The Backstreet Boys dropped by the Scott & Todd in the Morning Show on WPLJ 95.5 FM in New York City on Tuesday (August 7), where Nick Carter was asked about his ex-girlfriend Paris Hilton. “Howie [Dorough] asked me that question this morning: ‘You don’t think about her no more? You ever wish you could be back with her?’ To be honest, no. I don’t even care anymore,” he said, before adding, “I think half of America doesn’t care either.” Listen to a clip at TMZ.
Paris Hilton And Dogs Chauffeured In SUV
August 7, 2007 - Paris, sporting a beige summer dress, was joined by her dogs for a drive in style on Thursday (August 2), as they were chauffeured from house to house in the back of a black SUV. Video from has since been removed.
Celebrity ID Theft Ring Busted
August 7, 2007 - Jay Leno joked during his Tonight Show monologue on Monday night, “In Philadelphia, officials have broken up a hug identity theft ring that included celebrities’ names like Jennifer Lopez, Whitney Houston and Paris Hilton. People were buying items and charging it to those celebrities. And police said they first became suspicious when someone ordered a huge load of books under the name Paris Hilton.”
Paris Hilton’s Pint Sized Pets Make A Run For It
August 6, 2007 - Two more of Paris’ pets made a daring attempt at freedom on Tuesday (July 31), bolting from the heiress’ Malibu pad the second they had a chance. Hilton and a paparazzo were able to scoop up the pooches though. Check out pictures and video from X17.
PETA Protests Paris & Britney’s New Pint-Sized Store Bought Pooches
August 6, 2007 - Dressed as pop dog carriers Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, PETA protesters took to the streets of Hollywood on Thursday (August 2) to cast light on the problems caused by buying pets through a breeder. Footage from has since been removed.