Pop Stars Cheer Judge Walker Overturning California’s Gay Marriage Ban

Several artists are weighing in on the news that U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker overturned Proposition 8 earlier today, saying that the California ballot initiative that banned same-sex marriage in the state was based on moral disapproval of gay marriage and ordered the enforcement the ban to stop. Among the universally supportive comments on the ruling on Twitter:
Tamar Kaprelian (@TamarKaprelian): #prop8 overturned! Good day today.
Lenka (@LenkaMusic): Go California! Gays allowed to marry now because Prop 8 just got overturned. Woohooo equality! … Oh boo, not quite yet for same-sex marriage… An appeal was made. But come ON! Australia too. We need LOVE equality.
Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin): YEAHHHHH!!!!! #PROP8UNCONSTITUTIONAL MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!!! RT please
Sara Bareilles (@SaraBareilles): Hell yeah!!! Prop 8 is overturned!!
Pink (@Pink): Its a good day!RT @cnnbrk: California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional by federal judge; Same-sex marriage ban
Kimberley Locke (@KimberleyLocke): Prop. 8 ban on same-sex marriage ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge today. Finally, a step in the right direction! … One day we will join our Canadian brothers and sisters in equality for all! Today is one step closer to that day! #noh8 #prop8 #fb
A Fine Frenzy (@AFineFrenzy): #PROP8UNCONSTITUTIONAL Wonderful news!!! Congratulations to all the happy couples who can finally get married in California!
Adam Levine (@adamlevine): Yeah!!! Prop 8 can suck it ! And by “it” I mean our collective Californian schlong! … The fact that there ever was a prop 8 is out of control. It’s archaic and backwards and stupid. And it’s hopefully gone forever.
Tristan Prettyman (@tprettyman): yessssssss!!!!!!! RT @LOLison_SD: @tprettyman Equality won today! Prop 8 held to be unconstitutional under due process and equal protection.
Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton): What a huge historical day for equal rights in this country! They finally overturned Prop 8! There shouldn’t be a law on true love. :)
Darren Hayes (@darrenhayes): What kind of person votes *against* two people getting married? How miserable must your life be to deny happiness to others?
Sky Ferreira (@skyferreira): Yaaaaay #GayMarriage in california :) #AboutTime
Adam Lambert (@adamlambert): Prop 8 Overturned! I’m glad California has restored the right for ALL of its citizens to marry whoever they please! Equal rights are very Glam!
Britney Spears (@britneyspears): So happy! Today is a great day for love and equality. Congrats California! #Equality -Britney
Katy Perry (@katyperry): FINALLY! Amazing! cnnbrk: California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional by federal judge; Same-sex marriage ban
Michelle Branch (@michellebranch): Prop 8 overturned!! It’s about damn time. … The gays are gonna be extra rowdy at The Newsies tonight :) Yay! Now I better be invited to some kick ass weddings! #NOH8 #equalityforall
Moby (@thelittleidiot): congratulations california on prop8 being overturned.
Kelly Sweet (@kellysweet): Amazing that Prop 8 was overturned today. :-)
Lady Gaga (@ladygaga): At the moments notice of PROP 8 DEATH … REJOICE and CELEBRATE gay communities and straight all over the world. Our voices are being heard! Loud! SCREAM LOUD AMERICANOS!
Tina Parol (@TinaParol): Yellow tail! Celebrating californias victory and celebrating writing songs and life in general. Raise your cups!
Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore): celebrating today’s victory in the overturn of prop 8!! a step in the right direction for sure….. :)