Pop Stars Wish Twitter Followers A Happy Thanksgiving

Dozens of pop stars sent out Happy Thanksgiving wishes via Twitter today in celebration of the American holiday. Among the tweets:
Jennifer Lopez (@JLo): Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! #familia #goodfood #LOVE #iamgrateful
Orianthi (@orianthi): Happy thanksgiving !!!
Austin Mahone (@AustinMahone): HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Esmée Denters (@esmeeworld): Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Start each day with a grateful heart!
Jessie J (@JessieJ): Happy Thanksgiving
Neon Hitch (@NeonHitch): Happy thanksgiving America! I will pay my respect by eating lots of food today.. Can’t wait to be back in the states xx
Ashley Tisdale (@ashleytisdale): Happy thanksgiving!!!!! So excited to wake up and see 11 million followers, so as promised here’s your hint….. Dec 16th :)
Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham): Happy thanksgiving fashion bunnies!! x vb https://vine.co/v/hPzlvdWUmtb
Lady Gaga (@ladygaga): Happy Thanksgiving little turkey+tofurkey monsters, I love you with am, my heart and thought all day about how grateful I am to be… So excited to have Kermit and The Muppets on my Thanksgiving special tonight! I wonder if @RealMissPiggy is going to show up?
Lovey James (@TheLoveyJames): Happy Thanksgiving! Stuff your face today!
Joe Jonas (@joejonas): Happy thanksgiving! http://instagram.com/p/hQ0Ox0j8E6/
Eliza Doolittle (@elizadoolittle): Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans out thurrrrrrrrr!
Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas): HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone out there! hope you are safe and sound with family.
Luciana (@LucianaCaporaso): A ‘HAPPY THANKSGIVING” to you all… pic.twitter.com/pNiCFE4PAN
One Direction (@onedirection): Happy Thanksgiving US Fans! Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday with friends and family! 1DHQ x
Kimberly Wyatt (@KimberlyKWyatt): I’m so sad I’m missing the Thanksgiving Day Parade…. Happy T Day twitter peeps. Xx
Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore): There is much to recognize and appreciate on this #Thanksgiving. Wishing you a wonderful day surrounded by lots of love and gratitude!!
Katy Perry (@katyperry): GUYS! Today is a day to give THANKS & be GIVING. Contribute to #Haiyan relief efforts w/new remix of #Unconditionally http://iTunes.com/Philippines
Lance Bass (@LanceBass): Who’s cooking right now?! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!!
Aria Crescendo (@ARIAcrescendo): Mmmmm I guess ?? happy #thanksgiving to everyone eat a lot today ;) yum yum #goodfood #healthy #quote… http://instagram.com/p/hQ5o6Lj2Jr/
Lindi Ortega (@lindiortega): Happy thanksgiving America
Sandi Thom (@Sandi_Thom): Happy Thanksgiving : ) Today I will give enormous thanks for my family, my friends & my fans & think of those less fortunate than I am. ST
Anna Margaret (@TalkToAnna): Happy thanksgiving!!! Eat a lot of food and don’t forget to tell the people who mean the world to you, that you are thankful for them.
The Puppini Sisters (@Puppini_Sisters): Wishing all of our American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving! XXX
To Be One (@tobeone): Happy Thanksgiving! Today is the day of giving thanks! We are so thankful that you guys are in our life. You make it possible for us to live our dream
Joey Fatone (@realjoeyfatone): Happy Thanksgiving everyone !! Very thankful for my family and all of u !!
Serena Ryder (@serenaryder): Hope your having a ROCKIN #Thanksgiving in the States today! Xoxo pic.twitter.com/1bKGpVD9sD
Mollie King (@MollieTheSats): Happy Thanksgiving America
Alison Sudol (@AFineFrenzy): Happy Thanksgiving my friends!!! What are you thankful for? xxx
LOLO (@lolomusic): HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y’ALL!! http://instagram.com/p/hQ99llk4yE/ Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Hanukkah you beautiful people! #yoloLolo
Starshell (@Starshell): Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Rebecca Black (@MsRebeccaBlack): happy thanksgiving :) thank you all for changing my life. I love you I love you I lOVE OYU
Shakira (@shakira): Happy Thanksgiving from Milan! pic.twitter.com/9JQjwkVz4k
Enrique Iglesias (@enrique305): #happythanksgiving everyone! send me your thanksgiving photos tagged with #eithx http://instagram.com/p/hRAlK0KGTY/
Nikki Flores (@MsNikkiFlores): Happy thanksgiving my loves! Have a beautiful day
Mat Kearney (@matkearney): Happy Thanksgiving! I’m very thankful for you. You’re the reason I get to live my dream.
Backstreet Boys (@backstreetboys): Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!! 20 years and we’re still thankful for Y-O-U. #thankyou
Debbie Gibson (@DebbieGibson): Ok! Thaw, pack, and head to the fam’s for turkey! Can’t wait !!! Have such a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!
Drew Seeley (@drewseeley): So many things to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. Health, family & YOU GUYS! Thank you for supporting & encouraging me through the years!
Aly & AJ Michalka (@78Violet): Happy Thanksgiving!So thankful for all our Violetbuds. Thank you for your support this year & we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on!
Debi Nova (@debinova): Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I am so thankful to spend my day with these amazing kids who have worked hard all year to make a change and protect our environment.
Christina Perri (@christinaperri): thanksgiving day surprise: the name of #albumtwo is “HEAD OR HEART” xo
Laura Jansen (@LauraJansen): Me and my turkeys. Happy thanksgiving y’all. @wouterrentema jphoekstra http://instagram.com/p/hRD1mPrKrQ/
Tyler Hilton (@TylerHilton): Happy Thanksgiving!! Football, parade or Twilight Zone? What’re you watching? @Megan_Park are fighting for the remote.
Elizabeth & The Catapult (@thecatapult): Happy Thanksgiving everyone- I am so thankful for each and every one of you! Eat lots and be merry! xoxo
Polly Scattergood (@pollyworld): #happythanksgiving to all my friends Stateside! 2celebrate here is a cover I did of New York New York @somersethouse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2wm3vEUu_4
Ryan Cabrera (@RyanCabrera): If you’re in LA Tomm nite we will be playin the Troubador!! Come celebrate w us. Happy thanksgiving… http://instagram.com/p/hRQj3RMeiJ/
Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue): Happy Thanksgiving! What are you grateful for today? I’m thankful for all the #lovers out there…and for new music coming soon!
Uh Huh Her (@UhHuhHerMusic): Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope all have a lovely holiday. x
Crystal Bowersox (@crystalbowersox): Ok Organic, non GMO fed, humanely treated Turkey is in the oven. I will humanely eat him later then inhumanely wear sweat pants all day.
Allison Iraheta (@AllisonIraheta): Hope everyone has a day full of love, togetherness and feasts. Grateful for all of you. Happy Thanksgiving:)
Vanessa Hudgens (@VanessaHudgens): Happy #Thanksgiving Lovebugs!! Here’s a lil Thanksgiving #TBT http://tmblr.co/ZAW8ps-hq8ac
Sam Sparro (@samsparro): Happy Thanksgiving and Chanukah!
Ke$ha (@keshasuxx): animals!! I’m thankful for you!!!
Blake Lewis (@BlakeLewis): Happy Thanksgiving friends. I’m thankful I have you in my life. Enjoy yourselves.
Alexz Johnson (@alexzjohnson): Happy National Day weekend & Thanksgiving weekend (fellow American friends)! What are you thankful for today….. ?
Nick Lachey (@NickLachey): Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you’re getting to spend it with the ones you love. A lot to be thankful for in 2013….. #HappyTurkeyDay
Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake): Happy Thanksgiving Day! Hope you all have a food-filled marathon. Much to be thankful for… Now, let’s eat!
Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan): sending love and blessings. #lifeisgood happy thanksgiving x… http://bit.ly/17ZmKaD
Krista (@OfficialKrista): HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!
Shane Harper (@TheShaneHarper): look who’s coming along for the Thanksgiving trip!! #happythanksgiving :))) http://instagram.com/p/hRPz71Ocpq/
Adam Lambert (@adamlambert): Have a beautiful Thanksgiving everyone!!
Charlotte Sometimes (@4EverSometimes): Happy Thanksgiving my loves!! I want to give thanks to all of you! Because of you I get to wake up and do what I love every day. Thank you thank you
Bruno Mars (@BrunoMars): Happy Thanksgiving to all my Doo-Wops & Hooligans!
Lenka (@LenkaMusic): Happy thanksgiving to my American friends and fans. Wish I was feasting and thanksing with you!! Yum. X
Skylar Grey (@SkylarGrey): Happy Thanksgiving! http://instagram.com/p/hRVeFcKm_a/ … Happy Hanukkah & Thanksgiving from the house of Grey… :-) (menorah on mantel) http://instagram.com/p/hRsac1qmy2/
OH LAND (@OHLANDmusic): I’m #thankful I’m not a turkey!!!!! Happy #Thanksgiving
Ashley Parker Angel (@ParkerAngel): Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so thankful for family, friends and every single one of you. Time to feast!
Kerli (@kerlimusic): Happy Thanksgiving! http://instagram.com/p/hRVtA8yRG-/
Paula Abdul (@PaulaAbdul): Happy Thanksgiving! Gratitude is POWERFUL. May we all be genuinely thankful today and everyday! I send you all SO much love! xoxoP
Avril Lavigne (@AvrilLavigne): Happy Thanksgiving to all my fans in the US!!
ZACPOOR (@zacpoor): Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thankful for my fam & friends :) now… Let us eat!
Marie Digby (@mariedigby): Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! We’re cooking up a storm in the digby household. What are your staple dishes?
Brooke White (@brookewhite): Happy thanksgiving friends! However or with whoever you spend the day, I hope it’s filled with happiness, thanks and good food
Keisha Buchanan (@keisha_buchanan): Happy #Thanksgiving to all my US followers & friends Xxx
Kelly Sweet (@kellysweet): Happy Thanksgiving! I’m feeling blessed to be with family today. :-)
Victoria Justice (@VictoriaJustice): Happy Thanksgiving friends! Hope you all eat lots & spend the day with people you love. So thankful to have tweeps like all of u:) Love you guys
Celica Westbrook (@CelicaWestbrook): Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I am so thankful for each and every one of you. You guys truly mean the world to me. I am beyond blessed. Xo
Joe Brooks (@joebrooksmusic): Happy thanksgiving, I’m so thankful for all of you x
Cheryl Cole (@CherylCole): To my US friends Happy Thanksgiving!! I am so thankful to have you all in my life! Have an amazing day. Love all “y’all”
Alyssa Bernal (@alyssabernal): So thankful for my Lysseners! Happy Thanksgiving.
Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton): Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Take a moment to think of everyone and everything in your life that you are grateful for. #LifeisBeautiful
Nick Jonas (@nickjonas): Happy thanksgiving everyone. So much to be thankful for this year…
Cody Simpson (@CodySimpson): happy Thanksgiving to all of my American fans. see you all in January on the #AcousticSessionsTour.
Christina Aguilera (@xtina): Happy Thanksgiving! No better way to spend it than with the men & women who serve our country. On @JayLeno tonight!
Kristinia Debarge (@kristinia): Happy thanksgiving!!! May everyone’s day be filled with joy! Xo!
Nicole Scherzinger (@NicoleScherzy): An English Thanksgiving dinner:) I’m so grateful and stuffed like a turkey! #Blessed #London #Gravy http://instagram.com/p/hRn7jUobLA/
Nick Carter (@nickcarter): Happy thanksgiving to all of you.
Natalie Mejia (@nataliemejia): Happy thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for! Including being grateful for all your love &… http://instagram.com/p/hRpqgdmImF/
Meiko (@meiko): Couldn’t make it to Georgia for Thanksgiving. Props to families who open their arms & tables up to us strays! That’s what it’s all about :)
Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles): Happy Thanksgiving Errrrrbody.
Cyndi Lauper (@cyndilauper): Saw the performace of the Kinky Boots performance made me so proud. Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a great night! Xx
Miranda Cosgrove (@MirandaCosgrove): Pretty proud of the key lime pie I made :) Happy Thanksgiving!!! pic.twitter.com/Y1OlqOLAnF
Lisa Origliasso (@Lisa_Veronica): Happy Thanksgiving to my American family & friends. So thankful for you X
Alex Band (@alex_band): Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for you guys, my truest supporters!!! I’m about to chow down on what my wife’s been cooking. Yum!