This is yet more discussion about whether Elvis Presley is the best selling artist of all time from an anonymous editorial posted February 1, 2005. Check out the second part of the discussion here.
Will Michael Jackson Earn More Posthumously Than Elvis?

ITN reports that as Michael Jackson fans begin ordering the ultimate souvenir book about the star called The Michael Jackson Special Edition Opus, it’s now thought he could earn more posthumously than Elvis Presley. In addition, Sony signed on to pay Jackson’s estate and AEG Live at least $60 million for the film rights to the King of Pop’s ‘This Is It’ tour rehearsal and behind the scenes footage. Watch the report via YouTube below.
Celine Dion To Share The ‘Idol’ Stage With Virtual Elvis

TMZ has learned Celine Dion will perform ‘If I Can Dream’ with a virtual Elvis Presley during the ‘Idol Give Back’ special this week. A source at least week’s taping tells the site that Dion performed with a Elvis impersonator, but computer magic will allow the real King for television broadcast. Read more.
It’s All About The Music
Contributed Anonymously:
Lately I been sick and tired of some of you people who assume that just because an artist is a legend (or a king/queen of music), and is stated as that in encyclopedias and dictionaries, that YOUR opinion is fact. Everyone who disagrees, you assume that they’re wrong, and once again you have to write another essay to make your point (kind of like a defense mechanism..?). Well I say if you are passionate about that kind of thing, that’s great, more power to you. But it’s one thing to be passionate about those artist and give information about them than to act so defensive and act as if people can’t think for themselves. For instance, I know that Elvis and the Beatles are in encyclopedias and dictionaries, but who ever said that my tastes in music has to be decided from a book? What happened to just deciding that for myself? Of course nobody is denying, or will deny, that the Beatles and Elvis were the greatest music artists in the world, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I HAVE to agree with you or an encyclopedia. Personally I don’t think Elvis was the greatest artist in the world, and most of his music just doesn’t speak to me. Does that make me WRONG? No. Does it make your opinion right because a book says so? Um, no, I don’t think so either. Stop being so defensive (and don’t deny that you are… if you have to write an essay about it and practically write another one within your essay, you are being defensive….). At the end of the day PEOPLE WILL LIKE WHOEVER THEY LIKE REGARDLESS OF HOW LEGENDARY THEY WERE OR HOW MANY BOOKS SAY SO. End of story.
Music’s ‘Tri-Polar’ Legacy
Contributed anonymously:
Can you name any other artist in history aside from Elvis and the Beatles who have seemingly transcended the bounds of time? Well, I can name one artist who is currently doing that, Madonna (who else?). The single proof to that ‘Lasting’ worldwide appeal is her latest single and album success. I cannot remember another artist (except the ones mentioned above) who have gone to No.1 in more than 30 countries with their albums. In history music can be best illustrated as an art form that has a ‘tri-polar’ legacy. Elvis is the perennial solo male artist in history, Madonna is the perennial solo female artist of all time, & the Beatles is the perennial group/band of all time.
In coming up with the three greatest artists in history one should have all these qualities/accomplishments: a. Phenomenal record sales worldwide; b. Outstanding recognition through award giving bodies worldwide; c. Sold-out concerts all over the globe; d. No.1’s in charts globally; e. International books & articles published in their name; f. Worldwide records; and g. Career longevity.
If one of these criteria hasn’t been satisfied then one cannot be called the greatest legend. These criteria may be summed-up to one qualification: ‘Iconic Global Appeal’. Of all the artists that have come and gone, only three (3) artists have satisfied the criteria with flying colors (Elvis, Madge & the Beatles).
These artists have hundreds if not thousands of books published in their name. They have been included in almost all books like encyclopedias, year-end books, historical books, entertainment books etc. They have so much contribution to musical artistry that their name is probably as significant historically to other artistic legends like Beethoven, Picasso, Michelangelo or Shakespeare. These artists are so relevant to history that it wouldn’t be complete without them in it. Their profound influence to culture & artistry has earned them a spot among the ‘Cultural Icons’ of our time.
Elvis is known as the ‘King’, mentioned internationally with various titles like the ‘King of Rock & Roll’, ‘King of Memphis’, & ‘King of Graceland’, Madonna is also referred to as the ‘Queen’ with titles like ‘Queen of Pop’, ‘Dancing Queen’, & ‘Queen of Reinvention’. The Beatles are the highest ‘Band Royalty’ & they are popularly known as the ‘Fab Five’. They are very important historically because they define their era. Elvis defined the 50’s Rock & Roll Era, The Beatles spear-headed the 60’s British Band Invasion and Madonna was the leader in the 80’s New Wave/Pop Generation.
I may say that only Elvis, Madge, & the Beatles are ‘Much More’ than a ‘Chart Statistic’ (like most successful artists today like Mariah, Britney, Christina, Backstreet Boys, Usher etc.). These popular artists today are like ‘Flavors of the Month’ meaning they have fleeting appeal. They might have broken records in important markets like ‘America or Europe’ but as I mentioned they haven’t reached the level of the ‘Tri-Polar Global Icons’ & it takes much more than ‘Domestic’ appeal to be in that exclusive league.
Elvis, Madonna & The Beatles have already banked their place in the history books & their legacy will last for life. The 21st Century would produce other ‘Icons’ but remember that music history only has one ‘King’, one ‘Queen’ & one ‘Greatest Band’.
Madonna Ties Elvis Presley’s Record
Jay Leno joked during his Tonight Show monologue on Friday night, “Congratulations to Madonna. She just tied Elvis Presley’s record for top ten singles, 36, yeah. Now she plans to break Elvis’ other record, the most awful movies made by a popular singer.”
Continuing Is Elvis The Best Selling Artist Of All Time?
This is a continued discussion about whether Elvis Presley is the best selling artist of all time from an anonymous editorial posted February 1, 2005.
Is Elvis The Best Selling Artist Of All Time?
Contributed anonymously:
Alive or dead Elvis has the best career of any popstar.
He’s starred in 31 movies from 1956 to 1969. Released over 192 albums (not all of which qualified for the R.I.A.A., due to not meeting criteria circumstance even though they may’ve sold millions of copies, which spawned 104 top 40 singles, 38 top 10 singles, and 31 #1 singles (24 of which sold over a million copies each) including Hound dog with spent 11 weeks at #1, He also has a record 9 consecutive #1’s, another record he has is that from 56′- 59′ there was at least one Elvis song on the charts. Has won 3 Grammys, all for his gospel music. After his death in 77′ his label, RCA, was shipping a record 20 million albums a week around the world, and had 40 pressing plants working overtime, and in the 12 months following his death 1/3 of all albums sold worldwide were Elvis albums, not including 10’s of millions of albums sold through outside companies, and record clubs, all of which are unaccounted for in R.I.A.A. totals, plus the R.I.A.A. has many faults in their counting methods and have changed there method several times over the years screwing up his sales. His album sales currently stand at over a billion albums sold worldwide from Singles/ EP’s/ Albums/ CD’s/ and Cassettes, including over 600 million in the U.S., and over 400 million outside the U.S., confirmed by Goldmine Trade Magazine (A very respectable American magazine) RCA V.P.’s, and the President and CEO of BMG, it’s a figure that is constantly rising due to the fact that Elvis sells steadily 52 weeks a year. ( & for some facts if you need them).
Bottom Line Elvis is indeed the greatest selling recording artist of all time.
Admin note: Locking thread and continuing discussion here.
Michael Jackson - Elvis Presley. What’s The Difference?

Contributed anonymously: There is something I don’t understand. Why do most people hate Michael Jackson but love Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley is seen as this huge God almighty creature, and Michael is seen as a disgusting psycho freak. If I asked you why you hate Michael and why you think he’s crazy you would say because he has destroyed himself physically, he (possibly) molested children and he dangled a child over a balcony. But have you all forgotten that Elvis did the EXACT same things, so why isn’t Elvis called crazy or hated as much?
Obviously when they both started out calling them really popular singers was an understatement. They were HUGE!!! I mean Elvis has sold over a billion records and Michael has the highest selling album of all time worldwide. (note. I said WORLDWIDE, I know it’s not in the USA).
Number 1. Ok Michael Jackson had plastic surgery that destroyed the OUTSIDE of his face. Elvis took drugs and overdosed numerous times, he ate a hell of a lot of food which…well everyone saw the effects of that…he completely destroyed the INSIDES of his body which I would call much worse considering the plastic surgery Michael had cant KILL him or mess his insides.
Number 2. Now I’m not saying Michael definitely molested those boys but even if he did why is that any worse then Elvis molesting a 14 year old. Is it the fact that Elvis molested a GIRL that makes it ok? Now if that’s the case that’s discriminating against gays. And sure you can argue that the person (Priscilla) Elvis molested consented to it but it’s the law that, consensual or not, you got to jail for having sex with ANYONE under the legal age. Just ask the 42 year old woman who CONSENSUALLY had sex with a 12 year old boy and ended up going to jail for it. 6 years later as soon as she got out of jail, she ended up marrying him!! What a waste of 6 years of her life! Now I actually believe that no matter how old someone is if it’s consensual sex then it’s alright, but the fact is the law doesn’t! And if this poor women had to go to jail then so should have Elvis.
Number 3. The whole baby dangling incident. that was ONE time we have ever seen Michael’s bad parenting skills, and even if there are more times can you IMAGINE what Elvis was letting or doing to Lisa Marie when he was alive. I mean when you’re on drugs all the time your minds not going to be that sane. Lisa Marie was in so many dangerous situations at Graceland with just Elvis it’s frightening. And I have heard some crazy stories that have happened there come out of Lisa Marie’s own mouth (even though she thought of them as fond memories).
So although (as hard as it is to believe) I am also an Elvis fan as I am a Michael fan. It just annoys me that just because Elvis is dead he gets away with it and everybody forgets. All I can say is hopefully when Michael dies all his “badness” is forgotten and that in the end his GREATNESS shines through.
Continuing Michael Jackson & Elvis Presley. What’s The Difference?
Since the previous discussion about comparisons between Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley reached nearly 400 comments, commenting has been closed on that post and can be continued here.