Pop Stars React To Boston Marathon Explosions

Pop artists are reacting on Twitter to the devastating news of two bomb explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, with reports of two deaths and dozens of injuries following the blasts. Included in the celebrity responses were reactions of Mika, who had been at that very location on Sunday, and marathon runner Ellie Goulding.
Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin): My heart goes out to all the victims of the explosion at the finish line. #bostonmarathon
Ayla Brown (@AylaBrown): Holy crap. #PrayersForBoston OMG
Blake Lewis (@BlakeLewis): Sending all my love and positivity to the people in The Boston Marathon bombing. This is just ridiculous.
P!nk (@Pink): Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the explosions in Boston.
Ellie Goulding (@elliegoulding): Just heard about Boston Marathon. God I hope everyone’s ok… Awesome show in Helsinki but I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened in Boston. Fu**, why. Once again, anger and sadness
Bridgit Mendler (@bridgitmendler): Praying for those at the boson marathon today
Ingrid Michaelson (@ingridmusic): Boston oh my god.
Kate Voegele (@katevoegele): Thoughts and prayers are with Boston right now. So scary. #bostonmarathon
Backstreet Boys (@backstreetboys): We’re sending our thoughts and prayers to everyone in Boston today #PrayForBoston
Shane Harper (@TheShaneHarper): so sad… #prayingforBoston
Sheryl Crow (@SherylCrow): I am just sickened to hear about the news in #Boston. My heart and prayers go out to everyone affected by this tragedy.
Drew Seeley (@drewseeley): God bless everyone affected by the Boston marathon bombs today. I’m just sick to my stomach. Just why?! I want to have faith in mankind.
Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan): Sending prayers to everyone who was/is at the #bostonmarathon
Brian Mcfadden (@BrianMcFadden): lots of innocent decent people running the Boston marathon and lots for charity…. an understandable target? Fu**ing crazy sick bastards. Your bomb sends us all a clear message… you are cowards.
Jared Evan (@JaredEvan): I was just in Boston. The fact that this can happen unexpectedly is scary. What the fuck. Pray for those.
Rachael Yamagata (@rachaelyamagata): Love to Boston….
tristanprettyman (@tprettyman): Sending you all my love Boston. All my love, and prayers.
Kevin Jonas (@kevinjonas): Prayers go out to everyone in Boston. We all love you and we are praying for you
Nadine Coyle (@NadineCoyleNow): Life is so precious. I love you! Tell someone you love how much. Who knows when we will just have to say it to the sky hoping they hear. Xx
Mika (@mikasounds): Am so shocked by the explosions at the finish line in Boston. Was standing near there yesterday surrounded by people from around the world. It felt so happy, positive and multicultural. This is the last thing in the world I was expecting. Very sad
Ed Sheeran (@edsheeran): #prayforboston Thoughts go out to Boston xx
Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore): Sending thoughts, prayers and love to everyone in Boston…
Esmée Denters (@esmeeworld): My thoughts go out to everyone in Boston. So sad to hear that something so positive turned into a nightmare.
Charlotte Sometimes (@4EverSometimes): This is just horrific. My heart aches for all those who have been injured in The Boston Marathon
Ashley Parker Angel (@ParkerAngel): My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and everyone affected by today’s terrible tragedy in Boston.
Orianthi (@orianthi): Thoughts are with all at the Boston Marathon
Marie Digby (@mariedigby): So sad to hear the news about Boston.. What a terrible tragedy. Prayers and positive thoughts for everyone there <3 Paula Abdul (@PaulaAbdul): I was shocked to hear about the horrible explosions at the Boston Marathon. I'm holding the people of Boston in my heart. Please #prayforboston -my heart goes out to the injured and to the family and friends of those who passed away.
Drake Bell (@DrakeBell) I’m appalled that with what is going on in Boston beliebers are STILL sending death threats and telling me to kill myself! You are all sick!
Kelly Sweet (@kellysweet): Sending love to Boston. As a Massachusetts native, I am thinking of you… #bostonmarathon
Rebecca Black (@MsRebeccaBlack): Just heard about the tragedy at the Boston marathon today. This is crazy & I send my love and thoughts to everyone in boston. #prayforboston
Jordan Pruitt (@JordansBlog): Wow… I am sick to my stomach watching the news. My prayers are with all the families affected in Boston. #prayforboston
Melanie Brown (@OfficialMelB): #PrayForBoston My thoughts are with you.
Toby Lightman (@TobyLightman): My heart just dropped seeing what happened in Boston.
Natasha Hamilton (@NatashaOfficial): I just can’t believe what I’m hearing about the Boston marathon bombings, what is this world coming to! My prayers & thoughts are with all x
Jonas Brothers (@JonasBrothers): Praying and thinking of Boston
Uh Huh Her (@UhHuhHerMusic): So sad to hear about Boston. Sending love. X
Sandi Thom (@Sandi_Thom): I’m just sickened..sickened! by what I’m reading on the Boston marathon. When does this ever end? How can anyone feel safe in such a world? My thoughts and prayers with the victims and casualties of the bombings. My heart goes out to you all. Xxx
Vanessa White (@VanessaTheSats): Just saw the news. Absolutely awful! Thoughts and prays for everyone in Boston! X #bostonmarathon
Lee Ryan (@LeeRyanMusic): It’s so so sad what’s happened in Boston… My heart goes out to all the families and people who lost there lives! Saying prayers tonight :( When are we gonna stand up as people realize as people were all equal, we don’t want no world war sequel, for the love of god think of the people
JoJo (@JoJoistheway): Just got out of yoga and had a dozen text messages… My heart dropped. Please #PrayForBoston My Home. My family and dearest friends. Bostonians are no doubt some of the strongest people I know. I’m PROUD to be from #MASSACHUSETTS … #PrayForBoston #Unite
Ke$ha (@keshasuxx): My heartfelt love goes out to those affected by today’s tragedy in Boston. All of our thoughts are with you. #loveintothelight
Cheryl Cole (@CherylCole) Sickened and saddened!! Thoughts go to everyone affected in Boston !! Stop this world. I want off #PrayforBoston
Christina Perri (@christinaperri) Sending all my love and prayers to Boston.
Skylar Grey (@SkylarGrey): Horrible news about the Boston Marathon bombings… My thoughts and prayers are with those lost and injured.
Alyssa Bernal (@alyssabernal): My prayers go out to those poor innocent victims in Boston.
Austin Mahone (@AustinMahone): So sad to hear what happened to Boston!! My prayers go out to all the victims and families #PrayForBoston
Avril Lavigne (@AvrilLavigne): Sending my thoughts to Boston, my heart is with you all! #PrayForBoston
Vita Chambers (@VitaChambers): My thoughts and prayers go out to everybody harmed in & the families of those that were affected because of the bombings. #PrayForBoston - Love V.
Olly Murs (@ollyofficial): So landed in US to hear of the shocking events in BOSTON! My thoughts & Love is with everyone there at the moment… Xx
Heidi Range (@Heidi_range): Heartbreaking #prayforboston x
Greyson Chance (@greysonchance): watching that video makes my heart drop. one of my favorite cities, Boston I’m praying.
Kimberly Wyatt (@KimberlyKWyatt): My heart Hurts for those affected by the Boston Bombings.
Alyson Stoner (@AlysonOnTour): Praying God’s supply over Boston.. Medicine/aid, time, add’l effort/energy, His mercy/sparing of lives/healing, His power to overcome with Good!
Cody Simpson (@CodySimpson): My prayers and condolences go out to everyone in Boston affected by the bombings. Literally cannot believe it. Much love. Live in peace
Vanessa Carlton (@VanessaCarlton): All sympathies/empathy projected to Boston. So sorry for anyone who was injured and for the families of the 2 who died. Heart beating heavy.
Joey Fatone (@realjoeyfatone): Prayers go out to the victims of the #Bostonmarathon some friends were running in it as well and thank goodness that they are ok
Samantha Ronson (@samantharonson): I can’t even believe what I just read…. sending love and prayers to those suffering today in Boston. so tragic.
Porcelain Black (@PorcelainBlack): Praying for Boston
Michelle Branch (@michellebranch): In the middle of writing and just heard the news about Boston. Awful.
Moby (@thelittleidiot): What sort of person ever thinks that killing and maiming innocent people is a good idea? Just horrifying. There is never a valid justification for harming or killing an innocent person. not ever.
Katharine McPhee (@katharinemcphee): Prayers for #Boston. I’m horrified.
Meiko (@meiko): Praying for peace today and always… For Boston and everywhere…
Nikki Yanofsky (@NikkiYanofsky): My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected in this terrible attack in Boston. #PrayForBoston #PrayForTheWorld
Shakira (@Shakira): My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Boston. Shak
Victoria Justice (@VictoriaJustice): Just heard some terrible news…my thoughts & prayers go out to the victims, families & friends of today’s tragedy in Boston. #PrayforBoston
Debbie Gibson (@DebbieGibson): Pray that this madness ends and people are all loving!
Ricki-Lee (@TheRickiLee): Sending all my love and thoughts to the people of #Boston right now - watching this footage is just horrifying.
Britney Spears (@britneyspears): Sending my thoughts & prayers to Boston, my heart is with u all… #PrayForBoston
Erin McCarley (@erinmccarley): This is terrible…thinking of the families and individuals who are affected by this tragedy in Boston.
GavinDeGraw (@GavinDeGraw): A sad day for us. To the victims in Boston and their families: my heart is hurting tremendously for you today. My prayers are with you…
Fergie (@Fergie): Sending thoughts, prayers & love out 2 the families affected in today’s #BostonMarathon tragedy. #PrayForBoston
Justin Bieber (@justinbieber): #PrayForBoston
Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) Sending peace & many blessings to Boston
Darren Hayes (@darrenhayes): All life precious but particularly heartbreaking to hear of Boston today. Amazing city & incredible people. Be strong the world is with you.
Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey): So sad I am at loss for words. My heart goes out to everyone in Boston. #PrayForBoston
Demi Lovato (@ddlovato): #prayforboston
Adam Levine (@adamlevine): Sending love to Everyone in Boston.
Selena Gomez (@selenagomez): #prayforBoston
Idina Menzel (@idinamenzel): Boston friends and families you are in my heart.
Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas): Nothing to tweet but that i am feeling for a lot of families in Boston. it’s a scary world and that scare is getting ever closer to home for some of us and has been at the door of a lot off good people for a while now. time to appreciate a world of things. good luck.
Hilary Duff (@HilaryDuff): Why oh why do people do this to one another. Big prayers for #Boston. I am so sad watching the news! :( these poor people :( #Boston stay strong
Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles): Just heard the news. So terribly sad. thoughts with everyone in Boston .x
Shane Filan (@ShaneFilan): Shocking & devastating news #prayforboston
Elizaveta (@elizavetaka): My thoughts are with Bostonians now…
Nicole Scherzinger (@NicoleScherzy): My prayers and thoughts are with those who have loved ones in Boston. God bless you #PrayforBoston
Nick Lachey (@NickSLachey): What a numbing day……my sincere prayers go out to all affected today in Boston. A reminder to cherish every moment we have. #Boston
Jordin Sparks (@JordinSparks): I don’t even know what to say. My heart just hurts for those involved in what happened in Boston. Praying for everyone…
Jessica Veronica (@Jessicaveronica): Prayers to Boston. We need to heal our future starting w/ our children. Teach acceptance, self love & understanding, compassion for others
Nick Carter (@nickcarter): My heart and prayers go out to Boston.
Starshell (@Starshell): Love and blessings go out to all effected in Boston. My home. I love you!
Ashley Tisdale (@ashleytisdale): So terrible & scary to see such violence. Keeping everyone in #Boston in my thoughts today #prayforboston
Debby Ryan (@TheDebbyRyan): Sending all my love & so many prayers for Boston.
Jason Castro (@jasoncastro): So saddened by the tragedy in Boston.. what a broken world. #PrayforBoston
Aly & AJ Michalka (@78violet): We could not be more saddened by such horrific news in Boston:( Please pray for comfort and healing. Only God can bring peace to the city.
Elliott Yamin (@elliottyamin): sorry y’all,been in RVA catching up with friends and family, but my heart is heavy tonight after finally seeing these Boston marathon images #prayforboston
Liz McClarnon (@LizMcClarnon): Sending sympathy and love to all in Boston
Lolene (@Lolene): What heart breaking news in Boston. How mindless and tragic. God bless the victims and families just so sad #Boston