Several pop artists have shared their thoughts, condolences for Nelson Mandela, as well as offering quotes from the South African anti-apartheid revolutionary turned President after learning of his death on Thursday. Among the Twitter messages about the 95-year-old icon:
Neil Diamond (@NeilDiamond): Nelson Mandela inspired the world.
Yuna Zarai (@yunamusic): “..if they can learn to hate,they can be taught to love,for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”- Nelson Mandela
Lady Gaga (@ladygaga): It is such a sad yet beautiful moment that Nelson Mandela has passed. A time to celebrate him & remember his contributions to humankind.
Britney Spears (@britneyspears): Nelson Mandela was a true inspiration to all humanity. He will truly be missed.
Alexa Ray Joel (@alexarayjoel): Mourning the loss of the wisest peacemaker and advocate for freedom, Our Great Nelson Mandela. Due to his tragic loss, my Today Show Appearance has been postponed. A true Revolutionary has been put to rest… Let us keep his resilient spirit forever resonating in our minds and hearts.
Toby Lightman (@TobyLightman): So sad to hear of Nelson Mandela’s passing. He is and always will be an inspiration and made this world a better place. #legend
Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles): RIP Nelson Mandela.
KT Tunstall (@KTTunstall): I dearly hope there are more like you, Nelson Mandela.
Victoria Justice (@VictoriaJustice): R.I.P. Nelson Mandela. A brave soul who inspired millions & made a legendary impact on the world. #ThankYou #GreatHuman
Darren Hayes (@darrenhayes): So lucky to have lived in a generation where a voice like Mandela’s could be freed from silence. Grateful to have witnessed such courage.
BC Jean (@BCJean): RIP Nelson Mandela #RIP #NelsonMandela #LeadNotFollow
Sara Bareilles (@SaraBareilles): Just heard about Nelson Mandela. What a king. Feeling gratitude that the world had him at all. #peaceandlove
Elizaveta (@elizavetaka): Nelson Mandela RIP
Sandi Thom (@Sandi_Thom): “Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.” Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013.
Cyndi Lauper (@cyndilauper): Nelson Mandela passed away today. A light in the world went out.
Katie Sutherland (@pearlypops): God bless Nelson Mandela x
Kate Voegele (@katevoegele): “It always seems impossible until it is done.” RIP, Nelson Mandela. pic.twitter.com/ikclvfZ93d
Mollie King (@MollieTheSats): So so sad to hear the news of Nelson Mandela’s death. What an absolutely incredible man he was! RIP
Nicola Roberts (@NicolaRoberts): We learnt half way through the awards that Nelson Mandela had so sadly passed away. An incredible human being now an angel.
Nick Lachey (@NickLachey): One of the more incredible experiences I’ve had was visiting the apartheid museum and home of Nelson Mandela in South Africa. May he #RIP
Clay Aiken (@clayaiken): Mandela “bent the arc of the moral universe towards justice” - Give that speechwriter a raise Mr. Prez! VERY true! May his example endure!
Nicky Byrne (@nickybyrneoffic): #Mandela RIP
Sheryl Crow (@SherylCrow): I have a heavy spirit today. Nelson Mandela will forever be remembered, admired, and loved. He changed the world.
Liz McClarnon (@LizMcClarnon): RIP Nelson Mandela. A sad day for the whole world http://www.whosay.com/l/BnK7mtA
Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton): Just landed & heard the sad new about Nelson Mandela. He was a true Hero & the world is a better place because of him. May he rest in peace.
Heidi Range (@Heidi_range): “@karindarnell: RIP #NelsonMandela pic.twitter.com/UCMI5QTcoT” What a man/ human being/ inspiration RIP Mr Mandela x
Amy Pearson (@missamypearson): RIP Nelson Mandela
Kerli (@kerlimusic): Rest in Peace, Nelson Mandela? The world will continue being inspired by your life so beautifully… http://instagram.com/p/hjtUAzyRIc/
Wynter Gordon (@wyntergordon): NELSON MANDELA Thank you for fighting for us . Thank you for believing in us , believing that we could… http://instagram.com/p/hjsjCilHGr/ … I’m broken over Nelson Mandela’s death . Equally saddened by the the thought of the hands he left us in .who will fight for us now
Paula Abdul (@PaulaAbdul): I’m so very deeply saddened to hear of the death of Nelson Mandela. We have lost one of humanity’s greatest champions.
Jordin Sparks (@JordinSparks): He truly was an angel on earth & now he can finally fly. RIP Mandela <3 Jennifer Lopez (@JLo): "It always seems impossible until it's done." Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela. You will be missed. #trueinspiration #peoplewhochangetheworld Kris Allen (@KrisAllen): His flame may have burned out but oh what a spark he left. RIP Nelson Mandela
Shane Harper (@TheShaneHarper): “…It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” ~Nelson Mandela
Katie Melua (@katiemelua): NELSON MANDELA. Rest in peace.
Neon Hitch (@NeonHitch): A true god of our world.. What a tragic loss we have today RIP Nelson Mandela. You will be missed http://instagram.com/p/hjpc2BodbO/
Enrique Iglesias (@enrique305): The world has lost someone truly inspiring. Rest in peace Nelson Mandela
Emma Bunton (@EmmaBunton): RIP Nelson Mandela. What a legacy he has left behind. I had the honour of meeting him and his spirit was unlike any other.
Jessie J (@JessieJ): Nelson Mandela showed and acted out in front of the world what the true meaning of “fight for what you… http://instagram.com/p/hjnpo9Q0bY/
Eva Simons (@evasimons): May u rest in peace Nelson Mandela. U will be missed… a true hero pic.twitter.com/3IBGcznsTt
Guy Sebastian (@GuySebastian): RIP Mandela. What a legacy.
Moby (@thelittleidiot): Nelson Mandela’s life has inspired us all. we lost a remarkable, inspiring, courageous human being today.
Maria Mena (@mariamena_no): RIP Nelson Mandela
Yoav (@yoavmusic): Sorry to hear of Nelson Mandela’s passing… Finally be at peace
Mika (@mikasounds): Good Lord. Nelson Mandela rest in peace. You were the one true great icon and role model of not only my generation but so many.
Nikki Yanofsky (@NikkiYanofsky): The world lost an icon today. A truly great, wise man. Rest in peace Nelson Mandela, thank you for all you’ve taught us. <3 Justin Guarini (@justin_guarini): I had the honor of spending time w/Nelson Mandela when he came to the US, he's an amazing soul. A stellar example of love & forgiveness #RIP
Justin Bieber (@justinbieber): #RIPNelsonMandela
Vanessa White (@VanessaTheSats): Terribly sad news about Nelson Mandela! Rest in peace x
Janelle Monae (@JanelleMonae): 1 of the most important&greatest individuals to walk on this Earth. Nelson Mandela. He walked the walk. He was 4 THE PEOPLE. Nelson Mandela.
Rochelle Humes (@RochelleTheSats): RIP Nelson Mandela - What sad news, The loss of a great legend. A truly inspirational man. Devastating news. Rest in peace x
Adam Lambert (@adamlambert): RIP Mandela
The Puppini Sisters (@Puppini_Sisters): R.I.P. Nelson Mandela, one of history’s greatest men.
Melanie C (@MelanieCmusic): I always feel strange acknowledging somebody’s passing on twitter but I have to say I am honoured to have met the great Nelson Mandela #RIP
Regina Spektor (@respektor): Nelson Mandela- strong, hopeful, inspiring! Rest in peace… pic.twitter.com/KnOcZXAPnJ
Uh Huh Her (@UhHuhHerMusic): May you find the peace that you brought into this world. #ripnelsonmandela http://instagram.com/p/hj0Q2PpvGg/
Harry Judd (@mcflyharry): #RIPNelsonMandela
Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake): One of our GREATEST leaders… Thank you for BEING the true meaning of compassion. May you be at peace now. #RIPNelsonMandela
Kreesha Turner (@KreeshaTurner): “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” #quote #NelsonMandela #RIPNelsonMandela
Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan): “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.” #RIPNelsonMandela
Elliott Yamin (@elliottyamin): #RIPNelsonMandela an iconic hero for positive change #History
Clare Maguire (@ClareMaguire): Rest in peace pic.twitter.com/N2pzMXJX03
Annie Lennox (@AnnieLennox): The world woke up to the news that Mandela has departed, leaving an extraordinary legacy in his wake..
Thousands of AIDS activists are gathering here in Cape Town for the biggest AIDS conference in Africa, the 17th ICASA
We are carrying on his work
Rest in Peace MadibaGabriella Cilmi (@gabcilmi): Rest peacefully Nelson Mandela… Thanks for blessing us with your wisdom…
Una Foden (@UnaTheSats): R.I.P Nelson Mandela X
Rachel Stevens (@MsRachelStevens): Just heard the news about Nelson Mandela, so so sad
Ellie Goulding (@elliegoulding): Rest well peaceful warrior, Nelson Mandela
Eliza Doolittle (@elizadoolittle): Rest in perfect peace Nelson Mandela
Fergie (@Fergie): Meeting Nelson Mandela at his house in Johannesburg was a truly memorable moment in life for me. He was an angel.
Olly Murs (@ollyofficial): So sad to hear that Nelson Mandela has died, a very influential figure has gone, will be sorely missed by millions of people. #RIPMandela
Sam Sparro (@samsparro): Wow. Nelson Mandela. What an incredible man. Humbled by his greatness. Let’s celebrate his life by continuing to change the world!
Shane Filan (@ShaneFilan): Such sad news about Nelson Mandela What an amazing man ! #RIPMandela
Amelle Berrabah (@Amelle_Berrabah): R.I.P Nelson Mandela. It was an honour to have met you xxx pic.twitter.com/C8fzqtASBN
Katy B (@KatyB): Been reading Mandela’s quotes all day… ‘Any man or institution that tries to rob me of my dignity will lose’ #RIPNelsonMandela
Janet Jackson (@JanetJackson): I am at a loss for words. Today, the world lost a great man and I lost a special friend, Nelson Mandela.
Lauren Bennett (@grl_lauren): Rest in peace Paul Walker
Darius Campbell (@DariusCampbell): R.I.P Nelson Mandela, a truly inspirational person
Kat DeLuna (@KatDeLuna): “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela #RipNelsonMandela http://instagram.com/p/hl4xpazNy4/
Julian Perretta (@julianperretta): gutted to hear of Nelson Mandela’s passing. a powerful character who lived a life that inspires us all.
VV Brown (@VVbrown): RIP wonderful Nelson Mandela