Pop Artists Send Out Happy Mother’s Day Twitter Messages

Several pop artists checked in with their Twitter followers today to wish mothers a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday (May 12), including some who are mothers themselves. Amongst them:
Britney Spears (@britneyspears): I’ve got the two cutest boys in the world! Hope y’all are having as nice of a #mothersday as I am! pic.twitter.com/rcKEqhh9Ea
Pia Toscano (@PiaToscano): Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mommy’s out there! Especially My beautiful mom, grandmother’s & Aunts & friends! Happy Mother’s Day to my mommy bulajane. Love you http://instagram.com/p/ZOMujfr8ej/
Kevin Jonas (@kevinjonas): Happy Mother’s Day!! To all you awesome moms out there!!
Starshell (@Starshell): A mother’s love is incomparable. Love to all of you who are mothers, Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Lucy Woodward (@lucywoodward): This amazing woman raised me! Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! xxxx http://fb.me/2pIQyDb7i
Sara Bareilles (@SaraBareilles): Happiest of happy Mother’s Day to you beautiful mamas out there. Thank you for everything. Xoxo
Enrique Iglesias (@enrique305): Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms (genetic or otherwise) who have raised a child! #happymothersday
Keisha Buchanan (@keisha_buchanan): Happy Mother’s Day international mama’s !!!
BC Jean (@BCJean): Happy Mother’s Day!!!! My Mom wears Ed Hardy- I can’t make fun of her today ?? #MothersDay #MyMomRocks http://instagram.com/p/ZOHaVCTYms/
Cody Simpson (@CodySimpson): Happy Mother’s Day to the most beautiful mum in the entire world. I love you unconditionally.
Alison Sudol (@AFineFrenzy): Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful, intelligent, incredibly organized, supportive and tender mother. I lucked out on the mommy lottery. And wishing all you other mums out there a warm and peaceful Mother’s Day with your littles (even if your littles are grown) xx
JoJo (@JoJoistheway): Happy Mother’s Day @DianaLevesque - I love you MADLY. Thank you for making me the weirdo I am. I love your toes to your ear lobes :)
Jessica Sutta (@IamJessicaSutta): Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful mommy, Liz Sutta. Love you! Miss you! and will see you soon!!!
Jason Mraz (@jason_mraz): Happy Mother’s Day from The Thuperband. Thank u for birthing uth. http://instagram.com/p/ZODFVxBpzD/
Colbie Caillat (@ColbieCaillat): Happy Sunday! And happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers around the world…especially 2 my beautiful Momma!! http://twitpic.com/cq3x43
Austin Mahone (@AustinMahone): Good morning! Happy Mother’s Day!! Happy Mother’s Day to the #1 Mom in the world! @MicheleMahone You mean everything to me. I love you with all my heart. Hope ur day is amazing
Crystal Bowersox (@crystalbowersox): Happy Mother’s Day to my mama and every mama out there!!
Fergie (@Fergie): Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful mommy Terri & all the strong mamas out there. http://instagram.com/p/ZN_YsYEDE_/ pic.twitter.com/LrntjNWTnp
Samantha Ronson (@samantharonson): Happy Mother’s Day to the best! http://instagram.com/p/ZN_cUQCzPv/
Dido (@didoofficial): Happy mothers day to all the mums who live where it’s mother’s day today! xxx
Greyson Chance (@greysonchance): Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!
Laura Jansen (@LauraJansen): Happy Mothers Day mom:) http://instagram.com/p/ZNSw7UrKsh/
Jonas Brothers (@JonasBrothers): Happy Mother’s Day to our mom @denisejonas and to all the mothers in our lives
Elizabeth & The Catapult (@thecatapult): Happy Mother’s Day to my ridiculously beautiful and loving momma! http://instagram.com/p/ZN0XCYCvI-/
Jennifer Love Hewitt (@TheReal_Jlh): Happy Mother’s Day to all those with us and those looking down on us from heaven. Nothing is better than a wonderful mother. I had the best.
Drew Seeley (@drewseeley): Happy mother’s day to all the incredible women out there who’ve loved us and helped shape who we are. Forever… http://fb.me/1U4lD9GRg
Vita Chambers (@VitaChambers): Special love to all mothers, all over the world. Happy Mother’s day.
Kat DeLuna (@KatDeLuna): Happy mother’s day to all the wonderful moms around the world!
Delta Goodrem (@DeltaGoodrem): My beautiful Mum @leagoodrem and I today.. ??Love you. Happy Mother’s Day xo http://instagram.com/p/ZNIdmWCWAb/
Rebecca Black (@MsRebeccaBlack): Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!!!!!
Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen): Happy Mother’s Day! Xox pic.twitter.com/L99V6I6bU7
Jessica Veronica (@Jessicaveronica): Happy Mother’s Day to the most beautiful, inspiring, giving and enchanting soul I could ever be… http://instagram.com/p/ZMjggriScC/
Laura Imbruglia (@LauraImbruglia): Happy Mother’s Day! Mums are the best! They do your hair and hold flannelette sheets under their arm… http://fb.me/MpbC261P
Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas): HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY from mari and i to our mom, maria! we love you SO much and thanx for all you do for @sidewalkangels!
Ashley Tisdale (@ashleytisdale): Happy Mother’s Day to an amazing mom who is not only there for me but has always taught me to believe.… http://instagram.com/p/ZONdtEwaDC/
Victoria Justice (@VictoriaJustice): Happy Mother’s Day!! Post your own selfie w/ your mama :) #LoveUMom
Miranda Cosgrove (@MirandaCosgrove): Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing Moms out there! ( including mine :) )
Jason Castro (@jasoncastro): Happy Mothers Day! Moms rule. Don’t forget to give your mom the biggest hug if you have her close.
Nick Lachey (@NickSLachey): Happy Mother’s Day to every mom out there. Excited to see @VanessaLachey and celebrate her first. Also, big love to my mom @caterein
Christina Perri (@christinaperri): happy mothers day to my favorite woman in the world. she’s my hero and my best friend. http://instagram.com/p/ZOSAvaunVU/
Jennifer Lopez (@JLo): To all of you out there who know the infinite love of being a mama…God Bless You!! Have an amazing day! Its your day! :) #HAPPYMOTHERSDAY
Adam Lambert (@adamlambert): Happy Mothers Day!!
Kris Allen (@KrisAllen): Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing mothers around the world. Especially mine @allen_kimberly. And my mom to be @katyallen!