Several pop artists are reacting to the news that ‘Glee’ actor Cory Monteith was found dead in his hotel room in Vancouver on Saturday. Monteith, who was 31, spent time in rehab earlier this year. Among the messages on Twitter about the sad news:
Havana Brown (@djhavanabrown): #RIPCoreyMonteith
Lance Bass (@LanceBass): Devastated about the news of Cory Monteith - such an incredible guy - my thoughts are with his family and friends.
Debby Ryan (@TheDebbyRyan): RIP Cory Monteith. ): So young. Praying for those closest to him.
Rochelle Humes (@RochelleTheSats): Oh my goodness. RIP Cory Monteith. Awful awful news. Xx
Zooey Deschanel (@ZooeyDeschanel): This is such sad news about @CoryMonteith - what an absolutely tragic loss of a very talented young man.
Katharine McPhee (@katharinemcphee): “@JustJared: Cory Monteith Dead: Vancouver Police Releases Statement” omg. Met this sweet man. RIP.
Shane Harper (@TheShaneHarper): So heavy…. Please please keep Cory’s family and friends in your prayers
Jessica Origliasso (@Jessicaveronica): Heartbreaking to hear about Cory Monteith. Love and light X Its so sad when people are taken before their time
Demi Lovato (@ddlovato): #RIPCoryMonteith… So unbelievably tragic. Please #prayforLea..
Bonnie McKee (@BonnieMcKee): So heartbreaking! What a great talent, lost. Devastating. #RIPCoreyMonteith .. People forget that DRUGS CAN KILL YOU. Please be careful out there kids, you’re not invincible. Life is precious &fragile. #RIPCoreyMonteith
Alyssa Bernal (@alyssabernal): NO WAY :( ‘Glee’ star Monteith found dead in Canada
Savannah Outen (@therealsavannah): Devastating. Cory, you left your mark w/ our generation. You & your talent will be missed. Sending love & strength to his family & friends.
ZACPOOR (?@zacpoor): So sad to hear that @CoreyMonteith passed away. He was so young and such a lovely guy. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.