Calvin Harris is out with the music video to his new single ‘This Is What You Came For’, featuring Rihanna, off the English singer and DJ’s upcoming fifth album on Sony Music. Watch the Emil Nava directed video via YouTube below.
Calvin Harris ‘Outside’ Video Ft. Ellie Goulding

Calvin Harris is out with the music video to his new single ‘Outside’, featuring Ellie Goulding, off the Scottish artist’s fourth studio album ‘Motion’, out now on Columbia Records. ‘Motion’ earned first week U.S. sales more than double that of his previous release, 2012’s ’18 Months’. Watch the Emil Nava-directed clip via YouTube below.
Calvin Harris ‘Blame’ Video Ft. James Newman

Calvin Harris is out with the music video to his new single ‘Blame’, featuring James Newman. The song, which immediately exploded to #1 on Spotify’s global stream chart, is featured on the Scottish artist’s upcoming fourth album on Columbia Records. Watch the Emil Nava directed clip via YouTube below.
Calvin Harris: Jakwob “Lifted My Chords” From ‘I’m Not Alone’

Calvin Harris turned to Twitter after hearing the new Jakwob track ‘Fade’, featuring Maiday, suggesting to the artist lifted the chords from his 2009 single ‘I’m Not Alone’. Among the Tweets:
@CalvinHarris: New Jakwob track come on son what the fu**. Trying to remain philosophical haha
@jakwob: @hervespace @CalvinHarris what’s all this about?!
@CalvinHarris: @jakwob @hervespace you lifted my chords from “I’m Not Alone”, but don’t worry about it, I really like them!! Lovely track too
@hervespace: @jakwob @CalvinHarris “plagiarised” poss too strong a word, just noted the similarities that’s all
Since the tweets on March 22nd, Jakwob hasn’t responded. Check out the two tracks after the cut and listen for the similarities. (more…)
Katy Perry Clashes With Calvin Harris On Twitter Over Tour Cancellation

Katy Perry is not happy with Calvin Harris after the Scottish DJ, producer and singer cancelled as the opening act on the UK leg of her Teenage Dream tour, which resumes Wednesday night in Nottingham. The pair write:
Katy (@KatyPerry): FYI ALL UK & IRELAND RELATED SHOWS @CalvinHarris will NOT be joining in on the fun and has CANCELLED last minute.
Calvin (@CalvinHarris): Sorry to all who wanted to see me with Katy - her team suddenly moved the goalposts, and i was to appear on stage with no production.
Calvin: It would have looked sh**, sounded sh** - trust me you would have been more disappointed SEEING the show than you are with me cancelling
Calvin: That’s the honest truth
Calvin: Her show is AWESOME, you’ll all have an amazing time without me. (especially without me DJing on a cardboard box in front of a pink curtain)
Katy: @CalvinHarris …funny the goal post seems to be perfectly fine for New Young Pony Club, Yelle, Robyn, Marina & The Diamonds to name a few.
Katy: @CalvinHarris or how about Janell Monae and her 16 piece band… Etc… it’s fine, I’m used to you canceling on me, it’s become your staple!
Calvin: I am really sorry @katyperry I’m just upset because I really wanted to play but your team made it impossible
Calvin: We tried really hard to sort it out, but playing side of stage for 30 minutes, it seemed pointless me even being there
Calvin: Didn’t intend to cause offense or upset anybody
Calvin: WTF are Katy Perry fans telling me to KILL MYSELF on twitter for? Seriously. I’m a producer making music. Leave me alone please thanks x
Calvin: The internet is a really depressing place sometimes
Calvin Harris Fumes Over Hotel Internet Fees & Retirement Speculation
Calvin Harris went on a Twitter rant moments ago while in Australia, complaining about the hotel’s internet connection fees and dismissing any talk that he may be retiring from the music biz. The British artist tells followers (@calvinharris):
$27.50 a day internet in this hotel, you dirty bastards I’ll get you back tomorrow at the breakfast buffet, this isn’t over
I’m not even talking about eating all the food. Just putting it away. Any means necessary. Watch me. Watch the eggs disappear.
I’m in the home of the Ugg. There’s an Ugg store right by here. I’ll buy countless pairs and fill them with beans and sausages, all of them
This isn’t about me making a profit, it’s about them making a LOSS. I’m so excited I’m never going to get any sleep tonight
I’m not going to WEAR them you daft bastard pay attention RT @jr27m No offense, but a man in UGG Boots, is a fail of EPIC proportions…
Fu**ing disgusting, hang your head. Ashamed to be followed by you RT @JT6109 just teabag all the food!!
Only messing guys. I love you all.. I wouldn’t be in this hotel if it were not for you, I’d be down the road at Holiday Inn getting good value
I’m not hostile at all, we’re having a laugh!? RT @TheQueerGuy Pissing myself that @calvinharris is so hostile towards his followers.
Listen - people keep messaging me on here saying I’m retiring. Where the fu** did you get that from? I’m not fu**ing Duffy I love music
Who would retire from music on a whim? Ridiculous. Plus, have you seen me recently? I look fu**ing fantastic. Prime of my life. Outstanding
And I’m singing on the second single. And I sound bloody brilliant. Fu**ing superb in fact. Superb.
aaahahahhahaaaaaahaha sorry
Are you kidding me?! Fu**ing loads of Autotune big man! A LOT. of tuning RT @_getstokedonit and no Auto-tune in sight I hope!? haha
I love you all. Let’s all be friends - if you see me, say hi, let’s hug, I’ll play you some new songs if you want off my laptop - it’ll be nice
Because I value my life RT @MauroJ1 how about you sing a capella at one of your performances? (no Autotune, no instrumental)
Ok I really must get to bed now…just lost about 100 fair weather followers but it was worth it…those that remain…I love you!!! xxx
Calvin Harris Gets Locked In A Portable Toilet By Madness Prankster Suggs
Calvin Harris wasn’t happy to be victim of a prank by Suggs of Madness at Camp Bestival over the weekend. Calvin had made a stop in portable restroom only to have Suggs jam the door from the outside. “Suggs saw Calvin pop into one of the backstage portaloos,” a witness told The Sun. “He thought it would be a giggle to tamper with the lock so Calvin couldn’t get out.” Harris was stuck in the porta potty for 10 minutes before being freed, and had to be calmed down by festival organizer Rob Da Bank.
Calvin told his Twitter followers (@calvinharris) afterward:
Haha heard greg james saying I got tipped over in a portaloo by Madness! They WERE c*nts, but this is not true!
All in good fun though so fair play to them!
Calvin Harris ‘You Used To Hold Me’ Video

Calvin Harris is out with the music video to his new single ‘You Used To Hold Me’, the fifth release from the Scottish pop singer’s second album ‘Ready for the Weekend’, out now on Fly Eye / Columbia / Sony. Watch it via YouTube below.
Calvin Harris ‘Flashback’ Video Behind The Scenes
Calvin Harris posted footage on the set on the ‘Flashback’ video shoot in Ibiza, where the singer talked about Ayah - the girl who stars in the video and sings the hook, and the director Vincent Haycock. Ayah also offers commentary.
“We’re here in Ibiza shooting the video for my next single which is ‘Flashback’,” Calvin said. “It’s got a lovely girl called Ayah, who is around somewhere. She’s probably in the video more than me. Hopefully anyway. She’s much more facially attractive than I am.”
Harris said of Haycock, “He’s a lovely chap. He wears a hat. I find a man’s hat is often what draws me to the character of a person.”
As for the filming process, he said, “It’s good with this video because it’s done a lot from a point of view, which means a man in a camera hat, which would be what I see. It means someone completely different from this camera and I can go and eat sweeties and crisps and sit down, which is amazing.”
Watch it via YouTube below.
Calvin Harris Performs ‘I’m Not Alone’ On 4Music
Video of Calvin Harris performing his ‘Ready for the Weekend’ single ‘I’m Not Alone’ on 4Music has been posted online. Watch it via YouTube below.