Britney Spears Fans Tweet Threatening & Racist Messages To Adrienne Bailon

Fans of Britney Spears are furious with former Cheetah Girls singer Adrienne Bailon after ‘The Real’ co-host talked about working with Britney Spears on television recently. “I worked with her on ‘X-Factor.’ Not gonna lie to you guys, I would sit to do my interviews with Demi [Lovato],” Bailon explained. “I did, like, the behind-the-scenes stuff. She can’t hold a conversation. They have someone who feeds her what she’s supposed to say. She can’t hold a conversation.”
The comments about the pop singer, who has been living under a conservatorship since 2008 after a mental breakdown, didn’t go over well with some of her most rabid fans, who took to Twitter to make obscene, threatening and racist comments about the star.
Amongst the unhinged tweets:
Jonathan (@jonathaanrp): @Adrienne_Bailon die bitch #britneyarmy
XtinaFansBePoor (@ronanexhale): @Adrienne_Bailon KILL YOURSELF YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SH**!!!! WHERE THE FU** IS YOUR CAREER?!? I HOPE YOU DIE!!!! … @xtinaculture she said Britney isn’t her cup of tea!!! SHE NEEDS TO KILL HERSELF!!! I HOPE YOU DIE BITCH!!! .. @Adrienne_Bailon the fact that you’re a backstage media correspondent on the flop factor is self dragging enough. Kill yourself .. @Adrienne_Bailon you’re a fu**ing flop!!! I would be ashamed if I was your mother!!! Kill yourself! I hope you get raped by a gang of blacks
ROßßIE (@iFUseeCKme): You’re a disgusting human being I hope you die you cu**. Disrespecting Britney like you know her. Bitch stay behind scenes @Adrienne_Bailon
Britney Army (@dito_spears): @Adrienne_Bailon Die soon u filthy cu**! don’t mess with Britney Army. Who the fu** do u think u r? u sucked 1000 coc*s just to be a z-list
Julia (@fanbrits): @Adrienne_Bailon U’RE A FU**ING IDIOT! STFU! if u’d been thru the crap Britney was u’d fu**ing die!
(@iamjimmey): Hello, whore! Are you upset, cause Britney had nothing to say to you, bitch? I hope you die, I’ll sh** on your grave!!! @Adrienne_Bailon
aaron speedlin (@aaronspeedlin): @Adrienne_Bailon kill yourself you worthless cu**…you’re fat, irrelevant, hideous and POOR compared to Britney. DIE
Jayden James (@JaydenJ15): @Adrienne_Bailon Lets b real then Britney is a pop legend & u r a washed up cu** working on a knock off version of The Talk. Real enough 4 u?
AMozdaiNisam (@TuSamJa): @Adrienne_Bailon Fu** you, ugly piece of sh**!! First wash your stupid mouth than talk about Queen of Pop music B. Spears! Ugly cu**!
Isabella (@LeonaIsabella): U stink like a fart @Adrienne_Bailon prostitute piece of sh**. Stay pressed, irrelevant, miserable, whore, wannabe, backstage maid.
Valerie. (@InfiniteVal): @Adrienne_Bailon Britney couldn’t understand your raspy beaner voice. That’s why she had people telling her what to say in your interviews.
Cassandra Edelstein (@chrswith1eye): go back to Mexico u disgusting piece of Mexican trash @Adrienne_Bailon. I’m glad @RobKardashian cheated on you. you are scum like ur parents