Several pop artists are reacting positively to the news Wednesday that the Supreme Court struck down a key part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act and declared that gay and lesbian couples who are legally married get benefits under federal law that go to all other married couples. The 5-4 SCOTUS ruling said DOMA was unconstitutional. Among the reactions on Twitter:
Jennifer Lopez (@JLo): Today is history!!! One that makes me proud of #SCOTUS #DOMA and equally proud of @TheFostersABCF #history #loveforall
Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton): Proud to hear The Supreme Court made the right decision to overturn DOMA! #NOH8 Read more at @GLAAD http://www.glaad.org/marriage
Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin): #PROP8 IS GONE! #DOMA IS GONE! #SCOTUS #LoveIsLove … Que parte de “DOMA ES INCONSTITUCIONAL” no entienden los fundamentalistas? :0) #IglesiaYEstadoLosQuieroSeparados!
Darren Hayes (@darrenhayes): Can’t quite believe the good news today. Been hoping & wishing for this for so many years had begun to almost give up #equalmarriage #doma
Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue): #loveisloveislove Farewell #Prop8 #DOMA #lovers
Sam Sparro (@sam_sparro): Today is a big day! No mo DOMA! Have any of these moronic tea party sociopaths actually read the constitution?
Moby (@thelittleidiot): congratulations EVERYONE! … #MarriageEquality
Pia Toscano (@PiaToscano): It’s a beautiful day! DOMA is held unconstitutional!! #MarriageEquality #Marriage4all #loveislove
Luciana Caporaso (@LucianaCaporaso): DOMA struck down, Marriage equality here in California again. Progress is happening, such a historic and emotional day
Adam Lambert (@adamlambert): Down w DOMA! Something to be very proud of this upcoming July 4th. We are making beautiful progress for Equality! #proud
Kimberley Locke (@KimberleyLocke): Feel the love surrounding us, there’s really no way to stop it. Buy-bye #DOMA !!!!! Historic day!
Matt Nathanson (@mattnathanson): come on America, time to step out of the dark ages. #Prop8 #doma .. it’s been a real good 24 hours for the things I believe in.
Uh Huh Her (@UhHuhHerMusic): I don’t know what to wear to all the gay weddings I will now be attending. Good job Supreme Court!!! xo,C
Rebecca Black (@MsRebeccaBlack): #DOMA IS DEAD! Incredible. #marriageequality
Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas): CONGRATS to all my gay brothers and sisters who are one step closer to having the same rights to happiness as anyone.
Jason Mraz (@jason_mraz): Dear Supreme Court, You Rule. Thanks for seeing that we, The American citizens, a unified tribe of people on Earth, are treated equally.
Debbie Gibson (@DebbieGibson): The LBGT Community has reason to celebrate the Supreme Court recognizing their marriage rights laid down but the Constitution! YAY progress!
Ingrid Michaelson (@ingridmusic): Good job Supreme Court.
Nick Carter (@nickcarter): Congratulations on the Supreme Court ruling in California. You deserve it!
Demi Lovato (@ddlovato): Gay, straight, lesbian, bi.. No one is better than any one else. What an incredible day for California AND for equality.
Lady Gaga (@ladygaga): We stand tall today. #DomaStruckDown So many fought for so long. Be proud, the prejudice are now the minority. pic.twitter.com/teni7GREDY
Kelly Clarkson (@kelly_clarkson): Yeah, marriage equality!!!! On our way! #PeopleLikeUs #TieItUp
Lance Bass (@LanceBass): BYE BYE BYE Prop 8 and DOMA!! (Had to!) Today we celebrate this huge victory. Tomorrow, we continue the fight for the rest of the states!!
Sia Furler (@Sia): Yayayayayayayay!!! Equality!!!
Ke$ha (@keshasuxx): YES. EQUALITY. #PrideConnectsUs
Jessie Malakouti (@JessieToyBoys): LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS #downwithDOMA #equality http://youtu.be/98WU7CoxqyA
Nick Jonas (@nickjonas): We are all equal and have the right to love. So proud to be an American. #equality
Bonnie McKee (@BonnieMcKee): Hearing #PropHATE was overturned makes me ESPECIALLY proud 2 be a #CaliforniaGurl- hoping it’ll be ALL #AmericanGirl soon #Equality #Pride!
Blake Lewis (@BlakeLewis): Congratulations to all my friends in the #LGBT community. Today we’ve gone one step in the right direction to #EQUALITY in America. RAD NEWS
Savannah Outen (@therealsavannah): What a beautiful day!! #equality
Toby Lightman (@TobyLightman): Good job #supremecourt. It’s a great day! #equality