wednesday (June 19) of what appears to be a heart attack. ‘The Sopranos’ star was on vacation in Rome, Italy. Among the tweets regarding the sad news:
Justin Guarini (@justin_guarini): R.I.P James Gandolfini. You’ll always be the Cappo Di Tutti Capo to me.
Elliott Yamin (@elliottyamin): Wow!…is james gandolfini REALLY gone??
Skylar Grey (@SkylarGrey): No!!!! This is so sad… RIP James Gandolfini aka Tony Soprano.
Lance Bass (@LanceBass): So so so sad about James Gandolfini - 51 is way too young.
Antonella Barba (@AntonellaBarba): so sad to lose James Gandolfini at such a young age…what a legacy he left, though!
Kat DeLuna (@KatDeLuna): R.I.P. James Gandolfini. Famously played the Tony Soprano on “The Sopranos”
Ashley Parker Angel (@ParkerAngel): I’m so bummed to hear about James Gandolfini passing away. He was only 51 years old. Incredible actor. My heart goes out to his family. RIP
Pia Toscano (@PiaToscano): Very sad to hear of James Gandolfini’s passing… Gone way too soon..
Eva Simons (@evasimons): R.I.P James Gandolfini aka Tony Soprano
Toby Lightman (@TobyLightman): I am in shock about James Gandolfini.. Wow.. Tony Soprano RIP..
Tyler Hilton (@TylerHilton): Farewell, Mr. Gandolfini… http://instagram.com/p/aw2p5wvw8S/
LOLO (@lolomusic): Mr. Gandolfini you will be missed. Thanks for sharing your talent, you were a true #weaponforsaturday. Now let the #sopranos marathon begin.
Uh Huh Her (@UhHuhHerMusic): RIP James Gandolfini. What an amazing talent. Aye. :(
Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan): From Lindsay: “James Gandolfini was a dear friend and a great man. My heart goes out to his family. He will be greatly missed” - team lohan
Paula Abdul (@PaulaAbdul): I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of James Gandolfini. I can’t believe it. He’ll be sorely missed. My condolences to his family.
Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake): Really though… This James Gandolfini passing is so sad. My heart goes out to his family in this time. RIP #takentoosoon
Brian McFadden (@BrianMcFadden): I genuinely feel a sense of loss this morning after hearing about James Gandolfini. I never even met him. RIP.
Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton): RIP James Gandolfini. A brilliant actor. Too young to pass. My prayers go out to his family and friends.
Nerina Pallot (@ladychatterley): Oh no. I can’t process the news about James Gandolfini. I feel like I have lost a friend. Tony Soprano can’t be dead, he can’t be. That’s what an amazing actor Gandolfini was. He made a fictitious character live on and on and on. He made me care about a gangster.