Demi Lovato checked in with her Twitter followers (@ddlovato) after it was announced she’s not returning her role in the Disney channel series ‘Sonny with a Chance’ after taking time off from the show to deal with her emotional and physical issues. Instead, the 18-year-old will focus on her music career. The decision got a message of support on Twitter from her ‘Sonny’ co-star Tiffany Thornton. Disney says ‘Sonny’ will continue airing as a spinoff titled ‘So Random’, with the original show’s cast, guest stars and musical acts.
Demi and Tiffany write:
Demi: Thank you all so much for your support with the decisions I’ve decided to make with my career.. I love you guys.
Tiffany: We are all sad that Demi is no longer on the show and will miss her tons. We are, however, fortunate to still be working! And are…
Tiffany: super excited for y’all to see the new format of So Random. We hope y’all like it! We love you @ddlovato and can’t wait to hear your next album
Tiffany: Also, may I just say, @ddlovato I couldn’t be more proud of the woman you’ve become these past 6 months and I look forward to …
Tiffany: seeing the blessings God will pour out on your life and the many ways He will use you to help others. Love you @ddlovato
Demi: @therealTiffany I love you so much T. and I miss ALL of you.. But I’m especially thankful God gave me our everlasting friendship.. Love you!
Demi: Sonny was a chapter in my life I will be forever grateful for.. Thank you all for watching.. Can’t wait to see the new format for So Random!